Roseminda G. Sabado-eOPCRF-for-SY2022-2023

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Name of Employee: ROSEMINDA G. SABADO Name of Rater: DR. AURELIO A. SANTISAS

School head ID No. 1234588923 Rater Position: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Position: HEAD TEACHER I School head DepEd Email: [email protected]

Designation School head Date of Review: 12/21/2022

Date of Assisgnement (Current) 12/21/2022 Bachelor's Degree

Highest Degree
School ID: 125864 asdasd

School Name: Paaralang Buhay ng Imelda ES Total no. Of years as school Head: 20

District: TITAY Rating Period: SY 2022-2023

MFOs KRAs Objectives Ave Score
1. Led in the formulation & implementation of School Improvement Plan
(SIP)/ Enhanced AIP 0 0 0 0.000 0.000

2. Applied knowledge in the preparation & conduct of action research to

improve school performance
0 0 0 0.000 0.000
1. Leading
Strategically 3. Demonstrate knowledge in the utilization & institutionalization of effective
monitoring & evaluation processes & tools to gather accurate information on
the implementation of policy, projects & activities in the AIP as bases for 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
continous improvement & policy recommendation

4. Applied knowledge on records management, financial management, and

0 0 0 0.000 0.000
management of school faciltities and equipment
2. Managing School 5. Demonstrated skills & understanding in managing & monitoring school
Operation and data using technology, school facilities & equipments to ensure effective & 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Resources efficient school operations
6. Provided school safety & disaster preparedness to ensure a child-friendly
& safe learning environment for learners 0 0 0 0.000 0.000

7. Supervised teachers' delivery of instruction including compliance to

contextualization, learning standards, pedagogies and assessment.
0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education 3. Focusing on 8. Assisted the teachers in the management & maintenance of conducive
0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Services teaching and learning learning evironment and sound classroom discipline.
9. Utilized learners achievements and other performance indicators in
planning and in career awareness/ guidance. 0 0 0 0.000 0.000

10. Prepared and implemented personal and professional development plan

and built networks in the implementation. 0 0 0 0.000 0.000

12. Implemented awards, recognition, benefits, welfare, and incentives for

4. Developing sefl and school personnel, learners, and other stakehoders based on existing 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
others guidelines.

11. Prepared staff development plan based on needs that surfaced in the
performance review, observation and analysis 0 0 0 0.000 0.000

13. Implemented plan with the involvement of different groups of internal

and external stakeholders 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
5. Building 14. Implemented plan for the management of school organizations 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
15. Implemented plans that promoted gender sensitivity, physical and
mental health awarenes, and culture responsiveness 0 0 0 0.000 0.000

Performed various related tasks/activities that contributed to school

Plus Factor administration and supervison. 3 3.000 0.150




4.500-5.000 OUTSTANDING
2.500-3.499 SATISFACTORY
Name of Employee: ROSEMINDA G. SABADO Name of Rater: DR. AURELIO A. SANTISAS
Position: HEAD TEACHER I Position: Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
School ID: 125864 Date of Review: 12/21/2022
School: Paaralang Buhay ng Imelda ES
District: TITAY Rating Period: SY 2022-2023


Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Weight MOVs Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Ave Score
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E T
Basic 1. Leading 1. Led in the 1.Accepted/ Led in the Led in the development Led in the development Led in the development of No SIP/Enhanced AIP 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education Strategically formulation & Enhanced SIP/AIP development of a of a comprehensive SIP of a comprehensive SIP a comprehensive SIP &
Services implementation 2.AIP/WFP comprehensive SIP & & AIP that integrates & AIP that integrates AIP that integrates VMC &
of School Appraisal Result AIP that integrates VMC & captures priority VMC & captures priority captures priority PAPs with
Improvement 3.Updated VMC & captures PAPs with the following PAPs with the following the following requirements:
Plan (SIP)/ SRC priority PAPs with the requirements: requirements:
Enhanced AIP 4.Transmittal following
stamped received requirements:
5. Minutes of
meeting with 1. Engaged school 1. Engaged school 1. Engaged school 1. Engaged school 1. Engaged school
stakeholders planning team and planning team and the planning team and the planning team and the planning team and the
during presentation the school community school community in school community in the school community in the school community in
of SIP in the development the development and development and development and the development and
and implementation of implementation of SIP implementation of SIP implementation of SIP and implementation of SIP
SIP and AIP and AIP and AIP AIP and AIP

2. Implementation of 2. Implementation of 2. Implementation of 70- 2. Implementation of 60- 2. Implementation of

90-100% of the 80-89% of the school 79% of the school 69% of the school policies 59% and below of the
school policies & policies & PAPs aligned policies & PAPs aligned & PAPs aligned to CO/DO school policies &
PAPs aligned to to CO/DO goals & to CO/DO goals & goals & objectives PAPs PAPs aligned to
Quality CO/DO goals & objectives PAPs objectives PAPs CO/DO goals &
objectives PAPs objectives PAPs

3.Presented & 3.Presented & 3.Presented & 3.Presented & 3.Presented &
communicated SIP & communicated SIP & communicated SIP & AIP communicated SIP & AIP communicated SIP &
AIP to LGU & other AIP to LGU & other to LGU & other education to LGU & other education AIP to LGU & other
education education stakeholders stakeholders stakeholders education
stakeholders stakeholders

4. Submitted 4. Submitted 4. Submitted 4. Submitted 4. Submitted
correct/accurate data correct/accurate data correct/accurate data correct/accurate data correct/accurate data
based on the M & E based on the M & E based on the M & E tool based on the M & E tool based on the M & E
tool tool tool

5. Design & 5. Design & implement 5. Design & implement a 5. Design & implement a 5. Design & implement
implement a a contextualized contextualized contextualized monitoring a contextualized
contextualized monitoring tool monitoring tool tool monitoring tool
monitoring tool
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Weight MOVs Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Ave Score
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E T
1. APR results Implemented AIP with Implemented AIP with Implemented AIP with an Implemented AIP with an Implemented AIP with
with attached an average of 90- an average of 80-89% average of 70-79% from average of 60-99% from an average of 59%
physical and 100% from both from both phycial and both phycial and financial both phycial and financial and below from both
finacial targets and phycial and financial financial targets and targets and with 70-79% targets and with 60-69% of phycial and financial
actual targets and with 90- with 80-89% of the of the activities the activities implemented targets and with 50%
accomplishments 100% of the activities activities implemented implemented based on based on schedule of the and below of the
Efficiency implemented based based on schedule of schedule of the plan with plan with 3 revisions. activities implemented
on schedule of the the plan with 1 revision. 2 revisions. based on schedule of
plan without any the plan with 4 & more
revision revisions.

1. Transmittal on Submitted Submitted Submitted SIP/Enhanced Submitted SIP/Enhanced Submitted

the submission of SIP/Enhanced AIP to SIP/Enhanced AIP to AIP to Divisio Office 1-5 AIP to Divisio Office 6-10 SIP/Enhanced AIP to
appraised Division Office before Division Office on the working days after the working days after the due Division Office 11 &
enhanced SIP/AIP Timeliness the due date due date due date date more working days
and APR results after the due date

Basic 1. Leading 2. Applied 1. Certificate of Prepared & Prepared & conducted Prepared & conducted Prepared & conducted No research proposal 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education Strategically knowledge in the Completed conducted action action research with the action research with the action research with the submitted
Services preparation & Research research with the following principles & following principles & following principles &
conduct of action 2. Financial following principles & guidelines: guidelines: guidelines:
research to Report guidelines: 1. Action Research 1. Action Research 1. Action Research
improve school 3. 1. Action Research proposal is based on proposal is based on proposal is based on Basic
performance Research Article proposal is based on Basic Research Basic Research Agenda Research Agenda with a
Basic Research Agenda 2. Research rating of 69% & below
Quality Agenda 2. Research Proposal Proposal has been 2.
2. Research Proposal has been completed & completed & approved Research Proposal has
has been completed approved 3. 70-79% been completed &
& approved 3. 80-89% implementation of Action approved
3. 90-100% implementation of Research 3. 60-69% implementation
implementation of Action Research of Action Research
8.0% Action Research

1.Certificate of Research was Research was Research was completed Research was completed Research not
Completed completed within the completed with 5-10 % with 11-15% of the witth 16% and above of conducted
Research resources stated in of the resources stated resources stated in the the resources stated in the
2. Financial report the implementation in the implementation implementation plan implementation plan
3.Research plan plan
1. Implementation Research was Research was Research was conducted Research was conducted Research was
report that showed conducted based on conducted with 1-2 with 3-4 dates with 5-6 dates rescheduled conducted with 7 and
planned and actual Timeliness the dates indicated in dates rescheduled rescheduled above dates
conduct of activities
the plan rescheduled

Basic 1. Leading 3. Demonstrate 1.Monitoring and Conduct effective M & Conduct effective M & Conduct effective M & E Conduct effective M & E No monitoring of AIP 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education Strategically knowledge in the evaluation plan E with the following E with the following with the following with the following implementation
Services utilization & 2. Copy standards: standards: 1. standards: 1. standards: 1. conducted
institutionalizatio of policy 1. Institutionalized the Institutionalized the use Institutionalized the use Institutionalized the use of
n of effective recommendation use of M & E tool & of M & E tool & of M & E tool & M & E tool & processes in
monitoring & 3. Monitoring Tools processes in the processes in the processes in the conduct the conduct of 1 SMEA on
evaluation conduct of 4 SMEA conduct of 3 SMEA on of 2 SMEA on the the implementation of
Basic 1. Leading 3. Demonstrate 1.Monitoring and Conduct effective M & Conduct effective M &Performance Indicators
Conduct effective M&E Conduct effective M & E No monitoring of AIP 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
MFOs Strategically
KRAs knowledge in the Weight evaluation
Objectives MOVsplan E with the following E with theVery
Outstanding following with the following
Satisfactory with the following
Unsatisfactory implementation
Poor Ave Score
Services utilization & 2. Copy QET standards: standards: 1. standards: 1. standards: 1. conducted
institutionalizatio of policy (5)
1. Institutionalized Satisfactorythe
the Institutionalized (4)use Institutionalized
(3) the use (2)
Institutionalized the use of (1) Q E T
n of effective recommendation use of M & E tool & of M & E tool & of M & E tool & M & E tool & processes in
monitoring & 3. Monitoring Tools processes in the processes in the processes in the conduct the conduct of 1 SMEA on
evaluation conduct of 4 SMEA conduct of 3 SMEA on of 2 SMEA on the the implementation of
processes & on the implementation the implementation of implementation of PAPs PAPs as captured in the
tools to gather of PAPs as captured PAPs as captured in as captured in the AIP AIP
accurate in the AIP the AIP
information on
the Quality
of policy, projects 2. Analyzed results of 2. Analyzed results of 2. Analyzed results of M 2. Analyzed results of M &
& activities in the M & E for continuous M & E for continuous & E for continuous E for continuous
AIP as bases for improvement improvement improvement improvement
continous 7.0%
improvement & 3. Submiited to SDO 3. Submiited to SDO 3. Submiited to SDO one 3. Submiited to SDO one
policy one (1) policy one (1) policy (1) policy (1) policy recommendation
recommendation recommendation for recommendation for recommendation for for continuous
continuous continuous continuous improvement improvement
improvement improvement

1. M & E Reports Efficiency Prepared 4 SMEA Prepared 3 SMEA Prepared 2 SMEA Prepared 1 SMEA reports No reports submitted
2. Adjusted AIP reports with MOVs reports with MOVs reports with MOVs with MOVs

1. Transmittals Submitted 4 quartely Submitted 4 quartely Submitted 4 quartely Submitted 4 quartely Submitted 4 quartely
stamped received accomplishment accomplishment reports accomplishment reports accomplishment reports accomplishment
reports with adjusted with adjusted plan on with adjusted plan 1-2 with adjusted plan 3-4 reports with adjusted
Timeliness plan before the due the due date days after the due date days after the due date plan 5 days or more
date after the due date

Basic 2. Managing 4. Applied Certificate of Presented EBEIS, Presented at least 5-6 Presented at least 3-4 Presented at least 1-2 of Presented at least 1 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education School knowledge on accuracy onthe LIS, NSBI, SFs, PPE of the enumerated of the enumerated the enumerated reports of the enumerated
Services Operation records following: inventory, MOOE reports accurately reports accurately accurately reports accurately
and management, 1. EBEIS liquidation & SBM
Resources financial 2. LIS level of practice
management, 3. NSBI reports accurately
and 4. SFs Quality
management of 5.
school faciltities PPE Inventory
and equipment 7. Liquidation
Complete files of Submitted complete Submitted 5-6 reports Submitted 3-4 reports Submitted 1-2 reports with No MOVs submitted
the following: MOVs of the with complete MOVs with complete MOVs complete MOVs
1.EBEIS following: EBEIS,
3.NSBI inventory, MOOE
4.SFs liquidation & SBM
8.0% 5.PPE Inventory Efficiency level of practice
results 6.CDR &
Subsidiary Ledger
Assessment Result
Complete files of Submitted complete Submitted 5-6 reports Submitted 3-4 reports Submitted 1-2 reports with No MOVs submitted
the following: MOVs of the with complete MOVs Performance Indicators
with complete MOVs complete MOVs
MFOs KRAs Objectives Weight 1.EBEISMOVs following: EBEIS,
Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Ave Score
3.NSBI inventory,(5)
MOOE Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E T
4.SFs liquidation & SBM
8.0% 5.PPE Inventory
Efficiency level of practice
results 6.CDR &
Subsidiary Ledger
Assessment Result

1. Transmittals Submitted Submitted enumerated Submitted enumerated Submitted enumerated Submitted

stamped received enumerated reports: reports: EBEIS, LIS, reports: EBEIS, LIS, reports: EBEIS, LIS, NSBI, enumerated reports:
Acknowledgment SFs, PPE inventory inventory and MOOE inventory and MOOE MOOE liquidation 7-8 SFs, PPE inventory
receipt or and MOOE liquidation liquidation on the 10th liquidation 5-6 working working days after the due and MOOE liquidation
certificate Timeliness before 10 working day after receipt of days after the due date date 9 or more working
days after receipt of SMS notification days after the due
SMS notification date

Basic 2. Managing 5. Demonstrated Certificate of Submitted complete Submitted 5 reports Submitted 4 reports with Submitted 3 reports with Submitted 1-2 reports 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education School skills & accuracy onthe MOVs of the with complete MOVs complete MOVs complete MOVs with complete MOVs
Services Operation understanding in following: following: EBEIS,
and managing & 1. EBEIS LIS, NSBI, SFs, PPE
Resources monitoring 2. LIS inventory, & SBM
school data 3. NSBI Quality level of practice
using 4. SFs
technology, 5.
school facilities & PPE Inventory
equipments to 6.SBM
ensure effective Assessment Presented certificate Presented certificate of Presented certificate of Presented certificate of noPresented certificate
& efficient school of no revision to all of no revision to any 4 of no revision to any 3 of revision to any 2 of the of no revision to any 1
operations 5.0% Efficiency the following: EBEIS, the following: EBEIS, the following: EBEIS, following: EBEIS, LIS, of the following:
inventory inventory inventory SFs, PPE inventory
1. Transmittal on Submitted Submitted enumerated Submitted enumerated Submitted enumerated Submitted
the submission of enumerated reports: reports: EBEIS, LIS, reports: EBEIS, LIS, reports: EBEIS, LIS, NSBI, enumerated reports:
the required EBEIS, LIS, NSBI, NSBI, SFs, PPE NSBI, SFs, PPE SFs, PPE inventory & EBEIS, LIS, NSBI,
reports to P&R, SFs, PPE inventory & inventory & SBM level inventory & SBM level of SBM level of practice 6-10 SFs, PPE inventory &
Health & Supply SBM level of practice of practice on due date practice 1-5 working working days after due SBM level of practice
sections stamp before due date days after due date date (average) 11 & more working
receipt (average) days after due date

Basic 2. Managing 6. Provided 1.Contingency Showed evidences for Showed evidences for Showed evidences for Showed evidences for Showed no evidence 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education School school safety & Plan implemenation of the implementation of 4 implementation of 3 implementation of 2 areas for implementation of
Services Operation disaster 2. Student-led following: areas enumerated areas enumerated enumerated 1 area enumerated
and preparedness to hazard mapping 1. DRRM Plan
Resources ensure a child- result 2. Classroom safety &
friendly & safe 3.NSED/ Fire Drill conduciveness
learning report 3. Solid Waste
environment for 4.School-Based Management (SWM)
learners Classroom 4. Tree
Readiness growing
Monitoring Result 5. Brigada Eskwela
5.SWM 6. School
Basic 2. Managing 6. Provided 1.Contingency Showed evidences for Showed evidences for Showed evidences for Showed evidences for Showed no evidence 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education School school safety & Plan implemenation of the implementation of 4 implementation of 3 implementation of 2 areas for implementation of
Services Operation disaster 2. Student-led following: areas enumerated areas enumerated enumerated 1 area enumerated
and preparedness to hazard mapping 1. DRRM Plan
Resources ensure a child- result 2. Classroom safety & Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs friendly & safe
Objectives Weight 3.NSED/ Fire Drill
MOVs conduciveness
Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Ave Score
learning report QET 3. Solid Waste
environment for 4.School-Based (5)
Management (SWM) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E T
learners Classroom 4. Tree
Readiness growing
Monitoring Result 5. Brigada Eskwela
5.SWM 6. School
Accomplishment ground is clean &
Report hazard free
6.Tree Growing 7. Clean,
Narrative Report maintained, hazard
7. Brigada free school grounds
Eskwela Report 8.
8. Implement Chlp
School ground is Protection Policy
clean & hazard
9. Clean,
maintained, hazard
free school
5.0% grounds
10. Implement
Child Protection

1, 0 injuries during 5 injuries during 10 injuries during 15 injuries during 10 or more injuries
Accomplishment typhoons, typhoons, earthquake, typhoons, earthquake, typhoons, earthquake, during typhoons,
reports to any of earthquake, school school events & other school events & other school events & other earthquake, school
the five of the 7 events & other school-based DRRM school-based DRRM school-based DRRM events & other school-
PPAs Efficiency school-based DRRM based DRRM

Transmittals 100% of the 100% of the classroom 100% of the classroom 100% of the classroom 100% of the
stamped received classroom were were painted, lighted, were painted, lighted, were painted, lighted, well classroom were
by records section painted, lighted, well well ventilated & well ventilated & ventilated & conducive to painted, lighted, well
or program owners ventilated & conducive to learning 3 conducive to learning 1 learning 1 weeks before ventilated & conducive
conducive to learning weeks before the weeks before the the opening of classes to learning 6-1 day
Timeliness 1 month before the opening of classes opening of classes before the opening of
opening of classes classes

Basic 3. Focusing 7. Supervised 1. DLL 1. Conducted 100% 1. Conducted 90 - 99% 1. Conducted 80-89% 1. Conducted 70-79% 1. Conducted 69% & 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education on teaching teachers' delivery 2. COT/STAR classroom classroom observation classroom observation classroom observation below classroom
Services and learning of instruction (10 observations) observation with with pre/post with pre/post conference with pre/post conference observation with
including 3. WHLP pre/post conference conference 2. Provided 2. Provided pre/post conference
compliance to 4. GIYA 2. Provided 2. Provided technical technical assistance to technical assistance to 2. Provided
contextualization, utilization technical assistance assistance to improve improve teaching- improve teaching-learning technical assistance
learning documentation to improve teaching- teaching-learning learning delivery delivery 3. to improve teaching-
standards, 5. ISAR learning delivery delivery 3. 3. Conducted Conducted supervision on learning delivery
pedagogies and 3. Conducted Conducted supervision supervision on the the utilization of 3. Conducted
assessment. supervision on the on the utilization of utilization of ILMP/GIYA ILMP/GIYA modules supervision on the
utilization of ILMP/GIYA modules modules utilization of
ILMP/GIYA modules ILMP/GIYA modules

Basic 3. Focusing 7. Supervised 1. DLL 1. Conducted 100% 1. Conducted 90 - 99% Performance
1. Conducted Indicators
80-89% 1. Conducted 70-79% 1. Conducted 69% & 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
MFOs on teaching
Education KRAs teachers'
delivery Weight 2.MOVs
COT/STAR classroom
Outstanding classroomVeryobservation classroom observation
Satisfactory classroom observation
Unsatisfactory below classroom
Poor Ave Score
Services and learning of instruction (10 observations) QET observation with with pre/post with pre/post conference with pre/post conference observation with
including 3. WHLP
pre/post conference
Satisfactory (4)
2. Provided
2. Provided
pre/post conference
compliance to 4. GIYA 2. Provided 2. Provided technical technical assistance to technical assistance to 2. Provided
contextualization, utilization technical assistance assistance to improve improve teaching- improve teaching-learning technical assistance
learning documentation to improve teaching- teaching-learning learning delivery delivery 3. to improve teaching-
standards, 5. ISAR learning delivery delivery 3. 3. Conducted Conducted supervision on learning delivery
pedagogies and 3. Conducted Conducted supervision supervision on the the utilization of 3. Conducted
assessment. supervision on the on the utilization of utilization of ILMP/GIYA ILMP/GIYA modules supervision on the
utilization of ILMP/GIYA modules modules utilization of
ILMP/GIYA modules ILMP/GIYA modules

1.COT/STAR with Prepared complete, Prepared complete, Prepared complete, Prepared complete, Prepared complete,
summary (monthly) doable supervisory doable supervisory plan doable supervisory plan doable supervisory plan doable supervisory
3.ISAR plan reflecting 10 reflecting 9 monthly reflecting 8 monthly reflecting 7 monthly plan reflecting 6 &
Efficiency monthly classroom classroom observations classroom observations classroom observations below monthly
observations classroom

1.Transmittal of Submitted required Submitted required Submitted required Submitted required reports Submitted required
supervisory report reports on classroon reports on classroon reports on classroon on classroon observations reports on classroon
stamped received observations before observations on due observations 1-5 working with average of 1-10 observations 11 &
Timeliness due date date days after due date working days after due more working days
(average) date (average) after tdue date

Basic 3. Focusing 8. Assisted the 1.Technical Provided assistance Provided assistance to Provided assistance to Provided assistance to 70- Provided assistance 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education on teaching teachers in the Assistance Tool to 100% of the 90-99% of the teachers 180-89% of the teachers 79% of the teachers based to 69% & below of the
Services and learning management & 2.Request of Quality teachers based on based on the the needs based on the the needs on the the needs in teachers based on the
maintenance of teachers that the the needs in in maintaining in maintaining conducive maintaining conducive the needs in
conducive needs assistance maintaining conducive classrooms classrooms and classrooms and classroom maintaining conducive
learning 3.Classroom conducive classrooms and classroom classroom discipline discipline classrooms and
evironment and Inspection Report Presented at least 5 Presented
and classroom discipline 4 MOVs on Presented 3 MOVs on Presented 2 MOVs on the Presented 1 MOVs
classroom discipline
sound classroom 4. Formulated MOVs on the
discipline the provision of the provision of provision of assistance to on the provision of
discipline. System & provision of assistance to teachers assistance to teachers teachers who were assistance to teachers
Mechanism assistance to who were assisted on who were assisted on the assisted on the who were assisted on
teachers who were the maintenance of maintenance of maintenance of conducive the maintenance of
assisted on the conducive classrooms conducive classrooms classrooms and classroon conducive classrooms
maintenance of and classroon discipline and classroon discipline discipline and classroon
conducive classrooms discipline
7.0% and classroon
7.0% Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Weight MOVs Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Ave Score
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E T
Logbook/logsheet Provided assistance Provided assistance to Provided assistance to Provided assistance to Provided assistance
on the provision of to teachers in need in teachers in need in teachers in need in teachers in need in to teachers in need in
the above maintaining maintaining conducive maintaining conducive maintaining conducive maintaining conducive
assistance with the conducive classrooms classrooms and classrooms and classrooms and classroom classrooms and
concern teacher's and classroom classroom discipline classroom discipline with discipline with an average classroom discipline
signature Timeliness discipline with an with an average of 3-4 an average of 5-6 of 7-8 working days from with an average of 9 &
average of 1-2 working days from working days from observation or request more working days
working days from observation or request observation or request from observation or
observation or request

Basic 3. Focusing 9. Utilized Plan that included Pepared 100% PPAs Pepared 90-99% PPAs Pepared 80-89% PPAs Pepared 70-79% PPAs of Pepared 69% PPAs 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education on teaching learners the ff. PPAs: of the identified of the identified of the identified the identified development & below of the
Services and learning achievements 1.School Initiated development needs development needs development needs and needs and opportunities of identified development
and other Curriculum and opportunities of and opportunities of opportunities of learners learners based on their needs and
performance Intervention learners based on learners based on their based on their actual actual performance opportunities of
indicators in 2.DORP their actual actual performance performance learners based on
planning and in 3.Tracking of ILMP performance their actual
career 4.Career performance
awareness/ Guidance Quality
guidance. (Secondary)
Report 6. Gulayan
sa Paaralan
7. School-
Based Feeding

Accomplishment of Presented evidences Presented evidences of Presented evidences of Presented evidences of Presented evidences
the ff. PPAs: of implementation of implementation of implementation of implementation of of implementation of
1.School Initiated remedial/enhanceme remedial/enhancement remedial/enhancement remedial/enhancement remedial/enhancemen
nt PPAs based on PPAs based on PPAs based on identified PPAs based on identified t PPAs based on
Intervention reports
5.0% 2.DORP identified learners identified learners learners needs with 70- learners needs with 60- identified learners
Report needs with 90-100% needs with 80-89% 79% achievements 69% achievements needs with 59% &
3.Tracking Report of achievements achievements below achievements
4.Career Guidance
Report (Secondary)
6. Gulayan sa
Paaralan report
7. School-
Based Feeding
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Weight MOVs Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Ave Score
(5) Satisfactory (4) (3) (2) (1) Q E T
Report on the Implemented PPAs Implemented PPAs with Implemented PPAs with Implemented PPAs with Implemented PPAs
scheduled with an average of an average of 80-89% an average of 70-79% of an average of 60-69% of with an average of
activities versus 90-100% of the of the activities are the activities are the activities are 59% & below of the
actual Timeliness activities are conducted based on conducted based on conducted based on activities are
implementation conducted based on schedule schedule schedule conducted based on
schedule schedule

Basic 4. 10. Prepared and 1.School Presented personal Presented personal and Presented personal and Presented personal and No plan presented 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education Developing implemented consolidated PDPs and professional professional professional professional development
Services sefl and personal and 2.Copy development plans development plans that development plans that plans that reflect at least
others professional of professional and Quality that reflect at least 6 reflect at least 5 basic reflect at least 4 basic 1-3 basic elements of a
development personal basic elements of a elements of a plan elements of a plan plan
plan and built development plan plan
networks in the
implementation. 1. Accomplishment Presented Presented Presented Submited accomplishment Submitted
reports accomplishment accomplishment reports accomplishment reports reports that indicates accomplishment
reports that indicates that indicates linkage to that indicates linkage to linkage to internal and/or reports that indicates
linkage to internal internal and/or external internal and/or external external stakeholders with linkage to internal
and/or external stakeholders with at stakeholders with at least at least 60-69% and/or external
5.0% Efficiency
stakeholders with at least 80-89% 70-79% achievement achievement with MOVs stakeholders& with at
least 90-100% achievement with with MOVs least 59% & below
achievement with MOVs achievement with

Implemented the Implemented the plans Implemented the plans Implemented the plans Implemented plans
plans with an average with an average of 80- with an average of 70- with an average of 60-69% with an average of
of 90-100% of the 89% of the activities 79% of the activities that of the activities that are 59% & below of the
Timeliness activities that are that are conducted are conducted based on conducted based on activities that are
conducted based on based on schedule schedule schedule conducted based on
schedule schedule

Basic 4. 11. Prepared 1.System Exhibited approved Exhibited approved Exhibited approved Exhibited approved Exhibited approved 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education Developing staff Generated TNA professional professional professional professional development professional
Services sefl and development Result development plan development plan development plan based plan based on TNA, development plan
others plan based on 2.Consolidated based on TNA, based on TNA, on TNA, observations observations and IPCRF based on TNA,
needs that School observations and observations and and IPCRF with a rating with a rating of 60-69% observations and
surfaced in the Professional IPCRF with a rating of IPCRF with a rating of of 70-79% IPCRF with a rating of
performance Developmnet Plan 90-100% 80-89% 59% and below
review, (IPCRF Part IV)
observation and 3.ILAC Plan
analysis 4. Quality
Analysis of
observation report

Resource Package

7. Certificate of
Attendance to
1. LAC Submitted reports of Submitted reports of Submitted reports of Presented reports of Presented reports of
Accomplishment implementation of implementation of implementation of implementation of implementation of
Report professional professional professional professional development professional
2.Training development plan development plan with development plan with plan with accomplishment development plan with
Completion Report Efficiency with an accomplishment of 80- accomplishment of 70- of 60-69% of physical an physical
accomplishment of 89% of physical targets 79% of physical targets targets accomplishment of
90-100% of physical 59% and below of
5.0% Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Weight 1. LACMOVs Outstanding SubmittedVery Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Ave Score
QET Submitted reports of reports of Submitted reports of Presented reports of Presented reports of
Accomplishment implementation
(5) of implementation
Satisfactoryof(4) implementation
(3) of implementation
(2) of implementation
(1) of Q E T
Report professional professional professional professional development professional
2.Training development plan development plan with development plan with plan with accomplishment development plan with
Completion Report Efficiency with an accomplishment of 80- accomplishment of 70- of 60-69% of physical an physical
accomplishment of 89% of physical targets 79% of physical targets targets accomplishment of
90-100% of physical 59% and below of
targets physical targets

Implemented the Implemented the Implemented the Implemented the Implemented the
professional professional professional professional development professional
development plan development plan with development plan with 3- plan with 5-6 activities development plan with
Timeliness based on the date 1-2 activities after the 4 activities after the date after the date indicated in 7 or more after date
indicated in the plan date indicated in the indicated in the plan the plan indicated in the plan

Basic 4. 12. Implemented 1.List of PRAISE Provided evidences Provided evidences on Provided evidences on Provided evidences on the Provided evidences 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education Developing awards, 2.Received on the provision of the the provision of the the provision of the provision of the following: on the provision of
Services sefl and recognition, Designation Orders following: 1. following: following: 1. privileges privileges and benefits
others benefits, welfare, with Roles & privileges and 1. privileges and 1. privileges and benefits and benefits of school of school personnel
and incentives Functions benefits of school benefits of school of school personnel personnel 2. only
for school Committee personnel personnel 2. rewards and rewards and recognition of
personnel, Accomplishment 2. rewards and 2. rewards and recognition of learners learners only
learners, and Report recognition of recognition of learners 3. rewards and
4. List of teachers
other due for step learners 3. 3. rewards and recognition of parents
stakehoders increment rewards and recognition of parents only
based on 5. list of teacher recognition of parents 4. rewards and
qualified for Quality
existing reclassification/con
4. rewards recognition of alumni
guidelines. version and recognition of only
6. List of teacher alumni 5.
with processed tep rewards & recognition
increment and with
reclassified/convert of other officials in the
ed item community
7. Copy of
a program reflecting
5.0% the list of awardees

1. List of group of Provided evidences of Provided evidences of Provided evidences of 3 Provided evidences of 2 Provided evidences of
stakeholders 5 activities supported 4 activities supported activities supported by activities supported by 1 or no activity
supporting the by stakeholders by stakeholders stakeholders stakeholders supported by
activities 2. Deed Efficiency stakeholders
of donations or
1. Copy of Implemented awards Implemented awards Implemented awards and Implemented awards and Implemented awards
customized school and recognition based and recognition based recognition based on recognition based on and recognition based
calendar 2. on customized school on customized school customized school customized school on customized school
Activity tracking Timeliness calendar of activities calendar of activities calendar of activities with calendar of activities with calendar of activities
reports with an average of 1-2 an average of 3 activities an average of 4 activities with all activities
activities rescheduled rescheduled rescheduled rescheduled

Basic 5. Building 13. Implemented 1.AIP that Presented plans Presented plans Presented plans Presented plans Presented plans 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education Connections plan with the integrated containing activities containing activities for containing activities for containing activities for containing activities
Services involvement of stakeholders for ensuring ensuring engagement ensuring engagement ensuring engagement with for ensuring
different groups 2. MOU or engagement with at with at least 7 groups of with at least 6 groups of at least 5 groups of engagement with at
of internal and any statements least 8 groups of internal & external internal & external internal & external least 4 groups of
Performance Indicators
MFOs KRAs Objectives Weight MOVs Outstanding Very Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor Ave Score
Basic 5. Building 13. Implemented 1.AIP that Presented(5)plans Satisfactory
Presented plans (4) (3)
Presented plans (2)
Presented plans Presented(1)plans Q
0 E0 T0 0.000 0.000
Education Connections plan with the integrated containing activities containing activities for containing activities for containing activities for containing activities
Services involvement of stakeholders for ensuring ensuring engagement ensuring engagement ensuring engagement with for ensuring
different groups 2. MOU or engagement with at with at least 7 groups of with at least 6 groups of at least 5 groups of engagement with at
of internal and any statements least 8 groups of internal & external internal & external internal & external least 4 groups of
external of commitment internal & external stakeholders in the stakeholders in the stakeholders in the internal & external
stakeholders as support from stakeholders in the community community community stakeholders in the
the different community community
groups of

1. Deed of Submitted reports that Submitted reports that Submitted reports that Submitted reports that Submitted reports that
Donation & indicated the support indicated the support of indicated the support of 6 indicated the support of 5 indicated the support
Acceptance of 8 stakeholders 7 stakeholders stakeholders stakeholders of 4 stakeholders
(aligned to PPAs
indicated in the
5.0% plan)
3.Attendance Efficiency
sheet of various
volunteers of
different school

.Accomplishment Implemented all Implemented 1-2 Implemented 3-4 Implemented 5-6 activities Implemented 7 and
Report that activities based on activities after the date activities after the date after the date indicated in more activities after
reflected the the date indicated in indicated in the plan indicated in the plan the plan the date indicated in
target date and Timeliness
actual conduct of the plan the plan
the activities

Basic 5. Building 14. Implemented Approved action Presented plans of all Presented plans of 80- Presented plans of 70- Presented plans of 60- Presented plans of 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education Connections plan for the plans of the school organizations 89% of the school 79% of the school 69% of the school 59% and below of the
Services management of following: anchored on the organizations anchored organizations anchored organizations anchored on school organizations
-PTA Quality school AIP
school -Teachers Assn. on the school AIP on the school AIP the school AIP anchored on the
organizations -SSG/SPG school AIP

Consolidated Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted

report of the accomplishment accomplishment reports accomplishment reports accomplishment reports of accomplishment
implementation of reports of all the of all the school of all the school all thel school reports of all the
the plans which school organizations organizations with organizations with organizations with average school organizations
5.0% reflected rate of Efficiency with average of 90- average of 80-89% average of 70-79% of 60-69% with average of 59% &
accomplishments 100% accomplishments of the accomplishments of the accomplishments of the below
with supporting accomplishments of targets targets targets accomplishments of
documents the targets the targets

Consolidated report Implemented all Implemented 1-2 Implemented 3-4 Implemented 5-6 activities Implemented 7 and
on the target date of
activities based on activities after the date activities after the date after the date indicated in more activities after
vesus actual the date indicated in indicated in the plan indicated in the plan the plan the date indicated in
conduct of activities Timeliness the plan the plan
with supporting

Basic 5. Building 15. Implemented 1. GAD Plan & Presented plans that Presented plans that Presented plans that Presented incomplete No plan presented 0 0 0 0.000 0.000
Education Connections plans that Accomplishment reflected the reflected the promotion reflected the promotion plans that reflected the
Services promoted gender 2. PSS promotion of gender of gender sensitivity, of gender sensitivity but promotion of gender
sensitivity, Accomplishment Quality sensitivity, physical physical and mental excluded physical and sensitivity but excluded
physical and Report and mental health health awarenes, but mental health awarenes, physical and mental health
mental health awarenes, and culture excluded culture and culture awarenes, and culture
Performance Indicators
MFOs 5. Building
Basic KRAs 15.Objectives
Implemented Weight 1. GADMOVs
Plan & Outstanding
Presented plans that PresentedVery
plans that Satisfactory
Presented plans that Unsatisfactory
Presented incomplete Poor
No plan presented 0 0 0 Ave
0.000 Score
Education Connections plans that Accomplishment QET reflected the reflected the promotion reflected the(3)promotion plans that reflected the
(5) Satisfactory (4) (2) (1) Q E T
Services promoted gender 2. PSS promotion of gender of gender sensitivity, of gender sensitivity but promotion of gender
sensitivity, Accomplishment Quality sensitivity, physical physical and mental excluded physical and sensitivity but excluded
physical and Report and mental health health awarenes, but mental health awarenes, physical and mental health
mental health awarenes, and culture excluded culture and culture awarenes, and culture
awarenes, and responsiveness responsiveness responsiveness responsiveness
responsiveness Copy of Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted Submitted
implementation accomplishment accomplishment reports accomplishment reports accomplishment reports accomplishment
report with reports with average with average of 80-89% with average of 70-79% with average of 60-69% reports with average
5.0% documents that Efficiency of 90-100% accomplishments of the accomplishments of the accomplishments of the of 59% & below
shows rate of accomplishments of targets targets targets accomplishments of
accomplishment the targets the targets

Report on the Implemented all Implemented 1-2 Implemented 3-4 Implemented 5-6 activities Implemented 7 and
target date of activities based on activities after the date activities after the date after the date indicated in more activities after
implementation the date indicated in indicated in the plan indicated in the plan the plan the date indicated in
vesus actual
conduct of Timeliness the plan the plan
activities with

Basic Plus Factor Performed 1. Designation Presented MOVs as Presented MOVs as Presented MOVs as Presented MOVs as Presented MOVs as 3 3.000 0.150
Education various related Order coordinator/faciltator coordinator/faciltator coordinator/faciltator coordinator/faciltator coordinator/faciltator
Services tasks/activities 2. Training Matrix chair/member of chair/member of chair/member of chair/member of chair/member of
that contributed with invitation and committees in the committees in the committees in the district, committees in the district, committees in the
to school acceptance district, division, district, division, division, regional, and division, regional, and district, division,
administration 5.0% 3. Certificate of Quality regional, and national regional, and national national levels with a national levels with a total regional, and national
and supervison. Recognition/Appre levels with a total of at levels with a total of 4 total of 3 undertakings of 2 undertakings levels with a total of 1
ciation least 5 undertakings undertakings undertakings


2.500-3.499 SATISFACTORY Ratee Rater Approving Authority
Sets personal goals and direction, needs and development. 1 Willingly does his/her share of responsibility. 2 Uses basic persuation techniquesin a discussion or Improves the skills and effectiveness of individuals through employing a
Promotes collaboration and removes barriers to teamwork presentation e.g., staff mobilization, appeals to reason 5 range of development strategies.
Undertakes personal actions and behaviors that are clear and 3
purposive and takes into account personal goals and values 2 and goal accomplishment across the organization. and/or emotions, uses data and examples, visual aids.
Facilitates workforce effectiveness through coaching and motivating/
congruent to that of the organization. developing people within a work environment that promotes mutual 5
Applies negotiation principles in arriving at win-win Persuades, convinces or influences others, in order to
3 4 trusts and respect.
Displays emotional maturity and enthusiasm for and is agreements. have a specific impact or effect.
challenged by higher goals. Drives consensus and team ownership of decisions. 3 Sets a good example, is a credible and respected leader, Conceptualizes and implements learning interventions to meet identified
5 4
Prioritize work tasks and schedules (through gant charts, and demonstrates desired behavior. training needs
4 Works constructively and collaboratively with others and
checklists, etc.) to achieve goals.
across organizations to accomplish organizational goals and 3 Forwards personal, professional and work unit needs and Does long-term coaching or training by arranging appropriate and
objectives. 4
interests in an issue helpful assignments, formal training, or other experiences for the 5
Sets high quality, challenging, realistic goals for self and others. 5
purpose of supporting a person's learning and development.
Assumes a pivotal role in promoting the development of
2. PROFESSIONALISM AND ETHICS 3.000 5. SERVICE ORIENTATION 4.600 an inspiring, relevant vision for the organization and Cultivates a learning environment by structuring interactive experiences
 Can explain and articulate organizational directions, issues influences others to share ownership of DepEd goals, in such as looking for future opportunities that are in support of achieving 5
Demonstrates the values and behavior enshrined in the Norms of 5
and problems. order to create an effective work environment individual career goals.
Conduct and Ethical Standards for public officials and employees 1
(RA 6713).
 Takes personal responsibility for dealing with and/or
correcting customer service issues and concerns. 2. PEOPLE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT 3.200
Practices ethical and professional behavior and conduct taking
into account the impact of his/her actions and decisions.  Initiates activities that promotes advocacy for men and
4 Makes specific changes in the performance management
women empowerment.
Maintains a professional image: being trustworthy, regularity of system or in own work methods to improve performance
3 (e.g. does something better, faster, at lower cost, more
attendance and punctuality, good grooming and communication.  Participates in updating of office vision, mission, mandates
5 efficiently; improves quality, customer satisfaction, morale,
and strategies based on DepEd strategies and directions. revenues).
Makes personal sacrifices to meet the organization’s needs. 4
Acts with a sense of urgency and responsibility to meet the  Develops and adopts service improvement programs
organization’s needs, improve systems and help others improve 5 through simplified procedures that will further enhance service 5
Sets performance standards and measures progress of OVERALL COMPETENCY RATING :
their effectiveness. delivery. 4
employees based on office and department targets

Provides feedback and technical assistance such as CORE BEHAVIORAL COMPETENCIES 3.900
3. RESULTS FOCUS 5.000 6. INNOVATION 5.000 5
coaching for performance improvement and action
 Achieves results with optimal use of time and resources most of  Examines the root cause of problems and suggests effective planning
5 solutions. Fosters new ideas, processes, and suggests better
the time. 5 States performance expectations clearly and checks
ways to do things (cost and/or operational efficiency). 2 LEADERSHIP COMPETENCIES 4.133
understanding and commitment
 Avoids rework, mistakes and wastage through effective work
methods by placing organizational needs before personal needs.
0  Demonstrates an ability to think ―beyond the box‖.
Continuously focuses on improving personal productivity to 5 Performs all the stages of result-based performance 5
Delivers error-free outputs most of the time by conforming to
create higher value and results. management system supported by evidence and required OVERALL RATING 4.017
standard operating procedures correctly and consistently. Able to
produce very satisfactory quality of work and terms of 5
usefulness/acceptability and completeness with no supervision  Promotes a creative climate and inspires co – workers to
required. develop original ideas or solutions.

 Expresses a desire to do better and may express frustration at  Translates creative thinking into tangible changes and
waste or inefficiency. May focus on new or more precise ways of 5 solutions that improve the work unit and organization.
meeting goals set.  Uses ingenious methods to accomplish responsibilities.
Demonstrates resourcefulness and the ability to succeed with 5
 Makes specific changes in the system or in own work methods minimal resources.
to improve performance. Examples may include doing something
better, faster, at a lower cost, more efficiently; or improving 5
quality, customer satisfaction, morale, without setting any specific Ratee: Rater: Approving Authority:

Final Performance Results Rating Adjectival Rating

Accomplishments of KRAs and Objectives 0.150 POOR

Rater-Ratee Agreement

The signature below confirmed that the employee and his/her superior have agreed on content of this appraisal form and performance rating

Name of Employee ROSEMINDA G. SABADO Name of Superior DR. AURELIO A. SANTISAS

Signature Signature
Date Date


ACTION PLAN (Recommended

Developmental Interventions)
Rater Ratee Approving Authority

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