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Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences seems to have changed not only the manner in which
people think about intelligence/intelligences, but also the way they are used in teaching. It is a student-
centred one because it is all about developing all abilities in a child’s learning. The teacher should focus in
enhancing student’s different abilities because the multiple intelligence theory can draw students back into
learning. Using the different intelligences to teach a concept allows each of your diverse learners a chance to
succeed in learning. Student-centred setting allows teachers to teach each student’ strength that helps
increase learning success.
2. As a future educator, what is the significance of being aware of Multiple Intelligences? (5pts.)
Answer: it is import for me as a future educator to be aware of multiple intelligences for me to easily
identify each student’s different abilities and strength and which category they excel. Students show their
intelligence in different ways, and recognizing multiple intelligence helps me to know how to present
information to allow students to process it and teaching the multiple intelligences will allow me to keep
the learning environment fresh by changing up the teaching method.
3. Give at least three (3) advantages of having good partnership between teachers and learners’ parents. (10
1. Form Relationships
Children benefit most when their caregivers and teachers know one another and have some basic
information about “how things work” at home and school.
One of the basic building blocks of strong parent-teacher relationships is a focus on children’s strengths
and the strengths of the partnership.
Engagement between parents and teachers, and with their student—is essential to help children feel
valued and important.
Efforts to remain connected, no matter how small, will help create deep and meaningful consistency for
the child at home and at school.
Both parents and teachers have important information and ideas that can help when a student is having
a problem.
Children show more improvement when teachers and parents work together to create a plan, decide on
strategies, and practice them at school and home.
4. What are the differences between cognitive and behavioral views of reading in terms of learner’s:
a. Learning (5pts.)
Answer: Learners learning maybe based on learners behaviour and environment that has big
contribution in learner’ reading development. In behavioural views, learners learning depends on what
kind of environment and people surrounding them. People around them may affect and contribute to
what learners learning in reading. In cognitive views, learner’s development in reading maybe based
on leaners ability to learn and learners capability to easily learn reading.
b. Motivation (5pts.)
Answer: in behavioural views, learner’s motivation to learn to read depends on what kind of behaviour
they have. People around them has a big role in motivating them to learn how to read and the kind
environment they have may contribute to the learner’s behaviour because learning how to read needs
moral support coming from the people around the so that children will be motivated. In cognitive views,
learner’s motivation may depend on their intellectual capability. Learners are motivated to learn how to
read because they can learn things easily.
c. Comprehension (5 pts.)
Answer: in behavioural views, learner’s comprehension depends on how they motivate by the people
around them and how their environment affects their learning. In cognitive views, learners
comprehension depends on student’s intellectual capacity and their capability to understand what they
are reading.
“Being honest might not get you a lot of friends, but it will always get you the right ones.”