Fouts PDF
Fouts PDF
Fouts PDF
Jeffrey T. Fouts
Professor of Education
Seattle Pacific University
Seattle, WA
February, 2000
Executive Summary
Computers and related technologies are now in almost every school across the
nation. State reform efforts include the integration of technology in curriculum standards
and sometimes make technology skills a separate standard for students to achieve. As the
focus on technology expands, policy makers and tax payers are asking researchers in
educational practice to provide the data for thoughtful decision making on the use of
technology for learning. At this time the decision-making is often hampered by the lack
of adequate research, although there is considerable work from previous years to guide
future study.
The research challenge is to construct viable studies where all the necessary factors are in
Finally we will conduct evaluation and action research to answer the critical questions
and also to adjust our programs as we learn together with educators and their
communities across the nation.
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
Conclusions 27
References 42
Research on Computers and Education:
Past, Present and Future
Jeffrey T. Fouts
As the new millennium begins schools throughout the country are in the midst of
reform efforts—the term “restructuring” often being used to imply a deeper, more
fundamental change in the nature of schools and schooling than that implied by “reform.”
These efforts often involve a rethinking of the very nature of schools and the educational
experience for children. Resulting changes may be structural in nature, such as a revision
of the school day or the school year, or they may be more fundamental in nature,
resulting in a very new curriculum that asks students to learn and perform in ways much
different than before.
A driving force of these restructuring efforts is the belief that a school system
built on a Nineteenth Century industrial efficiency model is inadequate to meet the needs
of the society of the Twentieth-First Century that has been transformed by technology.
Because technology has transformed businesses and many other components of daily life,
many are relying on technology to help transform the nature of the school experience. As
the new millennium begins that transformation is still incomplete.
In October 1999, at the National Education Summit states were asked to fully
implement the final stage of their reform efforts by adopting policies that held schools
and educators accountable for their successes and for their failures. Results matter, and
therefore determining what best produces desirable results is an important part of the
accountability efforts.
There is evidence that computers and the related technologies1 have made major
inroads into the schools. There are now an estimated 10 million computers in the schools
with annual school expenditures for technology of about 6 billion dollars. There is one
instructional computer for every 5.7 students and more than half of the nation’s
classrooms have been connected to the Internet. A 1999 national survey conducted by
Education Week in collaboration with the Milken Exchange found that 97% of all
teachers surveyed use a computer for educational purposes, either at home or at school,
and 53% use software for classroom instruction. Virtually every state reform plan
includes technology as an integral component, and student school access to technology is
higher than ever before.
In educational practice computers have become the predominate “new” technology, but they are often
used in concert with other forms of technology, such as the internet and video capabilities, making it
difficult, if not impossible, to talk in terms of just computer use. In this paper I use the terms computers
and technology interchangeably.
At the same time, the views surrounding technology in the schools are diverse.
Some advocate the expansion of technology use to enhance student technological
literacy, while others believe its primary purpose should be as a learning tool. “The
romanticized view of technology is that its mere presence in schools will enhance student
learning and achievement. In contrast is the view that money spent on technology, and
time spent by students using technology, are money and time wasted” (National Research
Council, 1999, p. 194). Yet, many proponents of increasing the role of educational
technology in the schools admit that our current knowledge about the educational affects
of that technology is rudimentary at best. This is due to the fact that much of the
evaluation that has taken place has been in classrooms with mixed or partial deployments
of technology with varying levels of training and limited content. Full implementation
has been hampered by a lack of capital budgets and insufficient research and
development funds necessary to create fully integrated learning environments.
There is perhaps no other profession that is so subject to “the new and innovative”
as is education. The tendency for educators to tout first one innovation and then another
and the failure of these innovations to make any marked improvement in student learning
has been well documented. And, rightly or wrongly, there are many today who are
skeptical of the educational value of the new technologies, or at least skeptical of the
schools’ abilities to use them effectively or to deploy them sufficiently to transform the
learning environments.
It is important to note that the beliefs that influence policy are often times only
that—beliefs. It may be that they are all true (although that seems unlikely), or at least
true to some limited degree (which seems more probable). Empirical evidence that these
claims are true is many times lacking. As Carl Sagan once said, “We sometimes pretend
something is true not because there’s evidence for it, but because we want it to be true.”
innovations are weak and ineffective. In fact, there may be more incentives for faddism
than for the dissemination of proven practices” (p. 7). Her point was that many of the
educational practices that are widely touted lack any empirical evidence as to their
effectiveness. These practices often lack supporting research evidence, or if it does exist
it is often ignored in favor of strongly held opinions. Part of the problem within the
profession is that there is no agreement on a definition of “research,” and no agreed upon
understanding of “at what level of evidence will new research be incorporated into the
professional canon”(p. 8)?
Grossen suggested using a three-level category system proposed by Ellis & Fouts
(1993; 1994; 1997), one that is helpful for understanding the large quantities of research
on educational technology. Level I research is basic research and theory building. It is
research that is exploratory or descriptive in nature and leads to hypotheses about cause
and effects. The theories and hypotheses may evolve out of empirical studies, for
example using correlations, out of individual case studies or qualitative methods, or out
of medical studies, such as research on the brain. They may also go hand-in-hand with
certain philosophical views, such as behaviorism. Level I or basic research in education
mostly involves the work of psychologists, learning theorists, linguists, and more recently
neuroscientists. Their findings, either in isolation or combined, have implications for
how people should best be taught.
Once the theories and hypotheses have been proposed, it is the role of Level II
research to test the hypotheses by formal experiments in controlled varied situations to
determine their truth. These are usually small-scale studies and must be replicated in a
variety of settings to ensure the generalizability of the findings. Level III research is
evaluation research to determine if the program can be implemented on a large scale, and
if so, under what conditions. It can also be used for accountability purposes for the
Educators often seize on the Level I research and resulting theories and develop
educational techniques or programs and present them as “research based.” Grossen states
that “One huge problem with our current professional knowledge base is that many
experimental practices have been allowed to jump from Level I research straight into the
professional canon (p. 22).” This is a sentiment with which the President’s Committee of
Advisors on Science and Technology is in agreement:
To what degree does educational technology fit this pattern? To what degree are
our current practices “research based” and grounded in sound evidence as to their
effectiveness? In the following pages the research evidence is reviewed and an agenda is
suggested for “making research serve the profession.”
Past and Present Research Findings on Computers and Related
Technology in Education
Over the past several decades technology has been used in a variety of ways for a
variety of purposes. Researchers have employed varying research methods in an attempt
to understand the role that technology can and does play in the education of children.
Consequently, there are a number of differing lines of research that have been conducted,
and many of the lines of inquiry may overlap with others. This has resulted in a large
amount of research, but so varied in method and treatment that at times is difficult to
categorize. There are areas for which there is little, if any, information available,
meaning that there is much that we do not yet know about the effect of this technology on
student learning. Because there are a variety of ways in which technology has been used
in the past and a variety of ways it is being used today in education it is important to
consider each line of research individually in an attempt to sort out the status of what is
known and what research is yet to teach us.
As new technologies have emerged they have often times replaced or have been
used concurrently with earlier technologies, thus dramatically changing the nature of the
way the technology has been used in the classrooms. Computers and related technologies
have been used as tutors, surrogates and supplemental teachers of the regular curriculum,
as tools for the purpose of transforming the classroom, as delivery modes for distance
education, and for educational management applications, including improved planning,
data analysis, communication and personal productivity.
One of the earliest uses of computers in classrooms was to teach the traditional
curriculum and basic skills, often operating as a means to deliver instruction, sometimes
as a supplement to the teachers’ classroom instruction, and sometimes in lieu of the
teachers’ instruction. Much of the software focused on basic skills and knowledge in the
various content areas, used programmed instruction and drill and practice, and was often
based on behaviorism and reductionism for its instructional design. As time progressed,
the software and usage changed and the line between the computer as a tutorial and the
computer as a tool became blurred. For example, as word processors became more
sophisticated and available, the computer was often used to produce student writing.
Other types of programs, such as Logo, soon further blurred the line between tutor and
tool. With the change of usage came questions about how best to evaluate the effect of
the technology on student learning, but in most instances, the researchers relied on
standardized test scores or other traditional measures of achievement. Line #1 in Figure
1 represents the relationship between the traditional use of computers for instruction and
student achievement.
Figure 1
Van Dusseldorp, 1975; Ely, 1984; Fletcher-Flinn & Gravatt, 1995; Hasselbring, 1984,
1986; Khalili & Shashaani, 1994; Kozma, 1991; Krendl, 1988; Kulik, Bangert &
Williams, 1983; Kulik & Kulik, 1987a, 1987b, 1991; Kulik, Kulik & Bangert-Drowns,
1985; Liao, 1992; Liao & Bright, 1991; McNeil & Nelson, 1991; Niemiec, Weinstein &
Walberg, 1987; Ploeger, 1983; Rapaport & Savard, 1980; Roblyer, 1988, 1989; Roblyer,
Castine, & King, 1988; Ryan, 1991; Sivin-Kachala & Bialo, 1994; Software Publishers
Association, 1998; Statham & Torell, 1996; Szabo & Montgomerie, 1992; Umbach,
1998; Vinsonhaler & Bass, 1972; Wang & Sleeman, 1993; Wilkinson, 1980), and more
specialized reviews of research on computers and word processing and writing (Bangert-
Drowns, 1989; 1993; Dahl & Farnan, 1998), math (Burns & Bozeman, 1981; Hughes &
Maccini, 1997), language learning (Inoue, 1999; Miech & Mosteller, 1997), cognitive
effects (Liao & Bright, 1991; Mandinach, 1983), learning disabled and special education
children (Hasselbring & Goin, 1988; Hughes & Maccini, 1997; Roblyer, 1989;
Woodward & Rieth, 1997), young children (Clements, 1987a; Clements, Nastasi &
Swaminathan, 1993), higher education and adults (Emerson & Mosteller, 1998; Ehrmann,
1995; Kulik & Kulik, 1985; Kulik, Kulik & Shwalb, 1986), and gender differences
(Kirkparick & Cuban, 1998).
It is important to note that not all of the computer usage in schools during these
decades was focused on the teaching of basic skills and content based on behavior theory.
Those educators who envisioned a more student centered curriculum and learning
environment did attempt to employ the computers in different ways. For example, there
were efforts in some science classrooms to use the computers to provide simulations and
modeling of problems to aid instruction and to foster a deeper understanding of method
and content (Stratford, 1997). Attempts were made to eliminate the preprogrammed
nature of the instruction and to incorporate “intelligent tutoring systems” (ITS)
(Goodyear, 1991; Shute & Psotka, 1996; Wegner, 1987) that used diagnostic procedures
based on the knowledge of the learner at any given point.
Other efforts, based on the work of Seymour Papert (1980), focused on teaching
of computer programming with the belief that it could foster cognitive development. One
of the most common programs was Logo for young children. It was the focus of a
number of research studies for several years (e.g. Clements, 1987b; Clements & Gullo,
1984; Clements & Nastasi, 1988, Keller, 1990; see DeCorte, 1996), with evidence that a
Logo programming environment fosters higher order thinking skills, develops creativity,
and produces other desirable outcomes. Sometimes these studies were included in the
reviews of research (e.g. Khalili & Shashaani, 1994; Liao & Bright, 1991), and
sometimes they were omitted because the use of the computer and the educational
outcomes being sought did not fit the scope or criteria of the review.
While not all of these reviews show outcomes in favor of computer usage, the
vast majority of them reach positive conclusions about the efficacy of the use of
computers in these ways. There is general concurrence that:
Ø When combined with traditional instruction, the use of computers can increase
student learning in the traditional curriculum and basic skills area.
Ø The integration of computers with traditional instruction produces higher
academic achievement in a variety of subject areas than does traditional
instruction alone.
Ø Students learn more quickly and with greater retention when learning with the aid
of computers.
Ø Students like learning with computers, and their attitudes toward learning and
school are positively affected by computer use.
Ø The use of computers appears most promising for low achieving and at-risk
Ø Effective and adequate teacher training is an integral element of successful
learning programs based on or assisted by technology.
However, these results are not guaranteed by the simple introduction of computers and
related technology into the classrooms, suggesting that there are many other factors
involved, such as instructional design and software sophistication, that play important
roles in the process.
The research in this area has been heavily criticized for its low quality, such as the
lack of control for other variables, short-term duration and the Hawthorn effect,
inconsistent treatments and researcher bias. (Bracey, 1987, 1988; Brown, 1991; Clark,
1983, 1985a, 1985b, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1995; Clark & Clark, 1984; Clark & Stuart, 1985;
Colorado, 1988; Miech & Mosteller, 1997; Reeves, 1995; Williams & Becker, 1987;
1986; 1992; Williams & Brown, 1991). Most of the reviewers acknowledged these
weaknesses but accepted the findings with varying degrees of confidence. However, it is
because of the low quality of this research and the lack of Level II and Level III research
on other computer uses that a number of educators and writers maintain that there is
insufficient evidence as to the effectiveness of computers and technology to warrant
expanded use. This idea has been clearly articulated in articles, such as The Computer
Delusion (Oppenheimer, 1997).
multidimensional networks where teachers use CALL to promote person-to-
person interactions in the target language, often with ‘distant others’ beyond the
walls of the classroom, that transcend obstacles of distance and time. . . .
educators can use computers as vehicles both to support new and different
interaction among students and teachers in the target language and to create
opportunities for students to converse with native speakers and others outside of
the classroom and the university (p. 66-67).
This is an excellent example of how our changing ideas about how people learn
has changed the way in which technology has been used in the classroom. But it also
points out that the current relevancy of much of the earlier research is questionable, not
just because patterns of usage have changed, but also because the technology itself has
changed dramatically in just the last few years alone, as has the ways in which it is being
deployed. While this research should not be ignored completely, it does not involve new
technological developments such as the Internet and enhanced networking capabilities. It
must be the role of a new generation of research to provide directions for best practices
for technology in the schools.
In the past decade the use of the computer and related technologies has expanded
from use primarily as an instructional delivery medium to technology as a
transformational tool and integral part of the learning environment. In fact, many
proponents of the current reform efforts see technology as a vital component of a new
educational paradigm in which the curriculum, teaching methods, and student outcomes
are reconceptualized (see Means, 1994). This view was adopted by the U.S. Department
of Education at least as early as 1993. In Using Technology to Support Education
Reform” (United States Department of Education, 1993) it was stated: “technology
supports exactly the kinds of changes in content, roles, organizational climate, and affect
that are at the heart of the reform movement.”2
In these settings the computer and related technologies are serving at least four
distinct purposes: (1) they are used as previously to teach, drill and practice using
increasingly sophisticated digital content; (2) they are used to provide simulations and
real world experiences to develop cognitive thinking and to extend learning; (3) they are
used to provide access to a wealth of information and enhanced communications through
the internet and other related information technologies; and (4) they are used as
productivity tools employing application software such as spreadsheets, data bases, and
word processors, to manage information, to solve problems and to produce sophisticated
products. Line #2 in Figure 2 represents the relationship between the new uses of
technology and the transformed classrooms and new learning environments.
Many documents found online in non-PDF format do not have page numbers. In this paper page number
citations are provided for all hard copy documents in the normal manner. Quotes used without page
number citations are from on-line documents with no page numbers.
One of the central components of school reform is the desire for higher academic
standards and a stronger focus on higher order thinking, problem solving skills, and
learning associated with “real world” applications. To accomplish these ends a new
learning environment for schools is necessary. Proponents of school technology assert
that it is just that type of environment and those types of learning that are facilitated by
the new technology. At the same time there is a predominant belief that the traditional
standardized tests are inadequate to measure the types of learning teachers are now being
asked to teach. This has resulted in a demand for new assessment procedures for the new
learning outcomes. Those new assessments are taking the forms of projects, portfolios,
demonstrations, and new standards-based tests. From this perspective technology cannot
be viewed or evaluated apart from the other major changes that should take place within
the school setting, and is seen as an enabling factor for these other changes. Line #3 in
Figure 2 represents the relationship between the new learning environments and the new
student outcomes and assessments.
Figure 2
New Student
Computers and related New Learning Environments Outcomes and
new technologies #2 Student centered, knowledge #3 Assessments
The computer as a tool centered, assessment centered, Standards-based
community centered, tests, project based
authentic learning, learning and
real world applications demonstration
The changing use of technology reflects the changes in understanding over the
last two decades about how the mind works and how children actually learn. There is a
strong Level I or basic research base that supports these ideas, and the research has direct
implications for how children should best be taught. Collectively, the research has been
called the new “science of learning” (Bransford, Brown & Cocking, 1999), and the
research is truly basic research in nature. The new science of learning is derived from the
findings of researchers in developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, linguistics,
and neuroscience, and coupled with the philosophical ideas of constructivism (Duffy &
Cunningham, 1996). Taken together they serve as the basis for many of the current
beliefs about what and how children should learn in school. “Our understanding of
human learning has . . . evolved (based on a wealth of evidence collected over a wide
range of different domains and media) from a process based on the passive assimilation
of isolated facts to one in which the learner actively formulates and tests hypotheses
about the world, adapting, elaborating and refining internal models that are often highly
procedural in nature”(Shaw & President’s Committee of Advisors on Science and
Technology, 1998). These ideas have been tried by creating technology rich learning
environments in basic research settings, not only in the United States, but also in a
number of other countries (Vosniadou, DeCorte, Glaser, Mandl, 1996).
The National Research Council’s Committee on Developments in the Science of
Learning articulated an idea central to this new understanding of human learning: “A
fundamental tenet of modern learning theory is that different kinds of learning goals
require different approaches to instruction; new goals for education require changes in
opportunities to learn” (Bransford, et al., p. xvi). These new learning opportunities
should take place in learning environments that are student centered, knowledge
centered, assessment centered and community centered, and the new technologies are
seen as consistent with the principles of a new science of learning.3
Key conclusions:
• Because many new technologies are interactive, it is now easier to create
environments in which students can learn by doing, receive feedback, and
continually refine their understanding and build new knowledge.
• Technologies can help people visualize difficult-to-understand concepts, such
as differentiating heat from temperature. Students are able to work with
visualization and modeling software similar to the tools used in nonschool
environments to increase their conceptual understanding and the likelihood of
transfer from school to nonschool settings.
• New technologies provide access to a vast array of information, including
digital libraries, real-world data for analysis, and connections to other people
who provide information, feedback, and inspiration, all of which can enhance the
learning of teachers and administrators as well as students (Bransford, et al., p.
For several years the National Science Foundation has “supported work [that]
focuses on ‘learning about learning’ by emphasizing the integration of theory with
experiments that ground, test, and advance basic understanding of learning and intelligent
behavior”(Sabelli & Kelly, 1998, p. 42). The Learning and Intelligent Systems (LIS)
initiative of the Foundation continues work in this basic research area. Sample
descriptions of the projects provide an insight into the nature of the research being
The National Research Council’s usage of certain terms in describing these learning environments differs
somewhat from the more common usage in education. Learner centered refers “to environments that pay
careful attention to the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and beliefs that learners bring to the educational
setting.” It implies “building on the conceptual and cultural knowledge that students bring with them to the
classroom”—a basic constructivist perspective. Knowledge centered environments “take seriously the
need to help students become knowledgeable by learning in ways that lead to understanding and subsequent
transfer.” In these environments it is important to identify clearly the domains and knowledge to be
learned, including automaticity of skills, but also to help students to develop true understanding.
Assessment centered environments provide students with the opportunity “for feedback and revision and
that what is assessed must be congruent with one’s learning goals.” While both formative and summative
assessments are important, formative assessments are the assessments vital for enhancing student learning.
Community centered environments are where “Students, teachers, and other interested participants share
norms that value learning and high standards.” The term community includes “the classroom as a
community, the school as a community, and the degree to which students, teachers, and administers feel
connected to the larger community of homes, businesses, states, the nation, and even the world.” A
thorough explication of these ideas is provided by Bransford, et al (1999), pages 119-142.
A new generation of computer tutoring systems that adds advanced planning and
natural language components to existing intelligent tutoring systems will be the
focus of a collaboration between two major universities (p. 43).
Researchers will explore spatial competence and its emergence over time at the
cognitive, computational, and neural levels. Such research into spatial learning
has consequences for how we teach in the classroom, particularly in the use of
educational software and in designing information searchers—navigating the
Internet or learning cognitive maps (p. 45).
Are the assertions of the technology proponents in this line of thinking correct?
Does the introduction of extensive technology into the classrooms facilitate the
transformation of the learning experience as envisioned by the advocates, and does the
use of the technology enhance the creation of the new learning environments and the
attainment of the new outcomes?
Taken as a whole, the evaluation reports document the important role that the
computers and related technology played in changing the classrooms over time. David
Dwyer (1992) summed up the classroom transformations this way:
Other ACOT research reports contain phases such as, “a more dynamic learning
experience” and “greater focus on problem solving.” For example, Baker, Gearheart,
Herman, (1989) noted, “more importantly, informal observation suggests the experience
of ACOT itself appears to be resulting in significant new learning experiences for
students and greater attention to complex higher level processing.” However, hard data
were lacking and the researchers from UCLA concluded that new evaluation tools
capable of measuring the complexities of ACOT effects are needed.
Means and Olson (1995) conducted research for the OERI on nine schools from
around the country that had high degrees of technology. They reported changes in the
roles of both the students and teachers, increased motivation and self-esteem, increased
technical skills, the accomplishment of more complex tasks, increased use of more
external resources, increased collaboration among peers, and increased communication
skills during presentations. They concluded: “technology can support fundamental
changes in classrooms and schools with resulting benefits in terms of student motivation,
self direction, and accomplishment” (Means, 1998, p. 1).
Sivin-Kachala and Bialo (1994) reviewed 133 research reviews and reports on
original research projects from between 1990 and 1994, and the process was then
repeated by Sivin-Kachala, Bialo and Langford (1997) who reviewed 219 educational
technology research reviews and reports from 1990 to 1997. Through this process they
concluded that introducing technology into the classroom results in more student-
centered learning, cooperative learning, and teacher/student interaction.
An emerging body of evaluation research in the last three years gives support for
the contention that computers and technology can be important for reforming education
and that it has the potential to alter or transform classrooms, changing what and how
teachers teach and the types of activities in which students engage. Most, if not all, of this
research is qualitative in nature, usually program evaluations conducted in
technologically rich environments and in a variety of educational settings.
A more narrow focus for reviewing research in this line was used by Bracewell,
Breuleux, Laferriere, Benoit, & Abdous (1998). They limited their review to studies of
online technology in the classrooms and adopted the position of Hannafin, Hannafin,
Hooper, Rieber, and Kini (1996) that it is important to change our perspectives from
“learning from media to learning with media.” They believe we should be concerned
with “how human processing changes in distinct, qualitative ways when an individual is
engaged in an intellectual activity using the computer as a tool”(p.392). The reviewers
found that most research concerned learning context and process rather than focusing on
content or learning outcomes. They did cite several descriptive studies and concluded that
“Learning situations become more realistic and authentic as classrooms are getting
online,” and that “Online resources boost student interest and motivation in the classroom
through a greater diversity of learning goals, projects and outcomes.”
It is important to note that not everywhere high levels of computers and related
technologies have been introduced or that everywhere there have been large expenditures
on the technology have these results been obtained. However, from these evaluation
studies emerge two salient factors: (1) the classroom transformations are gradual and take
place over a period of time, generally several years; and most importantly, (2) these
changes are not assured by simply giving teachers computers. Certain factors greatly
increase the likelihood of classroom changes, including:
The importance of teacher training has been widely acknowledged, but unfortunately, a
national study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics (1999)
Perhaps the most pressing research question focuses on how students in the high
technology new learning environments perform on the new assessments of student
learning when compared to students in the more traditional or non-high technology
classrooms. There is a wide belief among technology proponents that the transformation
of the classrooms facilitated by the use of technology will produce positive learning
results not assessed fully by traditional standardized tests. Consequently, there is
reluctance to use the traditional standardized tests to evaluate the impact of the
technology on student learning. This is the line of inquiry is represented by line#3 in
Figure 2.
It is the role of sound experimental (Level II) and evaluation research (Level III) to
determine if student learning is superior in the technology rich new learning
environments. At this point in time there is only a limited amount of such research. As
the President’s Committee stated: “the specific pedagogical applications to which such
theory has given rise in the field of educational technology have thus far been subjected
to only limited (though by no means negligible) rigorous experimental testing”(p.118).
There have been a few attempts to conduct research in this new and difficult area.
A case in point is the research conducted by Stevenson (1998) in Beaufort, South
Carolina. His evaluation of the Anytime, Anywhere Learning program in the Beaufort
County School District showed a positive relationship between laptop computer usage
and academic achievement using standardized test scores, and this relationship was
strongest among free and reduced lunch children. These are encouraging findings, but, as
Stevenson points out, the findings must be accepted with caution because of the non-
experimental nature of the program. While these and other such findings are
encouraging, they generally do not meet the standard of “rigorous empirical testing.”
Instead, the evaluation reflects the real world in which educational researchers attempt to
conduct their research, rather than the controlled atmosphere of a laboratory setting.
Bracewell & Laferriere (1996) reviewed the research using the New Information
and Communication Technologies (NICT) of the 1990’s. In many of the studies they
reviewed, the purpose and usage of the computers and technology closely resemble the
usage represented by lines #2 and #3 in Figure 2. They draw 14 conclusions
[generalizations] from the research, including:
person, thereby ensuring more thorough assimilation of the many things learned
In support for the first generalizations the reviewers cite research conducted by Newman
(1994), Scardmalia, Bereiter, and Lamon (1994), Padron and Waxman (1996), the
Cognition and Technology Group at Vanderbilt (1991; 1994), and a few others. In
support of the second generalization they cite Lafer and Markert (1994), Heidmann,
Waldman and Moretti (1996) and McKinnon, Nolan and Sinclair (1996). In support of
the third generalization they cite only Dwyer (1994) and Barron and Goldman (1994).
The best that can be said at this point in time is that there are some strong
perceptions that students are learning more or achieving different learning outcomes in
these transformed learning environments. These perceptions are the result of qualitative
research, program evaluations, anecdotal information and only a very few quantitative
studies providing any evidence. The program evaluation studies mentioned earlier in this
section provide reports from teachers, students, and their parents about the learning
increases resulting from the technology. They also noted that the technology seemed to
have the greatest affect on at-risk or normally low achieving students. Similarly, a
national survey of 21 states (Solmon, 1998) reported that a large percentage of teachers
believed that technology is “a powerful tool for helping them improve student
learning”(p. 2). One of the few quantitative studies examined the role of online
communications in schools (Center for Applied Special Technology, 1996) and found
that “students with online access perform better. . . . The results show significantly
higher scores on measurements of information management, communication, and
presentation of ideas for experimental groups with online access than for control groups
with no access.” These are the types of learning outcomes that reform proponents are
seeking, but that are not readily apparent in the traditional standardized tests, nor have the
results been replicated in a variety of settings.
Currently, the efforts to conduct research on the effects of the new learning
environments is handicapped because at the present there are few satisfactory assessment
tools that meet traditional research standards, or where they are in use they have not been
used long enough to allow for meaningful research. The CEO Forum on Education and
Technology (1999), half way through its four year plan, has stated: “In its final year
[2001], the CEO Forum will address the important question of how to measure the impact
of technology on student achievement . . .”(p. 32). The change in desired learning
outcomes has not yet produced valid and reliable measures of those learnings. Until this
happens, solid evidence one way or the other will not be forthcoming.
or funding. Line #4 in Figure 3 represents the relationship between increases in access to
technology and achievement as measured by the standardized tests.
In many schools the increase of computers and related technology is also coupled
with a wide range of other school reforms that makes it very difficult, if not impossible,
to isolate the technology component to imply any type of cause and effect relationship.
In this line of research, the restructured classroom or school, which technology is seen as
enhancing, is the focus. Line #5 in Figure 3 represents the relationship between the new
learning environments and achievement as measured by the standardized tests.
Figure 3
Standardized Tests
Measures of
(basic skills,
New Student
Computers and related New Learning Environments Outcomes and
new technologies #2 Student centered, knowledge #3
The computer as a tool centered, assessment centered, Standards-based
community centered, tests, project based
authentic learning, learning and
real world applications demonstration
reviews (Figure 1, line #1) and for the conclusions of the ACOT study that found that
computers are effective for basic skills instruction when that is their designed purpose.
However, the researchers point out that the instructional design of the program was ten
years old and “makes little use of project-based learning and other constructivist
curricular approaches that are the leading edge of learning technology today.” Therefore,
those who point to this research as supporting the increased availability and use of
technology in the classrooms in general or for transformational purposes are using the
findings inappropriately.
The Idaho Council for Techno logy in Learning (1999) conducted research on the
effect of the technology initiative in Idaho. Researchers examined the test score gains,
technology usage patterns, and technology literacy along with five other elements of the
initiative. The sample consisted of over 35,000 8th and 11th grade students, and the
researchers concluded “There is a positive relationship between academic performance in
core studies, language, math, and reading and the integration of technology in Idaho’s K-
12 schools (p. vii).” They also concluded that the gains were greater for 8th graders than
for 11th graders and that the differences between the academic gains of Idaho students
with high exposure to computers over a four year period and the academics gains of those
students who had little interaction with computers over that same time were practical and
educationally meaningful. The technology factors that were the strongest predictors of
achievement gains were the ability to choose the appropriate software tool, the amount of
computer use at school, exposure to Internet and email use, and the amount of computer
use at home.
All of this suggests that computers are neither cure-alls for the problems facing
schools, nor mere fads that have no impact on student learning. Rather, when
they are properly used, computers may serve as important tools for improving
student proficiency in mathematics, as well as the overall learning environment
in the school. (p. 4)
A study in New Jersey that examined larger reform efforts, of which computers
and technology were an important part (Figure 3, line #5), produced much less positive
results. Fenster (1998) examined the effect of the New Jersey Statewide Systemic
Initiative on student learning, a $15 million four and a half year effort. The program
followed many of the current reform design components and sought to increase academic
standards, to provide a hands-on approach to instruction, to place an emphasis on higher-
order thinking skills, to use new assessments, and to incorporate technology into the
classrooms. No achievement gains of any type were found, and there were evidently
significant problems with the way the program was implemented. “The SSI’s 1994-1997
strategy—pay for everything and hope for the best was, at the same time E & L
(expensive and limited)”(p. 28). Fenster reported a “fundamental tension” in the SSI
program—“depth vs. breadth of reach.” The program evolved to the point of working
“with as many schools as possible, even if it meant that each school was only getting a
very small benefit from affiliating with an SSI.” The $3 million per year budget was
spread over several hundred schools, and in 44 percent of those schools professional
development with 1 or 2 teachers was the extent of the activities.
With a $3 million year budget, NJSSI tried to influence k-12 education in New
Jersey, a $12-13 billion dollar a year business. Put another way, for every
$4000 spent on k-12 public school in education in New Jersey, NJSSI spends
$1. What is realistic to expect for that $1?
These findings clearly point out that such broad efforts accomplish little, and that if
schools are to be reformed and if technology is to help in that transformation, in-depth
and focused programs are more likely to produce desirable results.
This theme has been picked up by several states. For example, the Washington
State Technology Plan for K-12 Common Schools (1995)—states: “The intent of the
integration of technology under the Reform Act is to add a catalyst and technological
factor, which combined with other reform efforts will help schools become learning
environments which empower students to successfully attain the new state learning
goals.” This same idea is reflected in the Computer Network Study Project by the Texas
Education Agency (1999). This agency recommends that educators need to “Identify,
develop, and disseminate assessment methodologies and tools to determine the impact of
technology and its contribution to student performance” and to “Explore through
methdologically sound pilot projects, the impact of technology use on instruction, student
performance and behaviors, and campus and district administration.”
What might be concluded from these large relationship studies? The findings
reinforce that computers and technology can be an important component of educational
reform and related to student learning, as in the cases of the ACOT, West Virginia, Idaho,
New York, and ETS studies. However, the ETS and New Jersey results clearly support
the findings from other categories of research that indicate that computers and technology
alone will accomplish little, and that how it is used and how a particular program is
planned and implemented is equally, if not more, important.
There are many people who advocate increasing technology in the schools
because of the need for our children to be technologically literate for success in the
Twenty-First Century, and that this literacy is best achieved in classrooms where the
technology is an integral part of the environment and where it is used as a daily tool for
learning and solving real-world problems. Much of the general public supports increasing
technology in the schools for this reason. An interesting finding emerged from a program
evaluation in Washington State (Fouts & Stuen, 1999). When 50 parents were
the reasons given for believing in the importance of increased technology in the
schools focused almost exclusive on the ideas that “technology is the wave of
the future” and that “these kids will need technological skills to get good jobs
when they get out into the real world.” Even when pressed on the topic, only
two of the fifty parents (a medical doctor and a mother who was herself an
elementary teacher who used technology in her classroom) could articulate the
importance of computers and technology for helping to reform education and
change the nature of classroom activities, teaching and learning (p. 48).
Line #6 in Figure 4 represents the relationship between the new learning environments
and technological literacy.
Figure 4
New Student
Computers and related New Learning Environments Outcomes and
new technologies #2 Student centered, knowledge #3
The computer as a tool centered, assessment centered, Standards-based
community centered, tests, project based
authentic learning, learning and
real world applications demonstration
The arrow on Line #6 in Figure 3 points in both directions. This signifies the
symbiotic relationship between the means and the outcome in this instance. The
development of the new learning environments is dependent to some degree on having
students with technology literacy skills (such as word processing and on-line capabilities)
sufficient to function in the environments. Functioning in the environments over time
should further develop the technology skills. In current practice this has led to the
tendency to teach the technology skills “just in time,” that is, just preceding the need for
the skill within the environment or integrated with the learning activity.
Surprisingly, there has been little research conducted in this entire area. Results
from a variety of program evaluation studies (e.g. Rockman Et Al, 1998b) show that
students at a variety of ages are quite capable of learning a wide range of technology
skills, but the research has not yet focused on technology as a basic skill with standards
set for specific ages. A few states have adopted technology standards for various grade
levels. The International Technology Education Association (1996) has produced
Technology for All Americans: A Rationale and Structure for the Study of Technology,
and the International Society for Technology in Education has released the product from
the National Educational Standards Project (NETS), National Educational Technology
Standards for Students—Connecting Curriculum and Technology (2000). However, at
this point in time there is little evidence that researchers have focused on the relationship
between the new learning environments and technological skills. The new standards in
this area should provide clear outcomes suitable for research and evaluation purposes.
Distance education has been part of the educational landscape for generations.
From the earliest days of correspondence courses, to the days of electronic course
delivery through radio, television, and satellite, to the more recent developments of
electronic course delivery via the Internet, educators have asked if students who take
courses away from the teacher and the traditional classroom setting learn as much or as
well as do students who are face to face with the teacher and/or part of a larger learning
group. Line #7 in Figure 5 represents the relationship between distance learning (which
now often employs some form of computers or related technology) and traditional
measures of student learning.
Figure 5
Russell has catalogued and summarized 355 research reports from 1928 to the
present that show a consistent pattern throughout the years—students in distance
learning, irrespective of the delivery system, perform equally as well as do students
receiving traditional classroom instruction. Time and time again through his catalogue of
studies the statistical phrase “no significant difference,” or its equivalent is highlighted in
bold print. Three recent examples of the findings are typical:
There were ‘no significant differences’ in the test scores for the classes
measured . . . same class, same instructor, same audience, same exam—just
different format (Clark, 1999).
The results of this paper have shown that when virtual lectures are used in place
of traditional delivery methods there is no significant difference in the
attainment level as measured by end of year examination marks (Smeaton &
Keogh, 1999).
It must be pointed out that many of these studies were conducted on college students, but
a sufficient number have been conducted using high school students with identical
findings to provide a broad generalization about the efficacy of distance education and
electronic media delivery formats. The research suggests that student can learn equally
well when instruction or learning activities take place apart from the traditional classroom
As often seems to be the case in the educational research area, the research and
these conclusions are not without its critics. The Institute for Higher Education Policy
(1999) was commissioned by the National Education Association and the American
Federation of Teachers to conduct a review of the research. In that review, What’s the
Difference: A Review of Contemporary Research on the Effectiveness of Distance
Learning in Higher Education, the reviewers were less accepting of the findings, and
urged “a more cautious view of the effectiveness of distance education”(p. 1) than the
one adopted by Russell. They concluded: “A closer look at the research, however,
reveals that it may not be prudent to accept these findings at face value. . . . The most
significant problem is that the overall quality of the original research is questionable
and thereby renders many of the findings inconclusive” (p. 3). In a critique that
sounds much like the critique of the research in the computer assisted instruction research
(line #1 above), the weaknesses cited include the failure to control for extraneous
variables resulting in an inability to establish cause and effect, and non-randomization—
in essence, not good experimental research.
Another salient point worth mentioning is that they noted a higher degree of
course student dropout among the distance learning students. This suggests that the
efficacy of distance learning may be limited to certain types of students. McIsaac and
Gunawardena (1996) looked at a number of research reports on this topic and suggest that
“some combination of cognitive style, personality characteristics and self-expectations
can be predictors of success in distance education programs. It appears that those
students who are most successful in distance learning situations tend to be independent,
autonomous learners who prefer to control their own learning situations”(pp. 424-425).
However, these findings were not conclusive and McIssac and Gunawardena suggest that
much further research in this area is needed.
Finally, school district technology funding programs often include various types of
technology designated specifically for administrative and/or teacher use. Similar to
American businesses, these expenditures are designed to increase efficiency and
productivity of the users in a variety of administrative and communication areas. The
relationship between computers and technology for administrative purposes and
increased production and efficiency is represented in Figure 6 by the line labeled #8. To
date, there has been little, if any, research that has examined the effect of technology on
the administrative, productivity and communication patterns in schools because of the
Figure 6
Technology as an
Educational #8 Increased
Management/Efficiency Tool Production and
(record keeping, grades, Communications
budgeting, parent and inter\
intra-school communications)
Policy makers and educators who ask the broad question, “What does the research
say about the effectiveness of computers in schools?” are faced with the problem of
asking a question that has many potential answers. The answer depends, in part, on
whether or not a particular line of research has been addressed by researchers over a
period of time long enough to produce a substantial body of findings. Given the wide
range of uses of the computers and technology in the schools and the different purposes
to which they are employed, when combined, these lines of research have presented a
substantial challenge to researchers. The complex nature of the overall lines of research
is shown in Figure 7. Below is a summary of the status and research findings in each of
the areas.
Figure 7
New Student
Computers and related New Learning Environments Outcomes and
new technologies #2 Student centered, knowledge #3 Assessments
The computer as a tool centered, assessment centered, Standards-based
community centered, tests, project based
authentic learning, learning and
real world applications demonstration
#6 Technological
Technology as an
Educational #8 Increased
Management/Efficiency Tool Production and
(record keeping, grades, Communications
budgeting, parent and inter\
intra-school communications)
Line #1 -- The Computer as Tutor and Surrogate Teacher
• This line of research has produced hundreds of Level II studies over the past several
decades. While there are methodological problems with much of the research, there is
some degree of general concurrence that
Ø when combined with traditional instruction, the use of computers can increase
student learning in the traditional curriculum and basic skills area.
Ø the integration of computers with traditional instruction produces higher academic
achievement in a number of subject areas than does traditional instruction alone.
Ø students learn more quickly and with greater retention when learning with the aid
of computers.
Ø students like learning with computers, and their attitudes toward learning and
school are positively affected by computer use.
Ø effective and adequate teacher training is an integral element of successful learning
programs based on or assisted by technology.
• The simple introduction of computers and related technology into the classrooms
does not guarantee these results, however. There are many other factors involved,
such as instructional design and software sophistication, that play important roles in
the process.
• Because of the methodological flaws in the studies, as Cuban and Kirkpatrick (1998)
point out, the profession “can accept, conditionally accept, or reject the positive
research findings”(p. 29). However, whether one accepts these conclusions or rejects
them to some degree is a moot point because much of the computer usage,
technological capabilities, and methods of deployment today differ to such a degree
that it is a mistake to justify increases in technology by generalizing from these
• There is a strong Level I or basic research base that supports these ideas, and the
research has direct implications for how children should best be taught. Collectively,
the research has been called the new “science of learning”. It is derived from the
findings of researchers in developmental psychology, cognitive psychology,
linguistics, and neuroscience, and coupled with the philosophical ideas of
constructivism. The Level I research is extensive, but it does not qualify as, in the
words of the President’s Committee, rigorous empirical testing.
• Basic research in this new science of learning continues at a fast pace. There is a
growing body of research that indicates that the computer and related technologies,
when combined with teacher training and support, can be a transformational agent and
help create new learning environments as suggested by the basic research and as
envisioned by educational reformers.
• Level II and Level III research has not kept pace with the basic research and
formative studies in educational reform. There is general concurrence that, apart from
qualitative data, observations and student, teacher, and researcher perceptions, there is
not an adequate amount of experimental or program evaluation data to provide
evidence of increased student learning in the new environments.
• These studies are generally non-experimental, ex post facto in design, and rely on
various multivariate statistical analyses in an attempt to control for confounding
variables to isolate the technology variable, and usually use traditional measures of
achievement. In some studies the increase of computers and related technology is also
coupled with a wide range of other school reforms that makes it very difficult, if not
impossible, to isolate the technology component to imply any type of cause and effect
• The findings from these studies show that computers and technology can be an
important component of educational reform and related to student learning. The
results clearly support the findings from other categories of research that indicate that
computers and technology alone will accomplish little, and that how it is used and
how a particular program is planned and implemented is equally, if not more,
• There has been little research conducted in this entire area. New technology
standards produced by the professional associations and others adopted by various
states should provide clear outcomes suitable for research and evaluation purposes.
• There is a large body of research that suggests that students can learn equally well
when instruction or learning activities take place apart from the traditional classroom
• The research has been criticized for lacking the qualities of good experimental
• A higher drop-out rate among students in distance learning has been noted,
suggesting that the experience may be more appropriate for certain types of people.
To date, there has been little, if any, research that has examined the effect of technology
on the administrative, productivity and communication patterns in schools because of the
“Research Serving the Profession:”
A Research Agenda for Technology and the Schools
In recent years there have been numerous calls for extended research activities in
the area of technology, learning, and schools. These calls have come from a variety of
organizations, including the President Committee of Advisors on Science and
Technology (Shaw & PCAST, 1998), the National Science Foundation (Guzdial &
Weingarten, 1995), the National Research Council (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking,
1999), private charitable foundations, (Milken Exchange on Educational Technology,
1998a, 1998b), and research institutes such as the RAND Corporation (Glennan &
Melmed, 1996). There is a general concurrence among professional educators and others
that there is insufficient empirical evidence on the value of computers and related
technologies to student learning. While the Level I or basic research base is substantial,
and increasing at a very fast rate, there is not an adequate amount of quality experimental
and program evaluation evidence “desirable from a public policy viewpoint”(Shaw &
PCAST, p. 117).
Although many people in education and government have called for an organized
research agenda with substantial federal and private funding, this has not yet happened.
While there is good research being conducted (particularly at the basic research level),
much of it is being conducted in an uncoordinated manner. In the minds of many people,
educational reform and technology are so closely tied together as to be inseparable. A
carefully planned agenda with funded research priorities can produce valuable
information for educators to further the reform efforts.
The basic research comprising the new “science of learning” is substantial and
increasing rapidly. However, it is appropriate here to mention again the sentiment
expressed in the early pages of this paper. The history of education is replete with
examples of pedagogical methods derived from basic research findings being
implemented in the classrooms, only to discover later that they accomplished little. The
implications of the new science of learning must be tested through sound empirical
research, and there is evidence that little of this type of research is being conducted.
Jones and Paolucci (1998) reviewed 834 articles from the leading research journals in
educational technology from 1991 through 1996. They found that “only 12% . . . of work
is of an empirical and objective nature.” Further analysis of those articles led them to
conclude that “approximately 5% of total research is conducted using formal methods
such as control groups with comparative learning outcomes”(p. 12). There is a consensus
that the experimental/Level II research has not kept pace with the basic research on
human learning.
The rigorous empirical testing so needed in this area has been greatly handicapped
by the lack of valid and reliable instruments that assess the new standards that have
become the focus of the reform efforts. Results from a national survey of 21 states
(Solmon, 1998) found that only 21% of the districts “frequently use technology in student
assessment efforts”(p. 3). Researchers are handicapped by the lack of acceptable
instruments for outcome assessments. There is a critical need for researchers to work
with educators to develop assessment methodologies that are formative in nature for the
purpose of improving instruction and learning in the classroom, and to develop
assessment procedures that are satisfactory for research purposes and for high-stakes
summative assessments tied to online capabilities.
Recent research has shown that teachers have difficulty finding appropriate
software for their classes (Education Week & the Milken Exchange on Education
Technology, 1999). For example:
Ø 59% of the teachers say it is somewhat or very difficult to find appropriate
Ø As the grade level increases, the difficulty of finding software increases.
Ø Only 12% of the teachers say they have lists of titles that match curriculum
The full potential of the technology is, at times, limited because of these problems.
Extensive research and development is needed to develop digital content appropriate for
the various age levels and tied closely to the state standards, learning outcomes, and
assessments that are such an important part of the reform efforts.
Research on and evaluation of the role of technology in the schools has been and
will continue to be handicapped by a lack of consensus on clear goals or stated purposes
of the programs.
The blurry picture stems mainly from a muddling of the aims for technology in
schools. Three distinct purposes compete for resources. Policy makers and
administrators seldom distinguish between calls for computers in the classroom
for the sake of ensuring that students are computer literate, calls for computers
in the classroom for more and better learning via computers (that is, acquiring
academic content and basic skills, including higher-order thinking skills such as
analysis and problem solving), and calls for computers to alter the classroom’s
social organization so as to make it more student-centered (Cuban &
Kirkpatrick, 1998, p. 26).
Practitioners, researchers, and evaluators must clarify what is expected of the technology
before meaningful research and evaluation can take place.
The fact that virtually all segments of society have changed dramatically by
information technologies and will continue to change in the future cannot be ignored.
Schools must be a part of these changes and research should proceed with the assumption
that technology is and will continue to be a growing element within the schools. As the
President’s Committee stated,
the principal goal of such empirical work should not be to answer the question
of whether computers can be effectively used within the school. The probability
that elementary and secondary education will prove to be the one information-
based industry in which computer technology does not have a natural role would
at this point appear to be so low as to render unconscionably wasteful any
research that might be designed to answer this question alone (Shaw & PCAST,
1998, p. 121).
Therefore, any research agenda must be seen as a concerted effort to answer the broadest
research question--“How are the new technologies best used in education?”-- rather than
“Should the new technologies be used in education?”
The basic or Level I research (the new science of learning) is extensive and
growing. This basic research should continue through the work of the National Science
Foundation’s LIS program, various universities, and other appropriate organizations.
However, there is a strong consensus that the Level II and III research has not kept pace,
and that is where the most immediate need for research is to be found. As Bonnie
Grossen (1996) pointed out, “One huge problem with our current professional knowledge
base is that many experimental practices have been allowed to jump from Level I
research straight into the professional cannon” (p. 22). This is a current criticism of
technology use. Therefore, the immediate priority is for Level II and Level III research.
In the sections below are suggested guidelines for further research and
development, and guidelines for further Level II and Level III research in the area of
technology and education. The sections are organized along the lines of research
identified earlier, with modifications and expanded where appropriate. No list of
questions could be complete because research questions are often developed from the
findings of the most recent research, which is not static, but is rather an on-going process.
The research questions listed below are not meant to be all inclusive, but are sample
questions representing the areas of focus that need further attention.
It seems doubtful that technology will be used exclusively in this manner in the
future. This type of usage is only one of several tasks that technology is being asked to
perform in the new learning environments. However, as the basic research on the science
of learning continues our understanding of human learning will change even more from
behaviorism to reflect the findings of cognitive science. Inevitably then, the focus and
instructional design of the educational software should change. The ability of technology
to perform this function will depend, in part, on the nature of the content standards
adopted by states and local districts. Glennan & Melmed (1996) have stated, “Such
software, keyed to the content standards of states and local districts, is important for
realizing the full potential of computers.”
Dickey and Roblyer (1997) have proposed an interesting line of inquiry regarding
the nation’s use of the NAEP and TIMSS [traditional type] assessments to evaluate the
health of American education. Given the emphasis on technology for reform they state:
“. . . there is no evidence on NAEP or TIMSS of ‘technology-active’ questions—that is,
questions that can be answered correctly only if students have a strong background in
technology use. As of now, little research has explored the hypothesized relationships
presented here between technology use and test skills”(p. 57).
Sample Questions:
• Are the content standards adopted by states and local districts appropriate for teaching
through technology applications alone?
• Is it cost efficient to teach certain content standards or basic skills through
• Is technology instruction for basic skills an appropriate use of the technology in the
new learning environments?
• Is computer based learning with sophisticated digital content compatible with the new
learning environments?
• Does the use of the technology in this manner have differential effects on various
groups of students (such as age and at-risk groups)?
• Does new digital content with instructional design based on the science of learning
principles produce greater learning in students than does software with instructional
design based on behaviorism and reductionist assumptions?
• Does technology enhanced instruction provide the types of learning measured by the
NAEP and TIMSS assessments?
• Does technology enhanced instruction effect student performance on the NAEP and
TIMSS assessments?
This is the broadest area for further research. Considerable work has been done in
this area, but there is still much left to do.
Research over the last several years has shown that technology can be a valuable
force for creating a new learning environment. We have learned some of what it takes
for the technology to be used in a way to help transform the classroom. Certain factors
greatly increase the likelihood of classroom changes, including lower student to computer
ratio, teacher ownership of the reform efforts, extensive teacher training and planning
time, and high levels of technological and administrative support. However, there is still
much we do not know. Continuing research is needed to answer questions in a number of
• What kinds of training are most effective for helping teachers use high-quality
instructional programs?
• Are there general integration skills that can be taught to all teachers, or are the
integration skills dependent on subject matter?
• What do teachers need to know about the learning processes to be able to use
technology to its full potential?
• What do teachers need to know about the technology itself?
• How much time is needed for teachers to learn, to reflect, to absorb discoveries,
and adapt practices?
• How much time is needed for teachers to design integrated, engaging and
personalized learning experiences?
• What is the best way to use technology to facilitate teacher learning?
There is evidence from earlier research on computer assisted instruction and from
qualitative evaluation studies on the new learning environments that the technology
seems to be particularly beneficial to low achieving or at-risk students. Kirkpatrick and
Cuban (1998) synthesized the research on gender differences and computer use and found
that “the inequalities are alarming”(p. 58). There is also a strong need for researchers to
identify the most appropriate technology activities and types of learning that can be
enhanced with technology. The recent brain research findings strongly suggest that
different intellectual skills are developmental, with learning windows at various age
levels. All of these student characteristics provide areas for further research.
• How much time and access to technology does a student need to affect learning?
• What computer and related technology skills are most appropriate for the different
age groups of children?
• What types of learning enhanced by technology are most appropriate for the
different age groups of children?
• What is the effect of technology rich classrooms and teaching on at-risk students?
• What is the effect of technology rich classrooms and teaching on students from
lower-socio-economic backgrounds?
• What is the effect of technology rich classrooms and teaching on low achieving
• What is the effect of technology rich classrooms and teaching on gifted students?
• Do boys and girls respond differently to or function differently in the new
learning environments?
• Does creating a technologically rich learning environment handicap some
Subject Matter
Research findings from the cognitive sciences and the study of experts in various
fields have shown that the different content areas, such as science, mathematics, and
history, have different organizing properties (Shaw & PCAST, 1999). This implies that
the ideal nature of a learning environment may differ depending on what subject is being
taught or that some subjects may lend themselves more readily to learning certain types
of cognitive skills.
This is the single most pressing issue demanding researcher attention. The
remarkable advances in brain research and the cognitive sciences have greatly advanced
our understanding of how people think and how they learn. However, educators have not
been able to show through “rigorous empirical testing” that students have learned more in
the new learning environments suggested by the Level I research and the new science of
Barbara Means (1998) from SRI has stated that, “if positive impact of technology
cannot be decisively demonstrated within the next few years, the public will castigate the
perpetrators of this latest, and most expensive, educational ‘fad’.” The President’s
Committee (Shaw & PCAST, 1998) concluded that “considerably less empirical research
has been done on the effectiveness of constructivist applications of technology than on
traditional, tutorial-based applications” (p. 119), but that in these new environments
“attempts to isolate the effects of technology as a distinct independent variable may be
both difficult and unproductive”(p. 121).
This places researchers in a very difficult situation. On the one hand they must
attempt to demonstrate the value that technology has to learning, while on the other hand,
it is generally recognized that it is very difficult, perhaps even unproductive, to isolate the
technology variable from the overall learning environment and resulting instructional
Assessment, the transformed classroom, and student learning.
• What is the domain of cognitive tasks or other skills expected within the new
learning environments?
• Do the cognitive tasks and skills differ by subject or content area?
• How do these cognitive skills and tasks interact with subject matter knowledge?
• What are appropriate cognitive tasks and skills for each age level?
• How can these cognitive tasks and skills best be measured within the classroom?
• How can technology be best used to provide immediate feedback on student
• How can technology be best used to publish and aggregate student work and to
communicate the results?
• How does the use of technology in the assessment situation affect the results?
• How do these cognitive tasks and skills align with high stakes assessments such
as NAEP, TIMSS, and the new standards-based tests?
• What assessment skills do teachers need to conduct the type of assessments
needed to improve student learning?
• What is the best training and professional development for teachers to obtain
these skills?
• What is the domain of cognitive tasks and other skills expected of all students?
• Do the cognitive tasks and skills differ by subject or content area?
• What are appropriate cognitive tasks and skills for each age level?
• How can these cognitive tasks and skills best be measured on a large scale?
• How can technology be best used to assess these skills?
• How can on-line assessments be best used to enhance student learning and for
accountability purposes?
• Are high stakes assessment results affected by student use of technology to take
the test?
• What is the most cost-efficient way to conduct large-scale high-stakes
assessments that incorporate the types of learning enhanced by technology?
The degree to which technology will be successfully integrated into the nation’s
classrooms is tied to the much larger job of restructuring the schools and classrooms in
the more general sense. For example, research from the New American Schools project
(Bodilly, 1998; Glennan, 1998) has shown that school and classroom changes are
dependent on many factors including strong leadership and trust between the school and
central office. It may be that where true school reform is or has taken place, it is much
more likely that technology will be used as an integral part of learning and the overall
schooling experience. Therefore, it may be that focusing exclusively on technology
research is too narrow of a focus. It may be most advantageous to examine the
technology in the broader context of overall school reform.
Sample questions:
• How do the different school reform models best make use of technology?
• What institutional factors prevent technology from being part of the overall school
reform efforts?
• How can teachers best be made to feel a sense of ownership of the school reform
• How can technology be used to facilitate overall school reforms?
Computers, New Learning Environments, and Technological Literacy—
Directions for Further Research
Sample Questions:
There is evidence that traditional distance education delivery modes have produced
similar levels of learning, among at least some students. However, technological
advancements have provided the opportunity for new forms of distance education
through on-line opportunities, and interactive and video conferencing. The challenge will
be to develop compelling curricula and to use the technology in such a way as to provide
a comparable type of learning experience as that provided in the new learning
environments based on constructivist ideas.
Sample questions:
• What training do teachers need to delivery this type of distance education?
Technology has transformed the wo rk and work environment in many other sectors
of society. It has, and will continue to have, the potential to redesign and automate
business processes, create new business formats, products and services, to reduce costs,
to improve quality, and to improve access to information and communication. It has
allowed the transformation of organizations from hierarchical command/control to
flat/fast learning organizations. Understanding this transformational potential is an
important area of “design research” drawing from “best practices” in other sectors.
Sample questions:
• How can technology best be used to improve district and school productivity in
areas such as communications, scheduling, and record keeping?
• How can technology best be used to improve teacher personal productivity in the
areas of student assessment, record keeping, and communications with students
and parents?
• How can technology best be used to enhance accountability?
• How can on-line assessments best be used to enhance student learning and for
accountability purposes?
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