The Teacher's Diary (Bautista, Jasmine Ann)
The Teacher's Diary (Bautista, Jasmine Ann)
The Teacher's Diary (Bautista, Jasmine Ann)
Teachers Diary was the title of the movie because the story revolves
about the diary of Ann who happens to be a previous teacher in a rural
area in Thailand where the school is located in the middle of river where
there is no electricity, no internet, as well as cell phone signal. This Diary
becomes an inspiration to the present teacher “Teacher Song” all the
physical difficulties and yet again facing loneliness, a loneliness that is
outlined by what becomes the symbol of the two main characters, with
Teacher Song finding Ann’s diary and immediately identifying himself in
her, with all the troubles, all the challenges that had to be faced in order
to survive. The Diary becomes the connetion of Teacher Ann and
Teacher Song.
The movie made me realize lot of things in life and as a future educator. It taught me right morals
and things that are not suppose to be done as a teacher. The lessons applicable in teaching that I
learned in the movie is that a teacher is also a human, they face their own problems and struggles in
life and they have dreams that they want to achive. Teachers sacrifice most of their times, they are
busy with the things about school, students, school activities, reports rather that their personal life
but one thing I know for sure, they did not complain. complain. They know that their profession is a
lifetime responsibility. Like our parents, that’s why we also call them as our second parents. Being a
teacher is not only a job, it is a profession. A profession that requires you to be determined
and dedicated. You can’t be a teacher because you just want to. Persons who endure pain and
challenges just to continue doing their obligation, to teach the young ones. Who is brave enough to
go out of theiro comfort zone to adapt and understand all kinds of situation, to think about how can
they effectively teach the learners. And a teacher should never stop learning. And for the students,
there is one scene that made me think too, it was when Chon stop coming to school to help his
father in fishing, when Teacher Song volunteer to help Chon's father instead, It made me realize
how important education is for a child. As a future educator, I will not just teach students, I will
motivate them to study, I will nurture them, love and understand them.
The learning is facilitated in the movie by teacher Ann and Teacher Song, they always
guide and support their students in order for them to learn and solve problems. The
learners are all poor and had so many problems with their studies and family. They faced
lots of challenges with their studies. One of the students in the remote area need to stop
going to school because of a family problem. The students failed but, given a chance to try
again until they become successful. With the help, guidance and support from their
teacher they carried them all trials. The teacher are the facilitator of learning, they guide,
help, motivate, inspire, and support all the students in order for them to achive their goals.
Teacher Ann facilitated learning by helping Chon solve a math problems, she explained
how to get the answer step by step to Chon to help him understand more on how to solve
that problem. Teacher Song facilitated learning by helping the students understand what
a train is, he made the floating house to be like a train, he discuss and explain what is a
train and the students understand it.
The teaching philosophies of Teacher Ann are Essentialism, Progressivism, Existentialism
and Social Reconstructionism. Essentialism is one of the teaching philosophy of Teacher
Ann because she focus on the basic knowledge and skills of her students. Teacher Ann first
ask her students their names, she tuaght them how to read, write and how to solve a math
problems. Progressivism is one of the teaching philosophy of Teacher Ann too because she
let the students learn-by-doing. When she ask their names, she let them do movements or
gestures. Teacher Ann also wants her students to develop their needs and interest.
Existentialism is one of the teaching philosophy of Teacher Ann because provides individual
atmosphere for the development of learners, because her students are in different grades,
one student is grade one, the other are grades 2 to 6. And Social Reconstructionism is also
one of the teaching philosophy of Teacher Ann because was teaching an indigenous
students. Teacher Song was influenced by Teacher Ann's teaching philosophies because he
relates the experience of Teacher Ann, he was experiencing all of the things that Teacher
Ann experienced. At first, Teacher Song don't know what to do for his students, but when
he found Teacher Ann:s diary, he was inspired and motivated to teach these students.
Through Teacher Ann's Diary, Teacher Song learned what teaching is all about.