Reflection of Taare Zameen Par

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Sara Zuniga

General Pedagogy
Group: V114
Teacher: Kenia Obando

Reflection of Taare Zameen Par

The movie reflects one of the most cases seen in education regarding students and teachers.
Some teachers lack the patience and knowledge of dealing with kids with special needs. The
case of Ishaan is a great example of how the life of a child can affect his performance in
school. We can easily see how he is a very curious and special boy, he likes building puzzles
and gets easily distracted with things he sees on a daily basis. People in his life are always
making fun of him and telling him that he is not very smart or that he needs to do better
including his parents. He shows problems with his reading, writing and solving math
operations even though he is in third grade.
Showing problems in things as basic as reading and writing should raise concerns in teachers
and they should try different strategies to help the children achieve these goals. They should
find games or exercises that could help stimulate their knowledge and improve their
concentration. If the problem persists after applying different strategies, they should talk to
the parents in order for them to do tests and determine if the child has a more serious
problem. Is wrong to assume the child is lazy or stupid, that shows that the teacher doesn’t
have the proper knowledge or experience with kids with this type of problems. In the movie,
an example of this is how badly Ishaan is doing in school, how he is showing behavioral
problems and the solution in his father's eyes is sending him to a boarding school where he
feels out of place and is constantly mocked for being different. Analyzing his case further, we
could infer that he has dyslexia and needs a lot of help with his understanding and patience
from his teachers.
Early on in the film, we see that they tried to portray teachers as mean and only interested in
teaching. In boarding school, we see that all of Ishaan’s teachers are mean, authoritarian and
would use violence towards the students. The difference comes when the new art teacher
comes, and he tries to make connections with the students and is interested in seeing how
each of them portray their imagination with drawings and colors. We see the difference
between the older teachers and him. He knows that kids need slow and sweet teaching,
because their brains are still developing and dont have prior knowledge on many subjects.
There is a scene where the teachers are having lunch and the art teacher is looking for a space
to put the children’s drawings and the other teachers tell him that is not necessary or
important to keep them and they proceed to make fun of his teaching methods and tell him
that he should not care about the students. He said that art class is the place where children
express their emotions.
Most of the teachers in the film are controllers, which means that they are in charge of the
class and the activities. They transmit the knowledge and hope the students get it, not
stopping to see if all of them are actually learning at the same pace or are understanding
everything that is being teached. In the case of Nikumbh, we can see him as a prompter,
which means he allows his students to solve problems by themselves and express themselves
freely through songs or free drawing activities.
Sara Zuniga
General Pedagogy
Group: V114
Teacher: Kenia Obando

Most of the time, teachers like Nikumbh are easily remembered by students as the years go
by because they were able to create a safe learning space and created connections with each
student. In the movie, Nirumbh helped Ishaan throughout his process of dealing with dyslexia
and he achieved what other teachers could not do. With his help the boy learned how to read,
write and solve mathematical problems. He did all of these things by applying different
activities using what Ishaan liked the most, art.
Regarding the students, we often see that all of them look for approval from their teachers, so
that would make them conformists. They enjoy answering questions to the teacher and
participating actively but they also do well in tests all by themselves. In the case of Ishaan, he
doesn’t have a proper student type but he finds it best when he is using art as a learning style,
where he actually doesn’t feel lost because of his condition. His teacher was a great help for
him and we see at the end of the movie how grateful he is because his teacher was the only
one that cared about his performance in school and helped him instead of making fun of him.
For future teachers, this movie can help you understand how to observe certains symptoms in
students that struggle with problems like dyslexia and actually help them with their education
according to their condition. You can also see how rewarding it is to see your students
overcoming what was stopping them in order for them to have a great performance in school
or life. The movie shows how important the role of a teacher is and how parents should listen
to them. Teachers are in charge of making sure that all students learn and remember the
lessons, to help them find strategies that can make retaining information easier and actually
interested in it. Through their path in university, teachers learn about different methods and
strategies to teach. What they do not teach you in university is that teaching is not only about
giving knowledge to others. It is about helping your students through activities, allowing
them to make mistakes and improve through them, making connections so they feel
comfortable enough to ask questions and helping them find what learning style fits them best.
As a future educator, I think that this movie has shown what kind of teacher I want to be. I
want my students to actually enjoy attending my class and remembering all of the topics they
learned throughout the school year. I want them to feel safe enough to improve their
performances and make mistakes without fear of failing or being punished. I also want to
help other teachers, to understand that teaching is a hard but rewarding job because there's
nothing better than to see someone applying your knowledge in their lives to solve a problem
or just to have a better quality of life. Teaching is a special career and you need to have a
vocation and love for it. If you do not have it, you will find your job very hard and you will
resent your students for not fitting inside your own expectations. The best advice I can give
someone who is considering teaching as a career, is that you should not have expectations on
how your students will be, throughout your career you will find different types of students,
some will like you, but overall you will find that one special kid that sees you as their hero
and will turn to you everytime they have a question or they have done something right. You
should always try to be the professor you would have liked to have in your school years.

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