Explicit math6-Q4-W9 LP

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GRADE 6 School: Floro L. Reboton Elem.

School Grade Level: Grade 6

Daily Lesson Teacher: Jonafer D. Chavez Subject: Math
Log Date: June 29, 2021 Quarter: 4th

A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards
C. Learning Competencies Reads and interprets electric and water meter readings. M6ME -IVd -

II. CONTENT Reads and interprets electric and water meter readings
A. References
Teacher’s Guide Pages
Learner’s Materials Pages Math 6 Quarter 4, Module 3, Lesson 1
Textbook pages 21st Century MATHletes 6, page 302-311
Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning
A. Pre-activity Drill:
(Repetition Drill)
I. Let them identify the given images.

1. 3. 5.

2. 4. 6.

II. Ask them to stand up and tell to rotate clockwise and

I. Determine the lower number between two given numbers.
1. 2&3
2. 4&5
3. 9&8
4. 3&4
5. 0&1

Let’s study the following images (Show images of electric meter and
water meter.)
Unlock the words:
Electric meter
Water meter

Let them read the meters (Guessing).

Presentation of the Lesson:

The images have something to do with our lesson for today because we
will be reading and interpreting electric and water meter readings.
B. Modeling (I Do) What is an electric meter?

An electric meter is a device that measures the energy

transformed from electrical sources to our devices at home. Most
electrical meters at home are located at a conspicuous place
outside of a residence for quick access by representatives of
electrical companies to do their monthly readings.

Reading an electric meter

Reading your electric meter is easy. There are two types of electric
meters being used by electric companies. One is the Digital Type
which indicates kilowatt-hour (kWh) readings by digital numbers. The
other is the Dial Type which is the most commonly used electric meter.
Consider the following readings and how the final reading is

Present Reading

Previous Reading

Reading (kWh):
Previous Reading (kWh):
Electric Consumption:
74 kWh
An electric meter shows readings of energy. The unit of energy
reflected in an electric meter is the kiloWatt-hour (kW-h), a unit of
measure that reflects the product of power and time giving the
quantity, energy. In an electric meter, notice that there are five
dials and inside each dial is a pointer which indicates the number to
be read. The pointers will alternately turn clockwise and counter
clockwise. These dials measure the number of kilowatt-hour (kWh)
as devices are used for a particular period of time.

The illustration shows the following meter reading on each dial:

Dial E: The pointer is directly on the number 7. Record as 7.

Dial D: The pointer has just passed 4, and is between 4 and 5. Record
the lower value, 4.
Dial C: The next dial look like it is right on 8 but, the dial to its right
has not passed zero. So, record this as 7, the lower value.
Dial B: The pointer is between 2 and 3. Record the lower value which
the pointer just passed, 2.
Dial A: The dial has passed 6, and is between 6 and 7. Again, record
the lower value,6.
Thus, the electric meter reading is 62 747 kWh (kilowatt-hour).

Note: Always read the dials from the right to the left, starting from
Dial E to Dial A. Each dial will turn in the opposite direction, so if
your first dial turns clockwise, the second dial will turn
anticlockwise. Be sure to remember this when recording your
reading. In general, if the meter dial (arrow) is in between two
numbers, record the number with the lower value.

Taking a digital electric meter reading

On a digital meter you should record all the digits shown on the
display. It is not important to include any zeros at the beginning.
In the example,
the meter reading
is 9410.
What is a Water Meter?

A water meter is a device that measures the volume of water

delivered to a property. Some water meters measure water in
gallons while others measure volumes in cubic feet. Most
residential water meters are located near the curb or sidewalk at
the front of the property in a concrete "box." The water meter
box will have a metal or plastic lid and may be marked, "Water

Reading a Water Meter

The older style of water meter is with small dials. It looks like a series
of small clocks that turns clockwise, see the illustration that follows.
The unit used for this measurement is cubic meters (m3). The rules of
reading a water meter with dials are similar to the way an electric meter
is being read but with the rightmost having the greatest place value.

To read water meters:

1. Start reading from right to left (clockwise). Read the

number by the pointer of the dial. When the pointer is
between two numbers, the lower number is recorded.
2. If the pointer appears to be exactly on a number, check
the next lower dial to the right to find out the correct
reading. If the dial on the right has passed zero, then
use the smaller number on the dial you are reading.
3. Record the numbers from right to left as illustrated in
the previous page.
C. Guided Practice ( We A. Read and solve the following problems.
1. 1. The Dela Cruz Family closely monitors their electric consumption. The
figures below show the readings on their dials for the previous and present

2.Irene’s record of her family’s water consumptions read this way:

Previous Month

Present Month

D. Independent Practice Group the students into three. Give each group activity kit.
( You do)
Draw the pointers on the dials as shown in each item.

Group 1:

54334 kwh
7654 m3

Group 2:

Group 3:
E. Closure Activity What have you learned from our discussion??

V. EVALUATION A. Give the reading for each meter.






B. Draw the dials to show the meter reading. Write your answer in your
answer sheet.

4. 2321 kwh

5. 5456m 3

VI. ASSIGNMENT I. Write the water consumption given the present and previous water
meter readings. Write your answers on your assignment notebook.

1. Present (7846) Previous (7698)

2. Present (6724) Previous (6596)

II.Below is a table of electric consumption. Complete the table. Write

your answers on your assignment notebook.
Previous Reading Present
(kWh) Reading Kilowatt-hour Used

3 2345 3549

4 2350 4500

5 3570 4590


A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who
require additional activities
for remediation who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use./discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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