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In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in


Presented to the Faculty Of the

Institute of Health Sciences

College of the Immaculate Conception

Cabanatuan City


Lising, John Paul

Marbella, Phoeby Joy

Mariano, Ronel John Ira

Piad, Shienna

Lorelei S. Lorenzo, MAN, RN




Student nurses are distinct in terms of strengths and

weaknesses regarding strategies. These said attributes can

affect the students' whether to have ability to accomplish

daily tasks. Students with high levels of self-efficacy

participate more in class, work harder, persist more, and also

have fewer adverse emotional reactions when encountering

difficulties than students with lower self-efficacy. Students

adopt self-learning strategies that help them study more

effectively and improve their clinical abilities. These

distinguishing features help nursing students be more

efficient and effective in clinical practice and class.

Students' ability can be influenced and based on

students' past performances, whether the result is good or

bad. Students mastery of the performances builds their

confidence and coping skills and exercises their discipline.

Feedback, positive and host response from students' previous

works is one of the constituents on how the student can

believe that they can accomplish a task. The student's

psychological state of mind is taken into account as one of

the aspects to be aware of; the student's psychological state

of mind should alter negative emotions and experiences such as

anxiety, depression, and stress.

Students' academic performance is dependent on their

ability to tolerate and rule out their stressors. Students can

achieve positive academic performance if they are performing

some strategies in their studies. They can handle academic

stress if they are more motivated and attain good outcomes in-

class performances despite the challenges occurring. It can

develop through experience on how they can cope with specific


Together with self-efficacy, students' academic

performance will lead to better results and develop essential

skills for the nursing field. The researchers have chosen this

study to examine the strategies contributing to becoming self-

efficient of CIC nursing students for their academic

performance. This study will be conducted in the College of

the Immaculate Conception Nursing department and limited to

College of the Immaculate Conception nursing students starting

from 1st semester to 2nd semester of 2021-2022 A.Y. The

researchers will conduct online surveys and questionnaires to

collect the responses of the students.

Theoretical Framework

According to Self-efficacy theory, it is "the belief in

one's capabilities to organize and execute the courses of

action required to manage prospective situations." (Bandura,

1977) Self-efficacy is a person's belief inability to succeed

in a particular situation. Bandura described these beliefs as

determinants of how people think, behave, and feel. Albert

Bandura states individuals develop their self-efficacy beliefs

by interpreting information from four primary sources of


Mastery Experiences (Performance Outcomes)is the first

one. The most influential source is the interpreted result of

one's previous performance or mastery experience. One of the

best-proven ways to learn a new skill or improve performance

in a given activity is by practicing. How can one be sure that

practicing and acquiring new skills will lead to primarily

positive experiences? In most cases, part of the reason this

works so well is that people – unknowingly throughout this

process - are teaching themselves that they can acquire new


The second important source of self-efficacy is the

vicarious experiences provided by social models. Bandura

(1977) posits that "Seeing people similar to oneself succeed

by sustained effort raises observers' beliefs that they too

possess the capabilities to master comparable activities to

succeed." Vicarious experiences involve observing other people

completing a task successfully.

When one has positive role models in their life

(especially those who display a healthy level of self-

efficacy) - one is more likely to absorb at least a few of

those positive beliefs about the self. The third one is Social

Persuasion. Receiving positive verbal feedback while

undertaking a complex task can persuade a person to believe

that they have the skills and capabilities to succeed.

The fourth is emotional and physiological states. The

dynamic, physical, and psychological well-being of a person

can influence how they feel about their abilities in a

particular situation. If they are struggling with depression

or anxiety, students might find it harder to have a healthy

level of well-being. Is it impossible to build self-efficacy

while suffering from some of these struggles? Of course not,

but boosting their self-efficacy is a much easier task when an

individual is feeling healthy and well (Bandura, 1982). Thus,

individuals can improve their self-efficacy by learning how to

manage anxiety and enhance their mood when experiencing

challenging situations.

Educating future generations of competent registered

nurses requires courage and commitment. Self-efficacy is the

belief in one's ability to manage a future situation. Students

should have this opportunity to practice clinical skills in

skill labs under the supervision of a clinical educator. They

should receive continuous and adequate feedback throughout

their study in clinical courses. Clinical educators should

provide a wide range of clinical experiences for nursing


Conceptual Framework

As the main topic of this study, self-efficacy is used to

know if an individual can effectively perform the tasks needed

to attain a valued goal. Self-efficacy pertains to instincts

on how motivated a person is to finish the plan that is being

assigned. Self-efficacy strategies can be used as a guide for

any student in the academic field and for purposes that

enhance their knowledge of themselves. It helps improve the

awareness of individual student nurses to become efficient in

their academic field.

Given the above concept, nursing students who have low

self-efficacy have been falling behind in academic performance

and have different perspectives and ways of handling nursing

subjects. This result will make them fall behind. The

researcher conceptualized that self-efficacy strategies are a

way to develop students' good academic performance. The

researcher would like to determine the self-efficacy

strategies of the CIC nursing student to evaluate their

relation to their academic performance.

Research Paradigm

Strategies and
Self-efficacy Academic
Strategies Performance their relation

to academic


Figure 1.1 Research Paradigm

Figure 1 shows the research paradigm of the study. It

consists of two variables, Self-efficacy Strategies as an

independent variable and Academic Performance as the dependent

variable. Together with these two variables, the researcher

will be able to determine the student nurses' self-efficacy

strategies and evaluate what is the relationship between them

to their academic performances.

Statement of Problem

This study aims to determine the self-efficacy strategies

of CIC nursing students concerning their academic performance.

Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:

1. How is the demographic profile of the respondents be

described in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 BSN year Level

2. How may the self-efficacy of BSN students be determined as


2.1 mastery or expertise

2.2 verbal persuasions

2.3 emotional state

2.4 physiological state

3. How does the self-efficacy strategies of the CIC


Does student affect their academic performance?

4. Is there a significant relationship between self-efficacy

strategies of the CIC nursing student and their academic


Ho: There is a significant relationship between the self-

efficacy strategies of the CIC nursing students to their
academic performance.

Ha: There is a significant relationship between the self-

efficacy strategies of the CIC nursing students to their
academic performance.
Significance of the study

This study sought to determine the self-efficacy

strategies of selected nursing students and their relation to

their academic performance. In doing so, this study will be

beneficial to the following:

To the Students - This study will be an interesting

guideline for identifying effective

self-efficacy strategies for

students to develop the academics

that they can use for their academic


To the Institution- This study will be a guide to


their teaching method can help the

student nursing to improve their

academic performances

To the Clinical Instructors - This will serve as the

basis and reference in developing and

maintaining an effective teaching

Scope and delimitation

This study will be conducted in the College of Immaculate

Conception Nursing department starting from the 1st semester

to the 2nd semester of 2021-2022 A.Y. This study is limited to

College of Immaculate Conception nursing students.

Definition of terms

Ability – “Individual’s capacity to perform the

various tasks in a job” (Stephen P. Robbins)

Belief – “The mental acceptance or conviction in the truth or

the actuality of some idea" (Schwitzgebel, 2010)

Difficulties - The quality or state of being hard to do, deal

with, or understand (Merriam Webster)

Overcome – Successfully dealing with the difficulties

Self-efficacy - Self-efficacy is the beliefs individuals

hold and perceive their capabilities

and abilities to complete their tasks.

Strategies – “A careful plan or method for achieving a

the particular goal is usually over a long

period of

time" (Merriam Webster)



This chapter presents the review of both foreign and

local literature and studies that this study would benefit

from in the conduct of the research process.


Self-efficacy reflects the judgments, beliefs, or expectations

about a person's capability to behave, engage or implement

actions in a given situation. A strong sense of efficacy

enhances human accomplishment and personal well-being in many

ways. People with high assurance in their capabilities

approach difficult tasks as challenges to be mastered rather

than as threats to be avoided. They set themselves challenging

goals and maintain a strong commitment to them. They heighten

and sustain their efforts in the face of failure. They quickly

recover their sense of efficacy after failures or setbacks.

They attribute failure to insufficient effort or deficient

knowledge and skills which are acquirable. They approach

threatening situations with assurance that they can exercise

control over them. Self-efficacy is related to successful

performance, this can improve the individual’s motive and

confidence to provide nursing practice in a complex situation.

(Viswam Athira et al.(2017)).

According to Christina Plemmons et al.(2018), clinical

education is vital to both the development of clinical self-

efficacy and the integration of future nurses into health care

teams. The dedicated education unit clinical teaching model is

an innovative clinical partnership, which promotes skill

development, professional growth, clinical self-efficacy, and

integration as a team member.

According to Yat et al.(2020), The students who have a better

academic performance are the ones who had more positive

emotions, used more metacognitive learning strategies, and

believed in their abilities. And high levels of self-efficacy

predict higher academic success in all fields of expertise.

According to Ayllón et al.(2019) In terms of students'

achievement, motivation, and learning, self-efficacy plays a

predicting and mediating role.


Pasana et al.(2020), discussed that Filipino college students

are 'very confident and the eight areas of self-efficacy. It

also shows that the students' self-efficacy can ascribe to

their exposure to the Philippines' Basic Education Curriculum

According to the study by Campos and Madrigal (2020), high

levels of self-efficacy and academic motivation indicate the

student's competence and capability to accomplish and finish

the task assigned to them.

According to Mabalay, Gaboy, and Roguel (2020), self-efficacy

plays a significant role in every student because it can

affect their behavior. Self-efficacy influences the students

to do good in every task they are into, face all the

difficulties they face, and set goals that they will achieve.
Chapter III


This chapter presents the major elements of the research

study which include the research design, method, research

instrument, data collection procedure, and statistical

treatment of data.

Research Method Used

The researchers chose to utilized the descriptive-

correlational method of the study. Descriptive research is

used to gathered data on the existing state of a phenomenon to

describe "what exists" in terms of variables or conditions in

a situation. According to Williams (2007), descriptive

research is a research method that can determine the situation

in the current phenomenon. Furthermore, Correlational research

involves measuring two variables and observing their

statistical relationship without controlling the variable.

According to Fraenkel and Wallen (2009), correlational

research is research whose purpose is to find out the

relationship between two or more variables and their cause and


In this study, descriptive research is used to determine

the profile and self-efficacy strategies of the CIC BSN

students, while correlational research is used to determine

the relationship between the connection of the student's self-

efficacy strategies and their academic performance.

Research Locale

This study was conducted at the College of the Immaculate

Conception located at the Sumacab Este Cabanatuan City, Nueva

Ecija. College of the Immaculate Conception is a private

Diocesan Catholic school in Sumacab Este, Cabanatuan, Nueva

Ecija. It is considered the first Catholic College in Nueva

Ecija and the home of student nurses that is used in this


Figure 2. Map of the College of the Immaculate Conception

Respondents of the study

The samples of respondents that is used in this study

were the nursing students of CIC from level 1 to level 4. The

sampling technique that is used in this study is Total

enumeration sampling. Total enumeration sampling is a form of

purposive sampling technique in which the researcher selects

the entire population with a certain set of characteristics to

examine. The distributions of the respondents were presented


BSN Students Number of students

(per year level)

BSN-I 44



Total 118

Table 1. Distribution of the respondents

Research instrument

The researchers used a set of questionnaires as the

instrument of this study covering the major points of the

research study and consisting of five parts. The first part of

the questionnaire deals with the profile of the CIC BSN

students in terms of age, sex, and year level. The second part

of the questionnaire corresponds to mastery or expertise. The

third part is the verbal persuasion of the questionnaire

measure the verbal persuasion of the students. The fourth part

of the questionnaire measures the emotional state. The last

part of the questionnaire garners the student's physiological


Validation of the study

The research instrument used to gather relevant data in

this study was prepared by the researchers. The instrument was

reviewed and further consultations with the research adviser,

statistician, and panel members were done to fit the context

and strategies of the respondents of this study. The pilot

testing of this study will be conducted at Wesleyan

University-Philippines and the sample of respondents will be

consist of 20 students from level IV

Data collection procedure

The Researchers used Google Forms with set questions to

collect data from the respondents.


Statistical treatment of data

To determine the profile of the respondents such as age,

sex, and BSN year level the researcher will use frequency

count and percentage.

Mean Score Verbal Description Verbal


3.25-4.00 Strongly agree Very high

2.50-3.24 Agree High

1.75-2.49 Disagree Low

1.00-1.74 Strongly Disagree Very Low

Weighted mean is used to determine the self-efficacy of

the BSN students in terms of (1) mastery or expertise, (2)

verbal persuasion, (3) emotional state, and (4) physiological


Table 2. Weighted mean interpretation.

To determine the relationship between the self-efficacy

strategies of the students to the academic performance the

researchers used spearman rho.

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