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Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 24 (2010) 325334

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Best Practice & Research Clinical

Endocrinology & Metabolism
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e ls e v i e r . c o m / l o c a t e / b e e m


Psychosocial and psychosexual aspects of disorders of sex

P.T. Cohen-Kettenis, Head of the Department
Department of Medical Psychology, VU University, PO Box 7057, 1007 MB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Psychosocial aspects of the treatment of disorders of sex develop-ment (DSDs)

disorders of sex development concern gender assignment, information management and communication,
intersex timing of medical interventions, consequences of surgery, and sexuality.
hermaphroditism Although outcome is often satisfactory, a variety of medical and psychosocial
psychosexual factors may jeopardise the psychological development of children with DSDs.
mental health This sometimes results in the desire to change gender later in life. The clinical
sexual health management of gender dysphoria in individuals with DSD may profit from
methods and insights that have been developed for gender dysphoric individuals
without DSD. In DSD care, clinical decisions are often made with long-lasting
effects on quality of life and should be based on empirical evidence. Yet, such
evidence (e.g., regarding gender assignment, information management and
timing of surgery) is largely non-existent. DSD-specific protocols and
educational materials need to be developed to standardise and evaluate
interventions in order to facilitate decision making of professionals and
individuals with DSD and enhance psychosocial care in this area.

2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


The treatment of individuals with disorders of sex development (DSDs) requires the input of many disciplines.
Although the medicalsurgical treatment is highly important, the quality of life also largely depends on the
psychosocial management. The new ESPE/LWPES DSD guidelines indeed acknowledge the significance of
psychosocial care and the involvement of mental health staff with expertise in DSD.

Several psychological and psychosexual issues that are relevant in DSD care, such as gender identity development,
information management, psychological aspects of surgery, sexuality and the

E-mail address: [email protected]

1521-690X/$ see front matter 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
326 P.T. Cohen-Kettenis / Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 24 (2010) 325334

management of gender dysphoria (see below for definitions) and gender reassignment are addressed in this article.
Although there are differences in the care of DSD and non-DSD persons with gender dysphoria, some aspects are
strikingly similar. Clinicians involved in the treatment of DSD may profit from the knowledge and experience in the
area of non-DSD gender dysphoria. Therefore, a description of the key issues in the clinical management of non-DSD
gender dysphoric conditions is provided as well.


In the field of DSD, it is important to make a distinction between the terms gender identity and gender role. The
concept of gender identity encompasses cognitive and affective components. For long, cognitivedevelopmental
psychologists have largely focussed on cognitive components of gender identity alone, and much of the extensive
research in this field concentrates on the implications of achieving more or less sophisticated levels of understanding of
being a boy or a girl. Affective components, however, such as feelings of contentment with ones gender are
increasingly included in their conceptualisation of gender identity, which brings their work on gender identity much
closer to the clinical field. The term gender identity is mostly used by clinicians to denote a persons sense of
themselves as being male, female or indeterminate.

Gender role refers to behaviours, attitudes and personality traits that a society, in a given culture and historical
period, designates as masculine or feminine, that is, more typical of the male or female social role. In young children,
gender role behaviour includes phenomena such as preference for same-sex versus other-sex peers, roles in fantasy
play, toy interests, dress-up play and interest in rough-and-tumble play. In older children or adults, gender role is
measured using personality attri-butes with stereotypic masculine or feminine connotations or with regard to
recreational and occu-pational interests and aspirations.

The term transsexualism refers to a desire for complete gender reassignment originating from an experienced
discrepancy between ones gender of assignment, on the one hand, and ones basic sense of self as a male or female, or
indeterminate (gender identity), on the other.
In 1973, Fisk proposed the term gender dysphoria syndrome. This term allows for the possibility that an atypical
gender identity development does not always result in a complete cross-gender identity and wish for gender
reassignment. Gender dysphoria is now often used to indicate the distress associated with conflicting gender identity
and gender of assignment. A discrepancy between assigned gender and gender identity and/or role, however, does not
always seem to be associated with distress. For this reason, more neutral terms such as gender (identity) variance,
gender dissonance, gender incongruence or transgenderism are often used for the spectrum of atypical manifestations
of gender identity and gender role phenomena. Although in the current version of the psychiatric classification system
of the American Psychiatric Association, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder, the term
Transsexualism was replaced by Gender Identity Disorder (GID), the former term is still often used. Strong cross-
gender identification and an extreme aversion to ones assigned sex and gender role are the core aspects of both
transsexualism and GID.

Gender assignment

Decisions on gender assignment can only be made after a thoughtful balancing of medical and psychosocial pros
and cons. Gender assignment will depend on the estimated optimal outcome. Unfortunately, in some conditions, adult
gender identity cannot easily be predicted. This is because, still, little is known about the relative contribution of
biological (e.g., genes and prenatal sex hormone exposure) and non-biological influences (e.g., parental attitude, peer
influences and cultural context) on gender identity development. Critical phases of development or potential
interactions of the various factors are also unclear.

The most extensively studied condition with regard to psychosexual outcome is congenital adrenal hyperplasia
(CAH). Women with CAH, who were raised in the female gender, mostly have female
gender identities. However, a less strong female identification, gender discomfort and even gender dysphoria occur
considerably more often in this group than in women without DSD.12,13 Reviewing
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studies on psychosexual outcome in DSD up to 2007, de Vries et al. found that 10 of 217 (5%) of adolescents raised
as female and adult women with CAH had some form of gender dysphoria. This sometimes even resulted in a gender
change. Male gender role behaviour appeared to be common. Girls with CAH have more masculine and less feminine
interests regarding toys, clothing and make-up, infant care, sports and playmates. Most of the findings on gender role
behaviour that are suggestive of an effect of prenatal brain exposure to androgens have been found to be stronger in the
more seriously affected salt-wasting than in the simple virilising group.

More dramatic is the gender identity outcome in 5 a-RD-2 and 17b-HSD-3. When raised as boys, these children
have a male identity and behave like boys. However, when such children are raised as girls, the outcome is more
varied. After the first observations in the Dominican Republic of gender changes in 5 a-RD-2 individuals raised as
female, gender changes were reported in 17b-HSD-3 and from other societies as well. Such changes, however, did
not happen in all affected individuals, even when they were living in societies that highly value the male role.
Unfortunately, virtually no reports give any detailed information on parental rearing styles, psychosexual devel-opment
or more subtle signs of gender discomfort. Such information is crucial for the under-standing of the apparent variation
in gender identity outcome. In the review by de Vries et al., 69 of 117 female-raised 5a-RD-2 individuals (59%) and
20 of 51 17b-HSD-3 individuals (39%), all older than 12 years, had gender dysphoria to the extent that they decided to
live as males. In one study by Richter-Appelt, Discher and Gedrose, five female-raised persons with 5a-RD-2 and
17b-HSD-3 had a significantly lower female gender identity score than female controls on a scale measuring this
concept. One of the five also reached a significantly higher male gender identity score than female controls on a male
gender identity scale. Whether this signifies clinically significant gender dysphoria is not clear.

Individuals with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS), raised as girls, have a female gender identity.
They usually are described as very feminine in their gender role behaviour, but there may be more variability in their
behaviour than has long been assumed. In a comparison between women with CAIS recruited through the United
Kingdom Database of Ambiguous Genitalia and Intersex Disorder and an Androgen Insensitivity Support Group, it
appeared that the first group recalled more masculine-typical toy, activity and playmate preferences as children and
overall ratings of childhood masculinity than the support group. Furthermore, in the Richter-Appelt et al. study, two
16 13
of five women with CAIS scored low on female gender identity. However, in the review by de Vries et al., not one
of 98 women with CAIS reported to suffer from gender dysphoria or made a gender change. The picture is different,
however, in partial androgen insensitivity syndrome (PAIS). In 46 female-raised adolescent and adult individuals, five
(11%) were gender dysphoric or changed gender. This percentage was even higher in the male-raised group, as five of
35 (14%) was gender dysphoric or changed gender. All gender changes took place in adulthood. In the Richter-Appelt
et al. study, one of three female-reared individuals with PAIS scored significantly lower than female controls on the
female gender identity scale.

From these studies and those on conditions such as penile agenesis, penile ablation, cloacal exs-trophy of the
bladder and micropenis, it appears that testosterone influences the development of a male gender role and seems to
increase the chance of a male gender identity. However, in prenatally testosterone-exposed individuals raised as girls, a
female adult gender identity is the rule rather than the exception.

When gender assignment decisions have to be made, matters such as surgical possibilities, potential for fertility and
need for hormone replacement are included. In these decisions, non-medical factors such as the potential for
psychological functioning as male or female in terms of gender role and sexuality and the ability of parents to cope
with uncertainties and complexities related to one decision or the other have to be taken into account as well.
Evidence on the functioning and quality of life of adults with DSD that could be used to facilitate such decisions is
currently scarce, but, fortunately, the number of follow-up studies, paying appropriate attention to quality of life and
psychosexual func-tioning, is increasing.

Most parents find it highly traumatic if the sex of their newborn cannot immediately be determined. Even after the
diagnosis is made, the parents ability to cope with uncertainties on the childs devel-opment may be tested. Mental
health professionals need to estimate to what extent parents are able to
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cope emotionally with the complexities of their childs condition. In this estimation, parental, religious and cultural
factors have to be taken into consideration. Besides parents emotional coping abilities, their capacities to handle
practical matters and their understanding of their childs condition are critical in gender assignment decisions.
Screening tools for identifying parents at risk for maladaptive coping to childrens illnesses do exist, but more DSD-
specific tools are needed. It would be very helpful if such material would be easily obtainable, for instance, on the
Especially if families are already vulnerable for psychological distress, educational sessions alone may not suffice.
To avoid potential harm of the child by the parents escalating distress, psychol-ogists may need to train them in certain
problem-solving skills. However, DSD-specific programmes hardly exist. The challenge for mental health
professionals is to realistically inform the parents about potential concerns during the childs development without
making them unnecessarily anxious.

Information management

Information management involves disclosure of information both from clinicians to parents and child and from
child/family to the wider environment. The most sensitive information concerns karyotype and gonadal status,
especially when these aspects are not concordant with the gender of assignment and infertility. Nevertheless, children
also deserve explanations for other matters they encounter on a regular base. For instance, some should know why they
need certain types of medi-cation in childhood, or hormone replacement at puberty, why they have surgical scars or for
what their regular medical check-ups are meant. Others have to dilate their vaginas or have to make decisions about
surgery. Information management requires more than presenting information comprehensibly, because the information
may raise difficult and emotional issues. For instance, atypical gender role behaviours and sexual feelings (sexual
attraction to same-gender peers) may create anxiousness if the condition is not fully understood, and wrong
conclusions are drawn regarding ones true sex. Because of the emotional load, cognitive processing may be less than
optimal. Over the years, parents and children often need repeated explanations. The information always has to be
adapted to the parents capacities to understand and the childs developmental stage. Most clinicians would agree that
the children should be fully informed by the time they reach adulthood, and are no longer treated by their
paediatricians but monitored by endocrinologists, gynaecologists or other specialists.

The DSD consensus document recommends early planning with the parents and recurrent, gradual medical
education and counselling. This approach is a sensible one, but, in practice, it is sometimes difficult to deal with
resistance of parents to inform the child. Parents fear that this information may deprive their children of a happy
childhood or create emotional and relational problems. If cultural factors play a role, disclosure may be even harder to
deal with, as conceptualisations and values regarding gender and sexuality differ largely between cultures. Yet, from
other areas in medicine, it is known that being informed about ones medical condition is associated with psychological
adjust-ment. Timely and well-informed children will have better opportunities to develop coping skills and will have
a better chance to develop a more positive self-image and incorporate limitations such as infertility in their
expectations about their future lives. The ability of children to fully understand relevant aspects of their condition and
give proper informed consent is especially important when they have to decide on medical interventions.

Counselling the family also implies discussing how to deal with the social environment. It is still an open question
whether sharing information with the wider environment will have positive or negative consequences for the child. Is
living a normal life with a secret more harmful than living a life without secrets but with a reasonable chance for
stigma or shame? The advices that are now given to parents are still largely based on the clinicians personal opinions
what would be favourable, considering their evaluation of the family, the child and their wider social and cultural
To improve our care with regard to information management, we would need to have
better insight into the effects of timing, type of information (and a potential interaction of the
two), the best way of conveying information and into the influence of cultural, family and child
factors on how the infor-mation is dealt with. How the influence of these factors changes over
time (e.g., due to characteristics of
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the condition) is also unexplored. Studies comparing the development of children who actually lived in informed
versus uninformed environments would be of great use. Such studies could form the base of protocols on information
management. The information, however, should always be adapted to the individuals capabilities.

Psychosocial aspects of surgery

The DSD consensus document offers guidelines on genital surgery (e.g., in case of severe virilisation in female-
assigned children; gonadectomy in female-raised PAIS and CAIS children). Yet there are still choices to make for older
children and parents, for instance, regarding the timing of surgery and vaginal dilatation. They have to be prepared for
such decisions. Because, in some cases, there is not enough evidence to support one or the other choice, and certain
choices (e.g., timing of vaginal dila-tation in early or later adolescence) very much depend on individual characteristics
of the person, the advantages and disadvantages of the various choices have to be discussed. In particular, sexual
consequences and goals of genital surgery should be addressed.

Educational materials, developed by childrens hospitals or support groups, are easily available on the Internet.
Some can be used for this purpose, but the information is not always of high quality and can even be confusing without
individualised counselling. Systematic decision-making aids, as developed for some conditions (see The Foundation
for Informed Medical Decision Making), would be very valuable. Although many families highly appreciate support
group contact, some avoid any confrontation with other persons with DSD. Whether support group contact actually
contributes to surgery decisions has never been studied systematically.

Children who undergo surgery have to be prepared. Behaviour therapy techniques for other conditions have been
found to be beneficial, but have to be adapted to DSD.


In adolescence, sexuality and pair-bonding become important aspects of life. Adolescents with DSD may find it
difficult to enter this phase of life without anxieties, especially if they have a history of repeated genital exams and
medical photography, disrespectful treatment by clinicians or have an atypical genital appearance. After entering
puberty, some feel increasingly uncertain about their masculinity/femininity, sexual adequacy or sexual orientation.
They often postpone initiating intimate
relationships because of their insecurities and fear of rejection. Sexual problems indeed occur more often in DSD than
in non-DSD groups. For instance, the sexual lives of women with CAH differ from
control groups in terms of timing of psychosexual milestones (delayed), sexual experiences (less),
sexual activity and imagery (less), sexual motivation (less), partnership and marriage (less) and sexual self-image (less
favourable). Most women with CAH are heterosexual, but the incidence of
homosexuality as compared to population norms or other control groups is increased. Very little is known about
the sexual functioning and sexual orientation in individuals with enzyme deficiencies. Regarding the persons who were
raised as girls, there are occasional referrals to marriage and sexual intercourse, heterosexual attraction and
relationships with men. Various sexual problems and an elevated percentage of non-heterosexuality were recently
reported in seven women with enzyme deficiencies, but systematic studies in larger groups are lacking. In the same
study, sexual problems,
primarily low sexual desire, and inability to become sexually aroused and have orgasms have also been reported by 10
27 27,3335
women with CAIS. The sexual orientation of women with CAIS is heterosexual.
In a study comparing women with CAIS recruited through the United Kingdom Database and the Support Group, the
Database group appeared to be more strongly heterosexual, but, in general, the women with CAIS did not differ from
other women with regard to marriage and relationship patterns. In a small group of women with PAIS, most feared to
have sexual contacts, had experienced dyspar-eunia or fear of becoming hurt by sexual contacts. There was also an
increase of non-heterosexuality.
Because of the elevated risk of sexuality-related problems, an adequate and timely preparation regarding sexuality
and relationships is of great importance. Adolescents do not only need the necessary medical and sexual education, but
they should also have the opportunity to discuss their concerns repeatedly and in private with a mental health clinician.
330 P.T. Cohen-Kettenis / Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 24 (2010) 325334

Gender reassignment

If a correct diagnosis is only made after the child has been assigned to one gender, but the diagnosis suggests that it
would be have been more appropriate to assign the child to the other gender, the question arises until what age a
physician-imposed gender change can take place without harming the childs development. Developmental psychology
studies show that most children can correctly label their gender at about 30 months, some even earlier, but when
exactly affective aspects of gender identity develop and until what age these aspects remain flexible is unclear.
Furthermore, it is likely that, in children with DSD, the process of gender development occurs differently from the
typical gender development. The often mentioned age limit of 18 months is still much debated. However, even for
children under 30 months, it seems wise to be increasingly careful with imposed gender change when the child grows

When the child grows up, it is helpful for parents to have regular contacts with the team, as they may struggle with
issues that they, correctly or not, attribute to the childs DSD. A frequent concern of parents regards gender role
behaviour that is inconsistent with gender of assignment and rearing. They often take this as an indication of gender
dysphoria or even a wish for gender reassignment. Parents may fear that the gender assignment decision at birth had
been wrong, and this may make them feel guilty.
If there are persistent and strong indications that gender dysphoria is present, a comprehensive assessment by
clinicians, skilled in the management of gender change, is essential, irrespective of the age of the person. Only after
thorough assessment, steps in the direction of gender reassignment should be taken. Clinicians dealing with gender
change in individuals with DSD may profit from the insights, which have been developed in the area of gender
reassignment in non-DSD gender dysphoria. To assist clinicians without specific expertise in gender dysphoria, the
current guidelines for gender reassignment in non-DSD individuals (the Standards of Care of the World Professional
Association of Transgender Health or WPATH, a professional organisation in the field of gender dysphoria) could be
adjusted or expanded and more specifically address the care for gender-dysphoric individuals with DSD. Below is a
description in what way clinical management of non-DSD gender-dysphoric persons may be used for DSD individuals
with gender dysphoria.

The prevalence of extreme forms of gender dysphoria in children and adolescents is not known. In adults, the
DSM-IV-TR reports prevalence rates of extreme forms of gender dysphoria (GID or trans-sexualism) of 1:30 000 in
9 37
males to 1:100 000 in females, but much higher rates have been reported in various countries.

The clinical management of gender dysphoria in individuals without DSD largely depends on the age of the
referred person. In children, the clinician assesses whether they meet the DSM-IV-TR core criteria for GID (a strong
and persistent cross-gender identification and a persistent discomfort with his or her sex or sense of inappropriateness
in the gender role of that sex) and whether clinical intervention is needed. Especially in children, gender-variant
behaviour may be more upsetting to the environment than to the child itself, and make the parents rather than the child
seek clinical help. The clinician also has to understand what factors (in the past or at the time of referral) may have
influenced the gender-variant behaviour and preferences of the child. The information about the childs gender
behaviour and feelings then has to be appraised against a broader background, such as general aspects of the
functioning of child and family. A proper understanding of the gender problem, evaluated in this wider perspective is
necessary when a choice about appropriate interventions has to be made. A number of instruments are available to
assess gender understanding, behaviour and feelings of children. These are cognitive tests, parent and child
questionnaires, child interviews, play observations and projective methods.

Although there is disagreement regarding the psychological treatment of gender-variant children, because their
treatment is considered by some as an effort to prevent later homosexuality, most clinics offer some form of
psychological treatment. These interventions are sometimes aimed at diminishing the gender-variant behaviour itself,
but more often at helping parents to maximise opportunities for their childrens adjustments. Nearly all these
diagnostic tools and procedures, as well as the psychological interventions used, are easily applicable in cases of
gender-dysphoric children with DSD.
In adolescents and adults without DSD who apply for gender reassignment, the gender
problem is also examined comprehensively in the diagnostic phase. Because of the
importance of the decision that has to be made, the diagnostic procedure is rather extensive.
The recommended procedure in the Standards of
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Care of the WPATH is to come to the gender-reassignment decision in steps. In the first diagnostic phase, it has to be
established that an applicant fulfils DSM or ICD criteria for the diagnoses of GID or trans-sexualism. The next phase
includes three elements, labelled triadic therapy, for those who are eligible for gender reassignment. The elements
consist of a real-life experience (RLE) in the desired role, hormones of the desired gender and surgery to change the
genitals and other sex-related characteristics.
In the first, diagnostic, phase, information is obtained from the gender-reassignment applicant and, in case of
adolescents, the parents on the general and psychosexual development of the applicant. Information is gathered about
current cross-gender feelings and behaviour and current social, sexual and psychological functioning. In order to
prevent unrealistically high expectations as regards their future lives, the applicants also have to be thoroughly
informed about the possibilities and limitations of gender reassignment and other kinds of treatment. In case of DSD
applicants for gender reassign-ment, specific attention has to be paid to surgical limitations because of previous
operations. Those who are merely gender-confused or have a wish for gender reassignment that seems to originate from
factors other than a genuine and complete cross-gender identity are served best by psychological interventions alone
and are usually referred to psychotherapists. Such interventions may help them to better understand and cope with
gender issues, and to try out alternative solutions to their problem, such as part-time cross-gender living. However,
applicants who are eligible for gender reassignment may also profit from psychotherapy, because they need time to
reflect on unresolved personal issues or doubts regarding gender reassignment before they embark on somatic
treatment. Other issues that may come up are anxieties concerning the loss of family or friends, uncertainties whether
passing in the other gender role is feasible, and concerns on the possibility of having satisfying intimate rela-tionships
and support when coming out. These issues are also typically addressed when DSD persons who are gender
dysphoric and consider changing gender are counselled.

Those who are eligible for gender reassignment start with the RLE phase. In this phase, one has to live full time in
the desired role. The RLE as is defined as the act of fully adopting a new or evolving gender role or gender
presentation in everyday life, with the intention of experiencing in vivo the familial, interpersonal, socioeconomic and
legal consequences of transition. The RLE is meant to test the persons resolve, the capacity to function in the
preferred gender, and the adequacy of social, economic and psychological supports. A fundamental premise of the RLE
is that the person should experience life in the desired role before making irreversible physical changes. The RLE
includes informing family, friends, work, school and other social contacts about the intention to undergo gender
transition. Usually, a new name congruent with the persons gender identity is chosen, and there is a concurrent switch
in gender pronouns. There may also be a change in clothing, hairstyle and gender-specific behaviours (e.g. use of the
mens washroom for female-to-males). During the RLE, the persons feelings about the social transformation,
including coping with the responses of others, is a major focus of the discussions and counselling. A period of testing
living in the desired gender role would also be of great value for gender-dysphoric individuals with DSD who intend to
change gender.

Physical intervention (i.e., hormonal and/or surgical feminisation/masculinisation) is a long-term process. The idea
is that treatment should thoughtfully and recurrently be considered over time. Informed consent is essential, as it is for
any type of physical intervention. The different steps in physical interventions and the duration of the process require
that some information is repeatedly given and discussed. Guidelines of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and the
WPATH Standards of Care distinguish between fully reversible, partially reversible and irreversible stages of
physical interventions for adolescents. For adults, the fully reversible interventions do not apply.

Different views exist on at what age and at what pubertal stage to start with puberty-delaying hormones. To let
adolescents experience their physical puberty at least to some extent, some clinicians choose to wait until Tanner stage
2 or 3, whereas others believe it is better to wait even longer. In addition to standard readiness criteria relating to
psychologic stability sufficient to withstand the stresses of gender reassignment, a number of additional criteria must be
met for pubertal delay, such as an early-onset age of the gender dysphoria, consistency in gender dysphoria around
puberty and consenting and participating parents. Guidelines for the endocrine treatment of transsexuals have recently
been published by the Endocrine Society. Typically, GnRH analogues such as leuprolide or triptorelin are used to
delay/suppress puberty. In contrast to gender-dysphoric adolescents without DSD, agonadal adolescents with DSD do
not need suppression of puberty. They may, however,
332 P.T. Cohen-Kettenis / Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 24 (2010) 325334

sometimes profit from some delay in the start of hormone replacement therapy. Like in their coun-terparts without
DSD, this may give them more time to reflect on their wish to change gender and allow for some time to prepare
themselves psychologically and practically for the gender change. As there is so much variation in the types and
degrees of DSD conditions, these gender changes should always be tailored to the individual needs.

Feminising/masculinising hormone therapy (i.e., oestrogens/anti-androgens/progestins for male-to-females and

androgens for female-to-males) is considered partially reversible, as some of the changes persist even if hormone
therapy is discontinued. Some changes (e.g., breast growth in male-to-females or facial hair growth in female-to-males)
require surgery or other treatment to reverse. Because of the risks involved in feminising/masculinising hormone
therapy, this typically does not begin until the applicant is 16 years or older. From a paediatric endocrinologists point
of view, it is argued that, irrespective of the Tanner stage at presentation for treatment, adolescents undergoing gender
reassignment should be treated with GnRH analogues first to keep their own sex hormone production low. Androgens
or oestrogens are then gradually added to induce puberty of the desired sex. Because of the differences between DSD
and non-DSD conditions, age limits for the start of these hormones do not need to be the same for adolescents with

Gender reassignment surgery is not carried out prior to adulthood in young gender dysphorics without DSD. There
is international clinical consensus that the risks of early surgical intervention far outweigh the potential benefits in
virtually all cases. The surgical feminisation/masculinisation is explained in detail in a document Care of the Patient
Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery. Again, considering the differences between the conditions, this limit is not
applicable to adolescents with DSD.


Although the psychological outcome of DSD is often satisfactory, medical and psychosocial factors may put the
development of children with DSD in many ways at risk. Even in adulthood, certain aspects of life may remain
challenging. Gender assignment or physician-imposed gender reassignment may result in the wish to change gender by
the person involved; genital ambiguity may cause parental rejection; or genital surgery may create sexual dysfunctions,
to name a few. Besides the DSD, clinical decisions, the timing of interventions and the way medical information is
communicated have far-reaching consequences for ones quality of life. The consensus document offers guidelines in
the clinical management of DSD. However, many aspects of counselling DSD children and their parents are not yet
supported by good evidence. Screening tools, DSD-specific (psychological) treatment protocols and educational
materials are lacking. The rarity of most DSD conditions often made it difficult to conduct studies addressing many of
the above topics. In recent years, international collaboration in the field of DSD is increasing, although so far most of
the studies focus on medical aspects. If psychological and social aspects would also be included in such collaborative
studies, mental health professionals no longer have to base their work merely on clinical intuition.

Practice points

Male gender role behaviour in female-raised children should not be mistaken for a male gender identity

DSD management always needs a multidisciplinary approach; a mental health professional should be part
of the team
DSD team members should avoid giving contradictory information to parents of children with DSD and
older individuals with DSD
Clinicians should timely prepare young adolescents for the consequences of their DSD for their sexual life

Clinicians should pay specific attention to potential sexual problems in adults with DSD
Many aspects of the clinical management of gender change that have been
developed for individuals without DSD can be used for gender-dysphoric individuals
with DSD
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Research agenda

Follow-up studies should appropriately measure quality of life and psychosexual functioning and outcome

Tools to identify at-risk families and training programmes for at-risk families need to be developed and
made easily available, preferably through the Internet
Practice guidelines should be developed and evaluated for DSD individuals with gender dysphoria or the
desire to change gender
More studies are needed to investigate the effects of timing, type of information, method of conveying
information and the role of cultural, family and child factors in information management to enable the
development of evidence-based information management protocols

Educational materials/decision aids should be developed to standardise information management and enable
systematic evaluations
To prepare families properly for genital surgery, educational material and psychological treatment
techniques addressing DSD aspects should be developed


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