'Tis The Season Condensed

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A Special Section to the

Chetek Alert

‘Tis the Season

for winter fun in Chetek!
Brought to you by...

Thank you for

your support!

Filled With Our Gratitude

With best wishes at the holiday
Barron, Chetek, Cornell, Grantsburg season and heartfelt thanks for
your loyal patronage all year long

Barron, Chetek, Cornell, Grantsburg


photo courtesy of amber holt

Chetek Ice Races returning to Lake Chetek every Sunday

Locals residents and visitors alike can enjoy some free entertainment this winter when the 2024 Chetek Ice Races return to the ice of Lake Chetek in front of Red’s Grill and Bar. Races will
take place every Sunday, beginning Jan. 14, and will run through the second Sunday in March, ice permitting. The ice races are scheduled to begin at 12 p.m. each week; drivers must be
registered by noon. Admission is free to spectators who are encouraged to pull up to the track and watch from inside their warm vehicles. Racers will compete in the following categories:
Rear Wheel Drive Rubber, Studs, Powder Puff, Open and Young Guns. Pictured above is an action shot taken by Amber Holt during the Open feature at last year’s season opener.

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Chetek’s Winter Fest returns to original format Feb. 24

2023 event was modified due to poor ice conditions

kenton troutman | chetek alert

Thousands of people are anticipated to attend Winter Fest 2024 which will include the National Straightline Snowmobile Radar Run, a bikini run, Kids Ice Pro Racing, a
vintage snowmobile ride, kids’ games and more. Pictured at left, event organizers Tasha Brandemuehl and Rob Licht take off on a snowmobile in front of the crowd at
last year’s event. Pictured at right are participants who competed in the 2023 bikini run which raised more than $4,000 for the Barron County Pink Ribbon Advocacy.

Chetek’s annual Winter Fest returns ride will start and end at Red’s Grill will be various classes, including www.chetekwinterfest.org.
in 2024 with action-packed entertain- & Bar since that is where the Winter Kitty Kat, 120s and modified snow- Kids attending Winter Fest will en-
ment slated for all ages. Poor ice con- Fest pre-party is Friday evening.” mobiles. Those interested in signing joy a variety of games and activities
ditions forced the Chetek Chamber The Winter Fest kickoff party takes up for the kids races should contact from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
of Commerce to modify last year’s place the night prior to the main event organizer Rob Licht at 715- There will be a large heated shelter
event; however, this year’s event on-ice celebration, on Friday, Feb. 23, 551-4035. that will remain on the ice for the
aims to break attendance records at Red’s. The pre-party will feature A short intermission will take entire event. Food and beverages
in the upwards of 4,000-plus people numerous raffle prizes, door prizes place from 1-1:30 p.m. before an- will also be available throughout the
who attended in 2021 and 2022. and an opportunity to sign up for other fan favorite returns. The ninth event.
Winter Fest will, once again, take the bikini run, along with music, annual bikini run will begin at 1:30 Along with the awards/trophy
place on Lake Chetek on Saturday, food and drink specials. p.m. In 2023, seven racers raised ceremony for the racers Saturday
Feb. 24, and includes the National Attendees this year can expect pledge money for Barron County evening, a raffle drawing will also
Straightline Snowmobile Racing snowmobilers zipping down the lake Pink Ribbon Advocacy and com- take place at Pokegama Cantina for
Radar Run, a bikini run, Kids Ice for 700-plus runs. Ryan Enzor put peted in the bikini run. A total of a first-place prize of $1,500. Numer-
Pro Racing, kids’ games and activi- Chetek on the snowmobile racing $4,000 was raised with anticipation ous other prizes to be raffled off
ties and more. New this year, there map in 2020; he made the Winter for $10,000 as ice conditions should will be announced at a later date.
will be a vintage snowmobile ride as Fest track the fastest track in the allow for the normal full-day Winter Tickets are $5 each or five tickets
well. The one-day event will be held world when he topped 194 mph for a Fest with thousands of spectators. for $20 and available at most local
on the ice of Lake Chetek in front new world record. Participants will race/ride an 800cc businesses throughout town. The
of the Chetek City Beach, located Registration for the NSSR Radar or smaller stock snowmobile 500 feet drawing will begin at approximately
on Lakeview Drive. Cost is $5 for Run begins at 8 a.m. on the lake in on a snow-packed track in swimwear. 6 p.m. Winners do not need to be
adults, and kids 12 and under are front of the city beach, with racing All bikini run participants must wear present to win. Raffle tickets are be-
free. Parking will be available on the to follow from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. a helmet, gloves and boots. Snowmo- ing sold at many local businesses in
ice as well as on land by the Chetek Racers will reach top speeds down biles and helmets will be available Chetek, beginning in January.
beach pavilion. the 1,000-foot track. There will also to use. Participants need to turn in For more information on events,
“The Vintage snowmobile ride will be a fun run available at a fee for forms on the ice by 11 a.m. The top contact Licht at 715-551-4035 or
take place Friday during the day nonsanctioned participants. Tro- male and female to raise the most visit www.chetekwinterfest.org or
and we are hoping to have the exact phies will be awarded at the comple- money will be crowned king and the Chetek Chamber of Commerce
route of the ride solidified by mid- tion of the event. queen of Winter Fest. Prizes will also website at www.chetekwi.net. Look
January,” stated event organizer Rob Returning to the Winter Fest line- be awarded for the fastest time. All for updates on the Chetek Winter
Licht. “It’s a new event but it’s some- up will be Kids Ice Pro Racing. Kids proceeds go to Barron County Pink Fest page on Facebook. Winter Fest is
thing many have inquired about ages 4 to 14 will compete against Ribbon Advocacy. once again sponsored by the Chetek
adding for years. We do know the one another on an oval track. There Entry forms are available online at Chamber of Commerce.

Coping with grief, loss during the holidays

By Debbie skozek curred on April 8 when officers Emily
Breidenbach and Hunter Scheel were
“It’s the most wonderful time of the senselessly gunned down during a traf-
year. fic stop. Both young officers touched
There’ll be much mistletoeing, so many people’s lives that within our
And hearts will be glowing communities the grief was palpable.
When loved ones are near. People attended a candlelight vigil, flew
It’s the most wonderful time of the commemorative flags, bought fund-
year.” raising bracelets and, more importantly,
Seeming to begin earlier every year, shared their grief and stories of the
the holiday season brings a variety of slain officers with one another.
traditions to follow, tasks to perform, Dealing with a more personal loss
foods to buy or prepare, gatherings to during the holidays may prove more
attend and, finally, feelings. difficult, but the ways we cope with
For many people, the holidays are communal grief provide some insights
the most wonderful and happiest time into how to deal with and grow through
of the year. However, many individu- grief.
als dread the in-your-face cheeriness
and over-the-top celebrations. Some Celebrations of Life
of these individuals are often facing People no longer live in and die in the
their first holiday season without their same town or city; family members are kenton troutman | The chetek alert
spouse, parent, brother, sister, grand- no longer there to tend to the graves of
parent, daughter, son, aunt, uncle, niece, their loved ones. Societal mobility as Following the tragic loss of officers officers Emily Breidenbach and Hunter Scheel,
nephew, or special friend. well as cost have made cremation an people attended a candlelight vigil , flew commemorative flags, bought fund-raising
Many people face a holiday of mixed increasingly popular choice. For these bracelets and, more importantly, shared their grief and stories of the slain officers
emotions, but especially those grieving and other reasons, celebrations of life with one another.
the loss of someone they love. One can have become a popular addition to or
hardly ignore the holidays with all of its substitution for traditional funerals. to be happy. grieving, be patient, do not rush the
family obligations, colored lights and Yes, celebration of life is yet another Asking how individuals dealing with process. For family and friends trying
decorations, carols heard in every store, euphemism people use in reference to grief want their holidays to be celebrat- to comfort the grieving, avoid saying,
and constant barrage of seasonal adver- death and its attendant rituals. However, ed is important, especially if that indi- “You should be over this by now,” or “It’s
tising. Yet most people mourning the it serves to better honor the person who vidual hosted for the holidays. Perhaps time to move on.” Try to be a good and
loss of a loved one realize that isolating died than a traditional wake where the smaller and fewer gatherings might comforting listener instead.
themselves or ignoring the holidays focus is often on the mourners or seeing be better. Maybe gifts to the deceased Remember, no one feels the loss of a
is an unhealthy and unhelpful way of and greeting people who have traveled a person’s favorite charities could be an loved one in the same way. For instance,
dealing with their grief and sadness. distance and/or have not been seen for option this year. Spending the holidays when a grandfather dies, his grand-
Grief comes in many forms and is a while. in a totally different way by working children, his children and his spouse
expressed in different ways. Most often, Celebrations of Life center around re- at a soup kitchen, visiting a hospital, will all feel sad but in different ways
grief is personal, yet it can also be com- membering and honoring the deceased. or nursing home or taking a trip to a and to varying degrees. That’s when
munal as is the case after mass shoot- The photographs, videos and slideshows nearby nature center may prove benefi- having a shared spiritual belief system
ings or the passing of a well-known and present an overview of the deceased cial and better reflect the holidays’ true can help a grief-stricken family unite
well-liked community member. loved one’s life, including relationships spirit and meaning. and cope with a terrible loss and see
with others. The accompanying sound- them through the holidays. Believing
Communal Grief tracks often reflect a specific time in Grief Is an Individual Experience grandfather is now at rest and in heaven
Here in Chetek, we have experienced that person’s life or simply his or her The passage of time alone does not offers comfort and is a concept even the
some sad losses as a community. For taste in music. The readings or spiritual ease nor eliminate grief. Plus, time is rel- younger grandchildren can understand.
example, Clayton Grover, known for invocations reflect that person’s beliefs, ative. Some individuals appear to move Seeking help and support is impor-
his drink of choice, a warm PBR (Pabst and the eulogies depict who that person on quickly after a loved one dies. They tant. Yes, there are books and resources
Blue Ribbon), passed away in March. was and the impact he or she had on return to work and resume their usual online for those coping with every sort
His many friends and family members others. activities. In the case of their spouses’ of grief. However, there is no substi-
coped with their grief and commemo- passing, some find new partners only tute for person-to-person communica-
rated their friend by hosting 136 golfers Why the Holidays Are Difficult months later. Meanwhile, others might tion. Speaking with others about one’s
for the inaugural Clayton Grover Open The holidays amplify grief because attend grief support group meetings for feelings and sharing memories of the
in June, raising funds to build the everyone should be happy. Sad and years after their loved one(s) have died. deceased are all important and effective
Clayton Grover Memorial Pavilion. Their depressed people are asked to box up People appointed to handle the legal ways of dealing with grief.
holiday celebrations may feel a little less their worries, fears and grief and put and financial affairs of their deceased For all the readers facing the holidays
festive, and some tears may be shed as on a happy face. This is wrong. People loved ones often find little time to mourning the loss of a loved one, I
they share memories of Clayton, but should understand and accept that not mourn amid all the paperwork and close with this wee bit of verse from a
they honored Clayton’s memory in a everyone, especially those experienc- important decisions they, as executors, tombstone in Ireland: “Death leaves a
meaningful way. ing their first holiday season without a must make. Taking the time to grieve heartache no one can heal, love leaves a
A tragic loss for our community oc- beloved friend or family member, needs is important and necessary. For those memory no one can steal.”

Chetek Snow Flyers maintain trails for local, out-of-state riders

by mike schmidt, be used at nu merous loca l busi- The Snow Flyers also donate each
chetek snow flyers president nesses th roughout Ba rron Cou nt y. year to community organizations
Hu nd reds of loca l a nd out-of-state such as the Chetek Food Shelf,
The Chetek Snow Flyers Snow- snow mobi lers use the loca l tra i ls Christmas for Kids, Nature’s Edge
mobile Club has been in existence to con nect w ith the other systems Therapy Center and Schmidty Open
since the early 1960s and now th roughout the cou nt y, bri ng i ng Golf Tournament, K-Runk Memo-
consists of more than 80 families. i n revenue i n severa l d ifferent rial Race as well as volunteering
There are 120 area landowners who forms. With more tha n 200,000 for highway pickup. The Snowfly-
generously let the Chetek Snow reg istered sleds a nd 25,000 m i les ers also support the local Chetek
Flyers Club run the trail system of g roomed tra i ls i n the state of Firemen’s Ice Fishing Contest, Pink
across their properties. Many Wisconsi n, each rider w i l l spend Ribbon Advocacy and Chetek Boy
hours go into keeping in close con- a n average of $125 per person on Scouts. Snowmobile safety classes
tact with each of these landowners; a tra i l ride. are held each year depending on
without them, we would not have A state law introduced in 2015 enrollment.
the trails. requires a trail pass in order to The clubhouse is located west submitted photo
The Chetek Snow Flyers hold snowmobile on the trail systems. of Chetek, at 2330 CTH D, and
fundraisers throughout the year to Snowmobilers can get a discount has monthly meetings the second Pictured above is the Chetek Snow Flyers’
help with the cost of the groomer/ on trail passes if they belong to a Thursday of each month. New own Brianna Crotteau, who was crowned the
tractor, which is used to groom snowmobile club. members are welcome any time of Association of Wisconsin Snowmobile Club
more than 72 miles of trails in Bar- The Chetek Snow Flyers also have year. (AWSC) Miss Snowflake for the 2023-2024
ron County. a strong network of supporters. To join the club or for more infor- year. Miss Snowflake started in 1969 and
Th is w i nter ma rks the 10th Each year, club members spend mation, email cheteksnowflyers@ Crotteau is just the third woman from Bar-
yea r of the BOGO ( buy one, get many volunteer hours rerouting, gmail.com, visit their webpage at ron County to be crowned queen. Nickole
one) ca rd, wh ich r u ns from May 1 clearing, brushing, marking, mow- www.cheteksnowflyers.com, or Schmidt of Chetek and Markie Schneider of
th rough Sept. 30. BOGO ca rds ca n ing and grooming the trails. visit their Facebook page. Rice Lake were the other recipients.

Happy Holidays from all

of us at Gilligans

Great Food,
Great Drinks,
Great Friends!

2542 8 1/4 Ave

From the Chetek
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Chetek Area gilliganschetek.com
Chamber of Commerce

Dispose of your holiday tree; follow these tips

Wisconsinites should make a plan now gases when it breaks down in landfills.
to properly dispose of their holiday trees If your municipality or a private service
after their celebrations wrap up. provider offers drop-off or curbside tree
Wisconsin law generally prohibits collection for residents, remove lights,
landfill disposal of yard waste, including decorations and wires before placing the
leaves, grass clippings, brush and pieces tree on the curb or taking it to the drop-
of wood (branches, sticks, etc.) under 6 off center.
inches in diameter. The yard waste dis- If tree management is not offered
posal law has been in place since 1993. in your area, check out the Wisconsin
The DNR does not act as “trash police,” Recycling Markets Directory for a list of
but rather works with communities to licensed composting facilities by select-
divert yard waste from landfills through ing “Licensed Composter Facilities” in the
composting and other waste reduction drop-down menu.
activities. The DNR will continue to work with
The DNR recommends chipping or municipalities and the Waste and Materi- submitted photo
composting yard waste because that als Management Study Group over time to submitted photo
organic waste takes up a lot of landfill gather information about how holiday trees Pictured above is Sarah Hansen’s cat
space, has value for gardening and land- are being managed and identify options for Walter, lounging under the Christ- Ingrid Rothenbuehler submitted a
scaping and creates harmful greenhouse keeping useful materials out of landfills. mas tree. photo of Skye, her 5-year-old morkie.

Free Fishing Weekend is Jan. 20-21; introduce new anglers to the sport
As winter sets in, outdoor enthusiasts Never ice fished? This winter might https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/Fish-
searching for a fun activity that can be be the perfect opportunity to fish ing/anglereducation/loanerContacts.
enjoyed with others and in solidarity on the hard water in the company of html.
should head to the frozen waters of experienced anglers. Maybe friends,
Wisconsin for some ice fishing. family or community members who Plan a Clinic
Ice fishing anglers of all ages are have a passion for ice fishing will show Angler Education instructors, state
encouraged to take advantage of Wis- you their secret world of catching fish park staff and organizations are in-
consin’s Free Fishing Weekend this through the ice. vited to host fishing clinics around the
winter, which runs Saturday and Sun- state. Complete and submit this plan-
day, Jan. 20–21, 2024. Plan ice fishing Need fishing gear? ning form—https://widnr.widen.net/s/
outings for community groups, clubs, Wisconsin has more than 50 tackle mdqbz8zqsq/winterfreefishingweek-
churches, family and friends. Resi- loaner sites and many of them have ice endplanningandorderform.
dents and nonresidents are welcome fishing gear that you can borrow. Office
as well. hours vary by site, so contact the loaner Get a license
For the eighth consecutive year, site and plan ahead to pick up the gear. New to fishing, but want to make it a
anglers can fish anywhere in Wisconsin While the DNR does have basic ice habit before or after Free Fishing Week-
without a license or trout stamp on fishing gear, ice augers are not part of end? Try the “first-time buyer” resident
Free Fishing Weekend. This includes the package. Ice anglers are a friendly license for only $5. Discounts are also
all inland waters and Wisconsin’s side bunch, so politely ask someone to drill available for nonresidents as well.
of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi you a hole or claim one that’s been
River. Other fishing rules apply, such abandoned. Dates to remember submitted photo
as limits on the number and size of Ice fishing equipment is available Free Fishing Weekends are always
fish anglers can keep and any seasons for loan from many state parks and held the third full weekend in January Chetek’s Caleb Hakseth holds up a 42-
when anglers must release certain fish Department of Natural Resources office and the first full weekend in June. For inch northern pike caught while early
species. locations. For the complete list, visit 2024, it will be Jan. 20–21 and June 1–2. ice fishing in Nov. 2023.

Merry Christmas!
Thank you for making us feel so welcome!

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Sit, stay, shake, ski?

Skijoring offers winter fun with Fido
By Carl Cooley

Nearly 100 years ago, teams of sled

dogs and mushers, including the husky
Balto and his musher Gunnar Kaasen,
heroically braved the Arctic winter
to deliver a lifesaving serum to the
residents of Nome, Alaska. It was an
amazing feat then and it is today, as it
is commemorated by modern sled dog
teams competing in the annual Iditarod
sled dog race. One wonders, “Gee, could
my dog do that? Could I do that?”
No, probably not.
But you and your dog can skijor,
which is the next best thing. It means
“ski driving” in Norwegian and involves
a dog (sometimes a vehicle or a horse)
pulling a skier. And yes, skijoring with
your dog is an absolute blast.
“It’s just fun,” says Allison Hall of
Rice Lake. “It’s a different activity that
you can do with your dog that isn’t just
walking in the wintertime, and it’s a dif-
ferent way to ski.”
Hall and her husband, Tim Bradley, Photos courtesty of ©American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation®
have skijored the last three seasons with
their dog, Bernard, a rottweiller-great Skijoring is a winter sport that involves dogs (or horses or vehicles) pulling skiers. Pictured above, Melissa Omernick (Bib No.
Pyrenees mix. The couple are open- 2), of Gleason, and her dog, Luja, and Rich Kisseloff (Bib No. 1), of Algonquin, Illinois, and his dog, Zwift pictured above, com-
ing Northwoods Cycle, in Rice Lake, in pete in the Barkie Birkie race, held Feb. 23, 2023, in Hayward.
spring 2024.
“We wanted to have an activity that placing in the top seven finishers. She’s short-haired pointers, with a small should be confident in your abilities
we could do outside with our dog that been skijoring for around 18 years, amount of greyhound. The greyhound first.
would wear him out a little bit,” Hall and her family has been dog sledding helps calm the pointer’s crazy energy, “Just know how to ski before you
said about why they started the sport. for about 30 years. She began skijoring Kisseloff said. They average 17-22 mph go,” Hall said. You don’t have to be an
The couple previously lived in the Twin after her brother didn’t use the skis she while racing. Olympic-level skier to just get started,
Cities, near Hiawatha Golf Course, gifted him. Both plan to be at the Barkie Birkie on but have basic control and be able to get
where you can skijor in the winter. After “If you already have sled dogs, and Feb. 22, 2024; Omernick with her dog, up from a fall.
an outing, Bernard takes a nice, hardy you know how to stay upright on skis- Luja, and Kisseloff with his dog, Zwift. There are special pulling harnesses
nap, she said. -one plus one equals skijoring!” Omer- and tow lines for dogs. An x-back style
nick explained. The basics, or “Hike, On-by, Woah!” harness is recommended as it better
Canine competition Rich Kisseloff of Algonquin, Illinois One doesn’t need a special breed of distributes the pulling force around
For those that like a bit of competi- has competed in eight Birke Birkie races, dog to skijor. Any dog can enjoy run- the dog’s shoulders. Dogs should not
tion and a faster pace, there are races placing first overall in the last four ning along a trail while their owner skis. pull from a neck collar. The tow lines
like the Barkie Birkie. Since 2011, this events. Omernick’s sister skijors with a Jack have bungees in them to ensure the dog
skijoring event has been held the week Over the past 15 years, he’s done most Russell terrier. But 35 pounds is gener- isn’t injured by the line pulling taut too
of the American Birkebeiner ski race, in of the dog-powered sports out there. But ally the smallest size of dog that can abruptly.
Hayward. like most people, he started by just find- realistically pull a skier, Kisseloff said. For the skier, a padded belt around
There usually are 1k, 3k and 5k ing ways to be active with his dog at the There are two basic styles of cross the waist connects to the tow line, often
races, held the Thursday before the time, a Siberian husky. He started moun- country skiing, classic and skate. Classic with a quick release clasp. Some people
Birkie. Around 100 skier-and-dog teams tain biking with the dog and learned looks like you’re walking on skis, while use climbing harnesses for a belt,
compete, with teams taking off from about bikejoring, scootering, pulk and skate looks like you’re ice skating or Kisseloff said. Most pet shops don’t sell
the start line every 10 to 15 seconds. skijoring along the way. roller blading with skis. Skate style is skijoring gear, but they can be found in
Race chief Connie Meek recommends By 2015, he was racing faster dogs and generally faster and takes more skill. most ski shops. Gear can be purchased
the 1k fun race for those just beginning went to the International Federation of “Skating is the preferred technique. online, but it is harder to correctly size
the sport or pursuing it recreationally. Sleddog Sports world championships in And if your dog doesn’t pull that hard the gear to your dog.
Only the 3k and 5k racers earn top place Germany. and you just want to be out there with But if your dog isn’t a hard puller,
medals. Now, he imports and raises greysters, your dog, then by all means, do classic,” you can get by with a trekking harness,
Melissa Omernick of Gleason has com- which are bred specifically for skijoring. Kisseloff said. a regular bungee line and leash belt,
peted in six Barkie Birkie races, always They are a mix of German and English Whichever style you choose, you Kisseloff said.

Photos courtesty of ©American Birkebeiner Ski Foundation®

Pictured above at left, Luja, and Rich Kisseloff (Bib No. 1), of Algonquin, Illinois, and his dog, Zwift pictured below, compete in the Barkie Birkie race, held Feb. 23, 2023, in
Hayward. It was his fourth consecutive Barkie Birkie win. Kisseloff says you want to be the best athlete you can be for your dog, to work as a team, when skijoring com-
petitively. Omernick, pictured above at right, placed fourth overall in the 2023 Barkie Birkie skijoring 5k race held during the American Birkebeiner week in Hayward.
She says it’s a great sport to keep yourself, and your dog, active during the long Wisconsin winters. Anyone and their dog can do it, even just for fun.

From Page A15 Cumberland, allows leashed dogs on the

4.4 mile Alternative Trail loop. River Doc
Depending on if your dog is a cold- Trails, north of Rice Lake, also allows
weather breed or not, you may need a leashed dogs.
doggy jacket or fleece booties to protect Frozen lakes are open to the public
them from cold and ice-related inju- and dogs, as are many multi-use vehicle
ries. Kisseloff said be sure your dog is trails. But Omernick said snowmobiles,
staying hydrated and isn’t overexerting ATVs and UTVs can pose a hazard. In
itself. Most of all, make sure the dog is January 2022, on a trail near Bayfield,
having fun. two sled dogs were injured in a hit-
Omernick recommends skiers wear and-run with a snowmobile. Omernick
a helmet, even just a bike helmet, until recommended not using these multi-use
you know how your dog will behave. “I trails when vehicles are likely to use
wear a helmet, because you just never
know,” she said. A bad fall on hard
snow, ice or a crash into a tree could
them, such as at night and the weekend.

Why you should give it a try

have irreversible effects. “I’m an E.R. “I love my dogs and I love skiing, be-
nurse and I believe in helmets.” cause you’re outside. Winter can be long
She also recommends not using ski and what better way to make the time
poles the first few times you skijor. pass than including your best friend?”
Omernick and Kisseloff have trained Omernick said, adding it’s a great way
their dogs to follow dog sledding com- for pet and owner to get exercise.
mands; such as “hike,” to start running, Kisseloff enjoys the team aspect of it,
“woah” to stop, “on-by” to ignore dis- athlete and dog working together. “The
tractions, “haw” to turn left and “gee” to better you can run or ski, the better
turn right. But any similar commands your dog can be, as a team.” Plus, his
work, if your dog consistently follows dogs love it. “These dogs love to run.
them. They are bred to run. When you break
“All these commands are taught
before you put on your first pair of skis,
because you can’t expect your dog to
out the harness and you’re at the trail-
head, my dogs just go crazy.”
“If it is something you think your dog
We look forward to serving you in 2024!

know them unless you’ve worked with might like, take a few lessons and get
them,” Omernick said. She recommends the basics down,” he said.
teaching them while walking or running “If you think your dog is physically
with your dog, but it takes about two capable of doing it and you’re a good
seasons for dogs to be reliably trained. enough of a skier to give it a shot, I

Where to skijor
would say give it a try,” Hall said, add-
ing you’re guaranteed to have a good 806 Dallas St., Chetek
Hall, Kisseloff and Omernick noted
the hardest part is finding a place to
time and have a good story to tell later.
“There’s always something funny that chris@fireandicewi.com | www.fireandicewi.com
skijor. Many groomed ski trails don’t happens when you tie yourself to a dog.”
welcome dogs. Timberland Hills, near

Mrs. Anderson’s class


What do you like most about Christmas?

Playing in the snow with my broth- are kind and playful. —Jazmine get to spend time with my cousins.
er because we like to snowboard to- —Kaelyn
gether. —Aria Going to find the best tree in the
field so my cat can have the best To see my family because I don’t get
Going to my grandma’s house be- Christmas because it will be inter- to see them that often and they live
cause we play lots of fun games and esting to see my cat’s face when far away.
get presents. —Brinley she sees the tree. —Taylor —Corbin

Family, presents, love and Santa Leaving cookies, carrots and milk I like spending time with my fam-
because I love my family and Santa for Santa and his reindeer because ily because they make me happy.
because he is so sweet. —Amelia it is a Christmas tradition and it is —Nyko
super fun to do. —Cayden
Making a ton of gingerbread hous- That my family gets to celebrate
es to form a gingerbread city (Can- Baking cookies and decorating my Christmas together because we
dyland) because at the end we get Christmas tree with family be- get to see each other and make
to play with toy cars on it and then cause I get to have a good time, eat cookies. —Sadie
eat it. —Emerson some cookies and watch a movie.
—Piper Seeing family members and baking
Celebrating with my family because with my grandma because it feels
we do fun things together. —Kale Giving cookies to people and San- like Christmas with my family, my
ta Claus because all that does is and grandma and I make the cook-
I like to give cookies and milk to bring joy to them, and don’t you ies for the family. —Berkley
Santa because Santa loves cookies. like giving joy?. —Bentley
—William Decorating the house and build-
Food, presents and decorating the ing gingerbread houses because
Eating crab legs and lobster tails, tree because it is fun to eat, open you get to spend time with your
along with family and playing, be- the presents and decorate the tree. family and you get to have fun.
cause I like crab legs and lobster tails —Brooklyn —Aubree
and when my cousins play with me.
—Conner Spending time with my family and I like to listen to Christmas music
making Christmas cookies with because I love to listen to Ms. Neby
Being with my family because they my grandma because it is fun and I sing. —Brantley

Mrs. Karstens’ class


What do you like most about Christmas?

I like to get with my family because Presents, spending time with family
I like to spend time with them. The light shows, going to cut and decorating the house,because
—Gage down a tree, the snow and last- it is really fun and I like all of the
ly the presents because it’s fun. Christmas lights in the houses.
In the morning I love waking up —John —Summer
and seeing presents under the tree
because it makes me happy that it Decorating the tree with my family Hide the pickle, family and friends,
is finally Christmas. —Mari and making cookies because dur- because it’s really fun.. —Colton
ing Christmas I like to spend time
Trapper’s birthday because it’s very with family and friends. —Blair When you get presents because
fun and he has great rules of Uno Santa makes everyone so happy. I
each year. It is very fun!. —Der- Spending time with my family be- also like spending time with my
rick cause they are so nice to me. I love family.
my family. —Bradlee —Gali
Seeing family from far away be-
cause I like to spend time together. Giving and getting presents. I also I like to hide the pickle in the Christ-
—Lily like seeing Christmas lights and mas tree because I like to watch ev-
decorating. I love giving presents eryone try to find it. —Julia
You get to spend time with your because I like seeing people happy.
loved ones because it’s most impor- I like getting presents because it Getting presents because it makes
tant to me. —Lu- makes me feel special. I like deco- me feel good. —Rhys
cas rating because it brings the Christ-
mas spirit. —Evelyn Spending time with my family and
That my birthday is the day before opening presents with my brother
Christmas because I get a lot of The snow because I like mak- because I like my brother and fam-
presents. —Hendrix ing snowmen and trying to make ily. —Brynlee
snowballs. —Trapper
Watching A Christmas Movie be- It’s fun because it’s so good to have
cause you can spend time with The presents because I like to see Christmas so all kids have pres-
your family and watch a funny what’s inside of them. —Gabriel ents. —John
movie at the same time. —Bruce

Mr. Zych’s class

Mr. Zych’s class CLASS PHOTO

What do you like most about Christmas?

Time spent with family because it really excited and get even more Singing, making cookies, opening
is fun and I love them. —Conner hyped up for the next present. presents and family because sing-
—Easton ing is fun and so is making cook-
Opening presents because it’s ex- ies; but family and opening pres-
citing. —Claire Presents and decorating the tree ents are the best. —Pazely
because we get to open and play
Finding my elf because my house with the presents. —Tanner The presents because sometimes I
is big so it is not that easy.—Nolan get what I want. —Colton
The Christmas presents because
The elf on the shelf because my elf I love to open the presents and to I like Christmas because it brings
is funny and makes my dad mad wake up to a wonderful morning. family together, and being with
for eating all of his candy.—Willow —Braelynn family brings me joy. —Abbi

Opening presents because I get new That I get to see my cousins and Toys and making cookies because I
stuff to play with and then spend play in the snow because it is very like to play with the toys; I like giv-
time with family. —Emry fun to play with them in the snow. ing cookies to Santa as that gives
—Logan me joy.
Giving presents to my family be- —Braylee
cause I like to see them smile. I get presents because I love wak-
—Layla ing up early in the morning and Going sledding and opening
opening presents. —Everett presents because you go really
The Christmas tree because I get to fast when sledding, and opening
hang the ornaments and listen to Opening presents is my favorite present is cool because you get
music. —Bryce thing because I like getting surprised. cool toys.
—Kaiden —Logan
Opening the presents because I get

We couldn’t have come As we count our blessings this
this far without the Holiday Season, we want to
support of good say thank you to our valued
friends like you. customers and wish you the
very best in the New Year.
Merry Christmas and
many thanks for helping
us go the distance.


-Andy Callow-
&KU\VOHU‡-HHS‡'RGJH 228 Birch Ave.
Sand Creek, WI — 715-658-1285 >“iÀœ˜ÊUÊÇ£x‡{xn‡ÎÓ£ä

Polar Plunge is Jan. 13: take the icy plunge for local organizations Prepare for holiday
shipping deadlines
The U.S. Postal Service an-
nounced it was ready to deliver a
lot of cheer in the form of millions
of cards, letters and packages this
holiday season.

USPS 2023 Christmas Shipping Deadlines

For delivery, in anticipation of
Christmas, the Postal Service rec-
ommends keeping the following
mailing and shipping deadlines in
mind for expected delivery before
Sunday, Dec. 25:
• USPS Retail Ground—Dec. 20
• Priority Mail Express—Dec. 20
• Priority Mail—Dec. 21
The Postal Service receives no
tax dollars for operating expenses
and relies on the sale of postage,
products and services to fund its
For more information on holiday
shipping deadlines, visit https://

UPS 2023 Christmas Shipping Deadlines

Below are the UPS mailing and
shipping deadlines to keep in
kenton troutman | chetek alert mind for expected delivery before
Sunday, Dec. 25:
Seventeen jumpers plunged into the ice-cold waters of Lake Chetek in January 2023 for the third annual Red’s Grill & • UPS Ground—check ups.com
Bar Polar Bear Plunge, formerly the Red’s Jump for a Cause event. Supporters helped raise more than $11,602 at the • UPS 3 Day Select—Dec. 19
event to donate to the Chetek Fire Department and the Pink Ribbon Advocacy of Barron County. Pictured above are • UPS 2nd Day Air—Dec. 20
Courtney Rogers, Tiffany Ely, and Shanay Conyers getting ready to take the plunge last year. • UPS Next Day Air—Dec. 21

“Freezin’ for a Reason” is the and The Chilly Willies and the High how to get started last day for Amazon
theme for the Polar Bear Plunge— Beams raised the highest team Interested participants or jumping Prime Christmas delivery
formerly known as Red’s Jump for pledge. teams should pick up their informa- • Dec. 22: Standard delivery/
a Cause—which is sure to be a fan Jumping begins at 2 p.m. on Lake tion packet, waiver and pledge sheet standard pickup
favorite once again this winter. The Chetek with parking available at from Red’s. Each participant who Dec. 23: One-day delivery—last
event is scheduled to take place Red’s or at the Chetek City Beach raises $50 to support breast cancer order time for delivery by Christ-
Saturday, Jan. 13, 2024, on Lake parking lot. There is also lake access patients in Barron County as well mas (varies by item and location).
Chetek’s south shore in front of at the City Beach. as the Chetek Fire Department will
Red’s Grill & Bar. There will also be registration receive an official Jump for a Cause
Chetek residents, locals from the day of the event from 10 a.m. to T-shirt. Merry Christmas
the area and visitors will take the 1 p.m. Individuals and teams can Following the jump, there will also &
ice-cold plunge into Lake Chetek to
help two local organizations—the
sign up for the event as well as turn
in pledges, receive incentives, sign
be a post-jump party at Red’s with
various raffles and silent auction.
Happy New Year
Chetek Fire Department and the waivers and get plunge numbers and Tickets will be available starting May peace, joy, hope and health be
yours this holiday season and
Pink Ribbon Advocacy of Barron times. If registering as a group, all at 10 a.m. There will be lunch and throughout the new year. We would
County—which provide finan- members must have a signed waiver. dinner specials from 11 a.m. to 9:30 like to thank all our customers for your
cial assistance to residents in the Polar Bear Plunge contests include p.m. and live DJ entertainment. business and look forward to
working with you for all your service
county to help cover uninsured best individual costume and best Those interested in signing up for and repair needs in 2024!
expenses associated with receiv- group costume as well as highest the Polar Bear Plunge should call
ing a breast cancer diagnosis and individual total pledge and highest Red’s at 715-924-3100 or Lisa at 319-
treatment. group total pledge. 215-7180.
A total of 17 jumpers, along with Too scared to jump into Chetek’s Red’s is located at the corner
a number of spectators, braved the icy water? Participants can still sup- of Lakeview Drive and Wisconsin
cold as participants raised $11,607 port the cause, raise pledges and Avenue in Chetek. The plunge site
at last year’s event. Deb Jacobs then dip a finger or toe in the water will be visible at the base of the hill, BLOOMER TRUCK REPAIR, LLC
Henry & Tammy LeBakken
raised the highest individual pledge, for a nonjump contribution. across the road (north) of Red’s. (715) 568-5650

Happy Holidays

Enjoy the Holidays with friends at

Blatz Custom
214 Knapp St, Chetek

Warmest thoughts and best wishes for s on tap! Coldest beer in town!
a wonderful Holiday and a Happy New 715-925-PHIL (7445) • DOWNTOWN CHETEK
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Full kitchen open 7 days a week at 11 a.m.
follow you always. Monday Tuesday Wednesday
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Thanks for Giving Us

So Much to Celebrate!
Friends and customers like you are a gift
we cherish all year.
Thank you for believing in us and for
supporting our business.

We hope this Christmas delivers

Everything on your wish list and
The Chetek Alert

cordially invites you to our services in celebration of Christ’s birth 724 Leonard Street • Chetek
CHRISTMAS EVE Directly behind the Dairy Queen
Candlelight Service For more information, call 715-924-2140
at 5:15 p.m.
Festival Worship
at 10 a.m.
1OH>;S "?=Y;G

1080 Meilahn Street Chetek



Endless recreational opportunities in the outdoors this winter

by tyler florczak County.
The trail is open to cross-country
Barron County is home to some skiing and snowshoeing; however,
of the most unique areas in North- it is not groomed, and skiers and
west Wisconsin, especially during snowshoers must share the trail
the winter months. Cabin fever can with snowmobiles.
set in quickly, so get out and enjoy The Wild Rivers Trail is another
a variety of outdoor activities with multiuse, groomed snowmobile,
family and friends this winter. cross-country skiing and snowshoe-
ing trail that starts on the north
Cross-country skiing, showshoeing end of Rice Lake and runs 97 miles
For those who enjoy moving at north to Superior and intersects
their own pace, nature watching with the Tuscobia Trail.
and/or being outdoors, cross coun- For those interested in smaller,
try skiing and snowshoeing are two local trails, visit the cross-country
activities that can be done virtually trail behind Chetek-Weyerhaeuser
anywhere. Whether in the woods, on High School or the Rockman’s
groomed state trails or on frozen Woods ski trail in Barron.
lakes, northwestern Wisconsin has There are also a variety of events
numerous places to go. hosted throughout Northwestern
Some of the most notable multi- Wisconsin where cross-country ski-
use state trails in the area include ers and snowshoers can compete,
the Ice Age Trail, Tuscobia Trail, such as the American Birkebeiner,
Wild Rivers Trail and Cattail Trail. an annual cross-country competi-
The Ice Age Trail is a 1,000-mile- tion held in the Cable/Hayward area.
long hiking trail located entirely The 50th annual event will be on
within Wisconsin. It passes through Saturday, Feb. 24, 2024, with related
30 of Wisconsin’s 72 counties, and events from Wednesday, Feb. 21,
its closest point to Barron County is 2024, through Sunday, Feb. 25, 2024.
located near New Auburn. It is only
one of 11 National Scenic Trails in Downhill activities
the country. The surrounding area offers plen- tyler florczak | chetek alert
According to the Ice Age Trail ty of opportunities for people who
website, walking, hiking, backpack- enjoy downhill winter activities like Outdoor enthusiasts living in or visiting Barron County have a wide variety of
ing, camping and snowshoeing are skiing, snowboarding, sledding or outdoor activities they can take part in throughout the winter months. Cross-
popular on the trail, as it offers snow tubing. country or downhill skiing, snowshoeing, ice fishing, snowmobiling are some
adventures over a wide range of Christie Mountain Ski Area, lo- of the most popular winter activities in the northwoods. Pictured above is an
distances and landscapes. Many cated 18 miles east of Rice Lake in individual ice parasailing on Lake Chetek.
segments support cross country the Blue Hills snowbelt, is a popular
skiing, too. downhill ski area with a total of 21 popular winter activities is snow- Wisconsinites love. Come December
Visit www.iceagetrail.org for more lighted trails, up to 4,000 feet in mobiling. As long as there’s enough or January (depending on the ice
information. length. Christie Mountain allows white powder on the ground and thickness), virtually all northwest-
The Tuscobia-Park Falls Trail is day and night skiing, snowboard- trails are groomed, snowmobilers ern Wisconsin lakes are completely
a 74-mile, multiuse, abandoned ing and snow tubing, which gives can ride on the connecting county frozen, leaving more options for
railroad grade trail, beginning just visitors plenty of options to choose and state trails, on frozen lakes, in outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy the
north of Rice Lake and running from. With affordable prices, a con- fields or on their own private land. winter months.
east through Barron, Washburn, venient location and various activi- Along with the Tuscobia, Cattail, Numerous ice fishing tourna-
Sawyer and Price counties. Cross- ties and amenities, Christie Moun- Wild Rivers and portions of the Ice ments are held throughout the win-
country skiing, snowshoeing and tain can be a winter wonderland for Age Trail, snowmobilers can find ter months in Barron and surround-
snowmobiling are permitted on outdoor enthusiasts. trails to ride just about anywhere in ing counties as well.
the trail. The trail also connects Visit www.christiemountain.com the area. Other than the frozen lakes, Bar-
to numerous miles of county for more information on pricing As of Thursday, Dec. 14, snowmo- ron County also offers a few family-
snowmobile trails and is also part and dates. bile trails in Barron County were oriented places to ice skate, includ-
of the 1,000-mile Ice Age Trail. Visit Those willing to travel a little still closed. ing the ice skating rink in Rice
www.tuscobiatrail.com for more further may also want to check out To view updated trail reports, visit Lake, the Barron Ice Arena and the
information. Trollhaugen Outdoor Recreation www.travelwisconsin.com/snow- Cumberland Hockey Rink.
The 18-mile Cattail State Trail Area in Dresser, Tower Ridge Ski conditions-report/Snowmobile#/ Make it a point to stay active this
meanders through some of Wiscon- Trails in Eau Claire and Wild Moun- Report. winter while attending some of the
sin’s most picturesque forests and tain in Taylors Falls, Minn. local outdoor events. Not only will
farmlands. The trail passes through activities on ice they be fun and enjoyable, but they
Turtle Lake as it connects Amery in snowmobiling Ice fishing and ice skating are can also help keep outdoor enthusi-
Polk County with Almena in Barron Another one of Wisconsin’s most two more outdoor winter activities asts in good health.

submitted photo

Pictured above is Valerie Carson-Klotz’s

doggo Ozzie.


submitted photo submitted photo

Oliver and Murphy can’t wait to see what Pictured is Wendy Baril-Running’s dog
Santa a.k.a their parents, Bob and Mariah Olive, wearing a trapping hat to keep
Miles, put in their stockings this year. her ears warm.

History of nativity scenes dates back over eight centuries

by bob zientara which eventually led to the in-home
nativity scenes that are so much a
The Christmas Nativity Scene is part of Christmas today,” the story
popular in American culture -- from added.
life-sized, illuminated plastic lawn But it took awhile for the creche to
displays to tiny figurines on table- find its way into people’s homes. Until
tops, and even living, breathing the late 1700s, most nativity scenes
people and animals. “were very ornate and made of fine
But where does the tradition come materials — too pricey for the average
from? family,” Guideposts reports.
According to various sources, the A French artist named Jean-Louis
first nativity scene — or “creche,” as Lagnel began to make affordable clay
it is known in French — got its start nativity figurines in the year 1797, the
800 years ago in Italy. The charac- magazine added.
ters, themselves, come from an even Vanessa Corcoran, adjunct professor
older tradition that goes further back of history at Georgetown University,
into the Middle Ages or even earlier, published a research paper on the
sources added. nativity scene in December 2019. She
bob zientara | barron news-shield A story in Smithsonian magazine said the presence of animals first
published in December 2012 claims appeared in medieval Christian texts
Imported from Italy—The Zientara family creche was given to us in 1988 by our that St. Francis of Assisi was the first during the seventh century.
kids’ paternal grandparents. My mother said that the hand painted figures are of to create a nativity scene. The names of Caspar, Balthasar and
papier mache and were imported from Italy around 80 years ago. Other figures St. Bonaventure, whose biography Melchior — the Three Wise Men who
came from a different set owned by my grandmother. of Francis appeared shortly after his appear in the gospel of Matthew – be-
death, said it was in the year 1223 gan to show up in historical accounts
that Francis asked Pope Honorius at about the same time, according to

Happy Holidays!
III for permission to create the first Encyclopedia Britannica.
nativity. He set up a manger with hay “The names Bithisarea, Melichior,
and two live animals — an ox and an and Gathaspa appeared in a chronicle
ass — in a cave in the Italian village known as the ‘Excerpta Latina Bar-
of Grecio. bari’ in about the eighth century,” the
Francis then invited the villagers encyclopedia reported.
to see the display while he preached Caspar is represented as a king of
about “the babe of Bethlehem.” India bearing the gift of frankincense
Later scenes began to include live to the Christ Child, the Britannica
actors, and the cast of characters article added.
gradually expanded beyond Mary, Balthasar — who brings the gift of
Joseph and baby Jesus. myrrh — is said to be a king of Arabia
Those early creators may have let or Ethiopia and is often depicted by
their imaginations run away with artists as a Middle Eastern or black
them, the Smithsonian story added. man.
Other than the shepherds of St. Luke’s Melchior, the oldest of the Magi,
Gospel, there is no mention of ani- appears with a long, white beard, and
mals in the New Testament accounts is represented as a king of Persia. It is
of the Christ Child’s birth. Melchior who brings the gift of gold,”
In fact, of the four gospels, “only the article added.
Matthew and Luke describe Jesus’
birth,” the magazine reported. “Mat-

Over 70 local artisans, thew mentions wise men, while

Luke comments on shepherds -- but

re-imagined furniture,
nowhere do shepherds and wise men
appear together, (nor is any mention

and antiques.
made of) donkeys, oxen, cattle or
other farmyard friends.”
But once they got started, the tradi-
tions gained momentum. Guideposts
Magazine says that most Italian
churches had added nativity displays
within a century after St. Francis’
“Over time, statues, rather than
living people and animals, were used,

A Unique Multi-Vendor
Shopping Experience

submitted photo
submitted photo
Kim Fehlen’s dog June wants to wish
everyone a very Merry Christmas and Dotty and Happy are two Borderdoo-
hopes that Santa will consider mak- dles ready for the holidays. The two
ing her into an honorary reindeer this festive pups are loved by Lana, Vera, OE4U $IFUFLt
year. and Felipe Sanchez.

As the big day

draws near, we’d like to

for letting us serve you!

626 Railroad Ave 302 Knapp Street Whitmore Accounting

Chetek Chetek 402 Sixth Street, Chetek
715-924-4318 715-924-4835 715-924-3358

2024 ice fishing contests on the Chetek Chain of Lakes

by tyler florczak

The Chetek Chain of Lakes is a

destination for fishing of all sorts,
especially when it comes to fishing
on the hard water. Whether you’re
jigging for panfish or targeting
trophy walleyes and giant northern
pike on tip-ups, ice anglers should
start planning ahead for the three
major ice fishing tournaments held
on the Chetek Chain as the calen-
dar flips to 2024.

Fire department contest

The first ice fishing contest of
the new year on the six-lake chain
this winter is the Chetek Fire
Department’s 30th annual Adult
and Kids Ice Fishing Tournament
Saturday, Jan. 20, 2024, from 9 a.m.
to 3 p.m. As usual, the contest will
land on Wisconsin’s Free Fishing submitted photos
Weekend for the winter, which will
be Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 20-21, Pictured above, at left, are the winners from last year’s Chetek AmVets Just For Kids Ice Fishing Contest—Aria, from Zum-
2024, (see page A10 of the Tis The brota, Minnesota, who took first place in the girls division, and the boys winner Kasad, 8, from Bangor. Pictured above at
Season issue and read the article right are the 10 AmVets volunteers, including the late Doug Robinson, at far left. Because Robinson played a major role
titled “Free Fishing Weekend” for in the annual kids contest, the Chetek AmVets organization and Chetek community, the kids ice fishing contest is being
more information). renamed to the Doug Robinson Memorial Just for Kids Ice Fishing Contest which takes place on Feb. 17, 2024.
In the fire department’s fish-
ing contest, the top three place weigh-ins will take place on shore place—$1,000 cash; second place— biggest tournament ever.
winners (by weight) of each fish in the Pokegama Lakeside Cantina $750; third place—$500; fourth For more information, check the
species—northern pike, bass, wall- parking lot. place—$400 gift card to Rod & Gun Chetek Hydroflites Ice Fishing Con-
eye, crappie, bluegill, perch—in For more information, contact Sport Shop; fifth place—Wicked test on Facebook.
both the adult and kids’ divisions John Van Beek at 715-296-1598. Ridge Crossbow package; sixth
will be awarded prizes. place—7.5-inch KDrill with Milwau- Chetek amvets kids contest is now the
In the adult division, the first- Hydroflites contest kee Hammer Drill package; Raffle doug robinson memorial just for kids
place prize is $200, second place is The 25th annual Chetek Hydrof- prize winners need not be present contest
$100, and third place is $50. lites Water Ski Show Team Ice Fish- to win. There will be several other The Chetek Amvets Post No. 25
Yet-to-be-determined prizes for ing Contest is the second ice fish- door prizes drawn from these is sponsoring the Doug Robinson
the kids’ division will be awarded ing contest hosted on frozen water raffle tickets. Memorial Just for Kids Ice Fishing
from first through third places. in Chetek and is set for Saturday, Besides the raffle tickets, there Contest on Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024,
Raffle tickets will be sold for the Feb. 3, 2024, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. will also be numerous gun raffles from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., on the lake
event, where participants can win on the Chetek Chain of Lakes. and other major prizes raffled in front of Gilligans. It is the 15th
the grand prize, which is $5,000 Thousands of dollars in prizes will off during the ice fishing contest. annual event and the first year the
cash. Second place is $3,000, be awarded at the event. Some of those prizes include a Amvets will be honoring the late
third is $1,500 and fourth is $500. First-, second- and third-place Stihl chainsaw, two handguns, Es- Doug Robinson, a loyal member of
Tickets are six for $10 or $2 each. winners in the adult division for kimo Quickfish 3 insulated shelter, the Chetek Amvets and the Chetek
Raffle prizewinners need not be northern pike, walleye, bass and ION 8 inch auger, Rivers Edge tree- community, who passed in August
present to win. panfish will be awarded Chamber stand, YETI cooler, $50 SCHEELS 2023.
Additional bonus raffle prizes Bucks. gift card and many more. The free event is open to kids
will be drawn every half-hour In the 14-and-under contest for Registration and fish weigh-in ages 4–15 and special athletes of
throughout the day. Contestants kids, prizes will be awarded for the will take place at Pokegema Lake- all ages (must be accompanied by
must be present to win bonus top three finishers. side Cantina. There will also be a guardian or adult). Fishing and
raffle prizes. Besides ice fishing prizes, partici- food and refreshments available in parking will only be allowed in
There will also be several gun pants will have the chance to win the same location throughout the designated areas.
raffle prizes along with various raffle drawings. Raffle tickets are day. Prizes will be awarded for fish
raffle prizes available at $10 per available and will be sold at the Proceeds from the contest go categories and age brackets, along
chance. Updates on the gun raffles contest for $5 each or five for $20. toward the Chetek Hydroflites ski with door prizes and many other
will be printed in The Chetek Alert A raffle ticket must be purchased team and their youth program. prizes to be given away. Hot dogs
newspaper as details are released. to enter the contest. Come help support the Chetek Hy- and hot chocolate will also be pro-
Concessions, raffle boards and Raffle prizes will include: first droflites and help make this their vided for participants.

Glory to the
Newborn King!

The Catholic Church Welcomes You

One. Holy. Apostolic. Universal Church
Christmas Eve Mass Solemnity of Mary
St. Peter in Cameron 4 p.m. December 31
Asumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in
Christmas Day Masses Strickland 4 p.m
Asumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in St. Peter in Cameron 6 p.m.
Strickland 7:30 a.m. January 1
St. Joseph in Barron 9:30 a.m. St. Joseph in Barron 9:30 a.m.
St Boniface in Chetek 11 a.m. St Boniface in Chetek 11 a.m.

Calhoun Memorial Library offering entertainment for whole family, holiday trivia
Merry Christmas from all of us form at the library (no photocopies, Answer: Answer:
at the Calhoun Memorial Library! please). For those of you who have
We wish all our library patrons a answered correctly, your name will • Which country started the tra- • What popular Christmas song
happy and safe holiday season. be entered into a drawing to win a dition of putting up a Christmas was actually written for Thanks-
For those of you who have some prize. While library staff can’t give tree? giving?
downtime to read books or watch out answers or even hints, we can Answer: Answer:
movies during the Christmas say many of the answers may be
season the Calhoun Memorial found at the library. • Which country did eggnog come • What is the name of the main
Library has a large selection of So, get your Santa hats—oops—your from? villain in “The Nightmare Before
holiday-themed movies, books and thinking caps on, and try to answer Answer: Christmas”?
audiobooks for both adults and these brain teasers. Please have your Answer:
children available for checkout. For entries to the library by Dec. 29. • Which Hollywood actor played
those of you who have a bit of the six different roles in the film, “The Lastly, here’s a bonus question
Grinch in you or you can’t take any • Which popular Christmas bev- Polar Express”? pertaining to just the Calhoun Me-
more Christmas-related anything, erage is also called milk punch? Answer: morial Library. Take a guess at the
the library has lots of movies and Answer: answer and stop in at the library to
books that have not even a whiff of • In the classic Christmas movie, find out if your guess is correct.
Christmas cheer to check out. • How many ghosts appear in the “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” Here’s your question:
In the meantime, for those people Charles Dickens novel, “A Christ- the Grinch was described in three Known locally as the Chetek
who love both Christmas and trivia mas Carol”? words. What are they? Public Library, the library’s offi-
questions, we’ve got a game for Answer: Answer: cial name is the Calhoun Memorial
you. Here are 10 questions with a Library, after Hazel Calhoun. Who
space for you to provide an an- • What did Frosty the Snowman • In the song, “Winter Wonder- was Hazel Calhoun and why is her
swer. Once you have answered the do when a magic hat was placed on land,” what do we call the snow- name on the front of the library?
questions, drop off your completed his head? man? Answer:

Comfort and Joy!

Take some time this
holiday season to
enjoy Christmas!


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Season’s Greetings
Thank you for a great season!

We look forward to putting the docks back in,

and a great 2024! See you in the Spring.

Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus calls for listeners’ reverence

By Pastor Jeff Martin | the refuge ered to hear their child sing the if we didn’t vote for the guy. How good, because people are yearning
songs of the season no one thought much more should we stand our of to do things together, to celebrate
If you have ever been to the to stand despite the words—that respect and honor for the King of things together. So, if standing dur-
Chetek Weyehaeuser HS/MS Holiday in my mind—demand our awe and all the earth? It made me feel a bit ing the Hallelujah chorus offers you
Choir Concert you know the eve- respect. preachy to be honest. that experience, go for it.’’
ning concludes when the director After doing a little research I Reading the experts words was
Mr. Elbin invites members of the “And He shall reign forever and ever! And discovered the tradition of stand- enough for me to continue standing
community to come forward and He shall reign forever and ever!” ing for the singing of the Hallelujah during the annual singing of this
sing with the choir Handel’s famed Last year, I stood alone during Chorus reportedly goes back to inspiring choral piece even if I’m
Hallelujah Chorus. It’s a wonderful the Hallelujah Chorus. This year 1743 when King George II heard the the odd duck in the room. Listen
time-honored tradition. when I stood, the folks sitting next music for the first time. So en- again to some of the words:
As is customary, when the pianist to me whispered, “What’s the deal? thralled by the majestic movement “For the Lord God Omnipotent
begins to pound out the opening Are we supposed to stand?” To wit of the song he spontaneously stood reigneth
chords of the chorus, the audience I replied, “Would you sit during the in appreciation. When the king Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
stands out of respect to the Lord singing of the National Anthem?” stood everyone else did as well and Hallelujah!
who is about to be rightly hailed as They stood with me even though thus the tradition began. For the Lord God omnipotent
King of kings and Lord of lords. the rest of the audience with one Modern historians are quick to reigneth
The last few years I have attended or two exceptions remained sit- point out, however, that this story, Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
this concert, something is amiss. ting. While the combined chorus although beautiful, is purely anec- Hallelujah!
The pianist who is Mrs. Elbin, was sang beautifully, my inner mono- dotal and there is no substance to Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
playing competently and powerfully logue read, What is wrong with you it whatsoever. But I like what one of Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
and yet no one stood but me. In a people? If President Biden were to these experts says: “...if you want Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
gym with several hundred parents, walk into the room we would stand to stand because it moves you, then Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
grandparents and loved ones gath- out of respect for the office— even you should stand. I think that’s Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Merry Christmas

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While the inspiration of standing
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!” for the singing of the Hallelujah
It’s only my opinion, but unless chorus may be mythical, the affect
you’re wheelchair bound or dis- this chorus had on Handel is not
abled, to blithely sit through the fantastical at all. After completing
singing of these words just seems the chorus, he apparently ex-
a little funny to me. claimed, “I did think I saw heaven
At Camp Randall no one thinks open, and saw the face of God.”
its weird to jump around when Handel’s chorus reminds us that
House of Pain’s song of the same while Jesus was born in humility
name is played at the end of the and squalor, he will return one
third quarter. In fact, if you don’t day in majesty and awe at which
get up and move you might be the time, “At the name of Jesus every
weird one. Same goes for the sing- knee should bow, in heaven and
ing of Varsity during half time on earth and under the earth, and
when 70,000 Badger faithful raise every tongue declare that Jesus
their hands in unison in honor of Christ is Lord to the glory of God
their alma mater. I’ve done it— the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11, submitted photo submitted photo
and more than likely, you have NLT).
too—but did you ever think we’re Amen, Hallelujah and Merry Jodi Ralston’s dog Nala wants everyone to Mary Oium’s cat Graze thinks Christmas
lifting our hands in praise of a Christmas! know how excited she is about Christmas. trees should stay up year round!

We thank you for your business

and your friendship this year.
Happy Holidays!

1/4 mile south of Chetek on Hwy. SS

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submitted photo
submitted photo
submitted photo submitted photo Mary Oium’s dog Eve, discovered keep-
ing a hat on top of her head is harder Wendy Baril-Running’s dog Hazel
Jordan O’Fallon’s dog Boogie may only Jodi Ralston’s dog Cooper loves Christ- than it looks! Eve is fond of Christmas showed her festive side by dressing up
have three legs but that doesn’t stop mas so much, he has to have two Christ- because she was brought to her family as a snowman. The only thing missing is
him from getting on the naughty list. mas trees! on Christmas Eve. a carrot!

Let us help you bring

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The Chetek Alert’s 2023 Angels Among Us nominations are in

The do-gooders, the selfless vol- a cause, or working behind the scenes Robert Lund lot of sadness with Jess. She always
unteers and the good Samaritans. on something community related. I would like to nominate Robert goes beyond what she has to do, she
People that do acts of kindness for She’s kind, generous and puts hours Lund who is part of the AMVETS and a has the kindest soul, and a heart of
others without want of recognition upon hours into all things local. She’s member of the Chetek Masonic Lodge. gold! She isn’t just doing her “job”
or compensation. There are many out a leader in the Presents for Residents He assists with fundraising efforts for she will be there to lend a helping
there and their work has not gone events, hosting both bingo and a our community and is part of the family hand, to give you a big hug or let
unnoticed. meat raffle annually to raise funds with the local American Legion here in you vent. Jessica is an amazing hu-
The Chetek Alert has asked you, our for residents living at Meadowbrook Chetek. He is also the proud speaker for man and does so much for everyone
readers, to tell us who has gone above Senior Living in Chetek. She’s involved the Memorial Day ceremony at the Veter- around her!
and beyond with kind, generous or with Light the Way, a cause incredibly ans Memorial by the cemetery. He is one –Brittany Raboin
selfless deeds. Here are your nomina- close to her heart and has invested a of the masterminds of the recent set up
tions, in no particular order. lot of time and effort to help our com- with the flags. He has come a long way Doug and Annette Ympa
munity meet the fundraising goal. All with his fellow family. I would like to nominate Doug and
Beth Otto Siems around, Beth is a face you know and –Ricky Lund Annette Ympa. Annette is battling
I would like to nominate Beth Otto love in Chetek. She’s always willing to terminal cancer. She is in hospice at
Siems as an Angel Among Us. As a go the extra mile to make sure people Jessica Larson home. Doug has been with Annette
community member and a local busi- are happy and taken care of. Is she an Jessica Larson works so hard serv- every step of the way supporting her
ness owner, you will often see Beth Angel? I have no doubt. ing our community; with the loss and caring for her.
donating to a cause, hosting events for –Amanda Fiore of Emily, it has really brought out a –Matthew Lund

Tips on reducing, reusing and recycling waste this holiday season

The Wisconsin Department of Natu- Be sure the items are empty of any grams for light strings. If that’s not an prevent food waste at home:
ral Resources is offering tips to help liquids and excess gunk, but you option, put broken lights in the trash. • Understand date labels and when
families save money, reduce waste don’t need to wash them with soap or food items are actually unsafe. Date
and keep recycling and trash workers put them through the dishwasher. For Plastic bags, plastic film and wrap labels are NOT regulated by the Food
safe during upcoming holidays. cans or bottles going into a curbside These items also get tangled in recy- and Drug Administration (FDA) or
“We know recycling can be confus- recycling cart or container, don’t cling equipment. Bagged recyclables any other federal agency. Manufac-
ing,” said Jennifer Semrau, DNR Waste crush or flatten them—this makes it also cause problems because workers turers apply date labels at their own
Diversion and Recycling Coordinator. harder for equipment at recycling fa- can’t be sure what’s inside. Empty discretion, with the exception of
“But there are some basic tips people cilities to recognize and properly sort cans, bottles and other recyclables infant formula products. The FDA ad-
can use to make tackling holiday things like aluminum cans. into your bin or cart, then put the bag vises consumers to examine foods to
waste less overwhelming. Knowing Most communities include junk in the trash. You can take many types determine if the quality is sufficient
the right thing to do with things like mail and other mixed paper, such of clean, dry plastic bags and wrap to for use. Relying on your eyes and an
batteries and light strings can prevent as cereal boxes. Check locally for a store drop-off locations. old-fashioned sniff test can be a bet-
damage to recycling facilities and complete list, and don’t rely on pack- ter indicator of the suitability of food
keep workers safe.” aging labels. Keep in mind that what Batteries and electronics for your use and could help you avoid
you can recycle at a relative’s home Recycling facilities that manage disposing of healthy and safe food.
What Should Go In Your Recycling Bin may be different than what you can cans, bottles and cardboard and That jar of nutmeg from last year is
Many items can be recycled any- recycle at your own. waste facilities that manage house- most likely still good, so you might
where in Wisconsin. These items, hold garbage aren’t set up to handle be able to avoid re-purchasing some
which the state bans from landfills, What Should Not Go In Your Recycling Bin batteries and electronics. Recharge- special holiday food items.
include the following: Some items can cause serious prob- able batteries cause fires in collec- • Shop with a plan and prepare for
• Cardboard—Flatten boxes before lems at recycling facilities that aren’t tion trucks and facilities if they are gatherings. Purchasing more food
putting them in carts or bins so that designed to handle them, including a damaged by equipment, and many than what is needed often leads to
recycling equipment can handle them risk of fire and worker injury. Many electronics contain hazardous materi- more food waste. You can reduce this
properly of these can be recycled at drop-off als. Find more information on how to problem by taking inventory of what
• Newspaper sites but should not go in curbside recycle batteries and electronics, in- you already have, planning meals and
• Magazines recycling bins or carts. These include cluding drop-off site locations, on the making detailed shopping lists.
• Office paper the following: DNR’s electronics recycling webpage. • Store food to extend its life. Storing
• Plastic #1 and #2 containers • Tissue paper For more information about what can food in the best manner for that food
• Aluminum cans • Holiday light strings, cords and and can’t be recycled, visit the DNR’s type can go a long way to reducing food
• Steel (tin) cans other “tanglers” What to Recycle in Wisconsin webpage. waste and saving the time and money
• Glass bottles and jars At modern recycling facilities, these associated with additional grocery
Wrapping paper that can be torn get wrapped around equipment, mean- Save Money With Food Waste Prevention Tips store runs. Save the Food’s Store It
and doesn’t have any glitter, foil or ing a facility has to be shut down for A 2020 study conducted by Penn guide is an excellent tool for learning
other adornments can be recycled in workers to cut the material loose. Some State estimated households lose $1,866 the detailed recommendations for food
the majority of programs in Wiscon- retailers, electronics recyclers and com- a year on food that’s thrown out. items you buy the most or have the
sin. munities offer seasonal recycling pro- Here are some tips to reduce and most challenging time keeping fresh.

Chetek Ambulance Service

Tree of Love at Chetek Public
Library through New Year’s
The Calhoun Memorial Library
is pleased to once again be host-
ing the Chetek A mbulance Serv ice
Tree of Love Lighting. The tree is
located in the lobby th rough De-
cember. The registry book w ill be
available for v iew ing from Tues-
day, Dec. 18, th rough New Year’s
Stop by the library to admire the
tree, check out a good book and
receive complimentary hot choco-
late to enjoy at home. The library
has dozens of Ch ristmas themed
books, DV D mov ies and books on
CD available for checkout. Ac-
cess the on line catalog at w w w.
more.lib.w i.us and lim it search
to Chetek to see what is currently
available. Place a hold and call submitted photo
715-924-3195 to arrange a pickup
time. Don’t have access to a com- Pictured is Zoey, a 5.5 year old mala- submitted photo
puter? Just call the library and mute/husky mix, patiently (or not)
tell them what materials you are awaiting more snow. She was recently Wendy Baril-Running’s dog Maple is convinced Santa should replace the pom on
look ing for. adopted by Carl Cooley, of Rice Lake. his hat with a tennis ball.

Making Sure Santa Northland Automatic

has a safe place to land
for over 30 years! Transmission Service
Merry Christmas
and thank you
for your continued

submitted photo
Jordan O’Fallon’s cat Simon, couldn’t
contain his excitement when the Christ-
mas lights were put up.

submitted photo submitted photo submitted photo

Annie Ray Zajic’s dog Astro bundles up Annie Fritz’s dog Cash thinks holiday pup-
to keep the cold away. cups from Caribou Coffee are the best. Vanessa Groskreutz’s dogs Benelli and Sully wish everyone Happy Howl-idays!

It’s beginning to look Happy Holidays

a lot like Christmas!
We have the
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eye exam always
today. dreamed of.

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submitted photo
submitted photo submitted photo submitted photo
John and Elaine Larson’s 6-year-old
dog Cotton wore his Christmas best Jodi Ralston’s dog Ellie wishes children Sarah Hansen’s cat Ellie, found a Amy and John Blanchard’s doggos Aubrey and
while his parents bribed him with treats from one to ninety-two a very Merry cozy hiding spot under the Christ- Ginger, hope Santa sees this photo and brings
to get this photo. Christmas! mas tree. them extra treats this Christmas.

to our community
from the

Chetek Lions
We wish to thank you for your support of
our projects throughout the year. Together
we make this a better place to live!

Celebrating our great

employees and customers
Bus Trip 2023!
Thank you for an
awesome year!

Wolf’s Den RV Campground Resort & Tavern

Open Christmas day at 12:00
Christmas Dinner Potluck
December 25th at 3:00
Everyone is Welcome!
We can help take the chill
out of the holiday season!
Holiday Mudslide Peppermint White
4 c. vanilla ice cream Russian
1 c. ice cubes crushed candy canes
4 oz. Bailey’s Irish Cream, 3 oz coffee liqueur, such
chilled as Kahlua
4 oz. coffee liquor, chilled 2 oz vodka
2 oz. vodka, chilled 2-4 drops peppermint
Chocolate syrup, for driz- extract
zling 8 oz whole milk ice
Sweetened whipped cream, whipped cream
optional peppermint sticks,
Hot Toddy Brandy Shlush
4 green or black tea
Boiling water, to fill a mug bags
4 cloves 9 cups water, divided
2 cups brandy
1 lemon peel or wheel 1 can (12 ounces) frozen
2 teaspoons demerara sugar lemonade concentrate,
or brown sugar 1 can (12 ounces) frozen
1/4 ounce lemon juice, orange juice concen-
freshly squeezed trate, thawed
each serving:
2 ounces whiskey (bourbon, 1/4 cup lemon-lime
rye, Irish or scotch) soda, chilled
Lime wedge, optional

We have all of your

holiday drink favorites
118 Douglas St,

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