OB HX and PE
OB HX and PE
OB HX and PE
Occupation, Marital Status*
Chief Complaint
Parity- all previous pregnancies that
have reached fetal viablity and
delivered dead or alive ( i.e. at or
beyond 28 weeks of gestational age
for Ethiopia and UK , 28 weeks
according to other western countries)
Primipara- 01 previous delivery
Multipara- > 02 previous deliveries
Grand multipara - > 5 previous
2. Last normal menstrual Period (LNMP), Expected
Date of Delivery (EDD) and Gestational age (GA)
LNMP- 1st day of last menses
For LNMP to be reliable,
It should be regular ( cycle length vary among
individuals ranging b/n 21 to 35 days)
It Should be similar to previous cycles in volume
and duration of flow
If the woman was on OCPs it should be
discontinued for at least 03 months ahead of LMP
Lactating women should have 03 regular cycles
before LMP
EDD calculation ( 280 days after LMP)and GA
Naegels Rule
Subtract 03 months from LNMP and add 07days
Eg If LNMP is February 12 then EDD will be on
November 19
Gestational age
GA is calculated in completed weeks
Preterm pregnanacy- GA below
37completed wks
Early Term pregnancy: 37 38 6/7 Week
Full Term Pregnancy: 39- 41 6/7
Post-term pregnancy: > 42 weeks
Quackening date
around the 17th week for multipara ( experience from
previous pregnancies)
Around the 19th week for primipara
if no ANC or delayed start reason
Details of ANC
Prepregnancy weight /BMI and weight at
booking and on subsequent visits
Blood pressure recordings
Lab investigation results
Nutritional Hx
Gynecologic History
Menstrual history
Age at menarchae
Regular, irregular ,intermenstrual
bleeding/ spotting
Amount and duration of flow
Discomfort during menses
Premenstrual symptoms (cyclic affective
and somatic symptoms in the luteal
Health status
If deceased- age when dying and cause of death
Physical Examination
General Appearance
Comfortable, in CRD, acutely/
chronically sick looking,
body habitus ( obese, malnourished),
stature ( extremely short?), skeletal
Fascial features- chloasma of pregnancy,
puffy face
NB. some of the above descriptions can
be placed at the respective systemic
PE-Vital Signs
Measured in the left lateral ( usually for
inpatients) or sitting positions
The right arm should be used consistently, in
a roughly horizontal position at heart level.
For DBP both phases ( IV-muffling and Vdisappearance of sound) should be recorded.
look for chloasma, Conjunctival pallor, icteric sclera
Buccal mucosa- wet or dry ?
Gingival hypertrophy, gingivitis?
Oral thrush?
PMI displacement lateral to the MCL, S3 and systolic
murmurs < Grade III are usual non pathologic findings
Look for varicose veins in the lower extremities and
Physical Examination
The patient should be supine with a
comfortable pillow, the arms lie by her sides
The abdomen should be exposed from just
below breasts to the symphisis pubis just
below the pubic hairline ( not to miss
pfannenstel scar)
NB- the woman is often asked to expose the
abdomen by herself
Grossly distended abdomen?
Protuberence- central or localized tone area
Movemnt of abdomen with respiration
Flank fullness
Uterine dextrorotation ( abomen tilted more to the right)
Black line (linea Nigra) more prominent in the midline b/n
umbilicus and and symphysis pubis.
Striae gravidarum- stretch marks due to disruption of collagen
fibers of dermis ( breasts and thighs can also be involved)
NEW- purplish, few
Old (straie albicantes)- whitish, multiple
Superficial palpation
In each quadrant
areas of rigidity, tenderness, abd wall masses
Location of appendix base in advanced
pregnancies at higher level than McBurneys
point ( pushed up by the gravid uterus)
Diffuse tenderness and rigidity / generalized
peritonitis chorioamnionitis abruptio
placentae, ruptured appendicitis, perforated
Deep Palpation
Detection of hepatomegally and
PE- Abdomen
Obstetric Palpations (Leopolds
Four sequential maneuvers Performed on
the gravid uterus i.e. the fundal, lateral,
pelvic palpations and the Pawliks grip.
NB before 28 weeks of gestation fundl
height determination is the only palpation
possible as the fetus is too small to
determine lie or presentation
Fetal heart beat can be ascultated from
20th week of gestation
PE- Abdomen
1- Fundal Palpation
Objectives:Determination of Height of
fundus ( Gestational Age) and what
occupies the fundus
Abdominal assymetry need to be
corrected first ( if dextro or levorotation is
there) and the bladder should be empty
before starting examination
A.Fundal Height determination- two
methods ie Tape measurement of
symphysis fundal height (SFH) in cms or
Finger method
PE- Abdomen
I.SFH tape measurement (tape
In the midline along the linea nigra
traversing the umbilicus
The fundal height in cm accurately
matches to the gestational age b/n
18- 34 weeks
More reliable method than the finger
II. Finger method
Fundus just palpable at Spubis 12 weeks
Midway b/ Spubis and umbilicus 16 weeks
At Umbilicus 20 weeks
Generally 1 finger above umbilicus
represents 2 weeks
At Xyphesternum 38 weeks/term
36 week by finger is comparable to 40
weeks of GA due to decrease in fundal
height after engagement
PE- Abdomen
a fundal height to GA discripancy of upto 02 weeks is
acceptable. A positive or negative discripancy of more
than 02 week mandates further investigation to
identify the possible underlying cause.
The commonest cause of both +ve and ve
discrepancies (large for date and small for date
respectively) is wrong dating
Other possible causes
+ve Discrepancy multiple gestation,
polyhydramnios, macrosomia, GTD, leiomyoma,
ovarian tumor,
-ve discripancy IUGR, oligohydramnios, PROM,
transverse lie, IUFD, missed abortion
PE- Abdomen
B- determining what occupies the
Palpate and ballot the fundal area with
both hands
Head hard, round, ballotable
Breech soft,bulky, irregular, non
PE- Abdomen
2- Lateral Palpation
Objective- determination of fetal lie and identification
of the side of the back
A. Lie orientation of the fetal longtudinal axis with
respect to that of the mother ie longtudinal,
Transverse or Oblique
Lateral palpation is performed alternatively on both
sides using one hand to stabilize the uterus.
The back feels like hard, stright/ flat structure while
the extremities on the opposite side feel like
multiple nodular parts
Fetal heart beat can be easily auscultatted on the side
of the back
PE- Abdomen
3- pelvic palpation
Objectives- identification of fetal presentation and attitude ( if
cephalic) Cephalic prominence
The examiner faces the patient's feet and places a hand on either
side of the uterus, just above the pelvic inlet. When pressure is
exerted in the direction of the inlet, one hand can descend
farther than the other. The part of the fetus that prevents the
deep descent of one hand is called the cephalic prominence.
Presentation can be Cephalic , breech or shoulder
Attitude flexed-the cephalic prominence is on the same side as the small
Extended,-the cephalic prominence is on the same side as the
Desscent- from 5/5 ( floating) to 0/5
Engagement- minimum of 2/5 descent
PE- Abdomen
4- Pawliks Grip
Objective- identification what fetal,part lies in the
lower segment ( presentation) and its mobility
A single examining hand is placed just above the
The fetal part that overrides the symphysis is
grasped between the thumb and third finger. If the
head is unengaged, it is readily recognized as a
round, hard object that frequently can be displaced
upward. After engagement, the back of the head or
a shoulder is felt as a relatively fixed, knoblike part.
In breech presentations, the irregular, nodular
breech is felt in direct continuity with the fetal back