Delivery of Baby (Actual, Assist, and Cord Care)
Delivery of Baby (Actual, Assist, and Cord Care)
Delivery of Baby (Actual, Assist, and Cord Care)
I. Preparation
● Prepare the Mayo Tray
○ Multipara
■ Cord clamp
■ Kelly clamp
■ Straight scissor (cord cutting)
■ Sanitex
○ Primipara
■ Cord clamp
■ Kelly clamp
■ Bandage scissor
■ Straight scissor
■ Sanitex
■ Lidocaine 5 cc syringe
■ Chromic 2.0
■ Needle holder
● Prepare before wearing sterile gloves
● When placing in mayo tray, the sharp end should be placed downward
● Use for episiorrhaphy
II. Delivery
● Stay nearby with the patient and assist the doctor in delivery.
○ Either lidocaine or bandage scissor first handed to the doctor.
● Place cord clamp 2 cm away from the baby’s abdomen.
○ Wait for pulsations to stop before clamping (1-3 minutes)
○ Use thumb and pointer finger
● Milk, place kelly clamp 5 cm away then, cut in between.
○ Use thumb and pointer finger
○ Sagad after cord clamp
● Roll the cord with the kelly clamp.
○ Secure the two ends of the kelly clamp
● Do Brandt Andrews’ Maneuver.
○ Secure the two ends of the kelly clamp
○ 20-30 minutes
○ Put sanitex on the mother’s uterus and apply opposing pressure.
● Inspect for the 3 signs and symptoms of placental separation.
> Signs of placental separation:
1. A sudden gush of blood from the vagina
2. Lengthening of the umbilical cord
3. The uterus becomes firmer and rounder
in shape and rises high at the level of the
umbilicus. (CALKIN’S SIGN)
4. Placenta is visible at the vaginal opening
III. Post-delivery
● Change gown and linens with the assist.
● Clean all the instruments.
I. Preparation
● Place the patient on the table.
● Put/place a Kelly pad.(Weigh kelly pad/know the weight of the kelly pad before and
after deliver to monitor blood loss)
● Perform perineal care.
○ 1-7-7 or 7-1-7
● Check the vital signs prior delivery, especially blood pressure.
● Prepare 1 ampule oxytocin.
● Prepare a plate near the patient.
○ For the placenta to catch.
● Assist wearing clean gloves.
II. Delivery
● After delivery, give oxytocin.
● Catch placenta using a plate prepared.
○ Inspect for the presence of cotyledon. (16-30 for multi/primi, or max of 50 usually
for primi)
● Check the cord (AVA).
● Throw the placenta into the basin.
● Assist if the actual need a sanitex.
III. Post-delivery
● Perineal care.
● Putting on an adult diaper.
● Change the gown and clothes.
● Clean kelly pad.
● Mop the floor.
I. Preparation
● Will secure the baby’s clothes.
○ Prepare 3 lampin.
■ 1st - put a lampin on the mother's abdomen.
■ 2nd - pat dry the baby.
■ 3rd - wrap the baby using clean and dry cloth.
○ 1 blanket
○ 1 headcap
● Prepare medications.
○ Vitamin K: 0.1 cc
○ Hepa B Vaccine: 0.5 cc
○ Terramycin Ointment
● McRoberts Maneuver : push feet towards chest to widen pelvic area
● REMEMBER TO FILL UP THE JBL FORMS (Baby book, Neonatal record, EINC
monitoring sheet, FDAR,)
● Breastfeeding Consent form must be filled up by the mother.