Demystifying Data Analysis Methods
Demystifying Data Analysis Methods
Demystifying Data Analysis Methods
Next, we will get into the depths to understand about the data analysis methods.
Let’s Talk about Data Analysis Methods!
Some professionals use the terms “data analysis methods” and “data analysis
techniques” interchangeably. To further complicate matters, sometimes people throw
in the previously discussed “data analysis types” into the fray as well! Our hope here
is to establish a distinction between what kinds of data analysis exist, and the
various ways it’s used.
Although there are many data analysis methods available, they all fall into one of
two primary types: qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis.
Qualitative Data Analysis.
The qualitative data analysis method derives data via words, symbols, pictures,
and observations. This method doesn’t use statistics. The most common
qualitative methods include:
o Content Analysis, for analysing behavioural and verbal data.
o Narrative Analysis, for working with data culled from interviews, diaries,
o Grounded Theory, for developing causal explanations of a given event by
studying and extrapolating from one or more past cases.