School of Health and Allied Health Sciences Nursing Department Self-Directed Learning (Nur 146 - Clinical Area)

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Nursing Department


Name: ____________________________________ Group: _____ Date:________

I. Define the following terms:

1. Apnea - ______________________________________________________________

2. Respiratory Distress Syndrome - _____________________________________________

3. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome - ____________________________________________

4. Meconium Aspiration Syndrome - ____________________________________________

5. Hyperbilirubinemia - ______________________________________________________

6. Hydrops Fetalis - _________________________________________________________

7. Kernicterus - ____________________________________________________________

8. Physiologic Jaundice - _____________________________________________________

9. Pathologic Jaundice - ______________________________________________________

10. Conventional Phototherapy - _______________________________________________

11. Fiberoptic Phototherapy - _________________________________________________

II. Case Study

You receive a call indicating a jaundiced baby boy and they would like you to have a look at.

You meet with the parents to review the history. You learn that mom is a 33yo, G2T1A0L1
healthy woman. She was HepB/HIV negative and rubella immune. Her blood group is O positive. There
were no significant infections during the pregnancy. She received regular pre-natal care at the maternity
Family has a 10-yr-old boy who did not have trouble with jaundice as an infant. There is no
known history of liver disease or inborn errors of metabolism.
Mom was booked for C-section for transverse lie but went into spontaneous labor at 37 weeks’
gestation. Baby was noted to be vertex at that point. The labor was augmented with oxytocin and baby
Jayden delivered vaginally. There were no HR decelerations or maternal temperature noted.
Membranes ruptured spontaneously 2 hours prior to delivery. Baby was vigorous with Apgars 9 (1) and
9 (5). Birth weight was 3306 g, length 49 cm and head circumference 35 cm. Baby was placed skin-to-
skin immediately after delivery and initiated breast feeding.
Jayden was in breast feeding in the hospital and was discharged home at 36 hours of age.
Bilirubin at discharge was in high and follow up check was arranged. At home, breast feeding is
continued frequently. He is now 59 hours old and is having 3 stools and 4-5 wet diapers per day.
Jayden's sclera and skin appear jaundiced. He has moist membranes, normotensive fontanelle
and normal skin turgour. No signs of infection and with no underlying disorders. He awakens for
examination and appears alert with normal tone. There is no hepatosplenomegaly. Phototherapy is
advised to Jayden.

1. What are the most common causes of pathologic hyperbilirubinemia in neonates?

2. What are the 2 most common types of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia?

2. In Jayden’s case, you suspect that the type of hyperbilirubinemia is?

3. What are the possible laboratory/diagnostic tests to be done to Jayden?

4. What are the common treatment/management plans for Jayden?

5. What level of bilirubin requires phototherapy?

6. How does phototherapy work to Jayden’s jaundice?

7. Supply the rationale to the following considerations during Jayden’s conventional phototherapy:

a. eyes should be covered

b. monitor body temperature

c. assess skin turgor and monitor intake and output

d. continue breastfeeding

e. should be undressed

f. should wear diaper

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