Medina (bc1) - Bag Technique
Medina (bc1) - Bag Technique
Medina (bc1) - Bag Technique
26, 2021
A nursing tool used in public health nurse bag which public health nurses follow and perform during
there community visits.
To ensure efficient procedure, to save time, and to minimize contamination of equipment during
A PHN Bag includes: Paper lining, waste bag, plastic lining, apron, hand towel, soap in soap
dish, digital thermometer, 2 pairs of scissors (surgical and bandage), 2 pairs of forceps (curved
and straight), disposable syringes, Sterile dressing, Cotton balls, cord clamp, Micropore plaster,
Tape measure, 1 pair of sterile gloves, Baby’s scale, Solutions (Betadine Solution, 70% Alcohol,
Spirit of Ammonia, Hydrogen Peroxide).
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Upon Arrival at the client’s home place To protect the PHN bag from any
the bag on a flat surface or on a table exposure of infection thus result
lined with a clean paper lining, clean to contamination.
side out (folded part touching
the table). Put the bag’s handle or strap
beneath the bag
Ask for a basin of water or a glass of For handwashing management of
drinking or tap water, if faucet is not the nurse.
available. Place this outside the
working area
Open the bag, take the linen, plastic To produce an infection-free area
lining and spread over the work field and to protect the materials from
3. contamination.
area. The paper lining, clean side out
(folded part out)
Take out the towel, soap dish and This is to prepare for the
apron and place them at one corner handwashing.
of the work area (within the confines of
the linen/ plastic lining)
Wash hands using soap and water. Handwashing prevents transfer of
5. Wipe to dry with towel. Leave the infection to the client.
plastic bag of the towel in soap dish
Put on apron right side out and wrong To protect the nurse’ uniform and
side with crease touching the body, to have a neat and tidy
6. appearance.
sliding the head into the head strap.
Neatly tie the straps at the back
Put out things most needed in rendering For orderly procedure and make it
nursing care (e.g. thermometer, kidney accessible.
7. basin, cotton
ball, waste paper bag) and place at one
corner of the work area
Place paper receptacle outside the To preserve the clean area.
working area.
9. Close the bag To lessen exposure to infection.
Proceed in performing the necessary Provide treatment and comfort,
10. and to expedite recovery.
nursing care and treatment.
After rendering the treatment, clean and To sanitize the equipment used for
11. put alcohol on items used and discard the next procedure.
soiled supplies.
12. Perform handwashing again For infection control.
Open the bag and return the items For efficient process in the next
13. use.
that were used in their proper places.
Remove the apron and fold it by holding To minimize transmission of
it away from your body. The soiled side infection and microorganisms.
in and clean side out.
Place it in a bag if it is not soiled.
Clean and fold the lining, place it in a Ensures that infection is being
bag if not heavily soiled or throw it in controlled.
a receptacle if heavily soiled and
close the bag.
Document all the necessary data For future references and basis.
gathered, observations, nursing care The knowledge of the family
16. provided, and treatment rendered. Give members will be of use to utilize
instruction for care of client in the treatment care.
absence of the nurse.
Make an appointment for the next visit. To ensure treatment plan is
Ability to answer questions
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