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Lesson Plan in English 2 Quarter 4

I. Objective: Use demonstrative pronoun (this/that, these/those)
Identify synonyms and antonyms of adjectives
MT2GA IVb-C-2.4.2

KBI: Listen to the one speaking attentively.

II. Subject Matter;

A. Using demonstrative pronoun (this/that, these/those)
B. EN2G- IVC-d-2.4.3
C. English 2 MELC, English 2 LM pp. 233-246
D. Pictures, chart, PowerPoint presentation, video clip
E. Across Subject Integration: Mother Tongue (Identify synonyms
and antonyms of adjectives)

Synonyms are words having the same meaning.
Antonyms are words having opposite meaning.

III. Procedure:
A. Introduction:
A. Drill
Reading of sentences. (chart)
1. This is my bag.
2. That is a ball.
3. These are flowers.
4. Those are birds.
B. Review
Recall the previous lesson about personal pronoun
(I, you, he, she, it, we) in dialogue.
Direction: Choose the correct personal pronoun from the box to
complete the dialogue. Write your answer in your paper.

I you he she it we

Susan: Thank you for your letter. _______ is interesting to hear

about you.
Loren: _____ are very welcome. Now tell me about yourself
and your family.
Susan: Well, ______ am 8 years old and a grade 2 pupil. My
older sister is a teacher. _____ teaches me how to read
and write every weekend.
Loren: That’s great! What does your older brother do?
Susan: My older brother is a policeman. _____ maintains peace
and order.

C. Unlocking of difficulties
Demonstrative pronouns – point to something specific that
can be either near or far in distance or time.

D. Motivation (Indicator 2)
A. 1. Show picture of a girl holding an alcohol.
2. Show picture of a boy pointing a facemask.
3. Show picture of a girl holding facemasks.
4. Show a picture of a boy pointing face shields.

Ask: ● Do you have alcohol, facemask and face shield at home?

Why is it important to have these things especially in this
time of pandemic?
● What should we do this time to minimize the spread of
corona virus?

E. Presentation: Present the lesson.

Present the sentences with pictures and let the
pupils read.
1. This is our father.
He is Mang Oscar.

2. That is our house.

I live there with my old
father and brother.

3. These are my barbeque sticks.

I will use these to cook later.

4. Those are my brothers.

We used to quarrel a lot.

B. Modelling and Teaching

1. In sentences no.1, who is the lad referring to. How many is
the lad holding to? Who is the old man? What word did he
use to show that the old man is near him?
2. In sentence no. 2, what is the lad referring to? How many is
he pointing to? Where is the house? What word did he use to
show that the house is far from him?
3. In sentence no. 3, what is the boy referring to? How many is
he pointing to? Where are the barbeque sticks? What word
did he use to show that the barbeque sticks are near him?
4. In sentence no. 4, what is the lad referring to? How many is
he pointing to? Where are his brothers? What word did he
use to show his brothers are far from him?

 We use this when the speaker is near one person, animal

or object.
 We use that when pointing to one person, animal or
 We use these when the speaker is holding or near two or
more persons, animals or objects.
 We use those when the speaker is pointing to two or
more persons, animals or objects.

KBI Integration: What will you do if somebody is speaking?

C. Guided Practice
Direksyon: Ilha ang mga pares sa pulong sa kolum A ug sa kolum B.
A. B.
dako – gamay limpyo - hapsay
tambok – niwang banha – saba
paspas – hinay gwapa – maanyag

Direction: Use the appropriate demonstrative pronoun This, That,

These and Those to complete the sentence.

1. _____ is a glass.

2. _____ is a clock.

3. _____ is a tree.
4. _______ are flowers.

5. ______ are cats.

 Mga pares nga pulong sa kolum A mao and suhingpulong o

antonym word.
 Mga pares nga pulong sa kolum B mao ang kapulong o synonym
 What are synonym words o kapulong?
 What are antonym words o suhingpulong?

 When do we use demonstrative pronoun This?

 When do we use demonstrative pronoun That?
 When do we use demonstrative pronoun These?
 When do we use demonstrative pronoun Those?

Concept Integration:
 Synonyms are words having the same meaning.
 Antonyms are words having opposite meaning.

 We use this when the speaker is near one person, animal
or object.
 We use that when pointing to one person, animal or
 We use these when the speaker is holding or near two or
more persons, animals or objects.
 We use those when the speaker is pointing to two or
more persons, animals or objects.
D. Independent Practice:
Direction: Use the appropriate demonstrative pronoun This,
That, These and Those on each blank to complete the

1. _______ is a ball.

2. ____ are birds.

3. _____ are kites.

4. _____ is an alcohol.

5. ____ are facemasks.

IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Use the appropriate demonstrative pronoun This, That,
These and Those on each blank to complete the sentence.

1. _____ are flowers.

2. _____ is a chair.

3. _____ are pencils.

4. _____ are cups.

5. ____ is an ambulance.

V Assignment:
Direction: Encircle the demonstration pronoun in each sentence.
1. This is my favorite doll.
2. Would you like some of these.
3. Those years at the mountain were the best time of my life.
4. That is the dress I would like to buy.
5. These foods are absolutely delicious!

Prepared by:
Teacher III

Observed by:

Master Teacher – I

Central Principal

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