Binalbagan Catholic College College of Education

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Binalbagan, Negros Occidental

College of Education


I. Course Title: Science, Technology, and Society

II. Course Overview:

A. Introduction
Science, Technology and Society (STS) is an interdisciplinary field that studies the conditions
under which the production, distribution and utilization of scientific knowledge and technological
systems occur; the consequences of these activities upon different groups of people. STS builds
on the history and philosophy of science and technology, sociology and anthropology, policy
studies, and cultural and literary studies; all of which shape the modes of analysis deployed in
the field. The intercollegiate program brings together courses taught in a variety of departments,
and is divided into three principal areas: history of science and technology, philosophy of
science and technology, and social science approaches to technology and science. Courses
explore the effects of science and technology on society and culture; the politics of socio-
technical systems; science policy in national and international contexts; the social and
environmental risks vs. benefits of technological and scientific advancement and, more
specifically, cover topics such as the political economy of pollution, the culture of the scientific
laboratory, theories of race and genetic engineering, social networking and the Internet, the
body and politics of health.

The course deals with interactions between science and technology and social, cultural,
political, and economic contexts that shape and are shaped by them. (CMO No. 20, series of
2013). This interdisciplinary course engages students to confront the realities brought about by
science and technology in society. Such realities pervade the personal, the public, and the
global aspects of our living and are integral to human development. Scientific knowledge and
technological development happen in the context of society with all its socio-political, cultural,
economic, and philosophical underpinnings at play. This course seeks to instill reflective
knowledge in the students that they are able to live the good life and display ethical decision
making in the face of scientific and technological advancement. This course includes mandatory
topics on climate change and environmental awareness.

B. Course Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, you are expected to demonstrate the following:
1.Articulate the impacts of science and technology on society, specifically Philippine society
2. Explain how science and technology affect society and the environment and its role in nation-building

3. Analyze the human condition in order to deeply reflect and express philosophical ramifications that are
meaningful to the student as a part of society

4. Define and demonstrate the impact of social media on the students’ life and Philippine society in

1. Imbibe the importance of science and technology in the preservation of the environment and the
development of the Filipino nation
2. Critique human flourishing vis-à-vis the progress of science and technology such that the student
may be able to define for himself/herself the meaning of the good life
3. Foster the value of a healthy lifestyle toward the holistic and sustainable development of society and
the environment.


1. Creatively present the importance and contributions of science and technology to society.

2. Examine shared concerns that make up the good life in order to come up with innovative and
creative solutions to contemporary issues guided by ethical standards.
3. Illustrate how the social media and information age impact their lives and their understanding of
climate change.

C. Module and Unit Topics

MODULE 1: Science, Technology, and Society: An Introduction and History

This module will help you compare and contrast Science and Technology, relate Science and Technology to
societal development and will able you to appreciate the role of Science and Technology in daily life and in the
society. This will also help you trace how scientific and technological developments affect society and the
environment and illustrate creatively the inventions interactions between Science and Technology and Society
through summary table.

MODULE 2: Intellectual Revolution

This module will help you articulate ways by which society is transformed by science and technology. This will
also able you to identify intellectuals and their scientific paradigms that led to scientific revolutions through a
biographical sketch.

MODULE 3: Science and Technology and Nation Building

This module will enable you to realize the role of Science and Technology in Philippine nation building;
evaluate government policies pertaining to science and technology in terms of their contributions to nation
building through concept paper.

MODULE 4: Human flourishing and The Good Life

This module will allow you to analyze the human condition in order to deeply reflect and express philosophical
ramifications that are meaningful to you as a part of society and examine shared concerns that make up the
good life in order to come up with innovative, creative solutions to contemporary issues guided by ethical

MODULE 5: When Technology and Humanity cross

This module concerns with the human rights in order to uphold such rights in technological ethical dilemmas
and evaluate contemporary human experience in order to strengthen and enlighten the human person
MODULE 6: The information Age and Biodiversity and the Healthy Society
This module will able you to illustrate how the social media and the information age have impacted our lives
and determine the interrelatedness of society, environment, and health .
MODULE 7: Nanotechnology and Climate Change
This module directs you on how to discuss the major impacts (both potential and realized} of nanotechnology
on society and assess the various impacts of climate change including economic, geopolitical, biological,
meteorological, etc.

III. Course Study Guide

Believe. Think of the personal reward awaiting and self-upliftment to gain as a value-added upon the
completion of each task. Find ways to learn in the best way you can. Believe that no difficult task would ever be
difficult to someone who tries one’s best. Once you believe you should…
Beat. Set your targets and work your task responsibly. Do not be overwhelmed by the loads of work given, take
smaller pieces at a time. Exercise patience with working each small task. When lessons are getting heavy and
complicated. Learn to…
Balance. Set a definite time as to when you can work and focus well. Ensure that all your learning areas and
the tasks entailed are given due priorities. When confused…
Bridge. Your prior knowledge and insights from your past experiences and the learning resource materials
around you make learning possible. Not to forget, learn to connect with your mentors to address your
questions, clarifications, and confusions. A bridge between you and your teacher opens communication lines
that transports learning deliverable. Continue to
Blaze. Practice honesty. Think that the goodness you do creates a boomerang effect. The quality of learning is
embraced by someone who honestly performs one’s task. The moment you steal other’s work, you defeat your
learning experience. Self-development only takes place to someone who shows an honest effort. Such learning
success and motivation are both long-lasting. Now, leap forward and…BE a TRANSFORMED BCCnian!

III. Course Module


OBJECTIVES After you have successfully completed this module, you should be able to:
1. compare and contrast science and technology,
2. relate science and technology to societal development, and
3. appreciate the role of science and technology in daily life and in the
4. discuss how scientific and technological developments affect society
and the environment,
5. illustrate creatively the inventions interactions between Science and
Technology and Society throughout history,

CONTENT A. Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society

- Origin and Meaning
- Similarities and Differences
B. Science, Technology, and Society: Through the Ages
- The Prehistoric and Ancient Era Technologies
- The Middle Ages Technologies
- Renaissance and Modern Era
- Science in MesoAmerica
- Science in Asia
- Science in Africa

COURSE Power point presentations

MATERIAL Hand-outs

1. Ariola, Mariano M. Science, Technology, and Society
2. Contreras, Antonio P. Science, Technology, and Society A
Critical Approach
3. Gacho, Flordeles A., Technology, and Society (Global
Issues and Perspective)
4. Serafica, Janice Patria J. Science, Technology, and Society

ENGAGE Research on the basic definition of the following:
a. Science
b. Technology
c. Society
STUDY Discussion Questions:
1. Compare and contrast Science and Technology.
2. How does Science and Technology relate to societal
3. Identify the role(s) of Science and Technology in our daily lives
4. What are the impacts of technological revolution to our lives and
to the society?

ACTIVATE 1. Articulate the similarities and differences of Science and Technology

2. Cite the impacts of technological revolution in our lives and in the
3. Research on the definitions and basic concepts of the topics
4. Create a summary table showing the historical development of
Science and Technology and its impact to the society

EVALUATION Assignment, Quiz

HOURSAND FacebookAccount : Rye

IV. Grading System:

Midterm Exams: 30 % Computation of Final Grades:
Performance Tasks: 70% 50% will be taken from Midterm
-Quizzes 30% Performance and 50 % will be taken
-Activity Sheets 40% from Final Term Performance.
(Research Work, Practice Sets,
Work Exercises, Feasibility,
Demonstration, Projects) Note:
Rubrics to use vary depending upon the
activities assigned.

Final Exams: 30 %
Performance Tasks: 70%
-Quizzes 20%
-Activity Sheets 30%
(Research Work, Practice Sets,
Work Exercises, Feasibility,
Demonstration, Projects)
-Recitation (face-to-face) 20%

Prepared by:



→Latin words: scire- to know; scientia - knowledge, expertness, or experience
→Branch/body of knowledge/information or facts, discipline, field, area of study
→a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject
→the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical
and natural world through observation and experiment.

→Greek words: Tekhne - art, craft, or skill + logos – the way, manner or means by which; tekhnologia -- systematic
→science or knowledge put into practical use to solve problems or invent useful tools.

→the aggregate of people living in a more or less ordered community.
→an organization or club formed for a particular purpose
→a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction or a large social group sharing the same geographical or
social territory typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.
→a large group of people who live together in an organized way, making decisions about how to do things and sharing
the work that needs to be done. (Cambridge dictionary)


Science versus Technology

The word science is explained as a system of obtaining knowledge through experimentation and observation, so as to
elucidate natural phenomena. It is a methodical and rational approach to exploring. What objects are present in the
universe? How do they work? It is a discipline that has several branches like physics, chemistry, biology, geology, botany,
psychology and so on.

In simple terms, science is the set of knowledge gained by way of analysis about all the things existing around us. The
knowledge is based on facts and evidence, relating to the subject, rather than opinions and personal choices.

Science is used to develop technology, cure diseases, and solve many other problems. Research is continuously done to
expand and push the boundaries of our knowledge.

On the other hand, technology is a combination of techniques, skills, processes, design, products, etc. It is dedicated to
creating instruments and gadgets or to complete scientific investigation. It is a scientific knowledge used to create sign
products for industrial, commercial, or everyday use.

We are surrounded by objects that were created with the help of certain technology, i.e. whether we work,
communicate, travel, manufacture, secure data, business, and almost everywhere. Most people use technology, to
simplify their work and also to extend their abilities while others use technology to solve scientific problems.

The points given below explain the basic differences between science and technology;

© Science can be defined as an organized way of gathering knowledge on a subject through various observations and
experiments. Technology is the practical usage of the laws of science for different purposes.

© Science is the process of exploring new knowledge; whereas, technology is putting scientific knowledge into practice.

© Science is very useful in gaining knowledge about a natural phenomenon. On the other hand, technology can be
useful or harmful. Technology is both a boon and bane, and if used in the right way, can help us a number of major
problems. If, however, it is put to wrong use, it can cause wanton destruction,
© Science focuses on discovering the laws of nature while technology’s primary aim is to invent and develop techniques
for easing man’s work.
© Science is the study of the structure and the behavior of the natural and physical world; that is, to create premises. In
contrast, technology deals with putting these premises into practice.

© Science is concerned with analysis, deduction, and theory development. On the other hand, technology is based on
analysis and synthesis of design.

© Science is used to make predictions; whereas, technology simplifies work and used to fulfill the primary needs of


•Any human experience that happened before the written records came about are considered prehistoric.
•Archaeologists found & dated earliest pieces of evidence of prehistoric & ancient technologies & mastery in materials
•Historians, who actually saw these archaeological discoveries, reported proof accounting for the evolution of man’s
way of life.
•Making of crude stone into tools marks the first technological event in the Old Stone Age.
• In the same period the discovery of how to make fire was the most significant as it served various uses – to light up &
warm cold nights, for cooking food, to clear forests for planting, to heat-treat stone for making tools, to keep predator
animals away, & to burn clay for ceramic objects
•The introduction of metals gave early toolmakers more manageable raw materials- first, soft metals such as gold &
copper, later, bronze & finally, the iron which they found to be the best cutting edge (Darlng,1999).
•BRONZE ERA is the era when bronze is primarily used to craft tools & weapons
•Egypt used scrolls of papyrus to write. This superior writing surface allowed Egyptians to retain their pictographic
•People of Mesopotamia (Sumerians) were the first Bronze Age people. They introduced a system of writing known as
cuneiform. Their first written records – cuneiform carvings on clay. Also employed metallurgy to improve their way of
making tools & household items.
•Bronze Era is called the “Period of Innovation”
•The use of simple tools, skilled management of large number of workers, and the absence of time pressure allowed
these societies to create both productive farms & thriving cities.
•Many achievements in this era reflect the ingenuity & skill of these early engineers. Basic things like writing, agriculture,
and urban civilization are the gifts of Ancient Mesopotamia.
•It was the hunter gatherers who already had enough to eat that made the shift to farming. Permanent homes &
stockpiles of wild cereals gave them enough time & energy to experiment with cultivating seeds and breeding animals
without the risk of starvation (Eisenman H., 2001)


•A Period Of Ferment And Chaos For Europe After The Fall Of Roman Empire.
•The First Glimmerings Of The Renaissance (14th – 17th Ad)
•Dramatic Technical & Cultural Advances In Asia
• The Expansion And Contraction Of The Muslim Empire
•The Pinnacle Of The Mayan And Incan Civilizations
•Most Of The Mechanical Technology Originated From Europe But Had Its Influence From The Ancient Chinese
•Important Developments In Agriculture, New Power Sources, Military Weapons, Transportation, & Construction Led To
Medieval Industrial Revolution.


The invention of the Gutenberg printing press in 1955 marked the beginning of the Renaissance period.
New ideas in art, science, astronomy, religion, literature, mathematics, philosophy, & politics were developed and
New paradigms were posed – the Scientific revolution. The changes that happened paved the way to a modern era. The
modern era is characterized by: rise of the nation state, growth of tolerance as a political& social belief,
industrialization, rise of mercantilism & capitalism, emergence of socialist countries, discovery & colonization of the
nonwestern world, rise of representative democracy, increasing role of science and technology, urbanization, mass
literacy, proliferation of mass media. With the Scientific Method introduced by Francis Bacon in 1621, a sudden leap of
advancement in science occurred, like advocating inductive reasoning as the foundation off scientific thinking, this clear
system of scientific inquiry would assure man’s mastery over the world, applying the method to all technical areas from
astronomy to farming.
Industrial Revolution (18th To 19th Century AD)- Started In Great Britain - was The Era That Led Handmade Production
To Machine & Factory.

Three Important Development During This Era:

1. Transportation Was Expanded.
2. Electricity Was Effectively Harnessed.
3. Improvements Were Made To Manufacturing And Communication.



•The Entire Area Of Central America From Southern Mexico Up To The Border Of South America
•There Is No Doubt That The Mesoamerican Region Is Rich In Culture And Knowledge Prior To The Arrival Of Its
European Colonizers

A. Maya Civilization

• One of the famous civilizations that lasted for approximately 2000 years
• Famous for their works in astronomy
•They incorporate their advance understanding in astronomy in their temples and other religious structures
which were used for astronomical observations.
•Their advanced knowledge and understanding about celestial bodies enable them to predict eclipses and
astrological cycles in planting and harvesting
•Known for measuring time using 2 complicated calendar systems
•Developed the technology for growing different crops and building elaborate cities using ordinary machineries
and tools.
• Hydraulic system with sophisticated water ways to supply water to different communities
•Believed to be one of the first people to produce rubber products 3000years before Goodyear received its
patent in 1844.
•One the world’s first civilizations to use a writing system known as the Mayan hieroglyphics.
•Skilled in mathematics and they developed the concept of zero and positional value even before the Romans

B. Inca Civilization

•They made advanced scientific ideas and tools to help them in everyday life;
1. Road paved with stones;
2. Stone buildings that surmounted earthquakes and other disasters;
3. Irrigation system and technique for storing water for their crops to grow in all types of land;
4. Calendar with 12 months to mark their religious festivals and prepare them for planting season;
5. The first suspension bridge;
6. Quipu, a system of knotted ropes to keep records that only experts can interpret; and
7. Inca textiles since cloth was one of the specially prized artistic achievements.

C. Aztec Civilization

* Mandatory education
* Chocolates
* Antispasmodic medication
* Chinampa
* Aztec calendar
* Invention of the canoe


A. India

•The Indians are known for manufacturing iron and in metallurgical works.
• Their iron steel is considered to be the best and held with high regard in the whole of Roman empire.
• India is famous in medicine.
• Notable in the field of astronomy
• Also known for mathematics.

B. China

•Known for traditional medicine

•Famous discoveries and inventions were compass, papermaking, gunpowder, and printing tools that became
known in the west only by the end of the middle ages
•Also invented iron plough, wheelbarrow, and propeller
•Developed a design of different models of bridges
•Invented the first seismological detector,
•In astronomy, they made significant records on supernovas, lunar and solar eclipses, and comets. They
observed heavenly bodies to understand weather changes and seasons that may affect their daily activities

C. Middle East

• Muslim scientists placed greater value on science experiments rather than plain-thought experiments which led to the
development of the scientific method in the Muslim world.
• A Muslim scientist named IBN AL-HAYTHAM is also regarded as the FATHER OF OPTICS
• In mathematics, they make several refinements to the number system, such as the introduction of the decimal
• Played an important role in modern chemistry. Some scholars considered JABIR IBN HAYYAN to be the “FATHER OF
• IBN SINA pioneered the science of experimental medicine and was the first physician to conduct clinical trials
•2 most notable works used as a standard medicinal text in both the Muslim world and in Europe during the 17th
century: “The Book of Healing”, “The Canon Of Medicine,”.


• Development of GEOMETRY
• HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHARMACOLOGY, and applied important components such as examination, diagnosis
and prognosis for the treatment of diseases
• Invented metal tools used in their homes, in agriculture, and in building their magnificent architectures
• Adept at the 4 fundamental mathematical operations and other mathematical skills
Name: ____________________________________________ Year & Course: ______________ Score: _________

A. Activity 1: IT’S NOT YOU, IT’S ME!

Directions: Based on the lesson 1.1, fill out the comparison and contrast chart between science and technology. Draw
out at least five (5) attributes where they could differ, as well as at least one (1) attribute they would be similar.

How are they alike?

How are they different?

B. Summary Table

Directions: Fill out the table below with the significant information to summarize the historical development of
Science and Technology
Periods/eras Main Characteristics Significant inventions Impacts to society


Medieval Era

Renaissance/ Modern

Science in Meso

Science in Asia

Science in Africa

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