Module 5, 6, and 7
Module 5, 6, and 7
Module 5, 6, and 7
Eudaimonia- (n) lit. “human flourishing”; a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous.
Nicomachean Ethics- discussed that the human flourishing arises as a result of different components
such as:
Ancient Greek Society believed that acquiring these qualities will surely bring the seekers
happiness and allows them to partake in the greater notion of what we call the GOOD.
As the time change, components of human flourishing changed which are subject to the dynamic
social history as written by humans.
People found means to live more comfortably, explore more places, develop more products and make
more money and then repeating the process in full circle.
EARLY M a k e g r a n d e r a n d m o r e s o p h is tic a te d
S im p le m a c h in e s to h u n t a n d g a th e r
PEOPLE m a c h in e s
Today, our concept of human flourishing proves to be different from Aristotle originally perceived then.
1. Most are community-centric. 1. Tends to focused on the individual.
2. Human flourishing is less concern than 2. Human flourishing is much concern.
Western. 3. Greek Aristotelian view.
3. Chines Confucian system
4. Japanese Bushido.
Nevertheless, such stereotypes cannot be said to be true given the current stance of globalization.
Flourishing borders allowed people full access to cultures. Competition as a means of survival has
become passé. Coordination is the new trend.
SCIENCE AS A SOCIAL ENDEAVOR presents an alternative notion that goes beyond the boundaries of
cold, hard facts of science and instead projects it in a different light, such as a manifestation of shared
experienced forging solidarity over communities.
There is no such thing as a singular scientific method. Scientists can experiment in a variety of
procedures to get results and call them science. Aristotle’s eudaimonic person is required to be
knowledgeable about science, among other things of equal importance. They are supposed to possess
intellectual virtues that will enable them to determine truth from falsehood or good reasoning from poor
reasoning. They understand that they should not focus on one aspect alone.
Economists believe that growth is primarily indicator of development. Technology has been a
primary instrument in enabling them to pursue said goal, utilizing resources, machineries and labor.
However, the world’s resources cannot cope with the rapid pace of technological growth.
I. State a brief history or discovery that brought about the invention or discovery of a thing stated below.
State its contributions in our scientific development. CHOOSE ONLY ONE.
II. Complete the table by writing a description and example of each step of the scientific method.
Comparing the lives of the people before and now will make anyone realize the changes that
happened in society in terms of culture, language or rights but more importantly changes in people’s way
of life due to the existence of science and technology.
THE ESSENCE OF TECHNOLOGY (“We were more DEVELOPED than we were before”.)
Modern humans are reliant on technology in their search for the good life. Together with science, it
gave us explanations, which worked for us and benefited us.
1. Instrumental Definition- Technology is a means to an end.
2. Anthropological Definition- Technology is a human activity.
Both definitions are correct. However, neither touches on the true essence of technology.
Martin Heidegger- argued that the essence, or purpose of technology, and being are different from each
“Technology can either be perceived as first, a means to achieve man’s end and second, that
which constitutes human activity”.
The second perspective paints technology in such a way that each period reveals a particular
character regarding man’s being.
It can be stated that technology allows human to confront the unknown and see how they would
Danger presented by too much reliance on technology
1. Human lose track of things that matter.
2. Reducing their surroundings to their economic value.
I. Identify and explain the improvement that happened in the following aspects brought about by science
and technology.
1. Mortality Rate
2. Average Lifespan
3. Literacy Rate
4. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
II. Do a brief backtracking of the human condition amidst the current technological advancement.
It is interesting to note that the first philosopher who approached the problem of reality from a
“scientific” lens is Aristotle who is also the first thinker who dabbled into the complex problematization
of the end goal of life: happiness.
According to Aristotle, human beings are potentialities who aspire for their actuality. Every human being
moves according to some end. This end; we have learned from the previous lessons, is happiness or
human flourishing. No individual resists happiness. We all want to be happy. Aristotle claims that
happiness is the be all and end all of everything that we do. We may not realize it but the end goal of
everything that we do is happiness.
When Aristotle claims that we want to be happy, he does not necessarily mean the everyday happiness
that we obtain when we win a competition or we eat our favorite dish in a restaurant. What Aristotle
actually means is human flourishing, a kind of contentment in knowing that one is getting the best out
of life. A kind of feeling that one has maxed out his potentials in the world, that he has attained the crux
of his humanity.
DIFFERENT SCHOOLS OF THOUGHT (All of which aim for the good and happy life)
1. Materialism There is no need to posit immaterial entities as sources of purpose. As such,
only material entities matter.
Matter is what makes us attain happiness.
2. Hedonism See the end goal of life in acquiring pleasure.
Life is about obtaining and indulging in pleasure because life is limited.
Mantra- “Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die.”
3. Stoicism To generate happiness, one must learn to distance oneself and be apathetic. A
careful practice of apathy.
Adopt the fact that some things are not within our control. The sooner we
realize this, the happier we can become.
4. Theism Find the meaning of their lives using God as a fulcrum of their existence.
Base their life goals on beliefs that hinged on some form of supernatural reality
called heaven.
The ultimate basis of happiness is the communion with God.
The world where we are in is only just a temporary reality where we have to
maneuver around while waiting for the ultimate return to the hands of God.
5. Humanism Espouses the freedom of man to carve his own destiny and to legislate his own
laws, free from the shackles of a God that monitors and controls.
Man is literally the captain of his own ship.
Humanists see themselves not merely as stewards of the creation but as
individuals who are in control of themselves and the world outside them.
I. Good Life Collage. Cut out pictures in magazines or newspapers that demonstrate how technology
has made the man’s desire for a happy life more realizable. You may also opt to print out pictures from
websites and other sources. Explain how these technological advancements have made the campaign
for the attainment of good life easier or otherwise.
Analytical Rubric for Collage Making (40 Points)
Category 10points 7-8points 5points 3points
(Indicators) (Indicators) (Indicators) (Indicators)
1. Creativity All of the graphics or Most of the Some graphics or Only few of the
objects used reflect graphics or objects used graphics or
a degree of student objects used reflect student objects used
creativity in their reflect student creativity in their reflect student
display. creativity in their display, but the creativity in their
display. ideas were typical display.
rather than
2. Design Graphics are 1-2 graphics are 3-4 graphics are 5 or more
trimmed to an lacking in design lacking in design graphics are not in
appropriate size, or in placement. or in placement. an appropriate
interesting shape There are few Too much size and shape.
and are arranged smudges or glue background is Most of the
well (some in front marks. showing. There background is
and some in are noticeable showing. It
behind). Care has smudges or glue appears little
been taken to marks. attention was
balance the pictures given to designing
across the area. the collage.
Items are glued
neatly and securely.
3. Number of Includes 8 or more Includes 7 Includes 5 Includes fewer
Items different items. different items. different items. than 5 different
Missing some items. Missing
items. many items.
4. Explanation The explanation is The explanation is The explanation is The explanation is
reasonable, related related to and weak, fairly incomplete.
to the collage, and describes the reasonable, and Illustrate difficulty
provides insight to purpose of the partially related to understanding on
the purpose/ collage. It is the collage. how to relate the
meaning and somehow collage to the
design. reasonable. theme.
II. How the school of humanism influenced most of the scientists in dealing with science? How about the
people in using technology?
Science, Technology, and Society, Serafica, JP, et. Al.