L2A1 - Individual Development Plan Template

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Action Plan
(Recommended Developmental Intervention)
Strengths Developmental Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives of the Intervention
PD Program

MELCs Mastery of how these can 1. Explain the  Attend webinar 3 hours  Development and
be unpacked and background and series Design of MELCs
combined in planning and development of the  Participate in  Your learning
designing lessons. MELCs LAC sessions areas original K to
2. Unpack the MELCs 12 curriculum
3. Combine related guide and
competencies into corresponding list
learning objectives of MELCs.

Designing Knowing the parts of a 1. Differentiate between  Attend webinar 18- 24  Guidance on
Instruction in Weekly Home Learning the learning delivery series hours Distance learning
the Different Plan and Individual modalities prescribed  Participate in  Non- negotiable
Learning Learning Monitoring Plan by the LCP and LAC sessions minimum
Delivery between the different requirements for
Modalities types of distance distance learning
learning modalities.  Distance Learning
2. Apply lesson design Matrix
and assessment  Supplementary
considerations for Handout on
distance learning in Blended Learning
light of the COVID-19 Delivery
crisis Modalities.
3. Create a weekly home
learning plan to guide
your learners as they
do independent study
at home
4. Create an individual
learning monitoring
plan to keep track of
the progress of
learners who lag
behind in completing
the prescribed learning

Accessing Knowledge on the 1. Assess the LR needs  Attend webinar 4 hours  Learning
Learning different types of and concerns in your series Resources (LR)
Resources resources available in the School  Participate in Map
different LDMs, how to 2. Discuss and reflect on LAC sessions
access these materials, these needs and
and how to rapidly assess concerns
them before use. 3. Gather possible
solutions to resolve
these LR needs and

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