Soluble Textile Oils TX
Soluble Textile Oils TX
Soluble Textile Oils TX
TX textile oils has been a result of many Applications
tests and proven lubrication service and TX series are scourable textile oils for the
solubility. The base of the product is high textile industry. The TX series are used in
quality mineral oil, blended with an the knitting process and it serves two main
additive package which has been selected purposes:
through research and experience in Lubricate the needles and the
practice. TX textile oils have a high degree needle plates
of solubility and has excellent anti static Easily washable
properties. TX fluids are formulated with
highly refined oils and will absolutely no TX series are scourable. There are
stains on textiles and fabrics and are of however no rules or standard procedures
extremely high quality. for scouring out the oil traces. The degree
of contamination, time elapsed between
Benefits the soiling of the fabric and the scouring,
Easily sprayable even in cold the application of the needle oil, the
temperature environment knitting machinery and the properties of
Neutral behaviour towards paint the individual knitwear and fibres are too
Stabilized against sun drying variable.
Prevents built-up of static energy
Corrosion protection TX 80 oil can be used as a cleaning oil for
Maintains needle slots in a clean needles, cams, sinkers and other parts.
condition TX 80 will dissolve remaining material
Ensures longer life of needle and from needle slots while providing good
jacks/sinkers lubricity.
All performance data on this Technical Data Sheet are indicative only and can vary during production
Matrix Specialty Lubricants BV - [email protected] –
TX 80 TX 85 TX 87 TX 90 TX 95
Colour Clear
Density, kg/l 0.845 0.850 0.860 0.860 0.882
Viscosity index 95 95 95 96 97
Viscosity @ 40 °C, cSt 4 12 22 32 46
Viscosity @ 100 °C, cSt 1.8 3.1 3.6 4 4.6
Flash point, °C 170 175 180 190 200
Pour point, °C <-9 <-9 <-9 <-9 <-9
All performance data on this Technical Data Sheet are indicative only and can vary during production
Matrix Specialty Lubricants BV - [email protected] –