Stuck Pipe

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© Copyright 2004 ENSPM Formation Industrie – IFP Training

GENERAL........................................................ 6

1.1 TYPE OF INCIDENTS...................................................................................................................... 5

1.1.1 Loss of all or part of the bit................................................................................................................. 5
1.1.2 Metal objects dropped in the well........................................................................................................ 5
1.1.3 Rupture................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.1.4 Sticking................................................................................................................................................. 6

1.2 CAUSES OF INCIDENTS................................................................................................................. 7

1.2.1 Causes related to the personnel............................................................................................................ 7
1.2.2 Causes related to difficult drilling conditions..................................................................................... 7

1.3 WARNING SIGNS............................................................................................................................. 8

1.4 PREVENTIVE MEASURES............................................................................................................. 10

1.4.1 Precautions to be taken to avoid dropping objects.............................................................................. 10
1.4.2 Precautions to be taken to avoid sticking............................................................................................ 10

1.5 PROCEDURE FOR A FISHING JOB............................................................................................ 14

1.5.1 Organization of the work..................................................................................................................... 15
1.5.2 Criteria of choice : catch the fish or drill a side track ?...................................................................... 16


2.1 DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE STICKING..................................................................................... 19

2.1.1 Cause of sticking.................................................................................................................................. 19
2.1.2 Pull to be applied to free the drill string.............................................................................................. 21
2.1.3 Identifying the phenomenon................................................................................................................ 23
2.1.4 Methods for freeing the drill string...................................................................................................... 23

2.2 MECHANICAL STICKING............................................................................................................. 33

2.2.1 Key seats............................................................................................................................................... 33
2.2.2 Dropped rocks or objects..................................................................................................................... 35
2.2.3 Fall of rocks.......................................................................................................................................... 36
2.2.4 Undersized bore hole............................................................................................................................ 36
2.2.5 Sedimentation bridging........................................................................................................................ 36

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2.3 STICKING DUE TO THE FORMATION...................................................................................... 37

2.3.1 Sticking due to the instability of borehole walls................................................................................. 37
2.3.2 Sticking in carbonate formations......................................................................................................... 41
2.3.3 Sticking due to kicks and losses.......................................................................................................... 42

BASIC TECHNIQUES TO FREE THE STRING....................... 43

3.1 JARRING............................................................................................................................................ 43
3.1.1 Principle of jarring............................................................................................................................... 43
3.1.2 The different types of jars.................................................................................................................... 44
3.1.3 Use of a jar accelerator........................................................................................................................ 47
3.1.4 Position of the jar in the drill string..................................................................................................... 48
3.1.5 Direction of jarring............................................................................................................................... 50
3.1.6 Force and duration of jarring............................................................................................................... 51
3.1.7 Use of a surface jar............................................................................................................................... 52

3.2 DETERMINING THE STICKING POINT.................................................................................... 52

3.2.1 Measuring elongation........................................................................................................................... 53
3.2.2 Stuck point indicator tool (S.I.T.)........................................................................................................ 55

3.3 UNSCREWING USING EXPLOSIVES.......................................................................................... 61

3.3.1 Principle................................................................................................................................................ 61
3.3.2 Description of a string shot.................................................................................................................. 61
3.3.3 Procedures............................................................................................................................................ 61
3.3.4 Backoff in a deviated well................................................................................................................... 65
3.3.5 Safety.................................................................................................................................................... 65

1 Injection of a light slug into the drill pipes......................................................................................... 70
2 Injection of a light slug into the annulus............................................................................................. 69
3 Use of a test string................................................................................................................................ 71

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Fishing refers to all operations for restoring a well, when drilling or production has been
interrupted due to an incident in the well. Accidents or incidents can occur during a wide
variety of operations (drilling, running a casing, logging, DST, etc.).

Although the number of fishing jobs is related to the difficulty of the drilling operation, it
is also, and principally, related to the lack of competence and experience of the personnel

As drilling techniques and equipment develop, the way in which fishing jobs are handled
changes. Formerly, it was a matter of pride that the fish should be caught at any cost. At the
present time, the economic aspect is the only decisive criterion. Many companies try to catch
a fish for 2 or 3 days and if it has not been caught in that time, it is abandoned, and a side
track is made. This operation is all the more justified as directional drilling techniques are
now thoroughly mastered.

1.1 Type of incidents

1.1.1 Loss of all or part of the bit

The size of a fish can vary. Although certain elements are small (teeth, inserts, balls,
rollers), it will be necessary to get rid of them to avoid damaging the next bit to be run in.

1.1.2 Metal objects dropped in the well

The most frequently dropped objects are tongs dies, slips elements and hand tools. A
dropped object can cause drill string sticking.

This is a situation that can be avoided by having strict discipline on the rig floor and by
regular checking and maintenance of the equipment.

1.1.3 Rupture
It is possible that the drill string may break at a connection (especially when the
connection is working under alternate bending conditions) at the level of a drill string

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component body (failure at the point where the slips are placed on the drill pipe, etc.) and
thread disconnection (especially casings).

A drill string element may break for reasons related to wear of the equipment, to
utilization or drilling conditions.

The condition of the drilling equipment must be checked by periodical inspections, the
frequency of which will depend on the type of material and on drilling conditions. Such
inspections usually should detect any worn elements in time. The inspections are done using
magnetic, sonic and dimension controls.

It is important to know the traction, torque or pressure that may be applied to each element
of the drill string when it is in hole. Care must be taken regarding combined drill strings, as
the various elements usually have widely differing mechanical strengths.

Rupture of an element of the drill string may be caused by fatigue induced by vibratory or
cyclical phenomena unrelated to the apparent state of wear. There are rotation speeds for
which the vibrations induced in the drill string become critical.

Sharp changes in the well path (dog legs) can also induce rupture. They make the tubular
equipment work under alternate bending conditions. Such conditions, which are all the more
frequent when penetration is slow and the rotation speed high, can cause fatigue failure. The
sharper the angle of a dog leg and the higher the tensile load on the drill pipes, the more
dangerous it will be.

Finally, the risk of accidental unscrewing should be considered, especially when under-
reaming or drilling out (kickback or unscrewing through inertia).

1.1.4 Sticking
Sticking is the most frequent cause and corresponds to the heaviest fishing jobs. In most
cases, the long it lasts, the more complicated it becomes.

Sticking costs the oil industry dear every year (some 300 to 500 million dollars per
annum) and occurs in about 20 to 25% of all wells.

There are three categories of sticking :

 sticking due to excessive differential pressure opposite porous and permeable zones,
 sticking due to the formation (crumbly, under-compacted, sloughing, non-consolidated,
swelling formations, etc.),
 mechanical sticking (key seat, dropped metal objects, dropped cement, collapse of
casing, accumulation of cuttings due to poor bore hole cleaning, undersized hole caused
by abrasive formation, etc.).

Often sticking due to the formation is associated with mechanical sticking, and it is
considered that any sticking that is not due to differential pressure is mechanical sticking.

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Sticking, except for that caused by dropped objects, is generally a gradual phenomenon.
The bore hole gives warning signs that a problem is likely to occur. It is therefore important
to know how to identify these signs and to react correctly as soon as they appear.

1.2 Causes of incidents

The causes are many and complex. Apart from unforeseeable circumstances (breakdown at
the surface : equipment, power supply, etc.), they can be classified in three major categories.

1.2.1 Causes related to the personnel

Among these causes, the following can be noted :
 Lack of knowledge regarding the limits of use for the equipment (exceeding allowable
stresses on the drill string, drilling line, etc.).
 Non-compliance with good oil field practices (drill string immobilized for too long,
 Non-compliance with drilling instructions or unsuitable instructions (application of
inappropriate drilling parameters to the bit used, critical speed of rotation producing
vibrations, etc.).
 The rheological characteristics of the drilling fluid are not respected (due to improper
use of the solids treatment equipment, poor control of the rheology, etc.) or to the use
of an excessively high density fluid.
 Lack of concentration of the personnel during working hours is also a cause of
problems. Statistics indicate that sticking occurs most during shift changes and on crew
change days.
 Clumsiness of personnel on the rig floor can cause dropped objects.

In general, any lack of competence, inattention or lack of experience among the personnel
will cause many problems. These points can easily be rectified by proper training.

1.2.2 Causes related to difficult drilling conditions

Highly deviated wells, extended reach wells and horizontal wells often make it necessary
to use equipment in uncustomary conditions (drill pipes under compression, connections
working under alternate bending, buckling, drill pipes working over their bending strength
limits, etc.). Moreover, it is difficult to clean such wells correctly, cuttings accumulate in the
annulus and generate sticking.

Well paths with a high buildup also increase the risk of a key seat forming and tubular

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A change in the drill string or bit may be the cause of mechanical sticking (running in a
stiffer drill string in a crooked bore hole without taking the necessary precautions, or running
in a bit after a coring operation, or after a bit that has reduced diameter).

The nature of the formation (crumbling, under-compacted, swelling, flowing or fractured

formations), the dip, poor cleaning of the bore hole or a badly calibrated bore hole can all
cause sticking. In principle, the use of suitable drilling mud and hydraulic parameters can
reduce these risks.

The collapse of a casing occurs when the outside stresses exceed the collapse pressure
limit. This situation can exist opposite saline formations with worn pipes or when the setting
tension is too high, in which case the inside diameter will be reduced.

Pieces of cement that come off the bore hole wall or the setting of the cement too fast can
cause sticking.

Different formation pressure regimes in the same open hole (depleted reservoir, high
pressure injection zones, thick reservoirs) can cause problems. The density of the mud must
make it possible to hold the fluids and formations in place. Certain permeable and porous
formations may be under a very high differential pressure, which is inclined to cause drill
string sticking.

Environmental constraints (prohibition of using oil base mud, etc.) can seriously
complicate drilling.

Drilling conditions can be complicated if the drilling program (position of casing shoes,
well paths, fluids used) is not suitable.

Several points mentioned in this paragraph can be combined and make the situation
extremely complicated.

1.3 Warning signs

The driller must be well acquainted with these warning signs which, in certain cases, will
make it possible to avoid a fishing job.

Rupture shows in :
 a drop in discharge pressure,
 abnormal rotation and drop in penetration rate,
 drop in hook load on pulling out of hole.

Signs indicating poor cleaning of the bore hole are :

 appearance of excessive drag when stabbing and tripping,
 a drop in drag when circulating,
 erratic increase of torque when drilling,

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 few cuttings on the shale shakers when drilling,

 stand pipe pressure will not be changed,
 heavy falls of cuttings on the bottom of the hole when tripping,
 the bit is not descending freely as it is being run in.

The presence of unstable formations is indicated by :

 drag when tripping,
 substantial falls of cuttings down hole while tripping,
 an abnormally large amount of cuttings on the shale shakers,
 an abnormal rotation torque,
 a caved bore hole (case with crumbly non-consolidated fractured formations),
 a specific form of cutting (trace of rupture of the rock, concave surface, abnormally
large sizes),
 cuttings coming from formations that have already been drilled,
 stand pipe pressure is modified in certain cases (increase if there is substantial
tightening of the annulus),
 the bit is not descending freely as it is being run in.

Sticking through differential pressure is often a sudden phenomenon and can be seen in :
 an increase in the torque and drag,
 sticking occurs when the drill string is immobile (pipe stabbing, measuring deviation),
 sticking occurs in front of porous permeable formations,
 pump pressure is not changed,
 the drill string is stuck in both directions.

The presence of a key seat can be detected :

 when pulling out of hole, the string will catch more and more frequently and always at
the same place,
 sticking occurs when pulling the drill string out of hole. There are no particular
problems when running in,
 pump pressure do not change,
 the drill string is free when running in hole, but stuck when pulling out off the hole.

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1.4 Preventive measures

The best prevention consists in drilling properly. This means that the personnel has to be
competent, well trained and have a good experience of the bore hole, that each one is
watchful regarding the reactions of the bore hole, that the limits of utilization of equipment
are thoroughly known and never exceeded, that good oil field practices are applied, etc. The
application of a few measures will reduce the number of fishing jobs needed.

1.4.1 Precautions to be taken to avoid dropping objects

As soon as the drill string is out of the hole, shut the well with the blind or blind shear
rams BOP and cover the rotary table with a plate.

The lifting subs are usually not designed to bear high tensile loads. If work on the well
involves high tensile loads (drill collars stuck at the surface, for instance), use a kelly or a
short drill pipe.

Check the good condition of the rig floor equipment (tongs, slips, etc.) before starting the
job. Use a pipe wiper during the operation.

1.4.2 Precautions to be taken to avoid sticking

There are very few cases where it is not possible to prevent sticking. The driller is the key
person ; he must recognize any warning signs indicating a risk of sticking. As soon as one of
these signs appears, quick and suitable action will avoid most problems.

Prevention in this case is not limited solely to action taken by the drilling team. It
starts with the preparation of the drilling program and, on site, also concerns the
monitoring of drilling fluid, trajectory, mud logging. Drilling program

The suitable choice of casing shoe depth, number of casing strings, well path (kickoff
point, inclination, buildup rate, etc.), of the mud program (selection of type, density,
rheological and hydraulic characteristics, etc.) will reduce sticking risks.

Oil base mud is a good solution for drilling in zones where there is a risk of differential
pressure sticking. There will be less cake opposite permeable porous zones. This will mean
that the contact surfaces between drill string and well are reduced. Due to the lubricating
characteristics of this type of mud, friction on the bore hole wall will also be reduced.

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Carbonate mud also has several advantages over other water base mud. Friction is reduced
and it is easier to get the string unstuck.

In zones where there is a risk of differential pressure sticking, logging operations must be
limited (the use of tools pulled up against the bore hole wall is to be avoided).

The choice of drilling rig is also important. Certain problems are reduced by using a top
drive ; others may be accentuated. The tendency with a top drive is to "sweep" the well less
frequently than with a kelly, to take less notice of warning signs given by the well and to
postpone action for as long as possible.

The choice of drill string (length, diameter, type of drill collars, stiffness of the BHA,
number of stabilizers, etc.) and bits is also important.

High risk zones, procedures to be adopted while drilling (short trips, "sweeping" at each
pipe drilled, etc.) or if a problem should occur, must all be clearly indicated in the program. Precautions while drilling

The list of precautions to be taken is long. The most important points to be considered
are :
 Cleaning the well :
If cuttings are not correctly evacuated from the well, they will accumulate in the
annulus around the drill string and cause mechanical sticking.
Directional wells are the most difficult to clean. With an inclination of 30°, it is
necessary to have a flow rate about 20% higher than that necessary to clean a vertical
well. With an inclination of between 50 and 60° (the case with the heaviest handicap),
this figure has to be doubled.
At the same time, it is necessary to avoid caving the well ; for this, the hydraulic power
at the bit should be limited and a mud that is properly adapted to each formation drilled
should be used.
In highly deviated wells, an increase in viscosity and pumping of viscous slugs does not
always suffice to clean the well. Low density / viscosity slugs displaced with turbulent
flow followed by high density / high viscosity slugs can improve cleaning.
If drilling requires the use of two pumps, and if one of these breaks down, drilling has
to be stopped while it is repaired.
In certain cases, it may be necessary to limit the rate of penetration.
Systems mounted on vibrators give the weight of cuttings recovered at the surface. The
purpose of this is to compare this weight with that of the formation drilled and estimate
cleaning efficacy. If there are no such systems, the quantity of cuttings recovered
simply has to be evaluated visually to estimate whether it is normal.
If drilling is done with a down hole motor without rotating the drill string, it is advised
to rotate in order to get the cuttings moving which will have accumulated around the
drill string before pulling out of hole.

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 Holding the bore hole walls :

Shale and saline formations present the most problems as they have a tendency to
tighten the bore hole or to cave. One of the roles of a drilling mud is to exert sufficient
pressure on the bore hole walls to hold them in place. The pressure exerted being a
function of the mud density and the pressure loss in the annulus, an increase in density
or circulating flow rate will improve the holding of the bore hole walls.
The mud characteristics must be adjusted to provide the best holding of the formations
in situ. In order to keep the rheological characteristics stable, efficient cleaning of the
mud is necessary and suitable solids treatment equipment must be available and used
With swelling formations, patience is necessary so as not to try to force a passage.
Time spend on conditioning the mud and circulating is rarely wasted.
The use of a top drive should facilitate tripping in tight zones of the well. However, this
will not eliminate the need to "sweep" at each pipe drilled or for a short trip.
The use of PDC off-center bits often gives good results in saline formations.
 Controlling the bore hole configuration :
Dog legs should be kept to a minimum.
If formation of a key seat is expected, a key seat wiper should be integrated in the drill
string. As soon as excessive friction due to a poor bore hole profile becomes evident,
bore hole reaming should be scheduled with a roller reamer and a stiffer drill string in
order to eliminate points of friction.
If possible, drilling mud characteristics should be adapted in order to reduce friction
between the drill string and the bore hole.
 If there is any danger of differential pressure sticking :
The mud density must be as low as possible in order to reduce the differential pressure
value to a minimum.
It is also possible to consider reducing the flow rate in order to reduce pressure loss in
the annulus. If a water base mud is used, the filtrate will be limited and the quality of
the cake improved to limit its thickness.
Immobilizing the drill string should be avoided whenever possible. In deviated wells,
the number of measuring operations should be reduced in order to limit stoppage times
(it is preferable to use MWD) and avoid drilling without rotating.
Preferably spiral drill collars will be used, avoiding over-dimensioned drill collars in
order to reduce the contact surface between the drill string and the bore hole wall.
The number of drill collars will be reduced by replacing them with heavy weight drill
Stabilizers will be incorporated to reduce contact points between the bottom hole
assembly and the bore hole (it is recommended to place a stabilizer every 20 meters in a
risk zone). Add lubricants (gas, oil, etc.) to the mud if possible.
On site, products for freeing pipes should be provided. Statistics show that if such
products are not spud within 8 hours after sticking occurs, the chances of a successful
fishing job are seriously compromised.

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Sticking often occurs after kick control due to the increase in mud density and a drill
string that has been immobile. The aim of kick control is to fill the bore hole with a
mud with a high enough density to keep the formation fluids in place simply by the
weight of the mud column. But care must be taken not to add too many safety margin
(static in the mud and dynamic through the choke).
 The use of MWD has many advantages ; it makes it possible to :
 compare the torque and weight measured at the surface and at the bottom hole,
 measure the invasion by filtrate into porous permeable formations and monitor the
development of the cake (with resistivity / induction tools),
 detect abnormal pore pressure zones,
 know the bore hole diameter,
 reduce the time of immobilization of the drill string during deviation measurements.
 Drilling jars make it possible to react immediately which is vital, as time is often an
important factor in making a sticking situation worse. In effect, a sticking can lead to
another, for instance differential sticking may occur after the drill string has been
immobilized due to mechanical sticking.
Present-day equipment is reliable and could be used systematically in drilling
operations. If it is used during the drilling phase, the cost would only account for a very
small part of the overall costs involved in drilling a well (less than 1%).
In order to be effective, the drilling jar must be correctly positioned. It will be useless if
it is placed below the sticking point and is of little use if it is too far from this point.
Apart from a few exceptions, the best results are obtained by working under tensile
load with a drilling jar that has a diameter lower than that of the drill collars. It will be
open while drilling, which implies that it will be placed on top of the drill collars above
the neutral point. This has the following advantages :
 longer life for the drilling jar,
 reduced risks of getting the drilling jar stuck,
 no risk of knocking downwards and harming the bit if it is a hydraulic jar.
If a drilling jar is integrated in the drill string, the driller must know how to use it for
maximum efficiency. While tripping

 It has to be ensured that the bore hole is as clean as possible (no cuttings on the shale
shakers) before starting to trip.
 Tripping in the open hole must be done very carefully while taking as little time as
possible. It is no good trying to force a passage through a difficult zone and pulling too
hard (if a drilling jar is integrated in the drill string, it is recommended not to overcome
half the weight of the drill collars below the drilling jar). Do not hesitate to circulate
and rotate.
 Check the bit diameter when it is out of hole using the caliper adapted to the bit. If the
diameter has reduced, it will probably be necessary to drill out in order to reach the

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bottom hole. Therefore, run in carefully when approaching the bottom hole and plan to
ream the section drilled by the previous bit or at least the last stand.
 Care must also be taken after coring ; the diameter of the coring bit used can be slightly
less than the diameter of the bit run in.
 Take care while running in a stiffer bottom hole assembly, especially in deviated wells.
Reaming to reach the bottom hole should be expected.
 Also, running-in must be done with great care in caved zones.

1.5 Procedure for a fishing job

Fishing jobs correspond to an exceptional unplanned operation for which the driller is not
always prepared. Here, it is not the aim to make a fishing specialist out of him, but to try and
define the best way to deal with the problem. Two important and contradictory aspects can
sum up the complexity of the operation :
 no time must be lost,
 but no hasty decision should be taken.

It is important to determine the cause of the problem in order to take the right measures as
fast as possible. In order to establish a diagnosis and decide on the action to be taken, it
would be useful to ask the following questions :
 What operation was underway at the time of the incident ?
 What do the recordings show (drillers, geologists, deviation data) ?
 Has there been any change in mud characteristics ?
 Has there been any change in the nature of the formations drilled ?
 Have there been any warning signs, and if so, what and how ?
 For sticking, what is the nature of the formation (porous permeable, sloughing shale,
etc.) at the spot where the incident has occurred ? A drill string elongation test will give
some idea of the sticking point.
 Is there any risk of a kick ?

Disorganized action could jeopardize the future of the well and change an insignificant
incident into a serious fishing job.

Finally, for fishing operations, the drilling equipment is often used at its operating limits
which implies :
 strengthening of safety measures,
 the presence of a responsible person who knows about the operation and can measure
the risks.

Rapid organization is vital, and the following must be done :

 collect all information concerning the incident,

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 analyze the situation, identify the basic cause of the incident,

 act fast (the first operation is often decisive regarding the success of the fishing job).

1.5.1 Organization of the work

As soon as an incident occurs (dropped object, sticking, rupture), the tool pusher and the
company man must be informed immediately. Collecting information

All information concerning the incident must be noted on the spot, written down in detail
and joined to the records established by the drilling contractor and by the mud logging
company. Records made during the hours preceding the incident should be consulted ; they
may reveal some important information. Nothing must be hidden and facts must not be

Drilling and fishing operations mean teamwork. The well geologist must always be
consulted, and so must the mud engineer and the deviation specialist, who may have
information that will make it possible to determine the cause of the incident.

A maximum amount of information must also be collected concerning the geometrical and
mechanical characteristics of the drill string.

A detailed and circumstantial report must be written. This will provide a reference for the
rest of the fishing operation. It will take note of exact facts (operation underway, dimension
and composition of the drill string, parameters, etc.) which must be recorded without
interpreting them.

The interpretation of the data is a working hypothesis, the validity of which will only be
confirmed or otherwise after the fishing operation has been completed. In most cases, it will
not be a certainty. The fishing program is constructed on this interpretation which can change
during the fishing operation, and the validity of which must always be checked, referring to
the original report. Immediate action

If there is the slightest doubt, hasty action must always be avoided : it is better to take
some time in order to determine the cause of the problem and thus avoid making errors that
would complicate the situation. For instance, if it is thought that sticking is due to differential
pressure sticking when it is in fact due to a tightening of the bore hole, reducing mud density
will be considered, whereas it ought actually be increased.

The tool pusher or the company man must organize the work according to the material
available and the time needed to find the rest of the material required, which must be found
fast. In fact, it is rarely necessary to "mark time", as the site is usually well enough equipped
to solve simple cases such as ruptures or dropped objects.

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In serious cases, which are mostly sticking incidents, the site usually has the adequate
means to ensure preliminary operations (jarring, lubricating or acid slugs, modification of
mud characteristics).

The important thing is to act fast whatever the type of incident. Problems have a tendency
to accumulate over time : for instance, sticking due to tightening of the bore hole can
generate differential pressure sticking if the drill string is opposite a porous permeable
formation. It will not be easy to solve such cases, as the methods to be used to solve the first
problem could worsen the second.

If the first operations fail and it is decided to continue with the fishing operation, things
must be organized in order to handle a serious fishing job. The most important points of this
organization are the following :
 Naming a head of the operation
The operator must name a person who will be responsible for the entire fishing job,
both regarding logistics and technical aspects. This person will take part in the
procedure for the operation and coordinate the various service companies. This person
must have a good knowledge of the well and enough experience and authority to get
unusual instructions obeyed fast.
 Managing the drilling team
A very important point consists in making sure that each team has a driller or an
assistant driller with the proper qualifications. The role of managing a team is of vital
importance, as it means there will be a constant presence on the rig floor. In the
absence of a fishing operator or controller, they must be able to rely on the driller. In
practice, if it is not possible to reinforce an insufficiently qualified team, the operator
must make sure that the fishing operator or company man is present when this team is
on shift.
Although this point is often considered of secondary importance, it is actually a key

1.5.2 Criteria of choice : catch the fish or drill a side track ?

There are two possible cases :
 the fish must be removed from the well (this is rarely the case),
 it is possible to choose between catching the fish or drilling a side track. Necessity of recovering the fish

Certain constraints may mean that the fish must be recovered completely, for instance :
 mining regulations,
 geological constraints and preservation of the reservoir,
 excessively long supply time lines,
 type of equipment lost in the well (e.g. radioactive sources).

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In this case, the time factor becomes of secondary importance, and care must be taken not
to complicate the fishing job or permanently jeopardize it. With this end in view, there are
certain important rules to be respected :
 do everything possible to maintain circulation or attempt to reestablish it,
 keep the inside passage of the drill string free in order to retain the possibility of using
essential techniques such as cutting and unscrewing with explosive,
 keep the annulus free to keep the possibilities of external cutting and washover. Choice between fishing and side track

When neither of the solutions is justified by any major constraint, the only criterion of
choice is the cost of the operation.

The cost of the side track is usually fairly easy to estimate, but this does not apply to a
fishing job.
 In the case where a side track is selected, the following should be assessed :
 the cost of the equipment abandoned in the bore hole and its replacement
(purchasing of new material, transport and associated costs),
 the cost of a back off (extensiometry, back off and rig time),
 the cost of preparing a side track (setting cement plugs down to the kickoff point,
setting time, tripping),
 the cost of drilling a side track to reach the initial depth (rig time equipment and
specialists to drill the side track),
 the time needed to supply a replacement for the lost equipment.
 A side track utilizes the same techniques as directional drilling. Therefore, if the fishing
job is to be done in this type of a well, the equipment and the personnel will already be
on the site.
 In the case where it is decided to fish, the following have to be assessed :
 the availability of fishing equipment and specialized personnel,
 the time needed for the fishing job (very difficult to assess),
 the cost of the fishing job,
 the cost of restoring the drilling fluid, the equipment and the bore hole after the
fishing job,
 the chances of success for the fishing job.

The current policy for most oil companies is to determine the time during which it is
cheaper to fish. If at the end of this period of time, the problem is not solved, the fish is
abandoned and operations will start up again with a side track.

Experience has shown that fishing is usually more expensive than the side track, and the
result of the later is much more reliable. Moreover, the bottom hole assemblies used in zones

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where there is a risk of differential pressure sticking (integration of stabilizers to limit the
contact surface) makes fishing difficult (washover is impossible).

The formula generally used to determine the economically allowable time for fishing is
the following :

Cost of the side track . % of chances of catching fish

Economically allowable time =
Daily cost of the operation

The cost of a side track includes :

 the cost of the equipment abandoned down hole,
 the cost of back off,
 the cost of preparing the side track,
 the cost of drilling a side track to reach the initial depth.

The daily cost of the operation is the overall daily cost while the fishing job is ongoing.
The most difficult point to determine is the percentage of the chances of catching the fish.
This will be estimated according to past experience. Hence, the interest of having detailed
fishing operation reports and of keeping statistics. This percentage will vary depending on
the site location, but is usually about 50 %.

Therefore, as a general rule and if there are no specific constraints, and also if it is decided
to implement a fishing job, it should be avoided persisting over and above a cost equal to
half the total estimated cost of the side track.

Experience gained from fishing jobs due to sticking shows that :

 the chances of success drop rapidly with time,
 80% of sticking incidents that can be solved will be so within 48 to 72 hours,
 if it has not been possible to free a drill string within 96 hours after the incident, it is
unlikely that it can be freed.

Therefore, many companies limit the duration of fishing attempts to 3, 4 days, or even 2
days in some places.

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Sticking incidents are the most frequent cause of fishing jobs. It is important to quickly
identify their cause, as the methods to use to solve them will be different.

As soon as the cause of a sticking incident has been identified, it is important to act as fast
as possible, as the situation can get worse with time (in particular differential pressure
sticking). Often one type of sticking will generate another, and the treatment applied for one
may not be suitable for the other.

2.1 Differential pressure sticking

Differential pressure sticking is the source of 60 to 80 % of all sticking incidents.
Depending on the geographical region, it can affect a large part of the drill string, and in
particular smooth, large diameter elements.

2.1.1 Cause of sticking

Sticking occurs when the drill string comes into contact with the cake opposite a porous
permeable formation. This sticking is due to differential pressure (difference between the
pressure inside and the well and the formation) which tends to make the drill string stick to
the bore hole wall.

N.B. : The pressure existing at a certain point in the annulus will depend on the hydrostatic
pressure exerted by the mud column and pressure losses in the annulus due to mud
circulation. The differential pressure will therefore be higher when circulating than
under static conditions (the difference between the two may be important).

There may be high differential pressure opposite a porous permeable formation for the
following reasons :
 the mud density is too high,
 the annulus contains a large quantity of cuttings,
 pressure loss in the annulus is high (small diameter annulus, deep well, high flow rate,
bottlenecks in the annulus),

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Identifying and solving sticking incidents

 crossing a thick gas reservoir,

 the reservoirs are depleted,
 during a kick control operation.

The risks of sticking depend on the value of the differential pressure. Figure 2.1 gives an
idea ; it has been established using the analysis made on 600 wells drilled in the Gulf of

FIG. 2.1 Probability of sticking in terms of differential pressure

These values should be taken as an indication only, as they will differ from one
geographical region to another. However, it should be noted that the risks become high only
for very high values of differential pressure (only 20 % for 140 bar).

The other worsening factors are :

 a poor quality cake (thick cake, poor sealing properties),
 high filtration rate,
 a drill string made up of slick elements having an outside diameter close to that of the
bore hole,
 immobilization of the drill string opposite a porous permeable zone,
 the inclination of the well (the greater the inclination, the more the drill string will
press on the lower generatrix of the bore hole).

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2.1.2 Pull to be applied to free the drill string Expression of force to be applied at the level of a fish

As a first approach, the lateral force F applied on a drill string by differential pressure is
given by the following equation :
P . L . l (2.1)
F =
F : lateral force applied to the drill string expressed in kdaN,
P : differential pressure expressed in bar
L : length of the drill string (in general, the drill collars) in contact with the bore
hole wall at the level of the permeable zone expressed in m,
l : length of contact between the drill string and the cake at the level of the
sticking zone expressed in cm,
 D
with : l =  .
 : angle of the contact arc between the drill string and cake expressed in degrees,
D : outside diameter of the drill string in the sticking zone expressed in cm.

In a vertical well, the pull T expressed in kdaN to be applied at the level of the fish to free
it is given by the following equation :
T = Cf . F (2.2)
Cf : friction coefficient between the drill string and the cake.

This dimensionless coefficient is usually between 0.05 and 0.3, but it can reach much
higher values (near to 0.9 for very fine sands). The value will depend on the characteristics of
the cake and the formation.

The pull to be applied at the surface in order to pull the drill string out of hole is equal to
T incremented by the weight of the free part in the mud and friction between drill string and
the bore hole.

At the beginning of a sticking incident, the contact surface between the drill string and the
bore hole will be minimum. When the cake is soft and not forming a seal, the contact surface
will increase all the faster, especially when filtration is high (Figure 2.2). Moreover, the
water content of the cake between the drill string and the bore hole wall will decrease due to
filtration, and thus increase the value of the friction coefficient Cf.

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FIG. 2.2 Evolution of the contact surface between the cake and the drill string

The following example shows that, for fairly small contact surfaces, the pull to be applied
at the surface is high and rapidly exceeds the maximum allowable pull on the drill string. Example

Given a drill string stuck at 3,000 m over a length of 20 m at the top of the drill collars in
a 8 ½ vertical bore hole filled with a 1.30 density mud. This drill string is made up of 5"
grade S 19.5 lb / ft premium class NC 50 drill pipes and 200 m of slick drill collars with an
outside diameter of 6 ½ inches and an inside diameter of 2 13/16 inches.

We will assume that :

 the differential pressure at the level of the sticking zone is 80 bar,
 the drag above the fish is negligible,
 the friction coefficient Cf is equal to 0.25,
 the length of contact is 2 cm at the outset and rapidly becomes 4 to 6 cm.

The weight of the drill string free in the mud is 82.3 kdaN. Maximum pull that can be
applied to the drill pipes is 249.5 kdaN (without safety margin).
 For a contact of 2 cm, which represents a contact surface between the drill collars and
the bore hole wall of 4,000 cm², the pull to be applied at the top of the fish to free it is
80 kdaN, which corresponds at the top to a pull of 126 kdaN.
It is possible to free the drill string simply by pulling.
 For a 4 cm contact, the pull to be applied at the top of the fish to free it is 160 kdaN,
which corresponds at the top to a pull of 242 kdaN.
The tensile limit on grade S drill pipes is reached.
 For a 6 cm contact, the pull to be applied at the top of the fish to free it is 240 kdaN.
It is no longer possible to free the fish simply by pulling the drill string.

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This example shows that the forces to be applied to free a drill string stuck through
differential pressure are considerable. If it is not possible to free it immediately by working
the drill string and jarring with maximum force, there is no hope in being more successful
with this method later on.

2.1.3 Identifying the phenomenon

The phenomenon may be fairly sudden and occur without any clear warning signs.
However generally, before sticking, an increase in rotating torque and drag can be noted
while the drill string is in movement.

Differential pressure sticking is characterized by :

 sticking occurs when the drill string is at stand still for a short time (adding a pipe,
deviation measurement, etc.),
 the drill string is stuck while rotating and in translation in both directions,
 the circulation goes through (in the general case) without any particular change in
 the open hole has porous permeable zones with variable pore pressure gradients.

2.1.4 Methods for freeing the drill string

Three types of methods can be used :
 working the drill string under tensile and torsion and jarring with maximum force if
there is a free jar above the sticking point,
 setting a chemical pill in the annulus at the level of the fish with the purpose of
reducing the friction coefficient Cf and / or destroying the cake,
 reducing the pressure applied to the mud column in the annulus at the level of the
sticking zone whilst taking care not to induce a kick.

During attempts to free the string, the three methods may all be used simultaneously.
A decision-making diagram is given on Figure 2.3.

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FIG. 2.3 Example of a decision-making diagram for handling a sticking incident

Installation in the annulus of lubricants and surfactants which change the friction
coefficient value Cf and / or destroy the cake will usually contaminate the mud and change its
rheological characteristics. This raises several problems of bore hole wall stability and also
for eliminating the contaminated mud (environmental considerations).

Therefore, in general, the procedure adopted by most operators is :

 To try to get free by jarring and working the drill string for a few hours (about 2 to 4
hours depending on the operator and on the circumstances). This time will be used to
prepare the pill(s) (supply of products and mixing the pill).
 Then to set the pills (lubricants and surfactants).
 And reduce the differential pressure if the bore hole allows it.

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Identifying and solving sticking incidents

This way of proceeding has the advantage of not contaminating the mud if the drill string
is freed rapidly by jarring and working the drill string.

For this type of sticking, time is a key factor. Chances of success decrease very rapidly. It
is therefore essential to identify the phenomenon and act very fast : action undertaken in the
very first second is decisive. Statistics confirm this point and show that :
 Sticking incident occur mainly during a shift change, in the first two hours after the
shift change and on days of crew change. This corresponds to the periods during which
the concentration of the personnel is the lowest and proves that it takes very little to
pass from a situation that is perfectly under control to one that is a major problem.
 Frequently, the drill string is freed after jarring a few times (hence the interest of
having a jar integrated in the drill string).
 About 50 % of sticking incidents are solved in the 4 hours which follow, or as soon as a
surfactant or lubricant pill is put in place.
 80 % of sticking incidents that can be solved will be so within 48 to 72 hours.
 Over and above 96 hours, the chances of success are almost nil. First measures to be taken

As soon as a differential pressure sticking has been identified, the following must be
implemented :
 Stop or reduce the circulating flow rate (in order to reduce pressure loss in the annulus
and consequently the differential pressure value opposite the sticking zone). But it very
important not to lose the possibility to circulate.
 Work the drill string under the tensile and torsion loads that are at maximum of its
capacity while being careful never to exceed the limits (usually 90 % of the yield
strength of the tubular is not exceeded). If both tensile and torsion loads are applied
simultaneously, the combined stress must be taken into consideration.
 Jar immediately at full force if there is a jar in the drill string.
 Then take elongation measurements at different tensile loads in order to have a first
estimation of the sticking point. This, among other things, will make it possible to
check whether it coincides with a permeable porous zone, and to estimate the length of
the stuck part, essential information for installing the pills.

As mentioned, the problem gets worse (increase of the contact surface between the drill
string and the bore hole wall, therefore a need for more and more force to free the drill
string) if the differential pressure and / or the cake characteristics are not changed opposite
the sticking zone.

Therefore, if there is no significant progress, it is pointless to jar and work the drill string
for hours. It is important to take action on the cake and the differential pressure.

If the drill string does not have an integrated jar, or if this is not usable (jar below the
sticking point, too far from the sticking point, excessive drag, badly adjusted triggering
threshold, etc.), the chances of success are reduced.

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It is possible to consider implementing back off and to connect a more suitable drill string,
but the result of back off is not guaranteed, and anyway, this would be a long operation. In
such a situation, it is preferable to limit the time spent working the drill string and to act as
fast as possible on the cake and the differential pressure. Placing the pillss

These pills will be put in place opposite the sticking zone in order to impregnate the cake,
and will be gradually displaced in the annulus. The main purpose of these pills is to render
the cake more fragile and to lower the friction coefficient Cf. The pills also have an effect on
the differential pressure if their density is lower than that of the mud in the annulus.

Drilling fluid companies market products adapted to the various types of mud used. These
products are based on surfactants and lubricants. Oils tend to wet the tubular and form a film
between the cake and the drill string, reducing in this way the friction coefficient value.

Gas oil was commonly used, and still is in certain places. It has the advantage of being
available on the site, but raises problems of pollution. If specific products are not available on
the site, it could be used as a replacement.

It is possible to place pills made up of fluid lighter than the drilling mud or with a similar
density. The light fluid will tend to migrate in the annulus, and there are problems for
controlling its position. Moreover, a reduction in the differential pressure will be somewhat
small. In order to avoid these problems, it is preferable to use pills which have a density that
is slightly greater (about 2 points) than that of the drilling fluid.

Experience has shown that finally, the most important points are neither the density nor
the composition of the pill, but when the pill is put in place and how it is displaced in the

The best results are obtained :

 In deviated wells by injecting a pill during the very first hours (maximum efficiency if
the pill is installed within 4 hours) after sticking has occurred (in vertical wells, this
point seems to be less fundamental).
 With large volumes of fluid. When the top of the pill reaches the top of the sticking
point, the tail of the pill must be in the drill pipes (Figure 2.4) so that, throughout the
phase of impregnation, the sticking zone is covered by the pill.
 By displacing the pill periodically (with 50 liters every half hour).
 By leaving the pill for a minimum of 12 hours opposite the sticking zone while not
exceeding 30 or so hours.

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FIG. 2.4 Placing and displacing a slug

Working the drill string does not help the efficiency of the pill. Therefore, while the pill is
being installed and during the time of impregnation, it is recommended to maintain a pull that
is equal to the weight of the free drill string and to work the drill string at regular intervals
(once an hour, for example).

With carbonate formations, it is possible to use 15 % or 25 % hydrochloric acid. The acid

attacks and dissolves the formation. The action will be all the faster when the limestone
content is high. The acid must remain for as short a time as possible in the tubular to avoid
corrosion. The displacement rate of a slug in the annulus will depend on the formation (the
more limy the formation, the faster the displacement will be).

The action of the acid is different from that of lubricants and surfactants. The acid acts
immediately and quickly loses its efficiency (limited to about 2 hours) and can cause a
degradation of the open hole (caving, rock fall, etc.). It is therefore necessary to work the
drill string (jarring, traction, etc.) as soon as the acid is in place. Reduction of hydrostatic pressure

The purpose is to reduce the pull to be applied to the string to free it by reducing the
differential pressure opposite the sticking zone.

The hydrostatic pressure in the annulus can be reduced :

 by using mud with a lower density (simply circulate to fill the well with a lighter mud),
 by injecting a pill of light fluid into the drill pipes,

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 by injecting a pill of light fluid into the annulus or the choke line (case of sub-sea
 by using a test string.

A reduction in the hydrostatic pressure can cause a kick and / or instability of the bore
hole walls with certain types of formation. Therefore, it is necessary to make a serious
assessment of all the risks before using this method (risks that are easy to assess in
development operations, but much more difficult in exploration). The maintenance of
primary control (holding the formation fluids in situ simply by the mud weight) is essential :
this is the major consideration.

Whatever method may be used to reduce the hydrostatic pressure, care must be taken to
watch the kick indicators closely throughout the operation.

N.B. : Considering in general the small margin of pull which is available and the small
reduction in pressure that can be applied without causing a kick and / or damaging the
open hole, the chances of freeing the drill string will be greater if pills of lubricant
and surfactants are injected beforehand : therefore, this operation is the last chance
before back off operation.

a) Injection of a pill of light fluid inside the drill pipes

This method consists in pumping a pill of fluid that is lighter than the mud in the annulus
through the drill pipe. This generates a partial change of fluids in the annulus when the two
fluid columns achieve equilibrium. For this, circulation must be possible in both directions to
allow the fluid to return via the drill pipes, and therefore the drill string must not have a non
return valve.

This method has one major drawback : it is impossible to know whether the well has
stabilized or not after the balancing of the two columns of fluid, as the annulus is no longer

The following procedure will be adopted :

 determine the pressure drop P that can be applied without any risk of a kick and / or
instability of the bore hole walls,
 fill the inside of the drill string with a given volume V of water, gas oil or light mud,
depending on the pressure drop P that is to be obtained in the annulus,
 close the drill pipes at the well head, and put tensile load on the drill string,
 bleed off the inside of the drill pipes leaving the level to achieve equilibrium in the
annulus (the bleed off must be done in several stages),
 if the drill string is freed, move it (rotation and translation) and circulate in order to
evacuate the rest of the pill and fill the well.
It must be checked whether the well is stable and take action accordingly. If the well is
stable, it is preferable to pick up the drill string in the sticking zone before circulating.
If there is any risk of a kick, the well must first be filled, the priority being to maintain
primary control.

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The volume V of fluid density d2 to be injected into the drill pipe to produce a pressure
drop P in the well is given by the following equation (see appendix) :

C Ct 
V = 10.2 . P .  ea +  (2.1)
 d1 d1 - d2 
V : volume of light fluid put in place in the drill pipes expressed in liters,
P : pressure drop produced in the well by putting the volume V of light fluid in
place, expressed in bar,
d1 : density of the mud in the well,
d2 : density of the light fluid injected into the drill pipes,
Cea : capacity of the casing / drill pipes annulus expressed in l / m,
Ct : inside capacity of the drill pipes expressed in l / m.

An alternative version of this method consists, after having pumped the pill into the drill
pipes, in operating several closure and opening sequences at the top of the drill pipes. The
purpose is to free the drill string through the pressure surges generated in the well by sudden
closure at the well head. This has the same effect as jarring.

b) Injection of a light fluid into the annulus

The method consists in :

 determining the pressure drop P that can be applied without any risk of a kick and / or
instability of the bore hole walls,
 apply tensile load to the drill string and shut the annulus,
 apply reverse circulation of the given volume V of water, gas oil or light mud
depending on the pressure drop P that is to be obtained in the annulus,
 open the annulus to allow the two columns to achieve equilibrium,
 if the drill string becomes free, move it (rotation and translation) and circulate to
evacuate the rest of the slug and fill the well.
As in the previous case, it must be checked whether the well has stabilized and act
accordingly : first pick up the drill string in the sticking zone if the well has stabilized
or start by circulating a slug if there is any risk of a kick, priority being to maintain
primary control.

The volume V of fluid density d2 to be injected into the annulus to produce a pressure
drop P in the well is given by the following equation (see appendix) :
 Cea C t 
V = 10.2 . P .  +  (2.2)
d1 - d 2  d1 

The notations and units used in equation (2.1) are the same as those for (2.2).

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As in the previous case, in order to perform this operation, the drill string must not have a
non return valve. This is the main limitation of these methods because the drill strings used at
the present time are usually fitted with this type of valve.

With this method, the annulus is always full, and therefore it is easy to see whether the
well has stabilized or not. This is a major advantage over the previous method.

N.B. : In order to achieve the same drop in differential pressure P, the volume V of light
fluid to be pumped in the drill pipes is lower than that to be pumped in the annulus
(with the same densities d1 and d2 in both cases).

On floating rigs, depending on the density of the mud and depth of water, the hydrostatic
pressure can be reduced fast and safely by displacing the contents of the choke line with a
light fluid.

c) Use of a test string

This is the most reliable method for reducing hydrostatic pressure, because it makes it
possible to control the well more easily in the case of a kick. However, in order to implement
it, test and back off equipment must be available, and it demands much more time than the
above methods. However, it can be carried out with a valve on the drill string or with a
blocked fish. It consists in :
 Disconnecting the drill string using explosives above the sticking point.
 Running in a test string containing a fluid pill (water, gas oil, mud) of a height so that
the opening of the test produces the require pressure drop at the level of the sticking
 Reconnect the test string on the fish, set the packer and open the string for a short
moment. This is not a formation test (the formation must not flow), but the purpose is
to reduce the pressure on the formation.
 Close the test, unset the packer and work the drill string, pulling it up and down and
rotating it to free it.

With this method, the risks of failure and of stretching the fish are many (need to operate a
back off, to run in a string fitted with a packer, to reconnect and set the packer ; there is a risk
of sticking with the test string, etc.).

Composition of the test string (Figure 2.5)

 If the connection at the disconnecting point is in good condition, it is preferable to
connect with the thread. An overshot should be avoided.
 Provide a safety joint between the top of the fish and the packer in order to disconnect
if it is impossible to free the fish.
 Place a circulation sub or perforated pipe below the packer in order to provide
communication between the annulus below the packer with the inside of the test string
if the inside of the fish is plugged or fitted with a non return valve.

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 Use an open hole packer set under compression. It must not be set while rotating,
because it is first necessary to reconnect to the fish.
 Integrate a jar to unset the packer, pull the test string out of hole and free the fish in
case of difficulties.
 Use a MFE type tester (this type of equipment makes it possible to do the operation
several times over and to carry out the test in an open hole).
 Place a reverse circulation valve above the tester, which will open when pressure is
applied inside the drill pipes or by dropping a bar, in order to place the inside of the
string in communication with the annulus above the packer.
 The drill collar section should be long enough to set the packer, operate the test valve
and jar, if necessary.

Procedure and precautions to be taken to carry out the operation :

 Determine the sticking point and disconnect the drill string using explosives as close as
possible to this point.
 Select a well calibrated zone to set the packer (for this, it may be necessary to run a
caliper). If the open hole is not long, it is preferable to set it in the casing.
 Trip to condition and clean the top of the fish if necessary.
 Determine height h of the pill having a density d2 to be put in place according to the
pressure drop P that is to be applied at the level of the fish (the test opening should
not make the well flow). We have :
H . d1 - 10. 2 . P 
h   
 d2  (2.3)
h : height of the d2 density mud pill placed in the drill pipes expressed in m,
H : height available above the tester expressed in m,
P : pressure drop produced in the well expressed in bar,
d1 : density of the drilling mud,
d2 : density of the light fluid put in place in the drill string.

The height h of the pill is limited by the height H available above the tester.
 Make up and run in the test string slowly (the bypasses of the tester provide
communication on either side of the packer and avoid squeezing below the packer).
 Reconnect the test string onto the fish.
 Set the packer (the bypasses will close at the time of anchoring).

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FIG. 2.5 Example of a test string used to unstick a drill string stuck
through differential pressure

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 Open the tester (opening is obtained by releasing part of the weight of the drill string)
and observe the well head pressures (drill pipe and annulus) and the weight of the drill
A test opening time of about one minute is enough, the purpose is not to have the
formation to flow.
The freeing of a heavyweight fish, which can slip freely downwards when it is freed,
usually causes the packer to unset. This can be observed at the surface by an increase of
the weight at the Martin Decker (if an increase in weight is noted, the drill string should
be worked immediately).
If the fish is not freed, or if it has not been able to slide downwards (for example
because the bit is down hole), there will be no weight recovery.
 Whether or not there is weight recovery, the test string must be shut in about one
minute after opening. Unset the packer and work the drill string, pulling up and down
and rotating.
 As soon as the fish has been freed, the string must be kept in movement ; open the
reverse circulation valve and circulate to evacuate the pill and fill the pipes.
As for the other two pressure reduction methods, it must be checked that the well has
stabilized and act accordingly : first pick up the string in the sticking zone if the well
has stabilized, or fill the well first if a kick is feared. In any case, the priority is to
maintain primary control.
 When pulling out of hole, the tripping speed will be limited to reduce the risk of
swabbing, although the bypasses are open, which will reduce this risk.

2.2 Mechanical sticking

Unlike differential pressure sticking, mechanical sticking is almost always located on a
small part of the drill string, and usually at the level of a change in diameter on the string.
The causes of sticking incidents are many and various, and not always easy to identify. The
main ones are covered below.

2.2.1 Key seats

Key seats are troughs that are dug into the formation through friction of the pipes during
drilling and tripping. These channels or troughs develop at dog legs and will be deeper
when :
 the formation is soft,
 the dog leg is acute,
 the tensile load on the drill pipes is high,
 the pipes work for a long period at this point.

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Identifying and solving sticking incidents

Deep channels of various lengths have a width that is similar in diameter to the tool joints
of the pipes, which can move freely in them. This is not the case for drill collars which can
get stuck when pulling out of hole. The worst sticking incidents correspond to drill strings
when the diameter of the drill collars is close to that of the tool joints. In this case, the drill
collars penetrate the key seat and get gradually more firmly stuck there.

Key seats are not specific to deviated drilling. They can also occur in sub-vertical wells
which only have a few degrees of inclination. The profile of these wells is not very closely
controlled, and the use of stabilizers is more limited than in directional drilling, which
sometimes can result in violent dog legs.

There is another type of key seat which develops at the low point of certain steeply
sloping bore holes. These are usually caused by the use of undersized stabilizers in mixed
formations which have an alternation of hard and soft layers. The width of the key seat will
correspond to the diameter of the undersized stabilizer which can go through it easily, which
is not the case for a full diameter stabilizer, e.g. a near bit. The working of the drill pipes can
also be the source of troughs at the low point.

Warning signs :

The development of a key seat is easy to identify. The warning signs are :
 catching at the top during the passage of the first drill collar or stabilizer at a specific
 running in always free at the level of the key seat,
 the catching depth corresponds to a dog leg.

Prevention :

Severe dog legs must be avoided, especially when a large amount of open hole is still to be

If the well has an excessively severe accidental dog leg, an attempt should be made to
reduce it, first by under-reaming, and then by working an under-reamer under tensile load at
the dog leg level during subsequent drilling operations. At each trip, the under-reamer will be
pulled out for a length equal to the number of meters drilled by the previous bit.

As soon as the first symptoms of the formation of a key seat become apparent, a key seat
wiper must be integrated at the top of the drill collars or, if this is not available, a stabilizer. It
is also recommended to integrate a jar in the heavy weight drill pipes above the key seat
wiper to enable downward jarring.

If the drill string has a jar inserted in the drill collars, it is preferable to remove it and to
integrate one in the first heavy weight drill pipes.

If the drill collars are not protected by a key seat wiper or a stabilizer, any strong pulling
should be avoided when pulling out of hole. Pulling out must be done by alternating light
pulling and rotation on slips (this operation is considerably facilitated by top drives).

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Identifying and solving sticking incidents

When partial sticking becomes apparent in key seats, the make up of connections below
the sticking point must be seriously controlled in order to avoid disconnection through inertia
during freeing maneuvers.

Methods for unsticking :

Whenever such a sticking incident occurs, it is necessary to :

 avoid high tensile loads at all costs,
 attempt to disengage downwards by placing the drill string under compression and
 jar downwards if the drill string has a jar above the drill collars,
 in general, the insertion of a lubricant pill at the level of the sticking point considerably
facilitates the freeing of the drill string.

If these maneuvers remain without effect :

 Determine the sticking point (Stuck Point Indicator) and disconnect the first pipe or
heavy weight drill pipe.
 Connect with a jarring string which can enter directly into the key seat on running in,
i.e. the bottom part of which does not have any elements with a diameter greater than
the tool joints of the drill pipes which have produced the key seat. In practice, this drill
string will be made up using the following assembly :
 a wear coupling with a centering system,
 a jar for jarring downwards having an outside diameter less than that of the tool
joints of the pipes,
 one or two heavy weight drill pipes (depending on the length of the key seat),
 one or two strings of drill collars.
If the fishing string passes freely beside the fish top, it is necessary to insert a bent back
pipe below the jar and / or a side wall connector. In this case, reconnection of the drill
string may be extremely difficult.
 Make up the string to the make up torque and jar downwards while circulating
 If, after 2 or 3 hours of jarring, there is no progress, insert a lubricant pill at the point of
the key seat and continue to jar.
 As soon as the fish is free, pull gently out of hole while back reaming.

2.2.2 Dropped rocks or objects

In this case, the technique for freeing the fish consists in working the stuck part under
torsion, traction, compression and jarring. The force of the jarring is not of primary
importance ; it is more a case of vibrating the drill string and producing a fast sequence of

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Identifying and solving sticking incidents

This type of sticking being very local, the stuck part is subjected to very high stresses.
Prolonged action in the wrong direction may make a sticking that started out as a minor
problem, to become definitive.

The first maneuver consists therefore in vibrating the drill string while subjecting it to a
force contrary to that which has caused the sticking ; well oriented jarring assisted by the
insertion of a lubricant pill makes it possible to solve most of such sticking incidents.

When the drill string does not include a jar, a sort of jarring can be induced by creating
sudden pressure surges at the pump. For this, the pulsation dampener can be bypassed and /
or the valve removed from certain pumps.

2.2.3 Fall of rocks

Schisty and laminated shale, fractured rocks, coal and unconsolidated surface formations
are formations where there is a risk of rock fall.

In order to limit these risks, the holding of the bore hole walls is essential. For this
purpose, it is necessary to avoid high flow rates, tights annuli, pointless tripping in the open
hole and to increase mud viscosity.

This type of sticking is handled in the same way as dropped objects if the rock fall is not

2.2.4 Undersized bore hole

This danger, which many drillers are not sufficiently aware of, merits special attention
because, although it is easy to avoid, it is the source of many sticking incidents. The most
frequent cases are due to running in without taking sufficient care :
 running in a string that is much stiffer than the previous one,
 RIH a new bit after a bit that has been pulled out having lost diameter,
 RIH a monobloc bit (diamond, PDC, etc.) after a rock bit.

Sticking is generally not serious, and the first jar impacts clear the way. It is handled in the
same way as dropped objects.

2.2.5 Sedimentation bridging

In most cases, such bridging develops at the level of a change in diameter (tool joints,
stabilizers, drill collars) and is not thick. The sticking incidents that they generate are usually
not serious and can be handled in the same way as dropped objects regarding the mechanical
stresses to be applied to the drill string. However, sedimentation being the result of a poorly
adapted drilling mud, the role of the later will be of primary importance, both for prevention
and cure.

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Identifying and solving sticking incidents

2.3 Sticking due to the formation

2.3.1 Sticking due to the instability of bore hole walls

These sticking incidents occur at the level of certain formations which have become
unstable due to the presence of the bore hole (redistribution of stresses around the bore hole)
and the drilling fluid. This disruption usually generates a tightening or a deformation of the
bore hole, causing partial or total sticking of the drill string. Moreover, circulation can be
completely lost. Sloughing shale

Certain types of shale (smectites) have a natural tendency to slough as the layers making
them up are weakly bound together. These shale swell, absorbing a large quantity of free
water (coming from the mud) between the layers, which slide over each other. If this
phenomenon is not controlled fast enough, the bore hole will gradually close up and trap the
drill string.

Warning signs of the presence of sloughing shale :

Generally, the warning signs indicating this type of sticking will be :

 an increase in the rotating torque while drilling,
 catching when picking up from the bottom hole, with pressure surges of an amplitude
that can make it impossible to circulate,
 the presence of plastic shale on the shale shaker and a drop in the volume of cuttings,
 an increase in the solid content of the mud,
 modification of the rheological characteristics of the mud (increase in viscosity),
 systematic re-drilling of the same zone on running in.

Preventive measures :

In order to prevent swelling and sloughing of shale, the mud characteristics have to be
made suitable ; for this :
 increase the density of the mud,
 reduce filtration (improve the quality of the cake and reduce its thickness),
 add a suitable lubricant to the mud,
 increase circulating flow rate.

However it may be necessary to change the type of mud. Potassium chloride, gypsum and
glycol mud and oil base mud are often the only suitable remedy.

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Identifying and solving sticking incidents

It is also necessary to use a drill string that is suitable for the situation :
 avoid using oversized drill collars,
 reduce the contact surface with the bore hole wall by using spiral drill collars,
 the number of stabilizers and drill collars must be reduced to a minimum ; the heavy
weight drill pipes will be used to put weight on the bit,
 integrate a jar above the risky zones.

When tripping :
 run in again slowly in the risky zones,
 re-drill systematically until the drill string passes freely without circulation or rotation.

While drilling :
 use a circulating flow rate as high as possible in order to clean the bore hole properly
and maintain maximum pressure in the annulus,
 stop and start the pumps gently in order to avoid pressure surges and sudden
decompression in the annulus,
 limit stand still of the drill string,
 have frequent short trips.

Generally, this type of formation is difficult to keep in place and ages very badly ; it
should be cased as fast as possible.

Handling the sticking incident :

As the annulus is blocked, the circulation usually cannot get through, and the first thing to
be done is to reestablish circulation which is not always easy to do. The simplest means
consists in pushing the shale back by pumping at the maximum pressure that the well can
withstand. It is also possible to attempt putting the annulus under pressure without, however,
exceeding the maximum allowable pressure in this part of the well.

If it is not possible to reestablish circulation, the solution will consist in disconnecting as

low down as possible in order to treat the mud.

Normally this type of sticking is resolved progressively by pulling hard for a long enough
time, together with abundant circulation with wetting and lubricating agents. There should be
no hesitation in maintaining maximum pull on the drill string for several hours.

All the usual operations should be attempted in order to free the string (traction,
compression, torque and jarring) whilst maintaining abundant circulation. If a back off is
necessary, the jarring string will have a maximum number of drill collars above the jar.

If jarring and working the drill string should not succeed, it is not advised to make any
attempt at solving the sticking incident with a washover string.

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Identifying and solving sticking incidents Laminated shale

These shale are less dangerous than the previous ones, and the sticking incidents that they
lead to are usually easier to solve. These shale have a tendency to part and fall into the well.

Warning signs :
 fast penetration followed by a large amount of cuttings on the shale shakers,
 catching when picking up and pulling out,
 re-drilling which is fairly easy when running in,
 large volume of cuttings on the shale shakers when starting drilling again,
 the pressure remains stable except for a few pressure surges caused by large volumes of
falling elements.

Preventive measures :
 increase viscosity of the mud and reduce the filtrate ; an increase in mud density may
be beneficial in certain cases,
 make sure that the well is properly cleaned by regularly injecting high density, high
viscosity pills,
 pass the zone carefully when redrilling and circulate for a long time,
 the rotation of the drill string makes it possible to displace the cuttings that have settled
in the annulus.

Most of the time, these measures will be adequate and the well will stabilize fairly fast.
Otherwise, the measures recommended in the above paragraph can be applied except for :
 adding lubricants in the mud which would favor sliding of the shale at the level of
cleavage planes,
 putting the annulus under pressure.

Treating a sticking incident :

This type of sticking rarely causes a loss of circulation. Therefore, freeing the string will
be a much easier operation than in the case of plastic shale.

Abundant circulation with a high viscosity mud and small filtrate will generally clean the
bore hole and free the string. It also makes it possible to cool the bore hole, which has the
effect of consolidating the bore hole walls. This effect will be particularly sought if the
degradation of the bore hole walls is apparent after a prolonged stoppage of circulation.

Plugging the annulus should be avoided through the injection of a pill of excessively high
viscosity. An increase in viscosity must be done gradually, and a good solution consists in
injecting several increasingly viscous pills.

During cleaning operations the drill string is subjected to the usual operations for
unsticking, but in a moderate manner. Working with the drill string and jarring force will be
gradually increased as the viscous slugs are put in place.

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Identifying and solving sticking incidents

If sticking continues after these maneuvers :

 circulate for a long time in order to treat and homogenize the mud (maximum viscosity
and minimum filtrate),
 put in place a highly viscous slug which should cover the zone of the laminated shale
and about fifty meters above,
 disconnect by back off above this zone,
 run in again with a jarring string.

During these operations, it is important to do everything possible not to lose circulation.

It is very rare that this type of sticking resists such treatment, but if it should be the case,
the fish could be cleaned without any difficulty by washover, which generally presents no
difficulties in this type of formation. Saline formations

This type of formation has a natural tendency to slough in clearly defined pressure and
temperature conditions. If this phenomenon is not diagnosed in time, the bore hole will close
quickly, causing the drill string to stick.

Warning signs :
 fast penetration,
 increase in the drilling torque,
 catching on picking up,
 increase in pump discharge pressure, sometimes making it impossible to circulate,
 absence of cuttings on the shale shakers,
 presence of chloride in the mud,
 re-drilling of the zone when running in.

Preventive measures :
 Use a mud suitable for drilling saline formations (salt saturated mud or an oil base
 Increase the density of the mud in order to keep the salt in place.
For this, it may be necessary to reach a density close to that of the salt (approximately
2.16) which could cause a loss of circulation and fracturing in the formations already
It may be necessary to case the hole in order to increase the density and hold the salt in
place without generating losses in the overlying layers.
In certain pressure and temperature conditions, it will be difficult to hold the salt in
place. Sloughing of saline formations is responsible in certain geographical regions for
the collapse of casing strings.

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Identifying and solving sticking incidents

 Use a drill string that will reduce sticking risks :

 eliminate oversized drill collars and keep the number of stabilizers to a minimum,
 use spiral drill collars,
 reduce the number of drill collars and replace with heavy weight drill pipes,
 integrate a jar in the drill string above the salt layer.
 The use of off-center PDC gives better results in this type of formation than the other
 Redrill the zone systematically until obtaining a free passage for the drill string without
any circulation or rotation.

Handling the sticking incident :

The salt will be easily dissolved by a pill of fresh water placed at the level of the sticking
zone. This method will be used when circulation is possible.

If circulation is not lost, maintain maximum tensile load on the drill string while putting
the fresh water pill opposite the sticking zone. The volume of the pill must be adequate to
cover the annulus between the bore hole and the bottom hole assembly. However, primary
control must be maintained, whatever happens.

If drilling is with oil base mud, it is recommended to place a spacer containing water and
detergent before the fresh water pill.

If circulation does not get through, the solution consists in disconnecting by back off as
low down as possible in order to treat the mud and reconnect a string for jarring.

2.3.2 Sticking in carbonate formations

These sticking incidents can easily be solved by injecting pills of hydrochloric acid diluted
to 15 % which will be displaced at a flow rate which will be all the higher as the limestone
content of the formation is high. In effect, the acid has an action that is all the greater and
faster when the limestone content is high.

In the presence of very calcareous formations, acid is almost immediately neutralized, and
a slow displacement of the pill will limit its action to the small part of the formation that is
responsible for the sticking.

Acid must not remain too long in the tubulars which can corrode fast ; this is an extra
reason for avoiding slow displacement in the zone of sticking.

An excessively large volume pill could generate serious deterioration of the bore hole.

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Identifying and solving sticking incidents

2.3.3 Sticking due to kicks and losses

Kicks :

In the presence of porous formations, when the hydrostatic pressure is less than the
formation pressure, a kick may occur which would entrain solids (sand, etc.), destroy the
cake and generate fall of rocks into the bore hole. This degradation of the bore hole may
cause sticking if the kick is not controlled fast.

The treatment of this type of sticking will depend on the volume of solids concerned.

In fact, such sticking incidents are rare when it is possible to close the well, because the
drilling teams are trained to detect and control kicks fast. In the case of a shallow gas kick
(case when it is not possible to close the well), this phenomenon generally causes the kick to
stop (rock fall blocking the well).

However, it may happen that kick control with an inappropriate mud (excessively high
filtrate and density) results in differential pressure sticking.

Losses :

Losses are rarely the direct cause of sticking. It is their treatment that may be responsible
for this type of problem by obstructing the annulus. Finally, after a loss, rock fall and / or
sloughing are always possible.

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3.1 Jarring
Used in association with a lubricant pill, this is one of the main techniques for freeing a
stuck drill string. For a long time, this was limited to fishing jobs, but jars are more and more
frequently used in drilling operations.

3.1.1 Principle of jarring

The principle consists in knocking hard on the stuck part of the drill string which acts as
anvil with the free part which acts as a hammer and generates sufficiently strong vibrations,
both regarding amplitude and duration, to free the fish.

The theory of jarring is complex. The intensity and duration of the force applied to the
fish have to be taken into consideration.
 The intensity of the jarring force will depend on the speed of the bottom hole assembly
located above the jar at the moment the hammer strikes the anvil. The greater the
speed, the stronger the force.
 The duration will depend on the length of this part of the drill string. The longer it is,
the longer the time that is needed to stop the movement of the drill string and the longer
the application will be.

Increasing the stroke of the jar will increase the intensity and duration of the jarring force.
A long duration vibration will not free the fish if the force produced is less than the force
needed to free it. On the other hand, a force that is greater than the force needed to free the
fish, but not lasting long enough, will have little effect.

In general, the intensity of the force applied to the fish and the duration are counter-
proportional. When one increases, the other decreases. Therefore :
 The higher the jar is placed in the drill string, the smaller the mass in movement, the
greater the velocity of the drill string. The strength of the force will be high but
duration short.
 By contrast, the lower the jar is placed in the drill string, the greater the mass in
movement, the lower the velocity. Consequently, the strength of the force will be low
and duration high.

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Basic techniques to free the string

Positioning of the jar means finding the point where the intensity and the duration of the
jarring force applied to the fish will offer the best compromise. Depending on the type of
sticking, one or other of these factors has to be given priority.

The mass is mainly provided by the drill collars and the heavy weight drill pipes located
above the jar.

The speed of displacement at the level of the jar is obtained :

 Downwards :
 By the drop of the drill string under its own weight.
 Upwards :
 By the elasticity of the drill string.
 By rebound of the drill string. These rebounds can be generated by sudden braking
or by a pressure surge produced by the pump.

Generally, the shock obtained by jarring upwards is greater than that obtained by jarring
downwards because the force exerted by pulling on the drill string is greater than that which
can be obtained by removing the weight.

3.1.2 The different types of jars

There are jars for drilling and for fishing. Both have the same basic design, but they are
made and used differently. Fishing jars cannot withstand the stresses encountered while
drilling and are integrated in the drill string after unscrewing above the sticking point.

There are mechanical, hydraulic, hydro-mechanical jars. The latter are a combination of a
mechanical part and a hydraulic part, one jarring in one direction, the other jarring in the
opposite direction. Most jars allow jarring upwards and downwards. The jar jars upwards
when pull is applied on it, and downwards when a compressive force is applied.

The jar can be run in open (jar under tension) or closed (jar under compression) or in an
intermediate position (neutral position). Mechanical jars

This type of jar only trips at a certain pull or compression value. Depending on the model,
the values will be adjusted when the jar is at the surface or down hole (certain models only
permit an adjustment of about 15 % when they are down hole). For a jar used while drilling,
these values are selected above the values of pull and compression normally encountered
during drilling operations.

There are various different systems for jarring. On some models, an increase in the right
hand torque increases the tripping threshold. The circulating flow rate also makes it possible
to adjust the setting.

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Basic techniques to free the string Hydraulic jars

The main difference between a mechanical jar and a hydraulic jar is that the latter does not
jar at a set value of pull or compression. When and with what force a hydraulic jar will
operate will depend on the value of pull (or compression) exerted on the jar and the rapidity
with which the pull is applied. The greater the pull and the speed of application, the stronger
the jarring will be.

A hydraulic jar consists of an internal mandrel and an outer body forming two chambers
containing oil (Figure 3.1). Depending on the position of the mandrel, the oil will circulate
freely in either one chamber or the other or, on the contrary, will be forced through a neck
which will restrict its flow rate.

In order to jar upwards, pull is applied on the jar, which must have been put in a closed or
intermediary position ; the oil in the lower chamber is compressed and moves at a low flow
rate into the second chamber through the neck ; the jar is armed. When the mandrel reaches a
certain position, the fluid passes freely and the pressure becomes instantly equal in both
chambers, allowing the hammer to hit the anvil violently. Choice of the type of jar to be used

Hydraulic jars have the following advantages :

 For the same outside diameter, the inside diameter is greater, which will permit wire
line operations which are impossible with a mechanical jar.
 A hydraulic jar jars whatever the pull (or compression) applied, whereas a mechanical
jar only trip at a certain value.
Therefore, a hydraulic jar means that jarring is possible in all circumstances. This is
not always the case with a mechanical jar. With the latter, the tripping threshold may
not be reached if friction in the bore hole is too high.
 The jarring force can be altered simply by altering the pull and the rate of the drill
string movements. This makes it possible to adjust the jarring force according to the
problem and the technique adopted to free a drill string.
 The torque has no effect on the jarring force.

However, this type of jar does have some drawbacks :

 They are usually less robust than mechanical jars.
 They can lose striking strength during jarring ; the oil as it heats up becomes more and
more fluid and passes more easily through the neck. However, this problem is now
tending to disappear with the use of appropriate oils.
The temperature and a high density mud can also damage the sealing properties
between the various parts, making the jar non-operational.
 They can jar accidentally while tripping if the drill string is moved too suddenly. Jar
tripping can occur when the drill string is resting on slips and cause it to drop by
knocking the slips out (this risk applies more specifically to vertical wells).

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Basic techniques to free the string

FIG. 3.1 Flow diagram of a hydraulic jar and operating principle (upward jarring)

 A hydraulic jar cannot be placed near the neutral point of the drill string. There is a risk
that it will trip frequently, as the neutral point moves according to the weight applied to
the bit. Not only is jarring while drilling pointless, but it can also damage the bit and
the various items of measuring equipment integrated above and cause premature wear
of the jar.

The choice of the type of jar is often a fairly subjective one. The present tendency is more
in favor of the use of hydraulic jars which have a robustness and reliability close to that of
mechanical jars. However, if metal has to be drilled out, some operators prefer mechanical
jars, as the metal shards risk damaging the joints of hydraulic jars.

Finally, hydraulic jars are more difficult to control than mechanical jars, especially in
highly deviated wells, but they can always be relied on to jar if they are not below the
sticking point.

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Basic techniques to free the string

3.1.3 Use of a jar accelerator

By integrating a sliding sleeve with a sealing piston which moves in a chamber filled with
nitrogen or compressible oil few drill collars or, more commonly, few heavy weight drill
pipes above the jar, a strong spring is created which opens when under tension (Figure 3.2).

FIG. 3.2 Operating principle of a jar accelerator

It will close violently when this tensile load is released suddenly. This is the case when the
jar trips. When it shuts again, the jar accelerator makes the drill string located between the
accelerator and the jar move upwards fast. The upward speed of this part of the drill string is
added to the speed due to elasticity of the drill pipes returning to their relaxed position and
generates an impact which is much more violent than ordinary jarring.

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Basic techniques to free the string

Jarring accelerators are used mainly for upward jarring. They are placed above the jar,
usually in the heavy weight drill pipes or at the connection between the heavy weight drill
pipes and drill collars (depending on the position of the jar).

Although the impact transmitted to the fish is very violent, the tower (mast or derrick) and
the drill string above the accelerator are protected because the compressed fluid or gas forms
an excellent buffer. The assembly operates properly when the impact is felt only slightly or
not at all, at the surface.

The use of an accelerator associated with a jar presents the following advantages :
 With a given bottom hole assembly and position for the jar, jarring is more effective
and the surface equipment is less subjected to impacts.
 If the bottom hole assembly is made up only of heavy weight drill pipes (or drill pipes),
the jarring force will be considerable in spite of the light weight above the jar.
 In shallow wells, if the elongation of the drill string is less than the stroke of the jar, the
latter will trip, but "jar" ineffectively.
This can be resolved by integrating a jar accelerator in the drill string. The stroke will
replace or complete the elongation of the drill pipes and enable the jar to work
 If drag of the drill string in the bore hole is high, the pull and / or compression applied
at the surface will not be transmitted properly to the jar, and jarring force will be
Integrating a jar accelerator in the drill string will improve the situation, as by closing
suddenly, it enables an allowable impact to be transmitted directly to the fish.

For the assembly to be really effect, the stroke of the accelerator must be at least equal to
that of the jar. The hammer must strike the anvil before the accelerator reaches the end of

3.1.4 Position of the jar in the drill string General

For maximum efficiency, a jar must :

 Be in the free part of the drill string. During drilling operations, the risk of sticking above
the jar is reduced if the diameter of the equipment above it is less than that of the jar.
Therefore, equipment with a larger diameter than the jar should not be placed above it.
For reasons of drill string stiffness and concentration of stresses at the level of the jar,
the ratio of moments of inertia of connections on either side of the jar should not be
greater than 3.
 Be as near as possible to the sticking point to produce the maximum impact on the fish
(experience has shown that this point is usually nearer the bit than one would expect).

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Basic techniques to free the string

 Transmit the right vibration amplitude and duration to the fish. For this, there are
computer programs that determine the best position for the jar according to the bottom
hole assembly used, the well profile, friction forces, etc. While drilling

Frequently, in wells where there is a significant risk of sticking, one or several jars are
integrated in the drill string. There are numerous advantages in having a jar integrated in the
drill string. The ideal solution is to place the jar as close as possible above the point where
there is a risk of sticking.

There are a few reserves regarding the use of jars under compression, as there is a
tendency to consider that they increase the risk of drill string buckling and that they make it
difficult to control deviation. In fact, the only argument that can be put forward against their
use under compression are :
 With a hydraulic jar, there is a risk of damaging the equipment placed below (the bit,
MWD, etc.) if it trips accidentally.

In fact, except for hydraulic jars which it is better not to put too close to the neutral point,
they operate just as well under compression as they do under tensile load.

But in general, they are placed in such a way to be under tension while drilling, therefore
above the neutral point. This implies that in horizontal wells, the jar is placed almost at the
entrance of the horizontal section of the well, and therefore may be a long way from the bit.

They are placed either :

 in the heavy weight drill pipes,
 at the connection between drill collars / pipes,
 in the next-to-last stand of drill collars.

If it is wished to jar downwards, the jar should not be placed in the drill pipes because, due
to their considerable flexibility, these absorb a large part of the downward impact.

In horizontal wells, certain operators use two jars :

 A hydraulic jar is placed above the last kickoff point, which is the most frequent
sticking point in this type of well.
 A mechanical jar is placed in the horizontal section to free above the bit.

If the jar is placed too far from the sticking point, most of the impact is absorbed by the
elasticity of the drill pipe. Jarring in this case is not very effective, and it may be preferable to
back off as low down as possible and to reposition the jar.

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Basic techniques to free the string Fishing

The drill string to be adopted will depend on the length of the fish and on the type of
sticking. For simplicity, we will consider two representative cases.
 Very localized sticking (tightened bore hole, key seat, dropped objects, etc.).
Here, a sharp impact generating vibrations in the drill string will give the best results. In
this case, the intensity of the force must be give priority; the drill string could be made up of
 a connecting tool,
 a jar,
 3 to 6 drill collars,
 a jar accelerator,
 drill pipes.
 Sticking affecting a large section of the drill string (differential pressure sticking,
sloughing, extensive sedimentation, etc.).
For this type of sticking, a strong impact for a substantial length of time is necessary. The
mass is of primary importance here, and a maximum number of drill collars should be
provided. The ideal solution is to have a mass of drill collars similar to that of the fish.

3.1.5 Direction of jarring

Most jars allow jarring in both directions. Upward jarring generally produces a more
violent impact than downward jarring.

For jarring to be effective, it is important to clearly identify the cause of sticking in order
to select the direction that is most suitable for solving the problem. An error regarding the
jarring direction could make the situation worse.

Generally, when sticking occurs during the movement of the drill string, jarring must be
done in the direction opposite to the drill string movement. Although the choice of direction
is not always clear, the following basic rules can be applied :
 Sticking when pulling out of hole : downward jarring.
 Sticking when running in : upward jarring.
 Sticking due to a dropped object in the annulus : downward jarring.
 Sticking in a key seat : downward jarring.
 Differential pressure sticking : select the direction which is the best suited to the drill
string. Try out the formation by testing in both directions. As soon as progress becomes
apparent in one direction, continue to jar with maximum force in that direction.
 Sticking in mobile formations (saline layers, sloughing shale, etc.) : upward jarring.
 Sticking while connecting a pipe in creeping formations : upward jarring.

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Basic techniques to free the string

If drag towards the bottom is much less than the drag towards the top, it is preferable to jar

3.1.6 Force and duration of jarring

Maximum pull that can be applied on the drill string is limited to the margin of overpull
(MOP) available.

N.B. : If a torsional strength is applied to the drill string and / or there is circulation, the
torque and / or inside pressure must be taken into consideration in order to determine
the maximum traction that the drill string can bear. It should be remembered that the
torsional strength is limited by the make up torque of the weakest element on the free
drill string. Jarring force

The policy may vary from one operator to another. Some prefer to jar with the maximum
force from the beginning of the operation, others prefer to start more gently to test the
formation. As when deciding the direction of jarring, the important thing is to clearly identify
the cause of sticking.

For differential pressure sticking which gets worse quickly, jarring has to be done
immediately at maximum force.

When the origin of the sticking is uncertain, it is preferable not to jar too hard at the
beginning of the operation because violent jarring in the wrong direction may cause sticking
that, to start with was not serious, to become permanent. There will always be time to jar
harder after having gradually tried out both jarring directions.

Also, the extension force must be taken into consideration, as this influences the operation
of the jars. This force is due to the pressure differential between the outside and inside of the
jar produced by the circulation of the drilling fluid. If the circulating pressure is high enough,
the extension force will open the jar and literally lift the drill string. When jarring is done
upwards while circulating, this force must be added to the pull exerted at the surface on the
drill string to find the effective tensile stress on the jar. However, when jarring downwards,
this force must be subtracted.

The extension force which depends on the circulating flow rate in the drill string makes it
possible to strengthen the upward jarring. Manufacturers give the necessary information to
calculate this force, and also the limits to be respected (the use of this force with hydraulic
jars can cause problems). Jarring duration

This depends on the type of sticking.

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Basic techniques to free the string

 In the case of differential pressure sticking, spudding of a lubricant pill and / or

reduction of the pressure in the annulus are more effective than jarring to free the drill
string. For this type of sticking, usually a few hours of jarring only will be applied
awaiting the placement of the pill(s) or to reduce the differential pressure.
 If jarring is the only way of freeing the drill string, jarring must be implemented until
the decision is taken to side track. If a suitable drill string is available, jarring can be
continued for 24 to 48 hours. If the drill string is not suitable, jarring should be limited
to a few hours only (5 to 6 hours) if there is no significant progress and unscrewing
using explosives for running in a more effective string.

Experience has shown that the efficiency of a jar after 24 hours' jarring is seriously
reduced. Adjusting the triggering threshold of a mechanical jar

Drag between the surface and the jar must be taken into consideration in order to adjust
the tripping threshold of a mechanical jar. If for instance :
 maximum pull that can be applied to the drill string at the surface is 180 kdaN,
 the weight of the drill string above the jar is 100 kdaN,
 drag between the jar and the surface is 20 kdaN,

the tripping threshold for pull must not be set above 60 kdaN.

Also, the extension force must be taken into consideration, as this influences the tripping
of the jar.

3.1.7 Use of a surface jar

There are certain jars which can be placed above the rotary table.

When traction is applied to the drill string, the drill pipes stretch and, when the jar is
tripped at the surface, they come sharply back to their resting position. At this point, a shock
wave is propagated downwards. The energy of the impact transmitted to the fish is reduced,
which explains the little success that this tool has encountered.

In spite of its fairly poor performance, the surface jar has one enormous advantage, which
is that it is easy to integrate in the drill string.

3.2 Determining the sticking point

When no result has been achieved with the freeing attempts, the free part of the drill string
has to be unscrewed. But for this, the position of the sticking point has to be located.

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Basic techniques to free the string

The part of the drill string which is free undergoes deformation (elongation or twisting)
when it is subjected to traction or torque. To determine the sticking point, one simply has to
measure this deformation or identify the part of the drill string subjected to deformation.

3.2.1 Measuring elongation (extensometry) Calculation formula

The elongation of a stuck drill string subjected to traction is proportional to the free length
of the string.

The following equations make it possible to determine the length L :

26.75 . mDP . l
T2 - T1

l : differential elongation corresponding to the variation in tensile load (T2 - T1)

expressed in cm,
l = (L2 - l1)
l2 : elongation produced by tensile load T2 expressed in cm,
l1 : elongation produced by tensile load T1 expressed in cm,
mDP : linear mass of the drill pipes (body + tool joints) expressed in kg/m,
L : length of free drill pipes expressed in m,
(T2 - T1): variation in the tensile load applied to the drill string expressed in kdaN. Example

1st example : Case of a drill string made up of a single grade of drill pipes

The drill string is made up of 2,500 m of 5" grade E, 19.5 lb / ft class premium drill pipes
and 200 m of 6 1/2" drill collars.

Elongation produced by a variation in traction of 15 kdaN is 40 cm.

The length L of free drill pipes given by formula 2.1 is :

26.75  31.06  40
L  2 215 m
2nd example : Combined drill string

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Basic techniques to free the string

The drill string is made up of 2,500 m of 5", grade E, 19.5 lb / ft drill pipes, 1,000 m of 3 ½
grade E, 13.30 lb / ft drill pipes and 180 m of 4 ¾" drill collars. All the drill pipes are class

The linear mass of the 5" pipes is 31.06 kg / m and 20.76 kg / m for the 3 ½.

For a tensile load variation of 10 kdaN, the elongation is 40 cm.

The elongation l produced on 5" drill pipes with a traction variation of 10 kdaN is :
2 500  10
l =
26.75  31. 06
l = 30 cm
The sticking point is therefore in the 3 ½" pipes.

The elongation of the 3 ½" pipes is (40 - 30) = 10 cm.

The free length L of the 3 ½" drill pipes is therefore:

26.75  20.76  10
L = 554 m Practical procedure

The measurements must always be done under traction. The weight read at the Martin
Decker weight indicator should be higher than when sticking occurred.

It is recommended to proceed as follows :

 Apply traction T1 to the drill string greater than the weight before sticking. Make a
mark on the drill string.
 Apply extra traction on the drill string of 5 to 10 kdaN and return to the traction T1.
Make another mark on the drill string (logically, it should be the same mark ; any
difference is due to drag).
Take as the basis of the measurement (l1) the point that is equidistant from both
previous marks.
 Apply traction T2 on the drill string and mark the position.
 Apply extra traction (5 to 10 kdaN) and then return to tensile load T2.
Take as the basis for the measurement (l2) the point that is equidistant from both marks.
 The elongation l of the drill string for a difference in tensile load (T2 - T1) will be
given by the difference between (l2 - l1).
 The drill string must be stretched very slowly.

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Basic techniques to free the string

The accuracy of the measurements will be affected by drag, well deviation and bend drill
pipes. However, although it is not particularly accurate (in the best case, the error is 5 % to 10
% of the free length), the results obtained using this simple and quick method are definitely
of interest.

In effect, an immediate knowledge, even approximate, of the sticking point is an essential

piece of information which makes it possible to adapt the freeing maneuvers better. Also, it
makes it possible to organize and plan in good time the program and equipment necessary for
the fishing job after unscrewing.

N.B. : The maximum traction that can be applied to the weakest part of the drill string
must not be exceeded.

3.2.2 Stuck point indicator tool (S.I.T.) Measurement principle

The tool measures the elongation and the twisting of the drill pipes subjected to a traction
and torque applied at the surface. The stuck point is the point where neither the traction nor
torque is any longer transmitted. Description of the tool

The tool uses a stress sensor which measures the axial and angular deformations of the
drill pipes. These deformations are transmitted to the sensor via two setting guides which
adhere to the drill pipes at 1.33 m intervals (Figure 3.3). Usually, two six-blade centering
tools are used and a slip joint to mechanically disassociate the measurement section from the
action of the line. In a directional well or with plastic coated pipes, the centering tools are
replaced by hydraulic anchors controlled electrically from the surface.

The sensor can be calibrated by adjusting the indicator of the surface equipment at zero
when the sensor is closed and at 100 divisions when it is completely open. The sensor is
extremely sensitive : 100 divisions corresponds only to 0.032 inches (0.80 mm) of axial
displacement or 1.6° angular displacement between the two setting points.

The correspondence between pull and twisting moment applied at the surface and the
readings on the gauge in divisions in the case of perfect transmission of stresses is given
according to the characteristics of the drill string and drill collars by charts.

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Basic techniques to free the string

FIG. 3.3 Stuck point indicator tool The operation

Good coordination is necessary between the crew taking the measurements and the drilling
crew, as the installation of pulleys is not common practice (Figure 3.4).

At each measuring point, measurements of elongation and torsion are carried out one after
the other with the starting conditions as follows :
 torque nil,
 pull applied corresponding to the weight of the drill string in the mud from the surface
down to the measuring point.

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Basic techniques to free the string

FIG. 3.4 Setup for extensiometry and back off Results

The deformations measured from pull and torsion are given as a percentage of the readings
corresponding to unstuck drill pipes ; back off will be attempted at the point where the
transmission of pull and torque is greater than 80 %.
There are three possible cases :
 Vertical well and very localized mechanical sticking (e.g. at the level of a stabilizer) :
the two measurements cancel out at the same point with a sharp decrease in
transmission (Figure 3.5).
 Differential pressure sticking over a large length : the gradual drop in transmission and
the actual elongation and torque are characteristic of this type of sticking (Figure 3.6).
 Deviated wells and dog legs : the torque is transmitted better than pull and depends on
the pull applied to the drill strings ; the unscrewing point will be selected according to
the torsion measurements only once the optimum pull has been applied (Figure 3.7).

N.B. : These measurements give excellent results in drill pipes and heavy weight drill pipes.
This is not so for drill collars, where results are frequently unreliable.

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Basic techniques to free the string

FIG. 3.5 Very localized sticking

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Basic techniques to free the string

FIG. 3.6 Differential pressure sticking

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Basic techniques to free the string

FIG. 3.7 Sticking in a deviated well

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Basic techniques to free the string

3.3 Unscrewing using explosives (Back off)

3.3.1 Principle
The entire drill string being subjected to a left hand torque, unscrewing the selected
connection is helped by vibrations generated by an explosion at the level of this connection.
The explosive is run in at the end of a wire line cable, which makes it possible to trigger the
shot from the surface. Back off is carried out using an assembly called a string shot.

The back off test is a delicate and dangerous operation, with frequently little chance of

3.3.2 Description of a string shot

This is made up from bottom to top of :
 a metal bar about one meter long which supports the detonator and the string of
 a load bar which will help to run in,
 a casing collar locator (CCL) which makes it possible to position the shot exactly
opposite the joint to be unscrewed.

3.3.3 Procedures
A back off must be done as fast as possible after the extensiometry measurements. At the
present time, it is possible to do both in a single trip. Choice of the joint to be unscrewed

 Usually 1 to 2 joints above the sticking point.
 Especially with drill collars, preferably a "stand" joint will be selected which is
unscrewed at each trip. Application of torque to the drill string

If the rig is fitted with a top drive

 The right hand torque to remake up the drill string and the left hand torque to unscrew
it are applied by the top drive.

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Basic techniques to free the string

 It is recommended to eliminate any excess drill pipes in order to have the top drive as
close as possible to the rig floor to facilitate the unscrewing of the gooseneck and
running in the string shot.

If the rig is not fitted with a top drive

 It is recommended to carry out the operation with the kelly.
 If the kelly is not located for a back off, there are two possibilities :
 Unscrew mechanically below the table, eliminate the excess tubular and reconnect
the assembly with the kelly.
 If it is not possible to eliminate the excess tubular, back off will be done using a drill
string hung from the hook. The torque will be applied with the rotary table and held
with tongs or the table, the drill string being set on slips. Tension to be applied before unscrewing

Determination of the tension to be applied at the surface is delicate ; it is the result of a

distribution of axial stresses within the drill string. The tension T expressed in kdaN to be
applied at the top of the drill string taking into consideration the hydrostatic pressure on the
sealing section of the joint to be unscrewed, is given by the following equation :

Ph . S
T = P +
1 000
T : tensile load to be applied to the drill string expressed in kdaN,
P : weight in the mud of the free drill string expressed in kdaN,
Ph : hydrostatic pressure prevailing at the level of the joint to be unscrewed
expressed in bar,
S : sealing cross-section at the level of the joint to be unscrewed expressed
in cm².

The value of S is given in the drilling data handbook.

In practice, the value given by this equation is not often taken into consideration. Some
take a pull equal to the weight in air of the free part of the drill string, others take the weight
in the mud incremented with the drag values, still others take the weight in the mud
incremented by a few kdaN (2 to 3 kdaN) or 10 %.

However, it is important not to apply excessive pull at the level of the joint to be
unscrewed, because the success of a back off can be compromised for the following reasons :
 the pull applied is added to that due to the explosion, which is considerable,
 unscrewing under tension often causes the threads to seize up. Sometimes the threads
can be seen to be welded together, and it is impossible to complete disconnection.

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Basic techniques to free the string

In a well with high drag values, it may be necessary to put the connection under
compression in order to back off. Remaking up the drill string

Before back off, it is necessary to systematically make up again to the right the entire
drill string in a homogeneous manner. The maximum torque that can be applied to the
right is the make up torque of the weakest connection of the free part of the drill string.

The drilling data handbook (section K) gives the number of turns to be applied according
to the characteristics of the tubular, the pull and the free length of the drill string. The number
of turns is given for class I drill pipes (brand new pipes). For class Premium drill pipes, 80 %
of this value should be taken.

It is recommended to physically check with the torque indicator at the rotary table or with
the tensiometer of the tongs, that the number of turns applied does not produce a torque that
is higher than the maximum value that the drill string can withstand.

Before making up the drill string again, it is important to know the free length exactly.
Many drill strings have been made up too tight and sometimes broken due to an excessive

In order to make up correctly at the correct torque for the free part, it is recommended :
 To apply half the right hand turns while keeping the drill string at the pull value
established for the back off. Then change this pull several times by more or less 10
kdaN to displace the position of the neutral point.
 Then repeat the above operation by applying all the right hand turns.
The torque will be transmitted correctly if the number of turns recovered when torsion
is released is equal to the number of turns applied to the right. If the two values are
different, it is necessary to do the operation again until the correct transmission is
 When friction values in the well are high, it is advisable to place the drill string under
compression (generally, the torque is transmitted better under compression than under
traction in deviated wells).

The drill string must be made up again prior to running in the string shot. Application of left hand torsion and shooting

In order to unscrew at the level of the drill collars, the torque applied to the left will
generally be about 70 % of the remake up torque. For drill pipes, it will be 50 %.

It is important to transmit this torque correctly to the unscrewing point ; this is a key factor
which will limit the risk of untimely disconnection at other points on the drill string. Also, a
torque that is correctly transmitted makes it possible to disconnect with a weaker torsion at
the surface.

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Basic techniques to free the string

Care must be taken about over-tightening tool joints, as they have a poor resistance to a
left hand torque. If this is the case, or if the torque is very difficult to transmit (friction), the
back off could be replaced by cutting with explosives.

After remaking up the drill string to the right, it is recommended to proceed as follows :
 the shot is run in 200 to 300 m in the drill string,
 by applying the traction decided for the shot, apply a left hand torsion and hold for a
few minutes (2 to 3 minutes) to ensure that there is no unscrewing of the drill string,
 release the torsion, counting the number of turns (the number should be equal to the
number of turns to the left) and run in the shot to the depth decided for shooting,
 reapply the traction and torsion and shoot whilst maintaining these two values.

If the torque transmission raises problems, it is advised to proceed as follows :

 while applying the back off traction, apply half the left hand turns,
 work the drill string under traction without ever going below the traction decided for
the back off,
 gradually add turns as the torque at the surface is reduced.

For shooting, locking the table in either direction must be avoided. The effect of inertia
would risk complete or partial disconnection above the back off point. Preferably, right hand
locking should be used or the torque maintained using tongs (Figure 3.8).

FIG. 3.8 Applying and holding the torque before backoff

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Basic techniques to free the string Manoeuvring after the shot

Depending on the depth and drag forces, disconnection can be seen at the surface by an
impact which is more or less intense. It is very rare that disconnection, even at a great depth,
is not perceptible at the surface. Unless there is some obvious sign that disconnection has
been achieved, it is advised to hold the torque for a few minutes.
 Immediately after the shot, the string shot is pulled out of the drill string (care must be
taken when string shot comes through the swivel).
 Release the table, which will be free if the joint has disconnected. If necessary,
complete disconnection and pull out of hole without turning the drill string.
 When pulling out, remake up any joints that may have been disconnected.
 At the surface, discard any elements whose thread has been exposed to the explosion.
 When running in the string again, check the make up torque of each joint and remake
up if necessary.

3.3.4 Back off in a deviated well

This is perfectly possible as long as a few rules are respected :
 work for much longer to transmit the torque and traction.
 when determining the sticking point, find the best way of transmitting the torque ; in
principle, the torque can be transmitted much better under compressive conditions.
 it is advisable to put the joint to be disconnected under compression, even at a high
value (20 to 30 kdaN) to remake up to the right at the time of shooting.

3.3.5 Safety
A back off demands some dangerous maneuvers due to the handling of explosives, torsion
of the drill string and the use of equipment in uncustomary conditions (need to use slips to
apply torsion, need to set the kelly on slips, etc.).

This operation is very dangerous and requires an excellent communication among the
members of the drilling and the logging teams. It will be considerably facilitated with a top
drive. Handling explosives

In principle, the driller will not be called on except possibly to insert the explosive at the
level of the swivel. As soon as the detonator has been connected to the conductor, precise
instructions will be given by the engineer in charge of the back off. The main instructions are
the following :

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Basic techniques to free the string

 make sure that the derrick, substructures and well head are connected and grounded.
 stop the motors, various transmitters and cut the electric power supply of the site for as
long as the charge is near to the surface, both when running in and pulling out (fairly
frequent case of a charge not having exploded). Manoeuvres under torque

It is recommended to carry out maneuvers under torque with the kelly engaged if the rig is
not fitted with a top drive.

Lock the bushings and rotary kelly bushing in the rotary table and make sure that the
rollers of the kelly are free and properly lubricated.

When a top drive is used, any pipes that are not necessary will be eliminated. Setting the kelly on slips

This method is almost danger-free with a hexagonal kelly, and is still effective even with a
square kelly as long as the following instructions are followed :
 with a hexagonal kelly, do not put more than 40 kdaN on the slips,
 with a square kelly, do not put more than 20 kdaN on the slips,
 Foresee a safety clamp above the slips. Equipment

Everything must be done in order to limit risks. With this aim in view, there are a few
general instructions that should be followed, in all cases :
 rope the slip handles together,
 only use equipment that is in perfect condition (tongs, new dies, axes and grips
checked, as well as the tongs holding and safety cables). Personnel
 The minimum personnel should be on the rig floor ; keep as far away as possible from
the tongs under tensile load ; displace these from a distance using ropes.
 To take out the slips, use the air winch.
 Make sure that there is no possible confusion regarding the order to shoot from the rig
floor, which does sometimes happen (shooting before the drill string is under torque).

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1 Injection of a light pill into the drill pipes

FIG. A.1 Injection of a light pill into the drill pipes

Where :
d1 : density of the drilling mud in the bore hole,
d2 : density of the light fluid injected into drill strings,
H : height of the light fluid placed inside the drill pipes expressed in m,
h2 : height of the light fluid remaining in the pipes after balancing the two
branches of the U-tube expressed in m,
ha : height of the level difference in the annulus produced after balancing the two
branches of the U-tube expressed in m,
V : volume of the light fluid placed in the pipes expressed in liters,
V1 : volume of the light fluid returning via the pipes after balancing the two
branches of the U-tube expressed in liters,
V2 : volume of the light fluid remaining in the pipes after balancing the two
branches of the U-tube expressed in liters,

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P : pressure drop produced in the well by placing a volume V of light fluid

expressed in bar,
Cea : capacity of the casing / drill pipes annulus expressed in l / m,
Ct : capacity of the inside of the drill pipes expressed in l / m.

On balancing the two arms the level in the annulus drops by a height ha and a volume V1
corresponding to the light fluid returning via the pipes.

We will establish the equation linking the pressure drop P produced by placing the light
fluid with V, d1 and d2, Cea and Ct.

According to the hydrostatic principle, after balancing the two columns we obtain :
h2 - h a  . d1
h2 . d2
10.2 10. 2

hence :
h2 . d1 - d2 
ha = (1)

We also obtain :
V1 = h a . Cea
and : V2 = h2 . Ct
hence : V  ha . Cea + h 2 . Ct (2)

By combining (1) and (2) to eliminate h2 we obtain :

 d1 
V = h a . Cea + h a . Ct .  
d1 - d 2 
  d1 
hence : V = ha .  C ea + Ct .   (3)
 d1 - d2 

The pressure drop P in the annulus is :

ha . d1
P =
10.2 . P
hence : ha = (4)

By combining (3) and (4) and eliminating ha we obtain :


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2 Injection of a light pill into the annulus

FIG. A.2 Injection of a light pill into the annulus

where :
h : height of the light fluid placed inside the annulus expressed in m,
h2 : height of the light fluid remaining in the annulus after balancing the two
branches of the U-tube expressed in m,
ha : height of the level difference in the drill pipes produced after balancing the
two branches of the U-tube expressed in m,
V : volume of the light fluid placed in the annulus expressed in liters,
V1 : volume of the light fluid returning via the annulus after balancing the two
branches of the U-tube expressed in liters,
V2 : volume of the light fluid remaining in the annulus after balancing the two
branches of the U-tube expressed in liters.

The other terms are the same as those in paragraph 1.

According to the hydrostatic principle, after balancing the two columns we obtain :
h1 . d1 h . d2
= 2
10. 2 10.2

hence :
h 1 . d1
h2 =

with :
h 1 + h a = h2

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We deduce:
ha . d2
h1 = (6)
d1 - d2 
We also have :
V  h2 . Cea + ha . Ct

hence :

V  h1 + ha  . Cea + h a . Ct (7)

By combining (6) and (7) to eliminate h1 we obtain :

V = ha . Cea + Ct  + ha . . Cea (8)
d1 - d2 
The pressure drop P in the annulus is :
ha . d1
P =

hence :
10.2 . P
ha = (9)

By combining (8) and (9) and eliminating ha we obtain :

 Cea Ct 
V = 10.2 . P .  +  (10)
d1 - d 2 d1 

© Copyright 2004 ENSPM Formation Industrie – IFP Training


3 Use of a test string

FIG. A.3 Use of a test string

Where :
d1 : density of the drilling mud in the bore hole,
d2 : density of the light fluid injected into drill strings before running in the
test string,
H : total height available above the tester expressed in m,
H : height of the pill above the tester expressed in m.

The pressure drop is :

H . d1 h . d2
P = - (11)
10. 2 10.2

hence :
H . d1 - 10.2 . P 
h =   (12)
 d2 

© Copyright 2004 ENSPM Formation Industrie – IFP Training


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