Stuck Pipe PDF
Stuck Pipe PDF
Stuck Pipe PDF
15 Stuck Pipe
Stuck pipe Stuck pipe is one of the more common Mechanical sticking is caused by a
is one of and serious drilling problems. It can physical obstruction or restriction.
range in severity from minor incon- Differential sticking is caused by differ-
the more venience, which can increase costs ential pressure forces from an overbal-
common slightly, to major complications, which anced mud column acting on the
and serious can have significantly negative results, drillstring against a filter cake deposited
such as loss of the drillstring or com- on a permeable formation. Mechanical
drilling plete loss of the well. A large percent- sticking usually occurs when the drill-
problems. age of stuck pipe instances eventually string is moving. It also is indicated by
result in having to sidetrack around obstructed circulation. Occasionally,
the stuck pipe called a fish and redrill however, a limited amount of up/down
the interval. Stuck pipe prevention mobility or rotary freedom is evident,
and remedy are dependent on the even when the pipe is mechanically
cause of the problem. Therefore, to stuck. Differential sticking usually occurs
avoid stuck pipe and correct it effi- while the pipe is stationary, such as
ciently, it is important to understand when connections are being made or
the various causes and symptoms so when a survey is being taken. It is
that proper preventive measures and indicated by full circulation and no
treatments can be taken. up/down mobility or rotary freedom
If the pipe becomes stuck, every effort other than pipe stretch and torque.
The probabil- should be made to free it quickly. The Mechanically stuck pipe can be
ity of freeing probability of freeing stuck pipe success- grouped into two major categories:
fully diminishes rapidly with time. 1. Hole packoff and bridges.
stuck pipe Early identification of the most likely 2. Wellbore geometry interferences.
successfully cause of a sticking problem is crucial, Packoffs and bridges are caused by:
diminishes since each cause must be remedied with Settled cuttings
different measures. An improper reac- Shale instability
rapidly with tion to a sticking problem could easily Unconsolidated formations
time. make it worse. An evaluation of the Cement or junk in the hole
events leading up to the stuck pipe Wellbore geometry interferences are
occurrence frequently indicates the caused by:
most probable cause and can lead to Key seats
the proper corrective measures. Undergauge hole
Stiff drilling assembly
Mobile formations
Please refer to the Worksheet:
Ledges and doglegs
Freeing Stuck Pipe and the tables
Casing failures
of stuck pipe causes, indications
Differentially stuck pipe usually
and preventative measures
occurs because of one of the following
all at the end of this chapter.
causes/high-risk conditions:
Refer to them as you review
High overbalance pressures
the material.
Thick filter cakes
High-solids muds
In general, pipe becomes stuck High-density muds
either mechanically or differentially.
15 Stuck Pipe
Mechanical Sticking
indications of cuttings settling are:
_______________________ Fill on bottom after connections
_______________________ and tripping.
Few cuttings returning at the shakers
Cuttings relative to the drill rate and hole size.
_______________________ Increase in torque, drag and pump
_______________________ Packoff pressure.
Overpull on connections and while
tripping out.
_______________________ Increase in Low-Gravity Solids (LGS)
Figure 1: Settled cuttings (after Amoco TRUE T). and possible mud weight and/or
viscosity increases.
15 Stuck Pipe
The main Preventive measures to minimize the The main indication that reactive
indication possibility of settled cuttings are: shale has been drilled are increases in
Maintain proper mud rheology in the funnel viscosity, yield point, gel
that reactive accordance with hole size, ROP and strengths, Methylene Blue Test (MBT)
shale has hole inclination. and, possibly, the mud weight. This
been drilled In near-vertical wells, sweep the will be reflected by increases in torque,
hole with high-viscosity mud. In drag and pump pressure.
are increases highly deviated wells, sweep with Pressured shales. These shales are
in the funnel low-viscosity/high-viscosity pills. pressured and mechanically stressed
viscosity, Always circulate until the sweeps by several different factors, includ-
have returned to the surface and the ing the weight of overburden, in-situ
yield point, shakers are clean. stresses, angle of bedding planes and
gel strengths Use optimized hydraulics compati- tectonic stresses. When drilled with
ble with the respective hole size, insufficient mud weight, these shales
inclination and ROP. Higher circula- will slough into the wellbore (see
tion rates always provide improved Figure 3).
hole cleaning.
Control drilling in high ROP or
marginal hole-cleaning situations.
Lower pressure
Use aggressive drillstring rotation for Higher
improved hole cleaning. pressure
_______________________ Stabilizer reactive
balling and shale Fractures
_______________________ tight hole fault zone
15 Stuck Pipe
instability matched to the formation with the
should start proper mud weight, will minimize shale
during the instability. To balance mechanical
stresses, highly deviated wells require
planning higher mud weights than vertical wells.
phase Although the first priority of a casing
design is to ensure that the well can be
drilled safely, casing points may have
to be adjusted so that troublesome
formations can be cased off.
suitable Needless to say, suitable mud proper-
mud proper- ties must be maintained to ensure good Flowing
hole cleaning. If formation caving is sand
ties must be detected, respond immediately:
maintained 1. Stop drilling. Stuck
15 Stuck Pipe
When cement Cement or junk in the hole. When Metal junk can fall from the rig floor
blocks or junk cement blocks or junk falls into the or come from failed downhole equip-
wellbore, they can act as a wedge and ment or pieces of milled tubulars and
falls into the jam the drillstring. This can happen equipment (see Figure 8).
wellbore, they when cement becomes unstable around
can act as a the casing shoe or from open-hole plugs
and kickoff plugs (see Figure 6).
wedge and
jam the
Blocks Rathole objects
break loose below shoe
15 Stuck Pipe
New full-gauge
_______________________ Slot worn into bit and BHA
Stuck while
_______________________ POOH
Stiff assembly. Holes drilled with lim-
ber BHAs may appear to be straight
_______________________ when tripping out, but if a stiffer BHA
BHA is run, the newly drilled hole will act
as if it were undergauge. Flexible
Figure 9: Key seat (after Amoco TRUE).
15 Stuck Pipe
assemblies can snake around doglegs region, but generally is greater for for-
that present obstructions to stiff assem- mations below 6,500 ft (2,000 m) and
Stiff BHAs blies. Stiff BHAs cannot negotiate sharp for salt formations with temperatures
cannot hole angle/direction changes and can above 250F (121C) (see Figure 12).
become jammed (see Figure 11). Ledges and micro-doglegs. These
negotiate are formed when successive hard/soft
sharp hole interbedded formations are encoun-
angle/ tered. The soft formations become
POOH with
direction limber BHA washed out for various reasons (i.e.
excessive hydraulics, lack of inhibition),
changes while the hard rocks remain in gauge.
This situation is aggravated by dipping
formations and frequent changes in
angle and direction. The stabilizer
blades may become stuck under the
ledges during tripping or picking up
for connections (see Figure 13).
RIH with
Stuck stiff BHA
td Hard
Soft or
hang up on
Figure 11: Stiff assembly (after Amoco TRUE).
Mobile formation. The overburden Figure 13: Ledges (after Shell UK).
Casing- weight or tectonic forces can squeeze Casing failures. Casing-related fail-
plastic salt or soft shale into the well- ures can stick the drillstring. The cas-
related bore, sticking or jamming the BHA in ing will collapse if external pressures
failures can the undergauge hole. The magnitude exceed the casing strength. This situa-
stick the of the stresses and hence the rate of tion happens often opposite plastic
movement will vary from region to formations. Salt formations become
increasingly plastic with pressure and
Overburden pressure
temperature, and are often associated
with collapsed casing.
If the casing is not cemented prop-
erly, the bottom joint or joints can be
unscrewed by drillstring rotation. If this
occurs, the casing below the unscrewed
connection may drop and turn at an
angle in the hole, catching the drill-
Hole closes after
drilling through string (refer to Figure 8). Proper casing
running practices (tack welding or
chemically bonding the first few collars)
Figure 12: Mobile formation (after Shell UK).
15 Stuck Pipe
and a good cement job will minimize Drill salt sections with eccentric,
the likelihood of this problem. bi-centered Polycrystalline Diamond
The following practices are recom- Compact (PDC) bits. Plan regular
mended to minimize wellbore geometry wiper trips to ream open-hole sections.
sticking: Use higher-strength casing opposite
If a key seat is expected, use a key plastic formations.
seat reamer. Run a liner inside casing through
If abrasive formations are drilled, the entire salt interval for additional
use hardfaced stabilizers and bits strength.
with extra gauge protection. Drill salt with oil-base or synthetic
Gauge the old bit and stabilizers as muds to maintain a gauge hole
well as the new ones on every trip. through the salt and provide a better
Ream the last stand or three joints cement job with more even distribu-
back to bottom on every trip. tion of stresses on the casing through
Optimize BHA design and stiffness. the salt.
Plan a reaming trip if a stiff BHA is run Slow down the running speed before
and/or if a hole geometry problem is the BHA enters a kickoff or dogleg.
suspected. Minimize dogleg severity and/or sharp
If mobile salt is encountered, use and frequent wellbore course changes.
an undersaturated mud system to Avoid prolonged circulation oppo-
wash the zone or use a higher site soft formations to prevent hole
mud weight to stabilize it. washout and formation of ledges.
15 Stuck Pipe
_______________________ A B C
758-in. hole
6-in. drill collars
_______________________ 20-ft section of collars
Filter cake
_______________________ Stuck
Mud hydrostatic pressure
_______________________ 5,000 psi
Filter cake
Drill collars
Drill collars
_______________________ Drill Formation
collar pressure
_______________________ b 4,500 psi
15 Stuck Pipe
15 Stuck Pipe
15 Stuck Pipe
lighter spotting fluid from migrating run, the plugs were removed, and the
through the heavier drilling fluid and mud was removed without disturbing
maintains hydrostatic pressure. the filter cake. One cell was refilled
In environmentally sensitive areas, with oil and the other with a PIPE-LAX
where the use of oil-based materials oil-soak solution. Both cells were then
is prohibited, PIPE-LAX ENV, a water- placed on filter presses and pressurized
dispersible, low-toxicity spotting fluid, to 100 psi. The PIPE-LAX oil mixture
can be used. PIPE-LAX ENV is a single- cracked the filter cake rapidly and the
package spotting fluid that has proven lubricating mixture passed through the
to be highly effective in offshore appli- filter cake at a fast rate. Oil alone showed
cations around the world. It contains little cracking and the flow rate through
no petroleum oils, is compatible with the filter cake was much slower. Relating
most mud systems and may be used this to slurries spotted in a well, a higher
either weighted or unweighted. If frequency of success should occur with
a density greater than 9 lb/gal a PIPE-LAX oil solution than with oil
(1.08 SG) is required, PIPE-LAX ENV alone. Freeing of the pipe also can be
should be weighted with M-I BART or expected to occur in a much shorter
FER-OX T. Water should not be added to period of time with the PIPE-LAX
PIPE-LAX ENV slurry for any reason, oil-soaking solution.
since this will cause an undesirable
increase in viscosity.
The spotting The spotting method involves placing
method soaking solution adjacent to the stuck
zone. The most successful soaking solu-
involves tions to date have been PIPE-LAX with
placing diesel oil and PIPE-LAX W. Oil alone has
soaking been used for years with some measure
of success, but PIPE-LAX mixed with Figure 15: Cracking effect of filter cake using
solution diesel oil, VERSADRIL or VERSACLEAN has oil only (left) vs. PIPE-LAX and oil (right).
adjacent shown a much greater degree of suc-
to the cess. One gallon of PIPE-LAX is added Table 1 shows field data obtained
to each barrel of oil or oil-base mud from 178 cases of stuck pipe. The data
stuck zone. to be spotted. is arranged by the occurrences of stick-
The PIPE-LAX oil spotting technique ing in descending order and by the
is thought to work by altering the percent of the total each represents,
contact area between the filter cake illustrating when sticking is most likely
and the pipe. This is accomplished by to occur.
cracking the filter cake (see Figure 15). Statistical case history information
Although oil alone has been partially on a total of 247 cases of stuck pipe
successful, it is not as effective as a reveals that 203 were freed by spotting
PIPE-LAX oil spot. This can be attrib- a PIPE-LAX/oil soak solution. This rep-
uted to the increased filter-cake crack- resents an 82% success ratio in freeing
ing when PIPE-LAX is used. The filter the pipe. The time to free the pipe
cakes shown in Figure 15 were run on averaged 213 hr, with a large percent-
the same mud, using a standard API age freed in 2 hr or less. The average
filter cell containing a removable mud weight was 13.2 lb/gal, with the
drain plug located on the top of the heaviest being 18.2 lb/gal. In the latter
cell. Thirty-minute fluid losses were extreme, the pipe was freed in 45 min.
15 Stuck Pipe
15 Stuck Pipe
_______________________ cycle about once every five minutes. M-I BAR systems is shown in Table 2.
_______________________ The pipe usually will come free on The formulation for mineral oil/FER-OX
the compression cycle. It should be systems is shown in Table 3. The mix-
noted that working the pipe in ten- ing order for PIPE-LAX W is (1) oil, (2)
_______________________ sion or pulling 10,000 to 50,000 lb PIPE-LAX W, (3) water (stir this mixture
_______________________ over the indicated weight of the drill- for 30 minutes) then add (4) M-I BAR.
string could cause the pipe to become Formulation:
stuck further up the hole in a key-seat The formulation charts are designed
_______________________ or dogleg. These hole conditions are to produce the minimum viscosity
_______________________ common at shallow depths. required to support weight material. If
6. Periodically, pump 1 to 2 bbl of higher viscosities are required, increase
soak solution to keep the collars the concentration of PIPE-LAX W from
_______________________ covered. Continue to work the pipe 4.36 to 4.8 gal/bbl.
_______________________ as outlined above. Example:
_______________________ When premixed oil-base or invert oil To mix 120 bbl of 12 lb/gal PIPE-LAX W
_______________________ muds are available and the mud weight spot using mineral oil and M-I BAR:
is extremely high, PIPE-LAX can be From Table 2 calculate:
added to these carriers and spotted. 1) Mineral oil ..................0.521 x 120 =
_______________________ Spotting this solution would be done 62.52 or 63 bbl
on a volumetric basis, since the PIPE-LAX 2) PIPE-LAX W.....................4.36 x 120 =
solution would weigh the same as the 523.2 gal or 10, 55-gal drums
drilling fluid. The advantage of using 3) Water ...........................0.203 x 120 =
this type of solution is that it will not 24.36 or 25 bbl
migrate while soaking. Mix for 30 min.
PIPE-LAX W spotting fluids. 4) M-I BAR: ........2.53 x 120 = 304 sacks
PIPE-LAX W may be mixed as a weighted
spot. The formulation for mineral oil/
Mud Weight Mineral Oil* Pipe-Lax W** Water M-I Bar
(lb/gal) (bbl) (gal) (bbl) (sacks)
8 0.528 4.36 0.345 0.34
9 0.527 4.36 0.309 0.88
10 0.526 4.36 0.272 1.44
11 0.525 4.36 0.236 1.99
12 0.521 4.36 0.203 2.53
13 0.515 4.36 0.172 3.08
14 0.507 4.36 0.142 3.62
15 0.496 4.36 0.117 4.17
16 0.484 4.36 0.092 4.71
17 0.469 4.36 0.071 5.24
18 0.453 4.36 0.050 5.78
** In diesel oil, it is recommended that the concentration of PIPE-LAX W shown in Table 2 be decreased from
4.36 gal/bbl to 3.5 to 4.0 gal/bbl. Diesel oil will inherently provide higher viscosities. If it is necessary to
reduce the viscosity of a PIPE-LAX W solution, dilute with oil or add 0.25 to 0.5 lb/bbl VERSAWET.T
** If higher viscosity is required, use 4.8 gal/bbl PIPE-LAX W.
Table 2: PIPE-LAX W formulation: mineral oil and M-I BAR (barite) (1 final barrel).
15 Stuck Pipe
15 Stuck Pipe
15 Stuck Pipe
15 Stuck Pipe
601 ft
Figure 16: Method for spotting pipe-freeing solution accurately in irregular hole.
15 Stuck Pipe
4. Follow the HCl pill with the same 4. Differential pressure gradient =
spacer used in Step 1. 0.7800 - 0.3536 = 0.4264 psi/ft
5. When the pill is displaced from the 5. Annular length of diesel required =
hole, it can be incorporated into 500 psi
= 1,173 ft
the mud system. The HCl probably 0.4264 psi/ft
will be completely depleted and the 6. Volume of diesel required =
resultant pH can be adjusted using 1,173 ft x 0.05 bbl/ft = 58.7 bbl
soda ash, caustic soda or lime. 7. Spot the diesel in the annulus
Certain Certain precautions should be taken above the stuck zone.
precautions when spotting acid to free stuck pipe: II. To reduce the differential pressure
1. For safety reasons, diluting concen- by reducing the mud weight above
should be trated HCl should always be made the stuck point:
taken when by adding the acid to the water. 1. Assume 500 psi reduction in differ-
spotting acid Never add water to acid. ential pressure, 15 lb/gal mud
2. The pill should be circulated out weight, annular volume of 0.05
to free stuck through the choke at a slow pump bbl/ft and stuck point at 7,000 ft.
pipe rate, since carbon dioxide (CO2) gas 2. Convert the mud weight (lb/gal)
is generated when the acid reacts to psi/ft by:
with the carbonate formation and 15 x 0.052 = 0.7800 psi/ft
could behave like a gas influx. 3. Solve for pressure gradient (X) of
3. Use the proper safety equipment reduced mud weight by:
when handling HCl. (0.7800 - X) 7,000 = 500
4. Maintain enough caustic soda, soda 5,460 - 7,000X = 500
ash or lime on location to neutral- -7,000X = 500 - 5,460 = -4,960
ize the pill when it is circulated out X = 0.7086 psi/ft
of the hole. 4. Reduced mud weight =
5. Volume of reduced mud weight
The reduction of differential pressure
spot: 7,000 ft x 0.05 bbl/ft = 350 bbl
also frees differentially stuck pipe. This
6. Spot the lighter fluid in the
can be accomplished in several ways.
annulus above the stuck zone.
One method is to spot a fluid that is
lighter than the drilling fluid in the Caution should always be exercised
hole above the stuck point. Water and when reducing the differential pressure.
oil are the most common fluids used If the differential pressure is reduced too
for this procedure. much, the well can kick. Contingency
Reduced-density fluids plans should be made in advance before
attempting these procedures.
I. If diesel oil is spotted, the following
procedure can be used: DRILL STEM TEST TOOL
1. Assume 500 psi reduction in dif- Another method used to free differen-
ferential pressure, 15.0 lb/gal mud tially stuck pipe by reducing the differ-
weight and annular volume of ential pressure is to use a Drill Stem Test
0.05 bbl/ft. (DST) tool. Although not as widely used
2. Convert the mud weight to a as the techniques discussed above, the
pressure gradient by: DST tool is considered to be opera-
15.0 x 0.052 = 0.7800 psi/ft tionally safe, since the well is kept under
3. Convert the weight of diesel to a strict control while differential pressure
pressure gradient by: is reduced across the stuck zone. The
6.8 x 0.052 = 0.3536 psi/ft
15 Stuck Pipe
15 Stuck Pipe
1 2 3
Before displacing After displacing After flowback
0 psi 1,494 0 psi
Diesel Diesel
0 psi 0 psi Diesel 0 psi
6,796 ft 2,747 ft
Casing Casing Casing
Stuck Mud Stuck Mud Free? Mud
to differential pressure between the fluid from the drill pipe at a con-
the annulus and drill pipe. trolled rate through the choke or
c) Barrels of light fluid to be valve. Stop the back-flow periodically
flowed back to the pits during and observe the back-pressure on the
equalization. drill pipe and observe the annulus
d) Barrels of light fluid to be left in for any indication of upward fluid
the drillstring after equalization. movement. If the well is static (i.e. no
_______________________ e) Fluid level drop (ft) in the annu- formation fluid flow), the drill pipe
lus after the light fluid and mud pressure should decline with back-
in the drillstring and mud in the flow. If the well is trying to kick, the
_______________________ annulus have equalized. drill pipe pressure will either stabilize
_______________________ 4. Rig up lines between the drill pipe or increase with back-flow. In the
and the rig floor manifold so the desired situation, the annular fluid
lighter fluid can be displaced with level will continue to drop, simulat-
_______________________ the cementing unit. Also be pre- ing a vacuum during periods of back-
_______________________ pared or rigged up to control the flow. Continued observation of the
flow-back of light fluid through a annulus is very important in case it
choke or valve during equalization. becomes necessary to abort back-
_______________________ 5. Displace the light fluid slowly down flow operations and implement
_______________________ the drill pipe until the total calcu- well-control procedures.
lated volume has been displaced. 8. Work the pipe and jar on stuck
Note the back-pressure on the drill pipe, if possible.
pipe gauge at this point. 9. If the drillstring does not come
_______________________ 6. Rig up to back-flow the light fluid. free, then:
_______________________ 7. Pull up to the maximum safe ten- a) Fill the annulus to the surface
sion for the drill pipe and back-flow with mud, slowly reverse the
15 Stuck Pipe
_______________________ light fluid from the drill pipe, Total length of diesel in drill pipe:
_______________________ and circulate one full well vol- 96.5/0.0142 = 6,796 ft
ume. Observe the returns to see Length of 11.0-lb/gal mud in drill
if any formation fluid (gas/oil) pipe: 13,636 6,796 = 6,840 ft
_______________________ has entered the wellbore. Hydrostatic pressure of diesel:
_______________________ b) Consider reducing the hydrosta- 6,840 x 0.3536 = 2,419 psi
tic pressure even further if it is Hydrostatic pressure of mud:
deemed safe to do so, and repeat 6,796 x 0.5720 = 3,887 psi
_______________________ Steps 1 through 8. Hydrostatic pressure in drill pipe:
_______________________ 10. If the drillstring comes free, 2,419 + 3,887 = 6,306 psi
then work the pipe and condition Back pressure on stand pipe
the hole before tripping and/or w/all diesel in pipe: 7,800
_______________________ drilling ahead. 6,306 = 1,494 psi
_______________________ Example (see Figure 17) given: Bottom-hole pressure after bleed-off:
_______________________ Total Vertical Depth (TVD) = 13,636 ft Annulus: 12,587 x 0.572 psi/ft =
Mud weight = 11.0 lb/gal, 11.0 x 7,200 psi
0.052 = 0.5720 psi/ft Drill pipe: 2,747 x 0.3536 = 971 psi
_______________________ Diesel wt = 6.8 lb/gal, 6.8 x 0.052 = 10,889 x 0.5720 = 6,229 psi
_______________________ 0.3536 psi/ft 971 + 6,229 = 7,200 psi
Differential gradient = 0.5720 WASHING OVER PIPE
0.3536 = 0.2184 psi/ft AND SIDETRACKING
958-in. casing at 2,000 ft, Annular
If the pipe fails to come free after work-
volume = 0.0548 bbl/ft
ing and jarring for a reasonable period
Capacity of 412-in. drill pipe =
of time (usually 24 to 48 hr) with a soak
0.01422 bbl/ft
solution in the hole, the operator must
Hydrostatic pressure = 0.572 x
decide whether to attempt to back off
13,636 = 7,800 psi
above the stuck point and wash over
Purpose the stuck pipe, or plug back and side-
Reduce hydrostatic pressure at TD by track the hole. Usually, this decision is
600 psi to free stuck pipe. based on economics. The estimated
Procedure cost of a successful washover operation
Reduced hydrostatic pressure: is weighed against the cost of replacing
7,800 600 = 7,200 psi the stuck pipe plus the estimated cost of
Length of mud for 7,200 psi: redrilling to the same depth.
7,200/0.572 = 12,587 ft Wash pipe is made up of casing and
Mud column reduction for 7,200 psi: mill with an Outside Diameter (OD)
13,636 12,587 = 1,049 ft of less than that of the drilled hole,
Volume of 1,049 ft in annulus: 1,049 and an Inside Diameter (ID) greater
x 0.0548 = 57.5 bbl diesel (to be bled than the largest OD of the fish. Wash
off after flow-back) pipe is run into the hole on the drill
Length of diesel to be left in drill pipe. The amount of wash pipe run
pipe to balance annulus at 7,200 psi: at one time depends on the length
600/0.2184 = 2,747 ft of the fish to be washed over.
Volume of diesel in drill pipe for After circulation has been established,
600-psi reduction: 2,747 x 0.0142 = the wash pipe is rotated slowly over
39 bbl the fish. Minimum weight should be
Total volume of diesel required: applied and the amount of binding
57.5 + 39 = 96.5 bbl action observed in order to avoid
sticking the wash pipe.
15 Stuck Pipe
15 Stuck Pipe
Stuck Pipe
Freeing Wellbore Geometry Freeing Packoff/Bridge Freeing Differential Sticking
Initial action: Stuck while moving up or Initial action:
If sticking occurred while mov- with string static Stuck while moving down Circulate at normal rate.
ing up, apply torque and jar Action to establish circulation: Action to establish circulation: Work MAXIMUM limit torque
DOWN with max. trip load. Apply low pump pressure (200 Apply low pump pressure (200 down to the stuck depth and
If sticking occurred while mov- to 400) psi. Maintain pressure if 400) psi. Maintain pressure if hold the torque in the string.
ing down, do not apply torque restricted circulation is possible. restricted circulation is possible. Stop or reduce pump speed to
and jar UP with max. trip load. DO NOT JAR UP!! APPLY DO NOT JAR DOWN!!! APPLY minimum.
Stop or reduce circulation when TORQUE!!! Slack-off to TORQUE!!! Apply MAXIMUM Slack-off MAX. set down limit!
cocking the jar and when jarring MAXIMUM set down weight. overpull to jar. Allow sufficient
down. Allow sufficient time for a time for a hydraulic jar to trip Allow sufficient time for a hydrau-
hydraulic jar to trip (4 to (4 to 8 min for long cycle, lic jar to trip (4 to 6 min for long
NOTE: Pump pressure will cycle, see jar manual).
INCREASE the hydraulic jar 6 min for long cycle, see jar manual).
up-blow, and DECREASE the see jar manual). If the string does not come free,
down-blow. If the string does not come free, If the string does not come free, hold torque in the string and
DO NOT JAR UP!!! Jar DOWN DO NOT JAR DOWN!!! Jar up continue jarring down with
max. rate. When possible, work max. rate. When possible, work solution as soon as possible.
When the string comes free: the string and circulate the the string and circulate the hole
Increase circulation to max. rate, hole clean from bit depth. clean from bit depth. When the string is free:
rotate and work the string. Rotate and work the string.
Ream the section until the hole Ream the section until the hole
Ream/back ream the hole is clean. is clean. Circulate to clean the hole.
section thoroughly.
If POOH to log and/or run Continue RIH, staging-in and cir- Condition mud to
Circulate the hole clean. casing, return to bottom and culating bottoms up. If excessive appropriate properties.
circulate the hole clean. set down weight is observed,
stop and circulate the hole clean.
Ream as needed.
Stuck Pipe
Unconsolidated, Cement
Problem Settled Cuttings Shale Instability Fractured Formation (Blocks or Soft) Junk in Hole
Causes - Drilling too fast - Drilling reactive shale - Drilling uncemented - Cement blocks fall - Accidental junk falling
- Inadequate annular - with non-inhibitive mud - formation - from around casing - in hole
velocity or rheology - Drilling pressured shale - Little or no filter cake - shoe, squeeze plugs or - Downhole equipment
- Cuttings accumulation - with insufficient mud - Drilling naturally - sidetrack plugs - failure
(washouts) - weight - fractured formation - Attempt to circulate
- Not enough - while the drillstring is
- circulating time - immersed in soft cement
- Drilling blind without - (flash set)
- Drilling without
Warning signs - High ROP with poor - Increase in FV, PV, YP, - Solids-control equipment - Excessive casing rathole - May occur any time
and indications - cuttings return - gels and CEC - loaded with sand - Increase in torque - Metal parts at the shakers
- Increase in torque, drag - Increase in torque, drag - and cuttings - and drag - Partial motion is possible
and pump pressure - and pump pressure - Seepage losses - Circulation restricted
- Overpull on connection - Overpull on connection - Fill on connections and - Restricted pipe movement
and when tripping - and when tripping - after tripping
- Fill on bottom after - Bit and BHA balling - Sudden increase in torque
connection and trips - Pore pressure increase - and drag
- Circulation restricted - Fill on connection and - Circulation restricted
- Increase in LGS and - after trips - Large caving at shakers
- mud weight - Large cavings at shakers
- Circulation restricted
Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 033198
Prevention - Proper mud rheology - Use inhibitive mud - Provide good filter- - Limit casing rathole - Use good practices
- Use maximum GPM - Increase the mud weight - cake quality - Allow sufficient time - Keep hole covered
for hole size - Minimize open hole - Use appropriate - for cement to set - Check downhole tools
- Control ROP if needed - exposure time - bridging materials - Reduce tripping speed - on regular basis
- Pump sweeps to clean - Use sweeps to clean - Avoid excessive - opposite cement section
the hole - the hole - circulating time - Calculate top of cement
- Wiper trip after - Increase mud rheology - Use sweeps to keep the - and start circulate two
motor runs - hole clean - stands above
- Increase drillstring - Increase mud rheology - Control drilling in
rotation - soft cement
- Circulate longer
Stuck Pipe
Problem Key Seating Undergauge Hole Stiff Assembly Mobile Formation Doglegs and Ledges Collapsed Casing
Causes - Drill pipe wears a key- - RIH with a full-gauge - BHA change from - Drilling plastic salt - Drilling hard/soft - External formation
seat in the formation - bit and BHA in an - limber to stiff cannot - or shale formation - interbedded - pressure (often
- Often associated with - undergauge hole - tolerate changes in - formation - opposite plastic
doglegs - angle and direction - Frequent change in - formation) exceeds
- Drill collars jam into - hole angle/direction - casing strength
the narrow groove of - Drilling fractured/ - Failed cement
keyseat - faulted formation
- High dip angles
Warning signs - Severe dogleg section - Undergauge bit - New BHA is run - Increase in torque - Overpull on connec- - Drilling plastic
and indications - Pipe rotating at the - pulled out - in hole - and drag - tions and trips - formation
same spot for - Tight hole - Presence of doglegs - Overpull when - Increase in torque - Cement chunks
extended period - Sudden loss of - Sudden loss of - tripping out of hole - and drag - Lost circulation
of time - string weight - string weight - Tight hole
- Tight hole - inside casing
Prevention - Minimize - Gauge old and - Minimize BHA - Maintain sufficient - Minimize sharp and - Use proper casing
dogleg severity - new bits - changes - mud weight - frequent wellbore - strength opposite
- Wiper trip/ream - Ream last three joints - Limit dogleg severity - Select the proper - course changes - plastic formation
dogleg sections - at least to bottom - Plan a reaming trip - mud system - Avoid prolonged
- Use keyseat wiper - Never force bit - if a stiff BHA will - Frequent reaming/ - circulation opposite
or reamer - through tight - be used - tripping - soft formation
spots, ream - Use eccentric bit - Minimize BHA
- Minimize open hole - changes
exposure time
Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 033198