Technical Specifications Rooftop Solar

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A Grid Tied Solar Rooftop Photo Voltaic (SPV) power plant consists of SPV array,
Module Mounting Structure, Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) consisting of Maximum Power
Point Tracker (MPPT), Inverter, and Controls & Protections, interconnect cables, Junction
boxes, Distribution boxes and switches. PV Array is mounted on a suitable structure. Grid
tied SPV system is without battery and should be designed with necessary features to
supplement the grid power during day time. Components and parts used in the SPV
power plants including the PV modules, metallic structures, cables, junction box,
switches, PCUs etc., should conform to the BIS or IEC or international specifications,
wherever such specifications are available and applicable. Solar PV system shall consist
of following equipments/components.

 Solar PV modules consisting of required number of Crystalline PV cells.

 Grid interactive Power Conditioning Unit with Remote Monitoring System.
 Mounting structures.
 Junction Boxes.
 Earthing and lightening protections.
 IR/UV protected PVC Cables, pipes and accessories.

1.1 Type and Quality

The total Solar PV array capacity shall be as specified in price schedule and
shall be assembled with minimum 250 Wp (with minimum of 24V) Multi/Mono
Crystalline MNRE approved solar modules with 60/ 72 cells with minimum 15%
Module Efficiency. The modules should be tested and certified by a Govt. of
India authorized test centres or should conform to relevant IEC standard as per
MNRE guidelines. Offered module shall have a power output warranty of 90% of
the rated power for 10 years. The rated output power and Efficiency of each
supplied & installed module shall not be less than the specified power rating
and Efficiency of the modules, in any case. Every module should have suitable
by-pass diode at its terminal box. The SPV Modules must be installed in such a
way so as to deliver proper voltage and current to ensure desired power output
as per specifications of CREDA for the size of SPVPP ordered.

1.2 The modules used shall have following specifications:

Type: Mono crystalline/ Multi crystalline as per MNRE approved Solar Modules

Specification and standard: Confirming to MNRE guidelines of 2014-15 under


1.3 The PV modules should be made in India The PV modules used must qualify to
the latest edition of IEC PV module qualification test or equivalent BIS
standards Crystalline Silicon Solar Cell Modules IEC 61215/IS14286. In
addition, the modules must conform to IEC
61730 Part-1 -requirements for construction & Part 2 –requirements for
testing, for safety qualification or equivalent IS.
1.4 Each PV module used in solar power project must have a RF identification tag
(RFID), which must contain the following information. The RFID can be inside or
outside the module laminate, but must be able to withstand harsh environmental

(a) Name of the manufacturer of PV Module (should be made in India)

(b) Name of the Manufacturer of Solar cells
(c) Month and year of the manufacture (separately for solar cells and module)
(d) Country of origin (separately for solar cells and module
(e) I-V curve for the module
(f) Peak Wattage, Im, Vm and FF for the module
(g) Unique Serial No and Model No of the module
(h) Date and year of obtaining IEC PV module qualification certificate
(i) Name of the test lab issuing IEC certificate
(j) Other relevant information on traceability of solar cells and module as per
ISO9000 series.
(k) In addition, the modules must conform to IEC 61730 Part 1-
requirements for construction & Part 2 - requirements for testing, for
safety qualification or Equivalent IS (Under Dev.)
(l) PV modules to be used in a highly corrosive atmosphere (coastal areas
etc.) must qualify Salt Mist Corrosion Testing as per IEC 61701 / IS


Each PV module must use a RF identification tag (RFID), which must
contain the following information:
(i) Name of the manufacturer of PV Modules (should be made in India).
(ii) Name of the Manufacturer of Solar cells.
(iii) Month and year of the manufacture (separately for solar cells and
(iv) Country of origin (separately for solar cells and module).
(v) I-V curve for the module.
(vi) Peak Wattage, Im, Vm and FF for the module.
(vii) Unique Serial No and Model No of the module.
(viii) Date a n d y e a r o f o b t a i n i n g I E C P V module qualification
(ix) Name of the test lab issuing IEC certificate.
(x) Other relevant information on traceability of solar cells and module
should be as per ISO 9000 series. The RFID must be inside of
module lamination. The module laminate, but must be able to
withstand harsh environmental conditions.
(n) Inter connections of solar modules should be through good quality male
female joint. Name of manufacturer, S. No. of Module & manufacturing
year should be clearly fixed inside the glass lamination of every module.
Thermal sticker should be affixed behind every module which should
clearly state the specifications & capacity of the module.
(o) Every module should have PID Test report as per the prevailing norms of
2. PCU/ Inverter:
As SPV array produce direct current electricity, it is necessary to convert this direct
current into alternating current and adjust the voltage levels to match the grid voltage.
Conversion shall be achieved using an electronic Inverter and the associated control
and protection devices. All these components of the system are termed the “Power
Conditioning Unit (PCU)”. In addition, the PCU shall also house MPPT (Maximum Power
Point Tracker), an interface between Solar PV array & the Inverter, to the power
conditioning unit/inverter should also be DG set interactive. If necessary. Inverter output
should be compatible with the grid frequency. Typical technical features of the inverter
shall be as follows:

Switching devices IGBT/MOSFET

Control Microprocessor /DSP

Nominal AC output voltage and 415V, 3 Phase, 50Hz

frequency (In case single phase inverters are
offered, suitable arrangement for
balancing the phases must be made.)

Output frequency 50 Hz

Grid Frequency Synchronization + 3 Hz or more


Ambient temperature considered -20o C to 50o C

Humidity 95 % Non-condensing

Protection of Enclosure IP-20(Minimum) for indoor.

IP-65(Minimum) for outdoor.

Grid Frequency Tolerance range + 3 or more

Grid Voltage tolerance -0.20.15

No-load losses Less than 1% of rated power

Inverter efficiency(minimum) >93% (In case of 10 kW or above
in-built galvanic isolation)

>97% (In case of 10 KW or

above without in-built galvanic

Inverter efficiency (minimum) > 90% (In case of less than 10 kW)

THD < 3%
PF > 0.9

a) Three phase PCU/ inverter shall be used with each power plant system
(10kW and/or above) but in case of less than 10kW single phase inverter can be
b) PCU/inverter shall be capable of complete automatic operation including
wake-up, synchronization & shutdown.
c) The output of power factor of PCU inverter is suitable for all voltage ranges or sink
of reactive power, inverter should have internal protection arrangement against any
sustainable fault in feeder line and against the lightning on feeder.
d) Built-in meter and data logger to monitor plant performance through external
computer shall be provided.
e) Anti-islanding (Protection against Islanding of grid): The PCU shall have anti
islanding protection in conformity to IEEE 1547/UL 1741/ IEC 62116 or equivalent
BIS standard.
f) In PCU/Inverter, there shall be a direct current isolation provided at the output by
means of a suitable isolating transformer. If Isolation Transformer is not
incorporated with PCU/Inverter, there shall be a separate Isolation
Transformer of suitable rating provided at the output side of PCU/PCU units for
capacity more than 100 kW.
g) The PCU/ inverter generated harmonics, flicker, DC injection limits, Voltage
Range, Frequency Range and Anti-Islanding measures at the point of connection to
The Utility services should follow the latest CEA (Technical Standards for
Connectivity Distribution Generation Resources) Guidelines.
h) The power conditioning units / inverters should comply with applicable IEC/
equivalent BIS standard for efficiency measurements and environmental tests as
per Standard codes IEC 61683/IS 61683 and IEC 60068-2(1,2,14,30)/Equivalent
BIS Standard.
i) The MPPT units environmental testing should qualify IEC 60068-2 (1, 2, 14,30)/
Equivalent BIS STD. The junction boxes/ enclosures should be IP 65 (for outdoor)/
IP 54 (indoor) and as per IEC 529 specifications.

j) The PCU/ inverters should be tested from the MNRE approved test centres/ NABL/
BIS/IEC accredited testing- calibration laboratories. In case of imported power
conditioning units, these should be approved by international test houses.
3. Mechanical Components: MODULE MOUNTING STRUCTURE (MMS):

MMS should be installed along with the hot dipped galvanized (minimum 80
microns) array support structure for mounting of SPV modules at site. The panel
frame structure should be capable of withstanding a minimum wind load of 150 Km
per hour, after grouting and installation. MMS should be sturdy & designed to assist
SPV Modules to render maximum output. The hardware (fasteners) used for
installation of SPV Modules & MMS should be of suitable Stainless Steel (SS 304).

Its size should be with reference to the specifications of the selected make SPV
modules. Preferably Anti Theft Nut Bolts of SS (with washers) should also be used
for better theft proofing.

4. Foundation: The PCC foundation shall have to be designed on the basis of the
weight of the structure with module and maximum wind speed of the site, i.e. 150
Km/hour. Normally each MMS should be with four legs grouted on pedestals of
proper size.

5. Junction Boxes for Cables from Solar Array: The junction boxes shall be made up
of Poly Carbonate/PP/ABS (with prior approval of CREDA) with dust, water and
vermin proof. It should have with proper locking arrangements.

Junction/Combiner Box (SJB/AJB/DCCB) (whichever is required): All the arrays of

the modules shall be connected to Direct Current Combiner Box (DCCB). DCCB
shall have terminals of bus-bar arrangement of appropriate size. DCCB shall have
suitable cable entry with suitable glanding arrangement for both input and output
cables. Suitable markings on the bus bars shall have to be provided to identify the
bus bars etc. suitable ferrules shall also have to be provided to identify
interconnections. Every AJB should have suitable arrangement Reverse
Blocking diode of suitable rating. Suitable SPD, suitable Isolation switches to
isolate the DC input from each array individually to Inverter, has to be
installed in DCCB for protection purpose. Thus DCCB should have DC isolator for
disconnecting the arrays from inverter input. DCCB should have provision of
isolating each string separately. If in any case diodes, HRC Fuses, SPDs and
isolators are installed in the string inverters, then also there is need to install
these in DCCB. If some of these safety gadgets are not installed in String
Inverter it should be installed in DCCB. Cable interconnection arrangement shall
be within conduit pipe on saddles installed properly as per CREDA’s approvals.
Cable connection should be done in such a manner that fault findings if any,
can be identified easily. The cables should be connected in such a manner that
clamp meter can be comfortably inserted around the individual cables to
measure the data like current, voltage etc. AJB, if required, should also be
marked as A1, A2, & so on. Wherever conduits are laid on wall/roof or ground, then
it should be suitably laid in cable tray or appropriate civil structure which should be
at least four inches above roof/ground level.

Both AC & DC lines should have suitable MCB/MCCB, Contractors, SPD, HRC Fuse
etc to allow safe start up and shut down before & after string inverter installed in
the system. String inverters should have protections for overload, surge current,
high Temperature, over/ under voltage and over/ under frequency & reverse
polarity. The complete operation process & safety instructions should printed
on the sticker & suitably pasted on the near inverters.

Inverter should have safety measures to protect inverter from reverse short circuit
current due to lightening or line faults of distribution network.

Inverter should be suitably placed in covered area on a suitable platform or

concrete platform (on rubber mat) with complete safety measure as per norms.


The combined output wattage of all inverters should not be less than rated capacity
of power plant under STC in KW.

 Maximum power point tracker shall be integrated in the PCU/inverter to

maximize energy drawn from the array.


The SPV Power Plant should be provided with lightening and over voltage protection.
The principal aim in this protection is to reduce the over voltage to a tolerable value
before it reaches the PV or other sub-systems components. The source of over
voltage can be lightening or any other atmospheric disturbance. The Lighting
Arrestor (LA) is to be made of 1¼" diameter (minimum) and 12 feet (minimum)long
GI spike on the basis of the necessary meteorological data of the location of the
projects. Necessary foundation for holding the LA is to be arranged keeping in view
the wind speed of the site and flexibility in maintenance in future. Each LA should
have dedicatedly earthed through suitable size earth bus with earth pits. The
earthing pit shall have to be made as per IS 3043. LA shall be installed to protect
the array field, all machines and control panels installed in the control rooms.
Number of LA shall vary with the capacity of SPV Power Plant & location. Number of
LA should be in such a manner that total layout of solar modules should the
effective coverage of LA’s.
Each array structure of the PV yard shall be grounded properly. In each array every
module should be connected to each other with copper wires, lug teethed washers
addition the lightening arrestor/masts shall also be provided inside the array field.
Provision shall be kept for shorting and grounding of the PV array at the time of
maintenance work. All metal casing/shielding of the plant should be thoroughly
grounded in accordance with Indian Electricity Act/IE rules as amended up to date.
The earthing pit shall be made as per IS: 3043. All the array structures, equipments,
inverters & control systems shall be compulsorily connected to the earth. Number of
earthling shall vary with the capacity of SPV Power Plant & soil resistivity of
location. Copper strips should be used for connecting earthing instead of G.I. wires.
LA should be installed to protect the array field & machines installed in the control
rooms. The LA installations should have to be approved from CREDA prior to


This shall consist of box of AC combiner cum grid interphase panel of good quality
PC/PP/ABS or suitable powder coated metal casing. One Electronic Energy Meter
(0.5S Class) as per CSERC regulation to record generations details (should have
facility of storing one year generation data), ISI make, Three Phase duly tested by
CSPDCL (Meter testing Division) with appropriate CT, of good quality shall have to
be installed in ACCB suitable placed (in such a manner that if required it can be
sealed by CSPDCL) to measure the consumption of power daily generated from SPV
Power Plant, as per CSERC Rooftop Notification. Proper rating MCCB & HRC fuse
and AC SPDs should be installed to protect feeders from the short circuit current
and surges as per the requirement of the site & instructions of CREDA. Separate
rotary AC Isolator Switch of suitable rating, for Grid
Connectivity/Disconnection, should have to be installed outside each ACCB
with locking arrangements.
ACCB should be designed in such a way that Solar Generation meter and
CTs of it, can be sealed by CSPDCL authority.


Danger boards should be provided as and where necessary as per IE Act/IE Rules
as amended up to date, as per the instructions of CREDA & affixed at various
appropriate locations.

All cables should be of copper as per IS and should be grade as per requirement.
All connections should be properly made through suitable lug/terminal crimped
with use of suitable proper cable glands. The size of cables/wires should be
designed considering the line loses, maximum load on line, keeping voltage drop
within permissible limit and other related factors. The cable/wire should be of
ISI/ISO mark for overhead distribution, with prior approval of CREDA. For normal
configuration the minimum suggested sizes of cables are:

Module to module/SJB/AJB-4 sq mm (single core)

AJBs to MJBs/DCDB -10/16 sq mm (two core), with respect to current ratings of


MJBs to DCCB - minimum 25 sq mm (single core) or as per design & rating

DCCB to Inverter - minimum 25 sq mm (single core) or as per design & rating

Inverter to ACCB - as per design & rating

The size & rating of the cables may vary depending on the design & capacity of SPV
Power Plant. Bidder should compulsorily get the design & rating of the cables
approved from CREDA prior to the installation.

13. CABLE TRAY: All the cables should be laid in appropriate cable tray as per the
requirement of the site, No cable should be laid directly on ground or wall cable
tray should be laid such that there is gap of at least four inches above


The bidder has to display a board at the project site mentioning the following:
 Plant Name, Capacity, Location, Type of Renewable Energy plant (solar), Date
of commissioning, details of tie-up with transmission and distribution
companies etc.
 The size and type of board and display shall be approved by Engineer-in-
charge before site inspection.

15. Manual Disconnection Switch: It should be provided to isolate the system

from Grid which should be outside of ACCB.


The output power from SPV would be fed to the inverters which converts DC
produced by SPV array to AC and feeds it into the main electricity grid after
synchronization. In case of grid failure, or low or high voltage, solar PV system shall
be out of synchronization and shall be disconnected from the grid. Once the DG set
comes into service PV system should again be synchronized with DG supply and
load requirement would be met to the extent of availability of power. 4 pole isolation
of inverter output with respect to the grid/ DG power connection need to be
provided. A bidirectional energy meter, as per CSERC notification should also be
installed in the campus/building of beneficiary, if required.

i. Data Acquisition System shall be provided for each of the solar PV plant.

ii. Data Logging Provision for plant control and monitoring, time and date
stamped system data logs for analysis with the high quality, suitable PC.
Metering and Instrumentation for display of systems parameters and status
indication to be provided.

iii. The following parameters are accessible via the operating interface display in
real time separately for solar power plant:

a. AC Voltage.

b. AC Output current.

c. Output Power

d. Power factor.

e. DC Input Voltage.

f. DC Input Current.

g. Time Active.

h. Time disabled.

i. Time Idle.

j. Power produced

k. Protective function limits (Viz-AC Over voltage, AC Under voltage, Over

frequency, Under frequency ground fault, PV starting voltage, PV
stopping voltage.

l. The online monitoring should be done through inverter provider web

portal only. No third party software shall be allowed.

m. Communication requirement:-

As per CSERC regulation .

vi. All major parameters available on the digital bus and logging facility for
energy auditing through the internal microprocessor and read on the digital front
panel at any time) and logging facility (the current values, previous values for up to
a month and the Average values) should be made available for energy auditing
through the internal microprocessor and should be read on the digital front panel.
vii. Solar Meter: Energy Meters to log the actual value of Energy generated by the
PV system be provided. Energy meter if required with CT/PT should be of 0.5
accuracy class. It should have one year recording facility.

viii. Computerized DC Array monitoring and AC output monitoring shall be

provided as part of the inverter and/or string/array combiner box or

ix. Computerized AC energy monitoring shall be in addition to the solar meter.

x. The data shall be recorded in a common work sheet chronologically date

wise. The data file shall be MS Excel compatible. The data shall be
represented in both tabular and graphical form.

xi. All instantaneous data shall be shown on the computer screen.

xii. Software shall be provided for USB download and analysis of DC and AC
parametric data for individual plant.

xiii. Provision for Internet monitoring and download of data shall be also

xiv. Remote Server and Software for centralized Internet monitoring system shall
also be provided for download and analysis of cumulative data of all the
plants. The data of the solar radiation and temperature monitoring system
should also be available on Remote Monitoring server.

xv. Simultaneous monitoring of DC and AC electrical voltage, current, power,

energy and other data of the plant for correlation with solar and environment
data shall be provided.

xvi. Remote Monitoring and data acquisition through Remote Monitoring System
software at the owner location with latest software/hardware configuration
and service connectivity for online /real time data monitoring/control
complete to be supplied and operation and maintenance/control to be
ensured by the supplier. Provision for interfacing these data on web server
and portal in future shall be kept.


Regarding the generated power consumption, priority need to give for internal
consumption first and thereafter any excess power can be exported to grid.
Decisions of appropriate authority like CSPDCL, CEI & CSERC shall have to be


i. In the event of a power failure on the electric grid, it is required that any
independent power-producing inverters attached to the grid turn off in a short
period of time. This prevents the DC-to-AC inverters from continuing to feed
power into small sections of the grid, known as “islands.” Powered islands
present a risk to workers who may expect the area to be unpowered, and they
may also damage grid-tied equipment. The Rooftop PV system shall be
equipped with islanding protection. In addition to disconnection from the grid
(due to islanding protection) disconnection due to under and over voltage
conditions shall also be provided.

ii. A manual disconnect 4 pole isolation switch beside automatic disconnection to

grid would have to be provided at utility end to isolate the grid connection by
the utility personnel to carry out any maintenance. This switch shall be locked
by the utility personnel.
Quality Certification, Standards and Testing for Grid-connected Rooftop Solar PV
Systems/Power Plants
Quality certification and standards for grid-connected rooftop solar PV systems are essential for
the successful mass-scale implementation of this technology. It is also imperative to put in place
an efficient and rigorous monitoring mechanism, adherence to these standards. Hence, all
components of grid-connected rooftop solar PV system/ plant must conform to the relevant
standards and certifications given below:

Solar PV Modules/Panels

IEC 61215/ IS14286 Design Qualification and Type Approval for Crystalline Silicon
Terrestrial Photovoltaic (PV) Modules

IEC 61701 Salt Mist Corrosion Testing of Photovoltaic (PV) Modules

IEC 61853- Part 1/ Photovoltaic (PV) module performance testing and energy
IS 16170: Part 1 rating –: Irradiance and temperature
performance measurements, and power rating
IEC 62716 Photovoltaic (PV) Modules – Ammonia (NH3) Corrosion

(As per the site condition like dairies, toilets)

IEC 61730-1,2 Photovoltaic (PV) Module Safety Qualification – Part 1:

Requirements for Construction, Part 2: Requirements for

IEC 62804 Photovoltaic (PV) modules - Test methods for the detection
potential-induced degradation. IEC TS 62804-1: Part
1: Crystalline silicon

(mandatory for applications where the system voltage is >

600 VDC and advisory for installations where the
system voltage is < 600 VDC)
IEC 62759-1 Photovoltaic (PV) modules – Transportation testing, Part 1:
Transportation and shipping of module package units

Solar PV Inverters

IEC 62109-1, IEC Safety of power converters for use in photovoltaic power
62109-2 systems –

Part 1: General requirements, and Safety of power converters

for use in photovoltaic power systems

Part 2: Particular requirements for inverters. Safety compliance

(Protection degree IP 65 for outdoor mounting, IP
54 for indoor mounting)

IEC/IS 61683 Photovoltaic Systems – Power conditioners: Procedure for

(as applicable) Measuring Efficiency (10%, 25%, 50%, 75% & 90-100%
Loading Conditions)

BS EN 50530 Overall efficiency of grid-connected photovoltaic inverters:

(as applicable) This European Standard provides a procedure for the

measurement of the accuracy of the maximum power point
tracking (MPPT) of inverters, which are used in grid- connected
photovoltaic systems. In that case the inverter energizes a low
voltage grid of stable AC voltage and constant frequency. Both
the static and dynamic MPPT efficiency is considered.

IEC 62116/ UL Utility-interconnected Photovoltaic Inverters - Test Procedure

1741/ IEEE 1547 of Islanding Prevention Measures

(as applicable)

IEC 60255-27 Measuring relays and protection equipment – Part 27:

Product safety requirements

IEC 60068-2 (1, 2, Environmental Testing of PV System – Power Conditioners

14, 27, 30 & 64) and Inverters
a) IEC 60068-2-1: Environmental testing - Part 2-1: Tests - Test
A: Cold
b) IEC 60068-2-2: Environmental testing - Part 2-2: Tests -
Test B: Dry heat
c) IEC 60068-2-14: Environmental testing - Part 2-14: Tests - Test
N: Change of temperature
d) IEC 60068-2-27: Environmental testing - Part 2-27: Tests -
Test Ea and guidance: Shock
e) IEC 60068-2-30: Environmental testing - Part 2-30: Tests - Test
Db: Damp heat, cyclic (12 h + 12 h cycle)
f) IEC 60068-2-64: Environmental testing - Part 2-64: Tests -
Test Fh: Vibration, broadband random and guidance

IEC 61000 – 2,3,5 Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) and Electromagnetic

Compatibility (EMC) testing of PV Inverters
(as applicable)

IS/IEC 60947 (Part General safety requirements for connectors, switches, circuit
1, 2 & 3), EN breakers (AC/DC):
50521 a) Low-voltage Switchgear and Control-gear, Part 1: General rules
b) Low-Voltage Switchgear and Control-gear, Part 2: Circuit
c) Low-voltage switchgear and Control-gear, Part 3: Switches,
disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units
d) EN 50521: Connectors for photovoltaic systems – Safety
requirements and tests

IEC 60269-6 Low-voltage fuses - Part 6: Supplementary requirements for

fuse-links for the protection of solar photovoltaic energy

Surge Arrestors

IEC 62305-4 Lightening Protection Standard

IEC 60364-5-53/ Electrical installations of buildings - Part 5-53: Selection and

IS erection of electrical equipment - Isolation, switching and
15086-5 (SPD)

IEC 61643- Low-voltage surge protective devices - Part 11: Surge

11:2011 protective devices connected to low-voltage power systems -
Requirements and test methods


IEC 60227/IS 694, General test and measuring method for PVC (Polyvinyl
IEC 60502/IS 1554 chloride) insulated cables (for working voltages up to and
(Part 1 & 2)/ including 1100 V, and UV resistant for outdoor installation)

BS EN 50618 Electric cables for photovoltaic systems (BT(DE/NOT)258),

mainly for DC Cables

Earthing /Lightning
IEC 62561 Series IEC 62561-1
(Chemical Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 1:
earthing) Requirements for connection components
IEC 62561-2
Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 2:
Requirements for conductors and earth electrodes
IEC 62561-7
Lightning protection system components (LPSC) - Part 7:
Requirements for earthing enhancing compounds

Junction Boxes

IEC 60529 Junction boxes and solar panel terminal boxes shall be of the
thermo-plastic type with IP 65 protection for outdoor use, and
IP 54 protection for indoor use

Energy Meter

IS 16444 or as A.C. Static direct connected watt-hour Smart Meter Class 1

specified by the and 2 — Specification (with Import & Export/Net energy
DISCOMs measurements)

Solar PV Roof Mounting Structure

IS 2062/IS 4759 Material for the structure mounting

Note- Equivalent standards may be used for different system components of the plants. In
case of clarification following person/agencies may be contacted.

 Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (Govt. of India)

 National Institute of Solar Energy
 The Energy & Resources Institute
 TUV Rheinland
 UL
Typical Single Line Diagram

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