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Second edition

Corrosion of metals and alloys — Stress

corrosion testing —
Part 6:
Preparation and use of pre-cracked
specimens for tests under constant load
or constant displacement
Corrosion des métaux et alliages — Essais de corrosion sous
contrainte —
Partie 6: Préparation et utilisation des éprouvettes préfissurées pour
essais sous charge constante ou sous déplacement constant

Reference number
ISO 7539-6:2003(E)

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ISO 7539-6:2003(E)

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ISO 7539-6:2003(E)

Contents Page

Foreword ............................................................................................................................................................ iv
1 Scope...................................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions........................................................................................................................... 2
4 Principle ................................................................................................................................................. 4
5 Specimens ............................................................................................................................................. 5
6 Initiation and propagation of fatigue cracks .................................................................................... 23
7 Procedure............................................................................................................................................. 25
8 Test report............................................................................................................................................ 33
Annex A (normative) Use of notched specimens for stress corrosion tests............................................. 35
Annex B (normative) Determination of crack growth velocity..................................................................... 38

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ISO 7539-6:2003(E)

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.

International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.

The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.

Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.

ISO 7539-6 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 156, Corrosion of metals and alloys, in
collaboration with the National Physical Laboratory (United Kingdom).

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 7539-6:1989), Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4 and 7;
subclause 5.2.5 d); Figures 1, 2 d), 5 b), 8, 9, and 10; Annexs A and B of which have been technically revised.

ISO 7539 consists of the following parts, under the general title Corrosion of metals and alloys — Stress
corrosion testing:

 Part 1: General guidance on testing procedures

 Part 2: Preparation and use of bent-beam specimens

 Part 3: Preparation and use of U-bend specimens

 Part 4: Preparation and use of uniaxially loaded tension specimens

 Part 5: Preparation and use of C-ring specimens

 Part 6: Preparation and use of pre-cracked specimens for tests under constant load or constant

 Part 7: Slow strain rate testing

 Part 8: Preparation and use of specimens to evaluate weldments

 Part 9: Preparation and use of pre-cracked specimens for tests under rising load or rising displacement

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Corrosion of metals and alloys — Stress corrosion testing —

Part 6:
Preparation and use of pre-cracked specimens for tests under
constant load or constant displacement

1 Scope
1.1 This part of ISO 7539 covers procedures for designing, preparing and using pre-cracked specimens for
investigating susceptibility to stress corrosion. It gives recommendations for the design, preparation and use
of pre-cracked specimens for investigating susceptibility to stress corrosion. Recommendations concerning
notched specimens are given in Annex A.

The term “metal” as used in this part of ISO 7539 includes alloys.

1.2 Because of the need to confine plasticity at the crack tip, pre-cracked specimens are not suitable for the
evaluation of thin products such as sheet or wire and are generally used for thicker products including plate
bar and forgings. They can also be used for parts joined by welding.

1.3 Pre-cracked specimens may be loaded with equipment for application of a constant load or can
incorporate a device to produce a constant displacement at the loading points. Tests conducted under
increasing displacement or increasing load are dealt with in ISO 7539-9.

1.4 A particular advantage of pre-cracked specimens is that they allow data to be acquired from which
critical defect sizes, above which stress corrosion cracking may occur, can be estimated for components of
known geometry subjected to known stresses. They also enable rates of stress corrosion crack propagation to
be determined. The latter data may be taken into account when monitoring parts containing defects during

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

ISO 7539-1, Corrosion of metals and alloys — Stress corrosion testing — Part 1: General guidance on testing

ISO 11782-2, Corrosion of metals and alloys — Corrosion fatigue testing — Part 2: Crack propagation testing
using precracked specimens

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3 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this part of ISO 7539, the definitions given in ISO 7539-1 and the following apply.

crack length
effective crack length measured from the crack tip to either the mouth of the notch or the loading point axis
depending on the specimen geometry

specimen width
effective width of the specimen measured from the back face to either the face containing the notch or the
loading plane depending on the specimen geometry

specimen thickness
side-to-side dimension of the specimen being tested

reduced thickness at side grooves
minimum side-to-side dimension between the notches in side-grooved specimens

specimen half-height
50 % of the specimen height measured parallel to the direction of load application for compact tension, double
cantilever beam and modified wedge opening loaded test pieces

that load which, when applied to the specimen, is considered positive if its direction is such as to cause the
crack faces to move apart

deflection at loading point axis
crack opening displacement produced at the loading line during the application of load to a constant
displacement specimen

deflection away from the loading line
crack opening displacement produced at a location remote from the loading plane, e.g. at knife edges located
at the notch mouth, during the application of load to a constant displacement specimen

modulus of elasticity
elastic modulus (i.e. stress/strain) in tension

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ISO 7539-6:2003(E)

stress intensity factor
function of applied load, crack length and specimen geometry having dimensions of stress × length which
uniquely define the elastic stress field intensification at the tip of a crack subjected to opening mode
displacements (mode I)

NOTE It has been found that stress intensity factors, calculated assuming that specimens respond purely elastically,
correlate the behaviour of real cracked bodies provided that the size of the zone of plasticity at the crack tip is small
compared to the crack length and the length of the uncracked ligament. In this part of ISO 7539, mode I is assumed and
the subscript I is implied everywhere.

initial stress intensity factor
stress intensity applied at the commencement of the stress corrosion test

plane strain fracture toughness
critical value of KI at which the first significant environmentally independent extension of the crack occurs
under the influence of rising stress intensity under conditions of high resistance to plastic deformation

provisional value of KIc, KQ
KQ = KIc when the validity criteria for plane strain predominance are satisfied

threshold stress intensity factor for susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking
that stress intensity factor above which stress corrosion cracking will initiate and grow for the specified test
conditions under conditions of high resistance to plastic deformation, i.e. under plane strain predominant

provisional value of KISCC, KQSCC
KQSCC = KISCC when the validity criteria for plane strain predominance are satisfied

maximum stress intensity factor
Kmax in fatigue
highest algebraic value of the stress intensity factor in a cycle, corresponding to the maximum load

0,2 % proof stress
stress which must be applied to produce a plastic strain of 0,2 % during a tensile test

applied stress
stress resulting from the application of load to the specimen

stress intensity factor coefficient
factor derived from the stress analysis for a particular specimen geometry which relates the stress intensity
factor for a given crack length to the load and specimen dimensions

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load ratio
R in fatigue loading
algebraic ratio of minimum to maximum load in a cycle:

Pmin K
R= = min
Pmax K max

crack velocity
instantaneous rate of stress corrosion crack propagation measured by a continuous crack monitoring

average crack velocity
average rate of crack propagation calculated by dividing the change in crack length due to stress corrosion by
the test duration

specimen orientation
fracture plane of the specimen identified in terms of firstly the direction of stressing and secondly the direction
of crack growth expressed with respect to three reference axes identified by the letters X, Y and Z


Z is coincident with the main working force used during manufacture of the material (short-transverse

X is coincident with the direction of grain flow (longitudinal axis);

Y is normal to the X and Z axes

4 Principle
4.1 The use of pre-cracked specimens acknowledges the difficulty of ensuring that crack-like defects
introduced during either manufacture or subsequent service are totally absent from structures. Furthermore,
the presence of such defects can cause a susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking which in some materials
(e.g. titanium) may not be evident from tests under constant load on smooth specimens. The principles of
linear elastic fracture mechanics can be used to quantify the stress situation existing at the crack tip in a pre-
cracked specimen or structure in terms of the plane strain-stress intensity.

4.2 The test involves subjecting a specimen in which a crack has been developed by fatigue, from a
machined notch, to either a constant load or displacement at the loading points during exposure to a
chemically aggressive environment. The objective is to quantify the conditions under which environmentally-
assisted crack extension can occur in terms of the threshold stress intensity for stress corrosion cracking,
KISCC, and the kinetics of crack propagation.

4.3 The empirical data can be used for design or life prediction purposes in order to ensure either that the
stresses within large structures are insufficient to promote the initiation of environmentally-assisted cracking at
whatever pre-existing defects may be present or that the amount of crack growth which would occur within the
design life or inspection periods can be tolerated without the risk of unstable failure.

4.4 Stress corrosion cracking is influenced by both mechanical and electrochemical driving forces. The
latter can vary with crack depth, opening or shape because of variations in crack-tip chemistry and electrode
potential and may not be uniquely described by the fracture mechanics stress intensity factor.

4.5 The mechanical driving force includes both applied and residual stresses. The possible influence of the
latter shall be considered in both laboratory testing and the application to more complex geometries.
Gradients in residual stress in a specimen may result in non-uniform crack growth along the crack front.

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ISO 7539-6:2003(E)

5 Specimens

5.1 General

5.1.1 A wide range of standard specimen geometries of the type used in fracture toughness tests may be
applied. The particular type of specimen used will be dependent upon the form, the strength and the
susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking of the material to be tested and also on the objective of the test.

5.1.2 A basic requirement is that the dimensions be sufficient to maintain predominantly triaxial (plane
strain) conditions in which plastic deformation is limited in the vicinity of the crack tip. Experience with fracture
toughness testing has shown that for a valid KIc measurement, both the crack length, a, and the thickness, B,
shall not be less than

 K 
2,5  Ic 
 R p0,2 
 

and that, where possible, larger specimens where both a and B are at least

 K 
4  Ic 
 R p0,2 
 

shall be used to ensure adequate constraint.

From the view of fracture mechanics, a minimum thickness from which an invariant value of KISCC is obtained
cannot be specified at this time. The presence of an aggressive environment during stress corrosion may
reduce the extent of plasticity associated with fracture and hence the specimen dimensions needed to limit
plastic deformation. However, in order to minimize the risk of inadequate constraint, it is recommended that
similar criteria to those used during fracture toughness testing should also be used regarding specimen
dimensions, i.e. both a and B shall be not less than

 KI 
2,5  
 R p0,2 
 

and preferably should be not less than

 KI 
4 
 R p0,2 
 

where KI is the stress intensity to be applied during testing.

The threshold stress intensity value eventually determined should be substituted for KI in the first of these
expressions as a test for its validity.

5.1.3 If the specimens are to be used for the determination of KISCC, the initial specimen size should be
based on an estimate of the KISCC of the material (in the first instance, it being better to over-estimate the
KISCC value and therefore use a larger specimen than may eventually be found necessary). Where the service
application involves the use of material of insufficient thickness to satisfy the conditions for validity, it is
permissible to test specimens of similar thickness, provided that it is clearly stated that the threshold intensity
value obtained, KQSCC, is of relevance only to that specific application. Where determining stress corrosion
crack growth behaviour as a function of stress intensity is required, the specimen size shall be based on an
estimate of the highest stress intensity at which crack growth rates are to be measured.

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5.1.4 Two basic types of specimen can be used

a) those intended for testing under constant displacement, which are invariably self-loaded by means of
built-in loading bolts;

b) those intended for testing under constant load, for which an external means of load application is required.

5.1.5 Constant displacement specimens, being self-loaded, have the advantage of economy in use since no
external stressing equipment is required. Their compact dimensions also facilitate exposure to operating
service environments. They can be used for the determination of KISCC by the initiation of stress corrosion
cracks from the fatigue pre-crack, in which case a series of specimens must be used to pin-point the threshold
value, or by the arrest of a propagating crack since under constant displacement testing conditions the stress
intensity decreases progressively as crack propagation occurs. In this case a single specimen will suffice in
principle, but in practice the use of several specimens (not less than 3) is often recommended, taking into
account the disadvantages described in 5.1.6.

5.1.6 The disadvantages of constant displacement specimens are

a) applied loads can only be measured indirectly by displacement changes;

b) oxide formation or corrosion products can either wedge open the crack surfaces, thus changing the
applied displacement and load, or can block the crack mouth, thus preventing the ingress of corrodent
and impairing the accuracy of crack length measurements by electrical resistance methods;

c) crack branching, blunting or growth out of plane can invalidate crack arrest data;

d) crack arrest must be defined by crack growth below some arbitrary rate which can be difficult to measure

e) elastic relaxation of the loading system during crack growth can cause increased displacement and
higher loads than expected;

f) plastic relaxation due to time-dependent processes within the specimen can cause lower loads than

g) it is sometimes impossible to introduce the test environment prior to application of the load, which can
retard crack initiation during subsequent testing.

5.1.7 Constant load specimens have the advantage that stress parameters can be quantified with
confidence. Since crack growth results in increasing crack opening, there is less likelihood that oxide films will
either block the crack or wedge it open. Crack length measurements can be readily made via a number of
continuous monitoring methods. A wide choice of constant load specimen geometries is available to suit the
form of the test material, the experimental facilities available and the objectives of the test. This means that
crack growth can be studied under either bend or tension loading conditions. The specimens can be used for
either the determination of KISCC by the initiation of a stress corrosion crack from a pre-existing fatigue crack
using a series of specimens, or for measurements of crack growth rates. Constant load specimens can be
loaded during exposure to the test environment in order to avoid the risk of unnecessary incubation periods.

5.1.8 The principal disadvantage of constant load specimens is the expense and bulk associated with the
need for an external loading system. Bend specimens can be tested in relatively simple cantilever beam
equipment, but specimens subjected to tension loading require constant load creep rupture or similar testing
machines. In this case, the expense can be minimized by testing chains of specimens connected by loading
links which are designed to prevent unloading on the failure of specimens. The size of these loading systems
means that it is difficult to test constant load specimens under operating conditions, but they can be tested in
environments bled off from operating systems.

5.2 Specimen design

5.2.1 Figure 1 shows some of the pre-cracked specimen geometries which are used for stress corrosion

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NOTE Stress intensity factor coefficients for the specimens shown above are available in the published literature.

Figure 1 — Pre-cracked specimen geometries for stress corrosion testing

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