A. Caves B. Lean To Shelters C. Arboreal Shelters: 1. Pre-Hispanic Era
A. Caves B. Lean To Shelters C. Arboreal Shelters: 1. Pre-Hispanic Era
A. Caves B. Lean To Shelters C. Arboreal Shelters: 1. Pre-Hispanic Era
Aligang – smaller and rested on the topof a tree 18-24 meters from
the ground safe guard from night time ambush
Pleistocene People – earliest dwellers in PH, Iced age, Theory of
land/tulay na lupa Small hut- of bamboo and thatch built on the ground for day abode
1. Tabon Cave
- Largest
- Ph’s “cradle of civilizations” Rice Terraces – Prehistoric Megastructure
- Lipuun Point, N Quezon, Palawan
- Philippine Tabon Megapode/Scrufowl bird - Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordillera (Nat’l Treasure)
- Complex of 29 explored caves (7 public) Tabon cave, - Carved into the mountains
Diwata Cave, Igang cave, and Liyang Cave. - Testament to modern engineering
- Dwelt 30,000 years ago - Up to 6 meters high
- Tabon man discovered - Stone walls
- Managed by Nat’l museum - Exceeded the amount of stones of Egypt pyramids and
- 2011 Feb. National Cultural treasure Great wall of China
- Protected by Republic Act No. 10066
Manunggul Jar – burial jar from Neolithic burial site in Manunggul
cave in Tabon Caves 3 Basic Elements
Datag – basic sleeping platform Pumpudungan – property marker. A marker that is intended to
identify the limit of one’s property, especially in a rice field.
Angono Petroglyphs – petro (stone) Glyoh (illustration)
Inado – vegetable mulch mounds. An earthen mound intended for
- Oldest known work of art in PH, Province of Rizal cultivating vegetables.
- 127 Human & Animal figures 3000BC
Banong – dike/pond-field rim. The topmost part of the retaining wall
(topeng) that is relatively flat and used both as a pathwalk and water
confinement at the pond-field.
3. Callao Cave
- Callao man – fossilized remains discovered in Callao cave, Topeng – stone retaining wall. Quarried angular broken stones laid
Penablanca Cagayan in a slight angle, one above the other, to serve as terrace walling.
- 2007, found 61mm metatarsals 67,000 yrs.old by Armand
Salvador Mijares Lobong – water. The irrigated water from the forest, naturally
distributed to every rice field to foster rice growth.
Luyo – worked pond-field soil. The soil that is ploughed, planted with
rice, and provided with proper water irrigation.
B. Lean-to Shelters
Haguntal- hard earth fill. Earth soil with pisces of crushed stones or
- Ephemeral Architecture (one of the first artifacts created rocks that serve as pond-field soil bedding.
by humans
- Temporary shelters Adog – rough gravel fill. Small pieces of rock or gravel that work both
- Demountable (they carry their shelter, don’t need a support for the terrace stone walling and the artificial pond-field.
permanent shelter)
Gonad- foundation stone. Huge boulders that serve as foundation of
- Nomads
the terraces
- Windbreak (lean to) windscreen, or windshield, wind-sun
and rain screen anchored by pole/stick Áhbubul – submerged water source. The natural source of water for
- PINANAHANG – lean to of Agta People from Pampanga the pond pond-field coming from the ground.
and Zambales made out of grass and bamboo
Ánul – drainage conduit. An artificial stone conduit for distributing
Lean-to Shelters and draining excess water constructed based on the natural
topography of the land.
1. Hawong - Pinatubo Aeta, with ridge pole supported by
forked stakes or limbs Gangal – course fill/small stones. The space in a stonewalled terrace
2. Panahang – Agta & Casiguran damages Aetas from Aurora composed of small, broken stones laid directly on the hill’s bedrock.
Áldoh – second-course walling stone. The second layer of stones of Three layered structure:
the terrace terraces resting above the “gonad “or foundation stones.
1. Bubungan- warm air rises and exits through the shingles
Doplah – bedrock/original valley-floor earth 2. Sala – main multi-purpose living space used for sleeping,
eating, entertaining and working
3. Silong – storage area, domestic animals
“Vernaculus”- domestic, native, indigenous Walls – Sawali & Bamboo
- Folk, indigenous tribal, ethnic and traditional architecture Frame – Wood & bamboo
- Architecture based on local needs, construction materials
and reflecting local traditions
- Rearranging the environment, it becomes architecture
- Protection from animals, tribe and natural calamities Balai/Bahay
- Demonstrates the achievements and limitations of early
Archetypal Tropical Characteristics
- Utilizing technologies learned only through tradition 1. Elevated living floor
- Addresses the most common of structural problems with 2. Buoyant Rectangular volume
simplicity and logical arrangement of elements. 3. Raised pile foundation
4. Voluminous thatched roof
5 principal features:
- Botanic building materials :
1. The builders, whether artisans or those who are planning Timber
to live in the buildings, are non-professional architect or Bamboo
engineer Thatch
2. There is consonant adaptation, using natural materials, to Fibers
the geographical
Construction techniques:
- Ifugao
- Bontoc
- Ibaloi
- Kankanay
- Sulu 14th Century
- Islam in Mindanao, 15th century Forts and Royal Residence
- Religion Congregational worship
- Permanent and separate Architecture - Early Filipinos constructed forts or KOTA
- “TWAHID” means unity of Allah - A fortified settlement bordered by a palisade, which series
of long strong timber stakes pointed at the top and set
Philippine Mosque close to each other to form a defense wall
- Naga and Pako Rabong are alternately placed on the Yakan Houses:
section of the house to symbolically capture the sun’s
energy - Yakan lives in the mountainous interior of Basilan island
- Houses individually owned and occupied by one family.
- Clustered around Langgal
Gibon /Paga – room for datu’s daughter 3. Pantan/simpey – porch – for clothes
Lamin or tower built atop the house hiding the sultan’s
Samal Houses:
Tausug Houses:
Badjao Houses:
- Tausug means “People of the current/taong dagat or alon”
- 2nd largest group of Muslim Filipinos and foremost - Sea gypsies from Zamboanga, Basilan, Jolo provinces,
indigenous people of Sulu archipelago Tawi- tawi and Palawan
- Samal Luwaan (outcast)
Tau gimba – Inland community - Sama Dilaut (people of the ocean)
- Boat house use their shelters as a means of Travel
Tau Higad – shoreline community - Whether Nomadic or settled
- Badjao boats vary in length and depending on the
Mangingita or Imam – will choose the luckiest site
economic status of the owner
- When all children have left, the old man of the house is
Expected to marry again or attempt to join another boat
- The death of the family head transform the boat into a
coffin, making a symbolic mortuary piece to transport to
dimension of afterlife
- South Cotabato
- Home for the
extended family
ranganing 8- 16
- Contrusted with Bamboo Stilts 2 meters in heightfrom the
- Addition post on side
3 Interior Spaces:
1. Area of Honor
2. Sleeping Area
3. Vestibule