Bahay Na Bato
Bahay Na Bato
Bahay Na Bato
The 19th century townhouse, called bahay na bato, was a product of economic and social
developments, as well as architectural evolution. With the opening of Manila to international
trade in 1834 and the opening of the Suez Canal in 1869, trade and agricultural production rose
to exhilarating heights and increased the fortunes of the native aristocracy, particularly in the
provinces. Wealth became the passport to higher education not only in Manila but also in
Europe. The elite or principalia included landowners and traders, as well as professionals
physicians and accountantsand the highly educated, cosmopolitan illustrado (literally,
enlightened). The lifestyle and aspirations, and even pretensions of the upper class demanded a
new type of dwellingspacious, durable, comfortable, impressive, noble, and elegantthe
bahay na bato.
Several house forms contributed to the emergence of the bahay na bato. One of its ancestors is
the nipa hut or bahay kubo, which in itself might not have been a worthy dwelling for the
illustrado, but whose principles of design were too practical to be ignored. The steep hip roof,
elevated quarters, post-and-lintel construction, and maximized ventilation are features of the
bahay kubo that appear in grand style in the bahay na bato. A second ancestor may have been
the native chieftains house described by Antonio Morga in the 17th century, which was
elevated, sturdily built of timber, well-furnished, and spacious, having many rooms. A third
influence may have also been the houses of the Spanish residents of Intramuros, which
combined native and the foreign styles of building in their two-storey houses with wooden
posts and beams, stone walls around the ground floor, and timber construction above. Finally,
another model for the bahay na bato may have been the convento, rectory or monastery, built
adjacent to the mission church, an authoritative presence in the center of the town which must
have antedated the bahay na bato. Extravagantly spacious and solidly built, it could have
become the local standard for grandeur.
In general, the bahay na bato may be described as a house with wooden legs and a stone skirt,
a style of construction which makes the house a sure survivor of earthquakes. The wooden
frame gives it both flexibility and stability, while the one-storey high stone wall is less likely to
collapse. Large wooden posts are sunk into the ground but stand high enough to carry the roof.
The posts are independent of both stone wall below and wooden walls above. Because they are
of exceptionally precious hardwood, they are worth displaying.
In short, the nipa hut or bahay kubo gave way to the Bahay na bato (stone house) and became
the typical house of noble Filipinos. The Bahay na bato, the colonial Filipino house, followed the
nipa hut's arrangements such as open ventilation and elevated apartments. The most obvious
difference between the two houses would be the materials that were used to build them.
The Bahay Na Bato, literally house of stone is the Colonial Filipino Noble House. The
architecture is a mixture of native Filipino, Spanish and Chinese influences. Excellent preserved
examples of these houses of the illustrious Filipinos can be admired in Vigan, Ilocos Sur. In Taal,
Batangas, the main street is also lined with examples of the traditional Filipino homes.
The bahay na bato represents the apex in the development of indigenous Filipino architecture,
because its expands the prototypal structure of the ethnic house from a one-room dwelling to a
multi-roomed house of grand scale, while preserving the basic features, and because it adapts
Western architectural influences to form a synthesis of native and immigrant art. The bahay na
bato is a product of economic progress and cultural adaptation, and as such is a symbol of the
affluent Westernized Filipino. It stands as a reminder of the social situation which has not
significantly changed even with the introduction of democracy, public education, and free
Spaces inside the Bahay na Bato
The living quarters are elevated and are reached through an interior stairway located in
the zaguan on the ground floor. The zaguan with its naked stonework is a grim entrance hall
but with its abundant space is the perfect storeroom for just about everything. The stairs are
not only a means of access but also the setting for a stately arrival. A surrounding balustrade
detached from the wall provides room all around for welcoming committee and prolonged
The stairs, on the other hand, lead up to the caida or upper entrance hall. Opening to
the caida is the sala or living room. Bedrooms flank the sala and nearby are the dining room. At
the rear of the house are the kitchen and next to it, the open-air azotea. Running along the
front and sides of the house and flanking the major rooms is the volada, a gallery which
protects the rooms from the heat of the sun. Along the volada is an elaborate system of
windows. The broad, massive window sill is grooved and holds two to three sets of sliding
shutters: a set of wooden louvers or jalousies, a set of capiz or oyster shell shutters, and
occasionally, a set of glass-paned shutters. Between the window sill and the floor runs
the ventanilla, with sliding wooden shutters and wooden balustrades or iron grills. Wide double
doors are flung open to join each room to adjacent rooms. With all doors open, the house
becomes one big hall. The interior of the bahay na bato is a striking example of a space
surrounded by space. Running above the partitions are panels of wooden fretwork, which allow
the air within the house to circulate.
Spaces by Definition
ZAGUAN - a passageway leading from the entrance door to the central patio
in houses
CUADRA - stable
BODEGA storage room
ENTRESUELO mezzanine, low or partial story that is just above the ground
floor; entresol, balcony for workers
ESCALERA - Staircase
ALJIBE - Water well is an excavation or structure created in the ground by
digging, driving, boring, or drilling to access groundwater in underground
Bao Toilet and Bath
COMUN / LATRINA Comfort room
CAIDA - anteroom
SALA living area
COMEDOR dining area
COCINA Kitchen area
BANGGUERA place for drying pots
DESPACHO office room
CUARTO bed room
AZOTEA - balcony