Chapter 1 F

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Chapter 1



The rise in the use of the internet has led to many changes in our daily life. In

particular, this rise has also led to the rise of online gaming. Online gaming can refer to

any type of game that someone can play through the internet or over a computer

network. Most of the time, online gaming refers to the video games played over the

internet, where multiple players are in different locations around the world. In most

cases, online games are freeware programs that can be used for an unlimited time and

are available for free. Most percentage of web games available nowadays is written in

Flash, Shockwave and Java languages. Because of that, they feature more primitive

game play than downloadable games.

Having an online gaming experience typically requires a high-speed internet

connection. Proper hardware will also be required whether it’s a computer or a gaming

console, such as Xbox or Play station that’s connected to the internet. Some online

games require a specific piece of controlling hardware such as a joystick or a game

controller, but these days, gaming technology has progressed to an amazing extent.

Things like streaming 3-D animation graphics with superb surround sound stereo now

have the ability to make all addicted to gaming. In terms of video games, online gaming

is growing in popularity for variety of reasons. Gamers can easily find opponents of a

similar skill level when playing a head-to-head game over the internet. Players also can

compete in massively multiplayer games, where dozens of players play an ongoing

game in a virtual world. Some online games change a monthly fee for access to the

online game software.


Today, one can see the impact of computer and video games in politics, television,

popular music and Hollywood-online game is the most sought leisure activity followed

by kids nowadays. Days are gone when children loved to indulge in outdoor activities,

rather than running or playing outside, children spend most of their time playing online

games. Online games surely have an impact on minds of kids. Taking into

consideration, it is positively a great mind exercise and helps kids explore many new

things. It includes improvement in recursive and proactive thinking, increased sociability

and improved interpretive skills. Everyone who plays video games has a different

reason for playing, and the usage of the game leads to different effects for each

individual. Childhood upbringings, peer influences, pressures at school and family

issues are all factors that have a strong connection with the effects of gaming on


Setting of the Study

This study was conducted their study at Philippine Best Training System Tagpos,

Binangonan, Rizal.

Geographically, the school was located at Baranggay Tagpos, Binangonan,


This school starts at the school year 1984. By the year 2016, the K-12

Curriculum was implemented.


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to know the impacts of online gaming among the grade 8 and

grade 9 students in PBTS Tagpos.

1. Online games commonly played

2. Length of time most of the respondents playing online games (in terms of


3. Length of time most of the respondents playing online games in a week (in terms

of hour)

4. Amount of money the respondents spend for online gaming (per day)

5. How does online games tend to make you feel?

6. Did you gain friends through online games?

7. Have you learned anything from gaming?

8. Do you feel that gaming has affected your life in a way that is more positive,

negative, or neither?

Scope and Limitations of the studies

The study is aimed to determine The Pros and Cons of Online gaming to Grade

8 and Grade 9 students of PBTS Tagpos during School Year 2019-2020. This study

was mainly concerned and limited only with impacts of online gaming among the

Grade 8 and Grade 9 students of PBTS Tagpos. They were described in terms of

name, gender, and grade level.


Hypothesis of the Study

The study tested the null hypothesis stating that:

1. Online gaming helps students to find their leisure and entertainment.

2. It can encourage perseverance.

3. It can affect the student’s performance and behavior in their school.

4. Certain online games can instill the wrong values to the students.

5. Online gaming trains the brain to take decision without losing their precision.

Significance of the Study

This study will be valuable and significant to students, parents, readers and future


• Administrations. This study will help the administrations to inform what are the

pros and cons of online gaming to their students.

• Students. This study is primarily important to students, for it will give them

information about the impacts they may get from online gaming.

• Parent. This study will help the parents to have enough knowledge about the

impacts of online gaming among their children.

• Readers. This study will help the readers to have the understanding about the

impact of online gaming.

• Future Researchers. This may serve as a basis for future research that they will


Definition of Terms

For clearer understanding of the work, the following terms were defined as: 

Advantage. A benefit or gain.

Disadvantage. Something that makes a situation worse or that makes

somebody or something less effective or desirable.

Impact. The powerful or dramatic effect that something or somebody has

Internet. An electronic communication network that connects computer

network and organizational computer facilities around the world.

Online game. Game that can be run from an internet browser and requires

the internet connection.

Technology. The practical application of knowledge especially in a particular


Pros and Cons. is often used to weigh the positive and negative side that

would result from taking a particular course of action which consider carefully

so that you can make a sensible decision.


Chapter 2


This chapter discussed pertinent information about the study, this information are

in the form of literature from foreign and local authors. Similarly, studies with bearing on

the topic will also be presented to give light on the topic that will be investigated.

Foreign Literature

As computer and Internet use become a staple of everyday life, the potential for

overuse is introduced, which may lead to addiction. Research on Internet addiction has

shown that users can become addicted to it. Addiction to the Internet shares some of

the negative aspects of substance addiction and has been shown to lead to

consequences such as failing school, family, and relationship problems. Addiction to

these internet websites became a problem once it starts to affect their daily life. A s o f

today, most people relate online games to low academic

performance. Through the years, studies have yielded different results.

According to Pamaoukaghion (2010) Social Network Addiction was first known

as a psychological disorder around the world, also internet addiction lead to social

network addiction. According to Pamaoukaghion (2010) Facebook is one of the most

famous visited social network website. There are many levels of social network

addiction, some of the levels are for emotional low self-confidence, and scared to be

exposed personally. People with low self-esteem are most likely to fall into social

network addiction because of the unstable social expose with people in person.

Online games are widely diffused video games attracting millions of players all

around the world. Online games have deeply embedded in the daily lives of gamers,

which raises a problem about the consequences of indulging in the game world. The

popularity of online games has fueled controversial discussion on the effects of game-

play. Online games have been criticized for many reasons, one being the possibility of

causing game addiction, so that players become completely absorbed in game-play and

continue to play games even though they might feel exhausted (Rau, Peng, & Yang,


Griffiths and Hunt (1998) pointed out that both parents and professionals

believed that children's addiction to video games may disturb their normal learning,

cognition, socialization and mental development. Nardi and Harris (2006) analyzed

collaborative game-play and found that online games promoted offline social

connections by stimulating collective activities.

The third-person effect refers to people's tendency to assume that media content

has a stronger effect on others than on themselves (Davison, 1983). According to

Gunther (1995), the third-person effect has two components.

The first suggests that people are prone to view themselves as distinct from others,

or as smarter than others, and as a result tend to estimate that they are more resistant

to media effects than others. The second component proposes that, based on their

perceptual bias, people may hold different attitudes toward endorsing censorship on the


According to Cheever (2009), there are five signs that may signal one has type

of social network addiction. 1.) when one is sleeping late at night spending time on

social networks, 2) when a person spends more than an hour in online games, 3) when

one disregards work including school work, 4) and also being stressed when you start

your day without even using social networks. One of the most popular signs that you are

really became addicted in social network is when you start to break your schedule and

focuses your mind only in social networks. Although this information may find totally

normal to some people or may sound alarming to their daily living.

According to Hardie, E (2007), high internet use was related to high levels of

emotional loneliness, but low levels of social loneliness”. What this means is people

who suffers from emotional distress tend to be addicted in social networks because

these sites serve as a great connection between people. In the primary research

conducted for this Literature Review in February 2011 a survey, some of the results

where that many students see Social Network Addiction as an interest nowadays. They

see Social Networking as a hobby, they add that people should learn to control and limit


Finally Cheever (2007) states that Social Network Addiction is a psychological

disorder, where in almost all around the world people reaches internet access. It is

known that internet addiction leads to social network addiction. The signs of social

network addiction are very easy to recognize but the person that is affected by the

addiction is the one that notices it the first time but does not seem to pay attention to it

since they do not identify internet use as a psychological disorder. The people that are

affected by this addiction are mostly the ones that have social insecurities, but also the

other people see it as a hobby, but in reality, they are being affected by the

psychological disorder.

Some solutions of social networking are to be able to do physical activities: like

going out with friends, family, playing sports, or just to spending more quality time with

family. One recommendation is to be able to control oneself, in the survey conducted in

February 2011 many students added at the end of the survey that one strategy to

control their addiction to social network websites is to manage their time and create a

schedule or set a strict time schedule. Social network addictions are growing more and

more as technology keeps progressing.


An empirical model of player motivations in online games provides the

foundation to understand and assess how players differ from one another and how

motivations of play relate to age, gender, usage patterns, and in-game behaviors. In the

current study, a factor analytic approach was used to create an empirical model of

player motivations. The analysis revealed 10 motivation subcomponents that grouped

into three overarching components (achievement, social, and immersion). Relationships

between motivations and demographic variables (age, gender, and usage patterns) are

also presented (Yee, 2007).


Foreign Studies

According to Anderson and Dill (2000), there is a negative

correlation between the two. Thus, meaning that there is no relation between the

number of hours played by a player and his grades. At times, the students defend

the games they are playing by saying that they do learn something from it. A paper

from EDUCAUSE backs these students up by suggesting that the faculty learn

and know about these games so as to help students in in class learning experience

(Hitch and Duncan, 2005). Furthermore, another paper claims that these games

are not just for entertainment (Shaffer, Squire, Halverson, & Gee, 2005).

They claim that these games may be used to learn and experience

different things and interact with other people and belong to a virtual community.

Related Literature (Foreign) Online games have both positive and negative

effects on people, especially students. One of the negatives is this. Many cases

among students are addiction. And this addiction may lead to worse problems. The

students might steal money. They may become lazy when it comes to studying

and prefer playing the whole day long. Some may even skip school in order to have

more playing time.


Video game addiction is defined as impulse control disorder, which does not

involve use of an intoxicating drug and is similar to pathological gambling. Also, it is also

referred to video game overuse, pathological or compulsive use of computer games and

videogames (Greenfield & Young, 2009). A number of studies have examined the role

of personality factors, comorbidity factors, and biological factors, and their association

with online gaming addiction. In relation to personality traits, gaming addiction has been

shown to be associated with neuroticism, aggression and hostility, avoidant and

schizoid interpersonal tendencies, loneliness and introversion, social inhibition,

boredom inclination, sensation seeking, diminished agreeableness, diminished self‐

control and narcissistic personality traits, low self‐esteem, state and trait anxiety, and

low emotional intelligence (Griffiths et al., 2012). Considering the relatively high

frequency of co‐occurring personality, comorbidity, and biological factors, it is hard to

assess the etiological significance of these associations with online gaming addiction as

they may not be unique to the disorder and further research is needed. Research has

also shown online gaming addiction to be associated with a variety of comorbid

disorders. These include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, symptoms of

generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, depression, social phobia, school phobia,

and various psychosomatic symptoms (Griffiths et al., 2012).


Local Studies

According to the study of "Mixed Up E-games", (Michael Detablan., et. al, ACLC

Taguig October 2013) the project has different categories: different shapes, math

games, coloring games, typing games and more. By creating various games that are

fun yet educational, kids can learn skills like problem-solving and boosting creativity so

they'll have advance learning before they go to school. Parents also benefit from it since

they don't have to persuade their children to learn new things. By letting the kids play

educational games, they will be able to acquire new skills or improve what they already


A software game "Traffic Jam 2" created by eSoft Interactive, a Philippine-based

software company established on April 2001 and specializes in game development for

various platforms, is also a casual-mind game. The goal is to get the yellow Beetle out

of the traffic jam by moving vehicles out of its way. There are lots of puzzles to breeze

through and compare time records to friends to know who are the quickest in solving

traffic jams.

Local Literature

According to an article TJD, GMA News, Game Development Industry in the Philippines

is booming. It has lot of potential in generating jobs because right now, we have few

professionals related to gaming and information technology. This is in comparison to other

competitors from other countries such as China, Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam as stated

also by an executive from Vietnam, who said they had 10,000 game developers. If we are to

compete with other countries, it would make a big impact if game development starts at schools

or earlier if possible so that companies that develop games could hire highly skilled team for the


According to the article, "The measure of man 'Gamification' is how we'll live—and work

—in the future" (TJD GMA News, 27 Jan 2014), is about how games and gaming mechanics

could affect how business run in the future. People no longer get motivated by earning money

alone, especially new generations who seek more meaning in their working lives. According to

PHD, some one billion people spend at least one hour every day playing computer and video

games, even as seven billion hours by one billion gamers is up for grabs in the “Engagement

Economy.” Gaming has the ability to create numerous audiences thus increase market and


According to the article "The gamification of education Why playing is the future of

learning" by Michael Logarta (June 11, 2014), students can benefit more in gamification of

education rather than using traditional way of educating students. Gamification means using

game mechanics to make teaching more interesting, motivating, casual and fun for students. So

instead of restricting them from playing games, why not use certain games that can increase

their knowledge, memorization and skills. Also, if lessons are given in a game-like manner,

students would tend to remember it more than lectures that are stated in a news-like manner.


The Awareness in Hiring Process of the Company for the Future Applicants

Sy 2019-2020

Name: _______________________ Age: __ Sex: __ Grade & Section: _____________

Direction: Please encircle the corresponding answer

1. Do you know what is online game?

a. Yes b. No
2. Have you played an online game before?
a. Yes b. No
3. Do you think it can affect your life in all aspects?
a. Yes b. No
4. For you, does online games helps you to improve in terms of your studies?
a. Yes b. No
5. How much time do you prefer on playing?
a. 1hour b. More than 1hour c. Less than 1hour
6. What online game/s do you most prefer to play?
a. ML b. ROS c. PUBG d. all of the above
e. other please specify: ___________
7. Do you spend money in online gaming?
a. Yes b. No

8. Did you gain friends in online gaming?

a. Yes b. No

9. Have you learned anything from gaming?

a. Yes b. No

10. Do you feel that gaming has affected your life in a way that is more positive or
a. Positive b. Negative c. Both

Interpretation of Gathered Data

Yes No

Question no.1: Do you know what is online gaming?

On Question #1, 53 respondent’s Grade 8 and 9 were asked. ’Do you know what
is online gaming’ 53 out of 53 answered yes, 0 out of 53 answered no, with the total of

Interpretation of Gathered Data

Yes No

Question no.2: Have you played an online game before?

On Question #2, 53 respondent’s Grade 8 and 9 were asked ‘Have you played
an online game before?’ 51 out of 53 answered yes, 2 out of 53 answered no, with the
total of 100%.

Interpretation of Gathered Data

Yes No

Question no.3: Do you think it can affect your life in all aspects?

On Question #3, 53 respondent’s Grade 8 and 9 were asked ‘Do you think it can
affect your life in all aspects?’ 22 out of 53 answered yes, 31 out of 53 answered no,
with the total of 100%.

Interpretation of Gathered Data

Yes No

Question no.4: For you, does online games helps you to improve in terms of your

On Question #4, 53 respondent’s Grade 8 and 9 were asked ‘For you, does
online games helps you to improve in terms of your studies’ 7 out of 53 answered yes,
46 out of 53 answered no, with the total of 100%.

Interpretation of Gathered Data

All of the above Others please specify

Question no. 5: What online game/s do you most prefer to play?

On Question #5, 53 respondent’s Grade 8 and 9 were asked ‘What online

game/s do you most prefer to play?’ 30 out of 53 answered ml, 3 out of 53 answered
ros, 0 out of 53 answered pubg, 11 out of 53 answered all of the above, 9 out of 53
answered others, with the total of 100%.

Interpretation of Gathered Data

1 hour Less than 1 hour More than 1 hour

Question no.6: How much time do you spend on playing?

On Question #6, 53 respondent’s Grade 8 and 9 were asked ‘How much time do
you spend on playing?’ 15 out of 53 answered 1 hour, 24 out of 53 answered less than
1 hour, 14 out of 53 answered more than 1 hour, with the total of 100%.

Interpretation of Gathered Data

Yes No

Question n.7: Do you spend money on online gaming?

On Question #7, 53 respondent’s Grade 8 and 9 were asked ‘Do you spend
money on online gaming?’ 30 out of 53 answered yes, 23 out of 53 answered no, with
the total of 100%.

Interpretation of Gathered Data

Yes No

Question no.8: Did you gain friends through online gaming?

On Question #8, 53 respondent’s Grade 8 and 9 were asked ‘Did you gain
friends through online gaming?’ 41 out of 53 answered yes, 12 out of 53 answered no,
with the total of 100%.

Interpretation of Gathered Data

Yes No

Question no.9: Have you learned anything from gaming?

On Question #9, 53 respondent’s Grade 8 and 9 were asked ‘Have you learned
anything from gaming?’ 34 out of 53 answered yes, 19 out 53 answered no, with the
total of 100%.

Interpretation of Gathered Data

Positive Negative Both

Question no.10: Do you feel that gaming has affected your life in a way that is
more positive or negative?

On Question #10, 53 respondent’s Grade 8 and 9 were asked ‘Do you feel that
gaming has affected your life in a way that is more positive or negative?’ 9 out of 53
answered yes, 6 out of 53 answered no, 38 out of 53 answered both, with the total of

Chapter 3



Positive effects of Online Gaming

It may be astonishing for somebody to hear that online games may have a positive

impact on Grade 8 & 9 Students. That depends mostly on the type of games students

prefer to play. There are games that only encourage development and improve

cognitive operations. Playing them students get a number of benefits even not realizing

actually that it happens.

1. Motivation

It is not surprising to hear the words of a mother: “First, do your homework, then,

you can play on the computer!”. Though it concerns school children usually, the

situation with college students does not differ greatly. There might not be a mum

saying that, but a desire to play results in the necessity to cope with assignments

faster. Consequently, games motivate students to complete their task quicker.


2. Enables activity of the brain

One of the greatest benefits regarding online games is connected with the brain

development. In comparison with gambling, there are online games like

strategies, adventures, puzzles that stimulate brain activity and allow gaining

very important for life skills without putting much effort. They are:

 Hand and eye coordination, improved motor skills;

Such games like simulations, for example, require great visual-spatial ability

and hand and eye coordination to achieve the desired goal. Constant

practices improve these skills greatly.

 Memory;

Some games require storing some information, memorizing maps, rules,

routes and it develops memory.

 Math and reading skills;

A necessity to read the rules, messages, explanations teach students to be

attentive and grasp the content immediately. Some games require excellent

quantitative analysis to be able to win, so it is useful for improving math skills.

 Quick thinking and decision making;

To be able to win a game it is not only important to make a right decision but

also do that quickly to speed up your competitors. As a result, players learn to

make right decisions 25% faster, be accurate, test different hypotheses to find

a right solution.

 Concentration;

You can become a winner only when you concentrate on the gameplay.

Children concentrate on the hints and game texts so they start recognizing

written texts in studying better too.


3. Improving problem-solving skills

Most of the modern online games have a strategy that must be recognized by the

player to win a game. Making one or another step player solve puzzles, look for

way outs, try different approaches to continue their progress. Such various

strategies develop students’ problem-solving skills.

4. Experimenting with aspects of individual identity

In games, every person can try on a variety of roles. You can be a negative

character or a hero who saves the world. Such possibilities help to open new

features of your character and realize in what direction you would like to develop.

5. Bringing up perseverance, accuracy, and logic

To become a winner you should try to go through one or another level for several

times until you learn all the secrets and hints for its successful completion. Such

numerous repetitions bring up perseverance and accuracy in attempts. If you do

not act logically and accurately, your efforts will never bring about desirable


6. Development of teamwork and cooperation skills

Many modern online games can be played in pairs, groups, teams. Connected

via the Internet players can communicate with each other to act together and

achieve desirable results. These games teach to work in teams and be important

team players.

Negative effects of Online Gaming

Of course, many people do not desire to admit that playing online games may

bring about some positive effect as negative consequences seem to them more

apparent and serious. It goes without saying that spending too much time playing

online will make a negative impact on a student and usually it can result in:

1. Lack of time for more important activities like studying or outdoor games

When students dedicate much time to play game so they do not have time for

other activities. Even college assignments lose priority if an important battle is

planned in the evening. That results in poor grades and academic problems.

Moreover, such students do not go for a walk and exhaust their organisms sitting

in front of the screen.

2. Addiction

One of the most serious problems connected with online games is an addiction.

People become obsessed with the virtual world, lose a sense of reality and

spend all their time on playing. Most often it concerns gambling, online casinos

but simulations and other games may be dangerous too. If a person can be

easily influenced, the probability of him to get addicted is much higher.

Addiction is a serious psychological problem that requires treatment so it must be

timely detected.

3. Aggressive behavior

Many students are so influenced by games they play online that they transfer

their virtual characters into reality. They get used to solving problems as their

nasty heroes and this aggressive behavior becomes a customary thing for them.

Such bursts of aggressiveness should be eliminated immediately or they might

grow into a habit.

4. Isolation from society

The online world is an opportunity to get away from real problems and students

facing many troubles in studying find this sense of freedom in games. They

become so involved in playing that lose a sense of reality and become isolated

from society. That results in the absence of friends, inability to solve real

problems, communicate and be a member of the society.

5. Detrimental influence on health

Sitting in front of the computer, tablet or mobile screen is incredibly detrimental to

students’ health. First of all, there is a negative influence on eye-sight that is in a

constant tension. Sometimes it is necessary to wear headphones all the time, so

ears are under pressure as well. Secondly, it is the body position. A sitting or

lying position influences negatively your back, neck and if you do not change it

regularly, it may result in health troubles.



Online games are incredibly popular among students who seek new emotions in

the virtual reality. They take a big amount of their time as it is a perfect way to get rid of

stresses, exhausting assignments, and annoying roommates. However, despite the big

number of benefits brought about by online games, it is important to schedule your time

of playing or negative consequences will outweigh all the benefits greatly.


 Consider the age and maturity of your child and the games they are asking

to play. When reviewing the ESRB ratings and content descriptors, do the

games seem to be a good fit for your child? If there are older gamers in the

home, kids will often want to play the games they see being played rather than

the ones that fit their age group. If the game being played by older kids isn’t

appropriate, they probably shouldn’t be watching when their siblings play.

 Look at the gaming device your child will play on.  Are the safety settings in

place for your child? Do they match his level of maturity and help you set

appropriate boundaries with regards to the types of games allowed, who they are

allowed to interact with, and the amount of time/times of day they can play? If

not, be sure to configure these safety settings before your child starts gaming.

 Talk to your child about appropriate gaming. This conversation is crucial as it

sets the framework for understanding and collaboration for gaming successfully.

Talk about the safety settings you have put in place, about the types of games

that are appropriate or inappropriate, about the time limitations and the

importance of having a balanced experience with online gaming, friends,

activities, and school. Let your child know that you will periodically check on their

gaming – particularly if it includes conversations with people you don’t know – to

be sure the conversations are respectful, aren’t sharing too much information,


Explain that you will help them with any problem they encounter like cyberbullying,

cheating or other inappropriate behavior by using the report abuse functionality within

the sites. Let them also know that any inappropriate behavior on their part will have

immediate consequences; spell out what the consequences will be for failing to follow

the family’s or website’s rules, so these are clear in advance of any trouble.

 Set time limits. Gaming by its very nature is compelling, with users wanting to

reach the next level, earn the next point, or find the enhancement, and it’s easy

to lose track of time. Finding the right amount of time can be a balancing act, but

some basic guidelines could be that there is no gaming until homework and

chores are done, more gaming is allowed on weekends vs. school nights, and

that 2 nights a week are technology free nights in your home. If your child’s

gaming device (console, laptop, phone or computer) is in their bedroom, it is

particularly important to have device time limits in place to help avoid the

temptation of playing after bedtime.

 Monitor the websites they visit. Since many games are played online through

a computer that isn’t catching the fact that it’s a game being played, it’s important

to review your child’s browser history to identify if game time has spread to more


 Play with them. Understand the games they’re playing and join in the fun. Not

only will this give you a great way to bond with your child, it will give you the

insight into what’s going on in the game.



After a careful and thorough evaluation of the results of the research conducted,

the following recommendations are hereby given:

1. Children should know their limitation in playing online games.

2. Children should know the consequences that they might get from too much

playing of online games.

3. Children should know that online games are not just for fun but it could also give

them the learning that they may apply in their lives.

4. Parents must guide them on choosing the most appropriate online games that

their children should play.

5. Parents must know how to limit their children in playing online games.







Address : 0688 Tuazon Compound Tayuman Binangonan Rizal

Religion : Christian

Birthday : September 26, 2003

Birthplace : Tayuman Binangonan Rizal

Father : Ronald E. Tuazon

Mother : Rosemarie B. Tuazon


Primary : Tayuman Elementary School

2010 - 2016

Secondary : PBTS Academy Inc.

2016 – 2020




Address : Rosario Paralejas Compound Darangan Binangonan Rizal

Religion : Catholic

Birthday : December 3, 2004

Birthplace : President Roxas Capiz

Father : David C. Almeron

Mother : Merlyn A. Almeron


Primary : Darangan Elementary School

2010 - 2016

Secondary : PBTS Academy Inc.

2016 – 2020




Address : 246 National Road 1940 Bilibiran Bingonan Rizal

Religion : Christian

Birthday : December 21, 2003

Birthplace : Biñan Laguna

Father : Noli D. Adena

Mother : Jovy C. Adena


Primary : PBTS Academy Inc.

2010 - 2016

Secondary : PBTS Academy Inc.

2016 – 2020




Address : L. Cenina Street Tayuman Binagonan Rizal

Religion : Catholic

Birthday : November 20, 2002

Birthplace : Angono General Hospital

Father : Reginard DC. De Leon

Mother : Rochelle P. De Leon


Primary : PBTS Academy Inc.

2010 - 2016

Secondary : PBTS Academy Inc.

2016 – 2020

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