Introduction and Background of The Study
Introduction and Background of The Study
Many studies, including the one titled “Brain battles itself over short-term rewards,
long-term goals” from Princeton University, show the human tendency to choose a
short-term reward, like mobile gaming or watching TV, over a longer term reward like
getting healthier. In these present and for the future generations, games are free to play
with optional app purchases in digital play stores. A recommendation to spend more
time playing a game is not something people often hear. Playing a mobile game and
living a healthy life are typically considered polar opposites. Roby Kurian, the CEO of Z
Axis Labs, explains, “Isle of Miles was not built simply to make fitness more fun. There
is strong behavioral science behind game mechanics that could help users become
more active, while having fun.” The features of the game include fitness badges, a
leader board, a customizable island, and visiting animals. Mobile games are games
designed for mobile devices, such as smartphones, feature phones, pocket PCs,
personal digital assistants , tablet PCs and portable media players. Mobile games range
from basic to sophisticated realistic games. Today’s mobile phones - particularly
smartphones -have a wide range of connectivity features, including infrared, Bluetooth,
Wi-Fi and 3G. These technologies facilitate wireless multi-player games with two or
more players. In this study, we would discuss knowledge about its effects. Mobile
Games are invented in the first place for good intentions like relieving stress and mind
enhancing. We want to expound more of its effects on the academic performance of the
student users. This will appraise why mobile games destructively and negatively affects.
Mobile games are time consuming which means it may be addictive, it can be a
distraction and cause of insomnia. Loss of progress in academics is one of the fall of the
negative effects of mobile games usage.
What is the extent of the advantages and disadvantages of mobile games in academic
performance in terms of the following aspects:
Significance of Study
FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This may help future researchers to emphasize and focus
on someone who uses mobile games behavior at school and how it affects their
academics and participation in class.
TEACHERS AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS. The result of this study may help
school staff to assess and evaluate their students’ behavior at school.
PARENTS. This study may also provide knowledge to guide their children. This will
serve as a warning to parents to properly control their child.
STUDENTS. The result of this study to be conducted will provide lessons and learning
for those who can’t control themselves. This will apprise the value of being academically
GUIDANCE COUNSELOR. This may help guidance counselors to be aware in the
cases of loss of focus and downfall of grades due to addiction to mobile games.
“Constructivism is the recognition that reality is a product of human intelligence
interacting with experience in the real world. As soon as you include human mental
activity in the process of knowing reality, you have accepted constructivism” Davis
Phenomenology is an approach to qualitative research that focuses on the commonality
of a lived experience within a particular group. ... Through this process the researcher
may construct the universal meaning of the event, situation or experience and arrive at
a more profound understanding of the phenomenon. In this study, we use
phenomenology as our research method because we only want to give awareness, give
more information about the positive effects and negative effects of mobile games or the
advantages and disadvantages of mobile games in academic performance.
The limit of the study is for the mobile game users of this present generation. The
research study will include senior high school students of Liceo di San Lorenzo in Santa
Maria Bulacan. The participants of the researchers will be limited only to senior high
school students that are currently enrolled as of this school year. The researchers will
be limiting their research to 70 students of Liceo di San Lorenzo. The researchers can
do a survey by giving their respondents a questionnaires
This study is all about how the researchers identify and assess the positive and
negative effects of mobile gaming to raise awareness to students, parents or guardians
and school staff. But in some many reasons where knowledge is limited, this study is
limited because of the barrier of getting data. There are barriers because we
researchers are only senior highschool students. This study will be held under school
premises because the focus of the study is students who use mobile games. This study
does not cover other types of gaming platforms. Only Mobile Games such as
applications video and 3-definition games.
The researchers conduct this research to give more knowledge and to raise awareness
to students who use mobile games that mobile games have positive and negative
effects. Mobile Games are invented in the first place for good intentions like relieving
stress and mind enhancing. The researchers want to expound more of its effects on the
academic performance of the student users. In this research study we, the researchers
want to know why mobile games are addictive to others. How it can affect their
academic performances. The significance of this study is not only to give knowledge or
awareness but also to the future researchers to give them more knowledge about this
study. The researchers choose constructivism as their theoretical perspective because
they only give knowledge about the positive and negative effects of mobile games in
academic performance. The researchers used phenomenology in their study because
they want to raise awareness and give more information or facts about their study. Also
the Limit of the study is for senior high school students of Liceo di San Lorenzo in Sta.
Maria, Bulacan. The researcher will do a survey to gather the information that they want
to know. This study does not cover any gaming platform only mobile games.
Mobile games are games you can play on the phone, it is usually downloaded from the
app store,or other mobile operator’s portal. When Mobile gaming was introduced to the
students, it automatically revealed its advantages and disadvantages especially in
education. Past researchers provided their own explanation based on their study about
the effects of mobile games.
According to Galbis-Córdoba, et al. (2017) argues that Gamification is gaining
momentum as an achievement in education to inspire and engage students in the
learning process. Nonetheless. The beliefs of students towards methodologies of
education will affect their motivation and attitude towards a given methodologies of
Another study claims that Games are one among the foremost elemental and basic of
human activities that interest people of all ages. Mobile digital games are used as a
beneficial educational tool to reinforce teaching, promote student learning, achievement,
growth, and development furthermore to cultivate students’ twenty-first century skills
(Crompton, et al. ,2018)
According to the following and different alternative that has been conducted through this
study by Anand (2007) entitled "The influence of playing video games on academic
performance among graduates of Karunya University", a massive enhancement has
been given along to it's impact on the life of today's generation has been possessed
through the given focus of the research. It provides and can go beyond the Society's
limit to socialize with the given process realizing what has been engaged. Not only
technical gadgets are the only focus, but stating that the quality time who you spend on,
can also be the case and gives you the process of sustainability.
According to Wang and Hsu (2016) states that factors explored in the study could cause
the enjoyment of mobile games on smart devices by players. Gender differences were
further measured, along with the psychological benefits of mobile games. An
experiment was conducted in a laboratory. Results revealed that the game difficulty and
previous mobile game experience exerted a major engagement impact on game
enjoyment. There was a significant difference in gender with males performing games
better, and loving them more than females. The indirect effect of game rewards on
self-esteem through enjoyment indicated that game enjoyment could be seen as a
significant mechanism that connects fulfilling gaming performance with psychological
According to Fabito, et al. (2018) claims that Mobile gaming addiction could be a
growing concern that increases the user's risk for physical and psychological health
problems. computer game addiction is an element of the so-called Internet Gaming
Disorder (IGD) and is commonly related to Gambling Addiction. In general, IGD has
been linked to a poorer academic performance of scholars in educational institutions.
However, a study conducted by Samaha and Hawi (2016) revealed that there's no
relationship between smartphone addiction risk and academic performance. This
denotes a disparity in the results of academic performance between IGD and
transportable addiction. Cyber-bullying, on the opposite hand, is additionally an ethical
concern that has affected several young adolescents and adults. Previous studies on
traditional bullying and cyberbullying revealed that both can greatly impact school
performance of scholars among others. As far as the present study is concerned, no
studies are conducted which determines whether mobile game addiction and
cyberbullying are causal factors for the tutorial performance of scholars. it's now the
target of this study to work out whether both can negatively affect the tutorial
performance of scholars.
According to Kim P (2019) States that mobile games can negatively affect the brain,
memory, and vision. They can cause stress, anxiety, and even isolation if the addiction
gets severe enough. Video games can even kill brain cells and interrupt a person's
sleep which can affect academic performances of students.
This research review’s purpose is to help the reader understand the positive and
negative effects of mobile games. This is significant because the researchers want to
spread awareness,give more concrete information, and to widen your knowledge about
this topic.Most of the related literature was found in foreign studies. Most of the
research found was on the positive and negative effect of mobile games, both cited from
Foreign and Local. It is important to conduct more studies about this topic to contribute
to future researchers to be able to identify that Mobile Games have both positive and
negative effects on the Academic Performances of Students.