Probabilit y X Y: R R P R R R

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Garcia, Arlene Joy S.

BSA-2 ACC 216 9:45-11:45 am

y X Y
0.1 -10% -35%
0.2 2% 0%
0.4 12% 20%
0.2 20% 25%
0.1 38% 45%

a. Calculate the expected rate of return for

both Stock X and Y.

r^ =¿ Expected rate of return of X

r^ =∑ Pi r i

r^ =¿ (0.1)(-10%)+(0.2)(2%)+(0.4)(12%)+(0.2)(20%)+(0.1)(38%)
r^ =¿ 0.12

r^ =¿ Expected rate of return of Y

r^ =∑ Pi r i

r^ =¿ (0.1)(-35%)+(0.2)(0%)+(0.4)(20%)+(0.2)(25%)+(0.1)(45%)

r^ =¿ 0.14
b. Calculate the standard deviation of expected returns for both stocks.

σ =¿ Standard Deviation of X
σ= √∑
( r−r^ ) Pi

σ =¿ [(-10%-0.12)2 (0.1)+ (2%-0.12)2 (0.2)+ (12%-0.12)2 (0.4)+ (20%-0.12)2 (0.2)+

(38%-0.12)2 (0.1)]
σ =¿ 12.20%

σ =¿ Standard Deviation of Y
σ= √∑
( r−r^ ) Pi

σ =¿ [(-35%-0.14)2 (0.1)+ (0%-0.14)2 (0.2)+ (20%-0.14)2 (0.4)+ (25%-0.14)2 (0.2)+

(45%-0.14)2 (0.1)]
σ =¿20.35%

c. Calculate the coefficient of variation for both stocks.

CV =¿ Coefficient of Variation of X
CV =
CV =¿ 12.20%/0.12

CV =¿ 1.02
CV =¿ Coefficient of Variation of Y
CV =
CV =¿ 20.35%/0.14

CV =¿ 1.45

d. Question: Is it possible that most investors will regard Stock Y as being less risky
than Stock X? Explain.
- To compare, Stock Y has more risk of returns than Stock X since the
standard deviation of Stock Y is greater than Stock X. If we look at the
expected returns of the two stocks, Stock Y has higher expected return
than Stock X. It is not possible that most investors will regard Stock Y
as being less risky since its measure of risk is 0.2035 and it has large
gap than Stock X though Stock Y has higher returns but their
difference are not that high. With the results above, investors will
probably regard Stock Y as riskier than Stock X.

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