Theatre Games Engagement Through Play
Theatre Games Engagement Through Play
Theatre Games Engagement Through Play
Course Description:
This module examines a range of theatre games conventionally used in a participatory classroom to build
specific skills and capabilities. Students will be introduced to theatre practitioners such Augusto Boal,
Viola Spolin, Clive Barker and Chris Johnston, who have developed theatre games for actor training as
well as team-building. These theories, methods and practices will be used to engage participants in a
range of reflective processes, critical dialogue and physical activities that promote stronger social-
emotional learning opportunities, inter-personal and intrapersonal skills, as well as civic and social
awareness through activities that enhance team-building, trust, confidence, collaboration and the
extension of imagination. The principles of practice that underpin the use of theatre games will be
explored and explicated in relation to non-traditional theatre contexts. The course will equip students
with the necessary facilitation and planning skills crucial for the incorporation of theatre games in the
development of programmes to engage an intended audience. Students will learn how to design a short
programme using theatre games, in order to work creatively within a range of community settings and
expectations. They will also be required to facilitate theatre games for this purpose as part of their
Course Structure
The course will adopt a seminar-workshop approach that requires the participation of students. Each
weekly 3-hour session will be divided between the seminar and the workshop. Students would be
required to complete the assigned readings and to come prepared for a discussion. This workshop will
1. Participatory workshops
2. Theoretical and reflective discussions
3. Reading and research
4. Written and practical assessments
Learning Outcomes:
Students will learn to:
National Institute of Education Visual and Performing Arts
Nanyang Technological University AAU08A
Develop and facilitate a short programme using theatre games for an intended audience
There will two components to the assessment: I) Developing a group work plan (20% Detailed Lesson
Plan + 30% Individual facilitation= 50%) II) Reflective Journal (5 Reflections x 10%=50%). The details
are as follows:
Week 13 50%
Assessment Deadlines:
Please observe all stipulated deadlines. If there is a non-submission and no exemption has been
sought or approved prior, the assignment will receive no mark. Note that reasons such as
‘assignment attachment trapped in “Sent” box”’ or other technical or technological explanations will
not be entertained.
If you require an extension, please contact me at the given email address.
The Term Essay must be uploaded via Turnitin (found in NTULearn) and all other Written
Assignments must be submitted to NTULearn.
National Institute of Education Visual and Performing Arts
Nanyang Technological University AAU08A
Note that there will be a 5 mark penalty for every day that an assignment is late (i.e. after it is logged
by Turnitin and/or NTULearn as a late submission).
Note also that any assignment, even with given extension, will not be accepted after 5 days (including
weekends and public holidays).
Students should note that NIE takes a serious view to attendance. Attendance is a strict requirement for
VPA General Electives and Minor Study modules and more than two absences not covered by valid
documentary evidence will normally lead to the awarding of a fail grade. The lecturer reserves the
right to refuse acceptance of the final individual assignment should attendance requirements not be met.
In modules which involve group work / collaboration, students are also expected to be present for group
rehearsals when necessary. Should there be issues arising such as, but not limited to, absence from
rehearsals, or lack of collaborative effort, the lecturer reserves the right to refuse acceptance of the
final individual assignment. As poor attendance affects the individual student’s learning as well as the
capacity for group work to be executed effectively, this is done to ensure that all students act responsibly
and do not negatively impact the learning and assessment process for their peers.
Students are also expected to be punctual for classes. The lecturer reserves the right to consider
extreme lateness as absence from class (i.e. more than 30 minutes) and / or has the option to
accumulate late-minutes as absence from class. The lecturer is also to be informed prior to the class
should you not be able to attend.
The Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Plagiarism Framework (201) states the following:
‘Plagiarism is to use or pass off as one’s own, writings or ideas of another, without acknowledging or
crediting the source from which the ideas are taken’. This includes:
The use of words, images, diagrams, graphs or ideas derived from books, journals, magazines,
visual media, and the internet without proper acknowledgement;
Copying the work of another student, having another person write one’s assignments, or allowing
another student to borrow one’s work;
Copying of work from the internet or any other sources and presenting as one’s own; and
Submitting the same piece of work for different courses or to different journals and publications.
Plagiarism undermines academic integrity as it is a form of intellectual dishonesty. It affects the
University’s reputation and devalues the degrees offered. Plagiarism is regarded as a very serious offence
by the University. It is considered as an instance of violation of the NTU Honour Code which could warrant
disciplinary actions ranging from failing the assignment, failing the course, suspension and ultimately to
expulsion from the University.
Regarding Student Wellbeing
National Institute of Education Visual and Performing Arts
Nanyang Technological University AAU08A
During the semester, if you find that life stressors are interfering with your academic or personal
success and you find it difficult to cope, please consider contacting the NIE
Wellness Centre that provides confidential services free of charge (to make an
appointment call 6790 3318 or email [email protected]). Alternatively you
can call the NTU Wellbeing Services at 6790 4462 or email
[email protected]. There are some FAQ about services at the NIE
centre that were put together by our students. See
Course Schedule
Weeks 1 – 7 Teaching 13 Jan-28 Feb 2020
AY 2020 Jan
Chinese New Year:
27th Jan
National Institute of Education Visual and Performing Arts
Nanyang Technological University AAU08A
National Institute of Education Visual and Performing Arts
Nanyang Technological University AAU08A
National Institute of Education Visual and Performing Arts
Nanyang Technological University AAU08A
Topic Research)
Callery, Dymphna. (2011). Through the Body: A Practical Guide to Physical Theatre. Nick Hern
Johnston, Chris. (2010). House of Games: Making Theatre from Everyday Life. Nick Hern Books
Keefe, John & Murray, Simon. (2007) Physical Theatres: A Critical Reader. Keefe, John & Murray,
Simon. New York: Routledge.
Neelands, J., & Goode, T. (2015). Structuring drama work. Cambridge University Press.
Prendergast, M., & Saxton, J. (2013). Applied drama: A facilitator's handbook for working in
community. Intellect Books.
National Institute of Education Visual and Performing Arts
Nanyang Technological University AAU08A
Johnston, Chris. (2010). House of Games: Making Theatre from Everyday Life. Nick Hern Books.