Theatre Lesson Plan

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Infusion Lesson Plan

Teacher: Carleigh Twillmann

Grade: 4th
Date and Time: October 3, 2016
Name of Lesson: Wax Museum
Fine Arts Area: Social Studies/History
Infused Core Area: Theatre

(each area)


(the students will)

Assessments (authenticteacher made)

Indicator T4-2-1 Develop body
control and expression in
pantomime and character

Students will become their

explorer through their use
knowledge of the assigned
explorer, thinking of what their
explorer would say, how they
would act, and considering the
environment they would be in.

KWL chart, oral rubric

Social Studies
Indicator 4-1.4 Summarize the
accomplishments of the Vikings
& the Portuguese, Spanish,
English, & French explorers,
including Leif Eriksson,
Columbus, Hernando de Soto,
Magellan, Henry Hudson, John
Cabot, & La Salle.

Students will have research

done the day prior on their
assigned explorers through
books, articles, encyclopedias,
and other resources and
combine all materials into one
concise page written/typed
about their assigned explorer
including a picture.

KWL chart and rubric

Vocabulary: explorers, accomplishments, discovery, dialogue, character portrayal,

Students will have brought clothing items pertaining to their assigned explorer
(wigs, costumes, props are all allowed)
Scrap paper for writing out possible things the students assigned
Given worksheet for taking notes
Anticipatory Set: (basically the hook, a review or rules)
Assignment will be described again: students will have assigned explorers and will
research and learn about their explorer
Students should have completed most of their research outside of the classroom
Students will have designed their costume outside of classroom
Class will discuss what makes each explorer different and put information in the
K and W spaces on their chart
Explain to the students that during the wax museum they will become who they
have researched

Students will briefly review what they will say for their explorer
Teacher will explain that when students are presenting they are frozen in time
and must become their assigned explorer
Teacher explains that each students character is activated when a student stops
at them

Mini-Lesson: (Teacher demonstration)

Have students stand up and face their partner and practice acting like their
assigned explorer
Students will sit back in seats
Teacher will pretend to be a historical figure, i.e. George Washington, and will act
as though she is that historical figure
Split class in half
Have half of the students be viewers and the other half be apart of the museum
Set up each student at a particular spot around the room
Each wax figure student will be frozen until another student comes up to them
Have the students who are viewing stand up and walk to each of the other
Wax-figure students briefly describe who they are, why they are important and
what they have achieved as each student comes up to them
Wax-figure students and viewers will switch responsibilities
Viewers now become wax-figures and will briefly describe who they are, why they
are important and what they have achieved as each student comes up to them
Clean up/ Close out/ Review
Teacher will collect all written assignments and reports
Teacher will collect KWL charts
Students will then reflect on their experience by describing what they learned in
the L portion of the chart
Class will discuss what they learned about their assigned explorer, how they were
inspired by their explorer and how they chose to convey information to an
Clothing and Props can be optional depending on the accessibility of the student
Go to schools gym and invite other classes, teachers, parents etc to come see the
program and make all students wax figures
Posters may be used to make a backdrop for the assigned explorer
Students may use their report for review of their character

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