ASL II Syllabus (FA21)

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OFFICE: #508 @ 33 E. CONGRESS EMAIL: [email protected]
DEPT. PHONE #: 312 369-7837 (V) TEXT: 312 622 2540 (EMERGENCY ONLY)
This syllabus is intended to give the student guidance in what may be covered during the quarter and will be
followed as closely as possible. However, instructors reserve the right in their discretion to modify, supplement,
and make changes as course needs arise.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course focuses on the continued development of conversational fluency in
American Sign Language (ASL). This course includes further training in receptive and expressive skills,
fingerspelling, vocabulary building, and grammatical structures. Topics introduced, using ASL, include: giving
directions, describing physical characteristics, making requests, discussion of occupations, attributing
qualities to individuals, and daily routines.

COURSE RATIONALE: This is the second American Sign Language course in series of five (5) ASL courses
required of all Interpreter training majors and ASL Studies minors. Conversational skills in ASL and cultural
knowledge are necessary for ASL/English interpreters and Deaf Studies.



● Signing Naturally - Unit 7-12: Workbook and DVD

Lentz, E., Mikos, K. and Smith, C. (2014)
Dawn Sign Press (ISBN: 978-1-58121-221-1)
● Access to Canvas, GoReact, and Webcam
● Access to Webcam, Lights, and Zoom
● Mask: According to Columbia’s current mandate, you are expected to wear your mask properly as soon
as you step into the 33 E. Ida B. Wells building and have it remain on throughout the duration of your
stay in the building.
COURSE OBJECTIVES: Students from the BA program in ASL-English Interpretation / Deaf Studies will:
1) Demonstrate fluency in expressive and receptive fingerspelling and numbering in ASL skills.
2) Acquire adequate speed and accuracy in expressive and receptive signing skills
3) Gain an understanding of the semantic role of directional verbs and localization in ASL discourses.
4) Expand sign productions vocabularies beyond the conversational realm of ASL discourse.
5) Demonstrate reasonable expressive mastery of all grammatical features of ASL in all courses.
6) Demonstrate knowledge of specific colloquial signs and ASL idioms/idiomatic expressions.
7) Gain the ability to use variations in multiple-meaning vocabulary.



Comprehend and express oneself with Assignments: Voc & Grammar Assignment Rubric
intermediate ASL vocabulary and correct Discussions Video Project Rubric
grammar in person and through digital In-Class Activities Quizzes
technologies. Target of B or better in grades

Narrate and describe events including Assignments: Voc & Grammar Assignment Rubric
relevant and supporting facts in a Assignments: Video Project Video Project Rubric
connected, paragraph length ASL Discussion Quizzes
discourse in person and through digital In-Class Activities Target of B or better in grades

Engage, debate, and exchange Assignments: Voc & Grammar Assignment Rubric
information and perspectives on various Discussions Video Project Rubric
topics and disciplines in group settings In-Class Activities & Debates Quizzes
successfully at an intermediate level. Midterm
Target of B or better in grades

Apply expressive skills in narrative and Assignments: Voc & Grammar Assignment Rubric
ASL storytelling: ex. personal experiences Assignments: Video Project Video ProjectRubric
and fictional stories. In-Class Activities Quizzes
Target of B or better in grades


1) In-Class & Online Participation To participate in skill development activities and to

accomplish greater skills in both expression and reception -
to satisfy individual/instructor/class goals

2) Worksheet, Video Assignments & Projects To acquire new skills, information, and to have a deeper
understanding of certain topics that were presented and
discussed in class.

3) Unit Quizzes At the end of each unit, your knowledge and skills will be
evaluated and benchmarked. Quizzes may not be made up.

4) Final Video Project At the end of the quarter, your receptive skills will be
evaluated accordingly to the course outcomes.

5) Community Engagement (ASL/Culture Report) You are expected to attend at least three separate
community engagement events and complete a report for

PASS B 84 - 86% FAIL

A 94 - 100% B- 80 - 83% C- 70 - 73%
A- 90 - 93% C+ 77 - 79% D 60 - 69%
B+ 87 - 89% C 74 - 76% F 0 - 59%

Students are expected to participate in discussions online. The instructor will provide a topic or a guideline
which the students are required to comply with in order to participate in the discussions.

Students are expected to participate in the weekly discussion in Canvas. This will be grade as participation in
the assignment category. Students also need to make two or more comments on other student’s videos.

Every Friday lab session is a time and place for students to test out their newfound skills acquired in the
previous week(s) There will be opportunities to engage in conversations with your classmates and your lab
specialist. Your performance and language skills development progress will only be assessed informally -
feedback at the moment, and no impact on your course grade. However, your attendance and participation are
expected. If you missed three lab sessions for an unknown reason, your course grade will be dropped one letter

Students are expected to participate in online activities and complete all assignments, including readings,
viewings, worksheets, videos, etc. The instructor will provide instructions that the students are required to
comply with in order to acquire a grade. Most of the assignments will be required to be submitted through


Students are expected to complete all video assignments. The instructor will provide instructions that the
students are required to comply with in order to acquire a grade. Most of the assignments will be required to be
submitted through GoReact.

Students will take quizzes online and complete them prior to the due date. All quizzes are based on the lecture,
information from the presentation slides, readings, and workbook. All quizzes are open-book and based on an
honest system. You can take the quiz anytime during the week and you will have two hours to complete it. If
the students didn’t take the quiz before the deadline, they will not have a makeup quiz.


The Deaf community thrives on social interaction; it’s the means of language transmission, folklore, and
socialization. As an ASL student at Columbia College Chicago, you are required to attend 3 ASL/Deaf events
this quarter with a total of 5 hours.


For the final video project, students will produce a video demonstrating their abilities to narrate a story from a
children’s picture book. If students didn’t complete the exam before the deadline, they will not have an


Week # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15


Video Assignments

Video Projects


Final Video Project



WEEK 1 Introduction & Syllabus Read the Syllabus

Review ASL I Complete Introduction Video
Lesson 7 Read the Instructions: Video Project #1
Descriptive, Body & Locative Classifiers Complete Lesson 7 Assignments
Discuss: Video Project #1 “The Tailor” Due: Week 2

WEEK 2 Lesson 7 Prep: Video Project #1

Have, Spatial Agreement Verbs Complete Lesson 7 Assignments
Review: Video Project #1 Due: Week 3

ADD COURSE - Deadline: September 13th

WEEK 3 Lesson 7 Complete Lesson 7 Assignments

Have, Spatial Verb Agreement Complete Lesson 7 Online Quiz: Receptive
Review Lesson 7 Complete Lesson 7 Online Quiz: Expressive
Lesson 7 Quiz Complete: Video Project #1
Due: Week 4
DROP COURSE - Deadline: September 20th

WEEK 4 Lesson 8 Complete Lesson 8 Assignments

Request, Advice, Agreement Verbs Read the Instructions: Video Project #2
Discuss: Video Project #2 “One Fine Day” Due: Week 5

WEEK 5 Lesson 8 Complete Lesson 8 Assignments

Negations, Request, Advice Prep: Video Project #2
Due: Week 6
WEEK 6 Lesson 8 Complete Lesson 8 Assignments
Review Lesson 8 Complete Lesson 8 Online Quiz: Receptive
Agreement Verbs, Negations Complete Lesson 8 Online Quiz: Expressive
Lesson 8 Quiz Complete: Video Project #2
Due: Week 7

WEEK 7 Lesson 9 Complete Lesson 9 Assignments

Neighborhoods, Give Directions, Perspectives, Y/N Read the Instructions: Video Project #3
Questions Due: Week 8
Review Sentence Types: Topic/Comment
Review Sentence Types: WH-Questions
Discuss: Video Project #3 “The Lion and the Mouse”

WEEK 8 Lesson 9 Complete Lesson 9 Assignments

Describe Interiors, Giving Directions Complete Y/N Questions
Narrative Structure Complete RH-Questions Assignment
Review Sentence Types: Y/N Questions Complete Negations and Affirmations Assignment
Review Sentence Types: RH-Questions Prep: Video Project #3
Review Sentence Types: Negations Due: Week 9
Review Sentence Types: Affirmations

WEEK 9 Lesson 9 Complete Lesson 9 Assignments

Suggestions, Perspective Shift, Y/N Questions Complete Lesson 9 Online Quiz: Receptive
Narrative Structure Complete Lesson 9 Online Quiz: Expressive
Lesson 9 Quiz Complete: Video Project #3
Due: Week 10
WITHDRAW - Deadline: November 5th

WEEK 10 Lesson 10 Complete Lesson 10 Assignments

Opinions, WH-Questions, Complete Classifier Assignments
Discuss: Video Project #4 “The Fox and the Crow” Read the Instruction: Video Project #4
Discuss: Final Video Project “Picture Book” Read the Instruction: Final Video Project
**Reserve or buy a children picture book**
Due: Week 11

WEEK 11 Lesson 10 Complete Lesson 10 Assignments

Locative Classifiers, Perspective, Giving Directions Complete Giving Instructions - Recipes Assignment
Body & Instrumental Prep: Video Project #4
Defining the Unknown Prep: Final Video Project
Due: Week 12

WEEK 12 Lesson 10 Complete Lesson 10 Assignments

WH-Questions, Locative Classifiers, Giving Directions Complete Lesson 10 Online Quiz: Receptive
Discuss Final Video Project Complete Lesson 10 Online Quiz: Expressive
Lesson 10 Quiz Complete: Video Project #4
Prep: Final Video Project
FALL BREAK - November 24th - 28th Due: Week 13

WEEK 13 Lesson 11 Complete Lesson 11 Assignments

Discuss Plans/Goals, Opinions, Reactions, Complete Sentence Type Quiz
Making/Canceling Plans Prep: Final Video Project
Conversation Strategies Due: Week 14
Listener’s NMS

WEEK 14 Lesson 11 Complete Lesson 11 Assignments

Discuss Plans/Goals, Opinions, Reactions, Work on your Final Video Project
Making/Canceling Plans
Discuss: Final Video Project: Social Justice

WEEK 15 Lesson 11 Complete Lesson 11 Assignments

Discuss Plans/Goals, Opinions, Reactions, Complete Lesson 11 Online Quiz: Receptive
Making/Canceling Plans Complete Lesson 11 Online Quiz: Expressive
Review Lesson 11 Complete: Final Video Project

SEMESTER ENDS - December 18th

Course Policies

Netiquette Guidelines
Netiquette is a set of rules for behaving properly online. Your instructor and fellow students wish to foster a safe online learning
environment. All opinions and experiences, no matter how different or controversial they may be perceived, must be respected in the
tolerant spirit of academic discourse. You are encouraged to comment, question, or critique an idea but you are not to attack an
individual. Working as a community of learners, we can build a polite and respectful course community.

The following netiquette tips will enhance the learning experience for everyone in the course:
● Do not dominate any discussion.
● Give other students the opportunity to join in the discussion.
● Do not use offensive language. Present ideas appropriately.
● Be cautious in using Internet language. For example, do not capitalize all letters since this suggests shouting.
● Popular emoticons can be helpful to convey your tone but do not overdo or overuse them.
● Avoid using vernacular and/or slang language. This could possibly lead to misinterpretation.
● Never make fun of someone’s ability to read or write.
● Share tips with other students.
● Keep an “open mind” and be willing to express even your minority opinion. Minority opinions have to be respected.
● Think and edit before you push the “Send” button.
● Do not hesitate to ask for feedback.
● Using humor is acceptable

Build Rapport
If you find that you have any trouble keeping up with assignments or other aspects of the course, make sure you let your instructor
know as early as possible. As you will find, building rapport and effective relationships are key to becoming an effective professional.
Make sure that you are proactive in informing your instructor when difficulties arise during the semester so that we can help you find
a solution.

The nature of this course makes participation MANDATORY. Students are expected to participate in all online activities as listed
on the course calendar and modules. Course participation and respect for all individuals, their choices, and opinions are expected
and paramount to the success of this course.

It is crucial to collaborate our efforts into ensuring the course is accessible to everyone in the course. Your professor will work with
his interpreters to have all of the video voiced over and captioned. For you, you are expected to add captions to all of your videos as
well. Your professor, who is Deaf, will likely be unable to assess or grade your work if it’s not captioned.

Complete Assignments
All assignments for this course will be submitted electronically through Canvas unless otherwise instructed. The assignment must be
submitted by the given deadline or special permission must be requested from the professor before the due date. Extensions will not
be given beyond the next assignment except under extreme circumstances.

All discussion assignments must be completed by the assignment due date and time: create a post before Friday midnight and leave
at least two comments before Sunday midnight. The late or missing discussions will affect the student’s grade.

Late Work Policy

Any LATE-LATE SUBMISSION (after the cut-off date) will not be accepted and a zero grade will be given. The only time a late
assignment/project will be accepted is if you have a medical reason and other extreme circumstances. It is your responsibility to
notify the instructor immediately so arrangements can be made.

NO MAKEUP QUIZZES or EXAM will be given. Please communicate with your instructor in advance to make an arrangement for you
to take the quiz or exam.

Viewing Grades in Canvas

Points you receive for graded activities will be posted to the Canvas Grade Book. Click on the Grades link to view your points.
Your professor will update the online grades as often as possible - typically within 5-7 days following the completion of an activity. If
any reason you’re concerned about your grade, please do contact your professor to see if they’re able to provide you with your grade.

Professional Relationship
If you have any problems with the professor or with another student in the course, please talk to the professor directly as the first
step to solve the problem.
American Sign Language Department Policy

Language Policy - AKA “SIGN ONLY”

In order to promote equal access to communication and an environment of respect for all of our faculty, staff, and students and to
enhance second language development for our students, the ASL-English Interpretation Department has adopted the following
language policy:

American Sign Language is to be used when conversing in all common areas of the Department. This includes the Lab, the office
suite, and the hallways of the 4th floor of 33 East Congress. Please help to enforce this policy among friends and colleagues in our
department in a collegial manner.

“C” Grade Policy

Students taking courses in the ASL Department MUST successfully complete each course with a grade of ‘C‘ or above in order to
enroll in subsequent courses in the major. This policy applies to all core courses in the Department and to all students enrolled in
courses within the Department. This policy has been established to ensure that students are adequately prepared to begin each new
course within the major.

Note: Some financial aid limits may apply to repeated courses. The academic forgiveness policy does not apply to repeated courses.
(Refer to the College Catalog for information about this topic.)

RID Code of Professional Conduct

As students of ASL, Deaf Studies, and ASL-English Interpretation, you are required to be familiar with the RID Code of Professional
Conduct and follow them with relation to this class. Confidentiality is particularly important here, especially if your goal is to become
an interpreter. Start practicing it now. Information of a personal nature that is discussed in class must remain within the confines of
the classroom. If you are in doubt about the propriety of sharing information, please ask.

Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) Core Curriculum Objectives

This course bears Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS) credit for Humanities (HU). By taking this course you will complete three (3) of the
required “Culture, Values, and Ethics” credits needed to graduate from Columbia College. In addition, the course will assist you in
achieving the following LAS Core Objectives:
● Read for both comprehension and pleasure
● Write as both a communicative and an expressive practice
● Reflect on and appreciate human endeavor across cultures and eras
● Consider and examine, historically and comparatively, human behavior, ethical issues, and social institutions

Add/Drop and Withdraw Dates

Please see the Registrar website for a complete listing of add, drop, and withdrawal deadlines particular to the session in which your
course is taught:
Columbia College Chicago - Policy & Statement

Academic Integrity
Students at Columbia College Chicago enjoy significant freedom of artistic expression and are encouraged to stretch their scholarly
and artistic boundaries. However, the College prohibits all forms of academic dishonesty. For present purposes, “academic
dishonesty” is understood as the appropriation and representation of another’s work as one’s own, whether such appropriation
includes all or part of the other’s work or whether it comprises all or part of what is represented as one’s own work (plagiarism).
Appropriate citation avoids this form of dishonesty. In addition, “academic dishonesty” includes cheating in any form, the
falsification of academic documents or the falsification of works or references for the use in class or other academic circumstances.
When such dishonesty is discovered, the consequences to the student can be severe.

Mandatory Attendance Policy Statement

Students are required to attend class regularly. Failure to attend class in the first two weeks of the term will negatively impact
financial aid. If your professor reports that you failed to attend and participate in class during the add/drop period, a grade of NS
(no-show) will be entered on your record for the course. Please note, you will still be charged tuition and fees for any course for which
you receive a NS grade. For more information on non-attendance please visit the Student Financial Services website.

Academic Progress Report Statement

During week 6 of fall and spring terms, Columbia College Chicago measures the academic progress of all undergraduate students.
The academic progress report is meant to provide a sense of your performance at this point in time. For each course in which you
are enrolled, your professor will assign you one of the following academic progress reports:
● Exceeds basic expectations: Demonstrating performance at a very high level in the course, typically shown as consistent
attendance, earning high grades on assignments and displaying a deep engagement with course content.
● Meets basic expectations: Demonstrating behavior proven to produce success in college, such as consistent attendance,
class participation, and on-time completion of assignments.
● Does not meet basic expectations: Demonstrating behaviors known to put students at risk for failure, such as excessive
absences, lack of class participation, and missed or incomplete assignments.
While the academic progress report is not a final grade and will not affect your grade point average, it is a valuable indicator of your
performance in the course to date. Columbia College Chicago is committed to your success, and this process is important to
understand your progress towards that success. If you are not meeting basic expectations, you will receive this progress report via
email and you are strongly encouraged to discuss course expectations with your professor(s).
Columbia College Chicago - Resource & Service

Students with Disability Statement

Columbia College Chicago seeks to maintain a supportive academic environment for students with disabilities. Students seeking
accommodations for a disability must register with the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office. Once registered, a
Columbia College Chicago accommodation letter will be provided to the student each semester. Students are encouraged to present
their current accommodation letters to each professor at the beginning of the semester so that accommodations can be arranged in
a timely manner by the College, the department, or the faculty member, as appropriate. Accommodations begin at the time the letter
is presented. Students with disabilities who do not have accommodation letters should visit the SSD office, Room 311 of the 623 S.
Wabash building, call 312-369-8296, email [email protected] or visit

Counselling Services Statement

731 S. Plymouth Court, suite 112
[email protected]
Services are designed to help students increase self-awareness and address mental health concerns with the goal of empowering
students to manage challenging areas in their lives. All counseling services staff follow professional standards of confidentiality.
Information discussed within a counseling relationship is not disclosed without written permission of the individual. Counseling
Services are provided free of charge. The most utilized services include individual sessions, group sessions, and linkage to
community services. A Columbia College student in a relationship with another Columbia College student, can also receive a couple
sessions. All currently enrolled students are eligible to receive 12 individual sessions per academic year. Group sessions are

College Advising Statement

623 S. Wabash, Suite 300
[email protected]
The College Advising Center assists undergraduate students with all transitional issues as they navigate their entire college
experience. Academic Advisors in the College Advising Center guide students in creating and implementing an educational and
professional plan as they progress from orientation toward graduation. As students take responsibility for their academic and career
goals, they should meet with their academic advisor on a regular basis. Students at Columbia are expected to meet with their
academic advisor at least once a semester during their first year, and once an academic year until graduation. Students can make an
appointment through Oasis (using the “Make Appointments” tab) or by contacting the College Advising Center.

The Learning Studio Statement

33 E. Congress, first floor
The Learning Studio is an excellent resource for academic progress and success for all students at any level. The Learning Studio
provides tutoring in several disciplines including science, mathematics, accounting, foreign languages, and writing. Supplemental
instruction is also provided for some specific courses. Students are encouraged to visit the Learning Studio for additional academic
support and assistance. Students can make an appointment through Oasis (using the “Make Appointments” tab) or by calling the
Learning Studio.

Library Statement
624 S. Michigan
The Library serves students with resources and support for research, study, collaboration, fun, and information in all formats—books,
ebooks, articles, primary sources, images, film, music, space, programs, technology, and equipment. Our specialized materials and
services focus on what students need and want—textbook reserves, study rooms, collaborative technology, maker lab, 3D printer,
light boxes, scanners, equipment checkout (cameras, camcorders, projectors) and research assistance by chat, text, email, phone, or

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