Drama Syllabus 2015
Drama Syllabus 2015
Drama Syllabus 2015
Remind101: text
Drama is a unique art form that re-presents and re-enacts experiences,
ideas, stories and emotions. As one of the oldest forms of artistic
expression, drama continues to be significant in cultures across the globe.
Drama is created and performed in my different spaces, but is often seen in
theatres. Drama can be shared live, but also through digital media and its
platforms. In drama 9 students will have the opportunity to sample and
learn a variety of forms and styles of dramatic art. Students can then begin
to understand a range of human experiences, beliefs, feelings, and
behaviours that will enable them to act positively in a variety of real life
Students will be expected to:
Course Overview:
A 9 week study in
Drama provides
opportunities for
students to build
their knowledge,
understanding and
skills across the
dramatic languages
to create, perform
and respond to
drama situated in a
variety of contexts
to achieve different purposes. A week-by-week breakdown has been
provided below:
Assessment Breakdown:
Drama Journal Entries
Drama Portfolio
Final Group Production
Required Materials:
Behavioral Expectations:
I expect that cell phones will be turned on silent before class begins; phones
that ring, chime, vibrate etc. will be confiscated until the end of the class. If
phones are being used during class other than when we as a class are using
them for learning, your phone will be confiscated.
I expect that food will not be consumed in this class. Beverages with
sealable lids will be allowed.
I expect that you will treat your teacher and fellow classmates with respect.
Everyone has the right to be heard and to learn in a secure environment.
I expect that you will always do your best. This means that you will
participate in all activities involved in this class, including listening and
viewing activities, and you must hand assignments in, on time and complete.
I expect that you will treat the property of the school and the property of
others in a proper manner.
I expect you to do well- and I know that you will.
If a student is excusably absent from class on days during which an
assignment, quiz, examination or other evaluation activity occurs, the
student shall be given the opportunity to make up the missed work through
either the original or replacement work if the following conditions are met:
o If a student is absent, a parent must call the school to indicate the
reason for the absence.
o In the case of a missed test, the student must provide a note from
home explaining the absence and a plan should be put into place to
ensure the learning objectives are met.
o An alternative learning session may be required in order to make up
any missed work.
I expect that you will arrive to class on time (after the bell the door is
closed and locked).
If you are late for any reason, you will be required to obtain a late slip
prior to entering the class.
If you arrive late to class please sit in the desk closest to the door that is
available. Do not disrupt the class.
Repeat lates will result in disciplinary action.
If a student disrupts learning in the classroom or fails to adhere to school
and/or classroom policies, s/he will be verbally warned.
If the behavior continues s/he will be asked to stay after class or return
for an informal break / lunch discussion about his / her behavior.
If the behavior continues, then parents / guardians will be contacted and
a formal, after school detention will be set up.
If the student continues to disrupt learning in the classroom, or fails to
attend detention, parents and administration will be contacted to discuss
further disciplinary action.
Remind 101:
Student Signature
Parent Name
Parent Signature