Monologue Unit Design 2
Monologue Unit Design 2
Monologue Unit Design 2
Enduring Understanding:
● Students will understand that script analysis and character development contribute to a
compelling monologue performance.
● Students will be able to score a monologue.
● Students will know that a monologue is a poetic form in which a single character,
addressing a silent auditor at a critical moment, reveals himself or herself and the
dramatic situation.
● Students will know that an objective is a goal a character is trying to reach.
● Students will know that an obstacle is something that stands in the way of the objective
● Students will know that a tactic is a strategy used by a character to overcome the obstacle
to achieve their objective.
Performance Tasks:
● Students will perform their final monologue in front of the class graded on the
monologue rubric (See attached) in order to assess Standard create 5 and Standard
Perform 1.
● Students will perform two group monologues in which they will explore different ways to
use physicality and voice to convey meaning in a monologue in order to assess Standard
Create 5.
Other Assessments:
● Students will identify beats, given circumstances, motives, obstacles, objective, and
tactics in their monologue they chose in order to assess their ability to score a monologue.
● Students will revise their monologues using the feedback they have received from their
peers on their student critique worksheet (see attached) and write an reflection on the
revision process in order to assess standard respond 4.
● Students will fill out a self-reflection sheet (see attached) asking them to describe how
script analysis and character development impacted their performance and to define
objective, obstacle, tactic, and monologue in order to assess the Enduring Understanding
and the key knowledges.
Materials Needed
● Slips of paper with different emotions/personalities written on them
● Group monologue worksheets
● Student critique worksheets
● Monologue Rubric
● Self-reflection paper
GIRL: You’re not good at this you know. I’ve had better. Much better. Sneakier. Sit beside me at lunch,
pretend to be my friend. Bolder. They try to drag me into the bathroom. Meaner. Spit at me. Knock books
out of my arms. Pinch me. Treat me like a piece of garbage, think it’s funny to try and make me eat
garbage, be garbage, and I should be so grateful for any attention that comes my way – oh sure let’s go in
the dark ride, gee what a great idea! Oh look who’s waiting for me with what, rotten eggs to rub in my
hair? What a surprise! How funny! (as others) Why aren’t you laughing? It’s just a little egg. It’s just a
joke. (mocking serious) But I thought you were serious. I thought we were all going to be best friends.
(dead serious) I won’t eat garbage for you, friend. (Taken from Funhouse)
Feedback from:
Please identify strong points in this monologue. What impacted you the most?
What do you feel the performer could have done to make their monologue even more impactful?