Unit 7 Sequences and Series Unit Plan
Unit 7 Sequences and Series Unit Plan
Unit 7 Sequences and Series Unit Plan
F-IF.3 Recognize that sequences are functions, sometimes defined recursively, whose domain is
a subset of the integers. For example, the Fibonacci sequence is defined recursively by f(0) = f(1)
= 1, f(n+1) = f(n) + f(n-1) for n ≥ 1.
A-SSE.4 Derive the formula for the sum of a finite geometric series (when the common ratio is
not 1), and use the formula to solve problems. For example, calculate mortgage payments
Sequences and series can model many How do you tell the difference between an
mathematical ideas and realistic situations. arithmetic and geometric?
Sequences help us to recognize and apply How can different calculations with an arithmetic
patterns to familiar and unfamiliar situations or geometric sequence be used in the real world?
Why do we write a recursive and explicit
When does a pattern exists. formulas for sequences?
How we can see patterns in life, application Why would we need to find the sum of an infinite
of patterns beyond geometric/arithmetic series?
sequences and series.
Differentiated column sheets for order of operations and evaluating like terms.
Table logic for adding and subtracting integers and polynomial expressions.
Differentiated column sheets for solving equations.
Text book : Meaningful Math Algebra I Prentice Hall Mathematics Algebra I
Graphing calculators
Geometric Manipulatives, Sketchpad
Smart Board Demonstrations
Problem solving materials created by teachers
Task One
1. Mr. Dogs wants the number of seats in the arena to be between 18 000 and 22
500. One ring of seats all the way around the rink is considered a row, and row 1
is considered to be the row closest to the ice. He wants the number of seats in each
row to form an arithmetic sequence, increasing by the same number in each
subsequent row. Your task is to decide on the total number of seats in the arena
by designing a seating arrangement that has a reasonable number of rows by
2. In his current arena, Mr. Dogs charges $6000 per season for seats in rows 1-10,
$4000 for season seats in rows 11-20, $3000 for season seats in rows 21-30, and
$2000 for season seats in rows 31-40. He thinks that a more fair way to decide on
season ticket prices is to use a geometric sequence, and decrease the price in each
subsequent row by the same factor based on the price of the row in front of it. For
your proposal
a. Determine a reasonable price per game for each seat in the first row.
b. Determine the factor by which the cost of each seat per game will decrease in
each subsequent row from row 1.
c. Determine the price per game of each seat in the last row.
Main Performance Based Assessment
You have fairly long legs, which allow you option of taking the steps either one or two
at a time. You can also use any combination of one and two steps for longer staircases.
Let’s get started. For a staircase with only one step there is only one way of climbing it.
You take one step to the top. If there were two steps you could take one step at a time
or you could take both steps in one stride.
Now let’s consider different length staircases. Can you fill in the table below with the
number of possible ways of climbing each staircase and come up with a formula for a
staircase of any length?
Number of 1 2 3 4 5 10 N
Number of
Explain your sequence in words.