Edu 412 Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Plan
Edu 412 Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Plan
Edu 412 Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Plan
Lesson 1
Essential Question In World War II there Were many key battles and events that happened, in your opinion what were the most key events
that happened through this Great War?
- What is the essential question that this
lesson addresses?
Sequencing This will be the first lesson of four lesson plans throughout the sequence and have different learning targets for each
lesson plan that will be conducted.
- How does this lesson fit into the larger
unit of study?
- Focus on a logical/hierarchical
sequencing of skills (e.g., main ideas
before details, similarities before
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
State Learning Standards SS.Hist1.a.h
Evaluate multiple events from different perspectives using primary and secondary sources and analyze
List the complete, relevant grade-level
intended and unintended causes from both long- and short-term perspectives. Evaluate how different
groups and individuals contributed to the event or cause.
Evaluate multiple events from different perspectives using primary and secondary sources and analyze
intended and unintended effects from both long- and short-term perspectives. Evaluate how different
groups and individuals contributed to the effect.
Learning Target(s) and Learning LT: I will begin reading about what happened to cause WWII and retain information about key events that happened
Objective(s) throughout the 1st couple of chapters.
- Choose your learning target(s) and LO: The students will begin reading about what happened to cause WWII and retain information about key events that
objective(s) based on the relevant state happened throughout the 1st couple of chapters.
learning standard(s).
Grouping This will be a whole group setting that will take place in a general education classroom.
- homogeneous, heterogeneous,
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
- ability, interest, IEP goals, social or
social-emotional, behavioral, language
Differentiation Content: I will adapt the content to the students language proficiency and academic readiness by giving them the proper
accommodations that they need for reading the chapters that we will be doing throughout this lesson plan.
Describe how you will meet individual
students’ needs by adjusting the content,
process, product, and environment
based on their readiness, interests, and
learning preferences.
Process: This will be a whole group process I will be taking place in the general education setting. If any of the students
are struggling with the information that they are given, the teacher will change from a whole group to a different
grouping if need be.
Product: The product will show differentiation by having videos and photos that will be played and shown throughout
the lesson on top of having a graphic organizer to use during the lesson plan.
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Environment: This will be a safe environment for all the students and where the students will feel accepted and are able
to make mistakes in the classroom.
Formative Assessment The way I will monitor my students is by reading the notes that the students are taking and asking after reading questions
at the end of the lesson. The way I will monitor my students is by reading the notes and asking after reading questions at
- How will you monitor student learning the end of the lesson.
throughout the lesson?
Formative Evaluation Criteria The way is by just looking at the notes and seeing what they say about the given chapters that they have been reading
throughout the lesson plans.
- What material(s) will you use to
evaluate learning?
Summative Assessment The way they will demonstrate the mastery of this lesson is at the end of all the lesson plans doing a presentation on what
they believe are the two most important events that they learned about the book.
How will students demonstrate mastery
of the standard?
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Note: This assessment does not have to
occur during/after this lesson but in
upcoming lessons.
Summative Evaluation Criteria The checklist/rubric will be on the last lesson plan.
Opening: Introduction and The way I will start off this unit plan and also start this lesson plan out is by asking questions that help activate prior
Connection to Previous Learning knowledge of the Great War. While this is happening, keep a close eye on how all of these students are responding to the
questions that you’re asking. In the back of your mind, make a mental note of how all of the students are responding to
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) the questions that you are asking so that you can monitor the knowledge that they already possess about World War II. In
● Activate prior knowledge. today’s lesson plan I will introduce them to the book that we will be reading throughout these unit plans. The book that
● Be sure students understand we will be reading throughout these four lesson plans and writing about is a book that was written by C.L. Sulzberger
procedures and instructions for the
lesson. called “The American Heritage New History of WWII”. This book is “A comprehensive and riveting account of the
● Establish clear expectations. six-year global conflict that transformed world politics and shaped the course of modern history includes hundreds of
● Model concept. haunting images from renowned war photographers.” By the end of today’s lesson the students will have a good grasp
The groupings/instruction/lesson progression about what this book is about and be able to write their first response journal for the book. The reading strategy that we
may look different in different parts of the will be using while reading this book is called Close reading. The reason for close reading is that the students have to use
lesson! a critical eye when reading the book. This means that the students need to understand that when reading historical
documents or unfamiliar terms, this makes the reading especially challenging.
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
1. Lesson Plan 1: Activate background knowledge and learn about what book we will be reading throughout.
2. Lesson Plan 2: Dig deeper into the book that we are reading and start to establish what they want to write about
in their response journals.
3. Lesson Plan 3: Start narrowing down what they want to do for the presentations they will be presenting about
the key terms that they feel are the most important.
4. Lesson Plan 4: Lastly, end the book and select what they will present in the presentations.
This lesson is a great start for the unit because we establish the goals that I want to see from the students by the end of
these four lesson plans.
During: Lesson Progression Lesson Plan 1: Activate background knowledge and learn about what book we will be reading throughout.
In this portion of the lesson, you will be After we are done activating the background knowledge on the topic and learning more about the book that we will be
letting go and letting students engage in reading through, as a class we will begin reading the first couple chapters. This will give the students the opportunity to
productive struggle; engaging in gradual get a sort of feel for the book that we are reading and start to get comfortable with the book's vocabulary. This is also the
release (“I do, we do, you do”), inquiry,
part of the lesson plan that we will be starting to talk more about our response journals. This is a good part of talking
guided or independent practice, or other
about what you as a teacher want to see in these response journals that they will be doing. The response journals that they
learning methods. Please write what you are
looking for in terms of: will be doing our things that they deem important to the chapter. They can right whatever they think about the chapter
but will have to use the information they learn to achieve the goal at the end of the unit.
● Students’ thinking and how they
will start the lesson. Remind them that we will be using the close reading strategy when reading the book and remind them that while they are
● Provide appropriate support (not reading by themselves that their perspectives may alter a historical account.
explaining how to do it).
● Provide worthwhile extensions. After reading throughout the book, ask them a different couple questions:
● Provide opportunities for students
to engage in using the academic 1. What did you find interesting about this chapter?
This is where you will be suggesting or
2. What was one thing that you learned from these chapters?
modeling specific strategies and helping
students choose which strategy makes sense 3. Was there any part of these chapters that will help you achieve the ultimate goal of this unit plan?
to them. However, you must make sure
ideas come from students.
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Closing: Wrap-Up and Extension This is the part of the lesson that we will review and go through all of the things that we talked about throughout the first
lesson plan. Remind them of the reading strategies that we will be doing when we read a class. They will also use this
End the lesson with a final review of key
reading strategy while they are reading independently throughout the book. For the next lesson plan that we will be doing
ideas and knowledge. This is where you have
students talk about their thinking and share
in a week I will have the students read the next 3 chapters and write response journals on all 3 of the chapters by the next
strategies with the whole class. It’s important class period. Then we will go over what they read in small groups and they will exchange only a couple ideas of what they
to name strategies and use academic got throughout the chapters.
vocabulary here, extending the lesson to
broader ideas.
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Supplies, Equipment and Book, pencils, notebook paper, and computers if needed.
Lesson 2
Essential Question In World War II there Were many key battles and events that happened, in your opinion what were the most key events
that happened through this Great War?
- What is the essential question that this
lesson addresses?
Sequencing This will be the second lesson of four lesson plans throughout the sequence and have different learning targets for each
lesson plan that will be conducted.
- How does this lesson fit into the larger
unit of study?
- Focus on a logical/hierarchical
sequencing of skills (e.g., main ideas
before details, similarities before
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
List the complete, relevant grade-level Evaluate multiple events from different perspectives using primary and secondary sources and analyze intended and
standard(s). unintended causes from both long- and short-term perspectives. Evaluate how different groups and individuals
contributed to the event or cause.
Evaluate multiple events from different perspectives using primary and secondary sources and analyze intended and
unintended effects from both long- and short-term perspectives. Evaluate how different groups and individuals
contributed to the effect.
Learning Target(s) and Learning LT: I will continue to read about WWII and learn about more key points.
LO: We will continue to read about WWII and learn about more key points.
- Choose your learning target(s) and
objective(s) based on the relevant state
learning standard(s).
Grouping This will be a whole group setting that will take place in a general education classroom.
- homogeneous, heterogeneous,
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
- ability, interest, IEP goals, social or
social-emotional, behavioral, language
Differentiation Content: I will adapt the content to the students language proficiency and academic readiness by giving them the proper
accommodations that they need for reading the chapters that we will be doing throughout this lesson plan.
Describe how you will meet individual
students’ needs by adjusting the content,
process, product, and environment
based on their readiness, interests, and
learning preferences.
Process: This will be a whole group process I will be taking place in the general education setting. If any of the students
are struggling with the information that they are given, the teacher will change from a whole group to a different
grouping if need be.
Product: The product will show differentiation by having videos and photos that will be played and shown throughout
the lesson on top of having a graphic organizer to use during the lesson plan.
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Environment: This will be a safe environment for all the students and where the students will feel accepted and are able
to make mistakes in the classroom.
Formative Assessment The way I will monitor my students is by reading the notes that the students are taking and asking after reading questions
at the end of the lesson. The way I will monitor my students is by reading the notes and asking after reading questions at
- How will you monitor student learning the end of the lesson.
throughout the lesson?
Formative Evaluation Criteria The way is by just looking at the notes and seeing what they say about the given chapters that they have been reading
throughout the lesson plans.
- What material(s) will you use to
evaluate learning?
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Summative Assessment The way they will demonstrate the mastery of this lesson is at the end of all the lesson plans doing a presentation on what
they believe are the two most important events that they learned about the book.
How will students demonstrate mastery
of the standard?
Summative Evaluation Criteria The checklist/rubric will be on the last lesson plan.
Opening: Introduction and Connection To start the lesson we will talk about what we did in the previous class. On the topic of World War II. I will ask reveal
to Previous Learning questions to activate the background knowledge on the topic. For one I will ask about if they are struggling on their
response journals and if they need a little bit more explaining so they can do it to the best of their abilities. Then I will ask
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook)
● Activate prior knowledge.
if anybody would like to share with the class what they put down in their response journals for the required readings that
● Be sure students understand procedures I had them do for the previous week. I will let as many students as I can talk about one of the key points that they read
and instructions for the lesson. from the required reading texts. This is another good time to make mental notes of how the children are responding to
● Establish clear expectations. the questions that you’re asking to show that you can monitor their knowledge on the topics that they are reading
● Model concept. throughout the chapters. Then I will introduce what we will be doing in this lesson. The main goal in this lesson plan is
The groupings/instruction/lesson progression may
look different in different parts of the lesson!
to have all the students get into small groups and talk about what they found interesting throughout the chapters that
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
they had to read and also give us some quotes from the response journals that they have to get an idea of where their
classmates are at in their response journals.
During: Lesson Progression Lesson Plan 2: Dig deeper into the book that we are reading and start to establish what they want to write about in their
response journals.
In this portion of the lesson, you will be
letting go and letting students engage in In this part of the lesson this is where I will be letting go and breaking students into different groups so that they can talk
productive struggle; engaging in gradual about some of the things that they learned throughout the chapters that they were required to read for class time. The
release (“I do, we do, you do”), inquiry,
students will have to use a snippet from their response journals and then they will have to explain why it is. This is
guided or independent practice, or other
another great time to sort of track through the response journals by going around each group and listening to what they
learning methods. Please write what you are
looking for in terms of: are talking about. This is another spot where you as a teacher can see if the students are pulling evidence from the text to
prove what they put in the response journal as a credible quote. It’s always a good idea to use collaboration in a lesson
● Students’ thinking and how they plan especially when it’s very easy to incorporate into the lesson plan where you have to talk about things that can be
will start the lesson. discussed and analyzed. This strategy can be found in page 158 of this is disciplinary literacy in the gray box underneath a
● Provide appropriate support (not
picture of collaboration in history and social studies. I will give the class the whole class period to discuss except the last
explaining how to do it).
● Provide worthwhile extensions. 10 minutes.
● Provide opportunities for students
to engage in using the academic
This is where you will be suggesting or
modeling specific strategies and helping
students choose which strategy makes sense
to them. However, you must make sure
ideas come from students.
Closing: Wrap-Up and Extension To close up this lesson plan I will give the students the opportunity to reflect on what they learned about their classmates'
response journals. Then I think it would be a good idea to ask a question like if they enjoyed collaborating with their
End the lesson with a final review of key
classmates and if it helped them to maybe be a little bit more detail driven when doing these response journals. Then I
ideas and knowledge. This is where you have
students talk about their thinking and share
will have them give me examples of what they would do differently and then keep a note of the way the students
strategies with the whole class. It’s important responded. This is a great time to reiterate that none of the students' responses will be frowned upon and that all the
to name strategies and use academic students can give their take on different ways that they can improve their response journals without getting laughed at or
vocabulary here, extending the lesson to messed with. I will tell the students that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated in my classroom. For next week, The
broader ideas. students will be required to read a couple more chapters and then they will by the end of the lesson have a couple of the
events that they deem most important to do their final project on. The students will be required to read a couple more
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
● Promote a community of learners. chapters and then they will by the end of the lesson next will have to start narrowing down a couple of the events that
● Listen actively and probe thinking they deem most important to do their final project on.
without evaluating or telling them
how you would do it.
Summarize main ideas and identify future
problems that they would be able to solve
using the thinking you have discussed.
Provide a brief preview of what the next
lesson will include.
Supplies, Equipment and Book, pencils, notebook paper, and computers if needed.
Lesson 3
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Essential Question In World War II there Were many key battles and events that happened, in your opinion what were the most key events
that happened through this Great War?
- What is the essential question that this
lesson addresses?
Sequencing This will be the third lesson of four lesson plans throughout the sequence and have different learning targets for each
lesson plan that will be conducted.
- How does this lesson fit into the larger
unit of study?
- Focus on a logical/hierarchical
sequencing of skills (e.g., main ideas
before details, similarities before
List the complete, relevant grade-level Evaluate multiple events from different perspectives using primary and secondary sources and analyze intended and
standard(s). unintended causes from both long- and short-term perspectives. Evaluate how different groups and individuals
contributed to the event or cause.
Evaluate multiple events from different perspectives using primary and secondary sources and analyze intended and
unintended effects from both long- and short-term perspectives. Evaluate how different groups and individuals
contributed to the effect.
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Learning Target(s) and Learning LT: I will start narrowing down what they want to do for the presentations they will be presenting about the key terms
Objective(s) that they feel are the most important.
- Choose your learning target(s) and LO: We will start narrowing down what they want to do for the presentations they will be presenting about the key terms
objective(s) based on the relevant state that they feel are the most important.
learning standard(s).
Grouping This will be a whole group setting that will take place in a general education classroom.
- homogeneous, heterogeneous,
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
-One Teach, One Observe; One Teach,
One Assist; Station Teaching; Parallel
Teaching; Supplemental; Alternative;
Team Teaching
Differentiation Content: I will adapt the content to the students language proficiency and academic readiness by giving them the proper
accommodations that they need for reading the chapters that we will be doing throughout this lesson plan.
Describe how you will meet individual
students’ needs by adjusting the content,
process, product, and environment
based on their readiness, interests, and
learning preferences.
Process: This will be a whole group process I will be taking place in the general education setting. If any of the students
are struggling with the information that they are given, the teacher will change from a whole group to a different
grouping if need be.
Product: The product will show differentiation by having videos and photos that will be played and shown throughout
the lesson on top of having a graphic organizer to use during the lesson plan.
Environment: This will be a safe environment for all the students and where the students will feel accepted and are able
to make mistakes in the classroom.
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Formative Assessment The way I will monitor my students is by reading the notes that the students are taking and asking after reading questions
at the end of the lesson. The way I will monitor my students is by reading the notes and asking after reading questions at
- How will you monitor student learning the end of the lesson.
throughout the lesson?
Formative Evaluation Criteria The way is by just looking at the notes and seeing what they say about the given chapters that they have been reading
throughout the lesson plans.
- What material(s) will you use to
evaluate learning?
Summative Assessment The way they will demonstrate the mastery of this lesson is at the end of all the lesson plans doing a presentation on what
they believe are the two most important events that they learned about the book.
How will students demonstrate mastery
of the standard?
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Summative Evaluation Criteria The checklist/rubric will be on the last lesson plan.
Opening: Introduction and Connection I will start this lesson plan like I started all of the other lesson plans by asking the students what they remember about the
to Previous Learning lesson that we did the previous week. This gives a good opportunity for students to activate their prior knowledge of the
topic and see if what they’re learning has made a difference in the way that they remember things that they are learning.
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook)
● Activate prior knowledge.
Ask questions about the required reading that they had and ask them if there are any new events that they believe might
● Be sure students understand procedures have the potential to be one of the events that they will use in the last assignment of this unit lesson plan. In this lesson
and instructions for the lesson. plan we will start narrowing down the events that we want to select to present to the class.
● Establish clear expectations.
● Model concept.
The groupings/instruction/lesson progression may
look different in different parts of the lesson!
During: Lesson Progression Lesson Plan 3: Start narrowing down what they want to do for the presentations they will be presenting about
In this portion of the lesson, you will be letting the key terms that they feel are the most important.
go and letting students engage in productive
struggle; engaging in gradual release (“I do, we During the lesson progression I will let the students work individually on narrowing down some of the selected
do, you do”), inquiry, guided or independent events that they have read in the book. They also will be able to work in groups if they wish to collaborate or
practice, or other learning methods. Please write
what you are looking for in terms of:
get opinions from their classmates about the events that they will be selecting. As the teacher I think it’s also a
good idea to do another check of the response journal to see if the students are up-to-date in all of the
● Students’ thinking and how they will chapters. This is also a good time for the students to cut out any of the events that they do not believe are
start the lesson.
● Provide appropriate support (not important enough to deem hours two of the most key events that happened in World War II. At this point they
explaining how to do it).
● Provide worthwhile extensions.
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
● Provide opportunities for students to should be close to ending the book. This is also a good time to ask if they have any questions or want your
engage in using the academic language.
This is where you will be suggesting or feedback on any of the events that they are narrowing It down to.
modeling specific strategies and helping
students choose which strategy makes sense to
them. However, you must make sure ideas come
from students.
Closing: Wrap-Up and Extension To wrap up the lesson, this is a good time to ask if any of the students are struggling with a certain part of the
End the lesson with a final review of key ideas unit that we are doing in class. Your students should always know that you are looking out for their well-being
and knowledge. This is where you have students and if they need help in a certain aspect of the lesson you will help them achieve it. Then you will go over what
talk about their thinking and share strategies with we did for the day which is individually or collaborate about what two events that you will be selecting for the
the whole class. It’s important to name strategies
and use academic vocabulary here, extending the final project. Next week we will be finishing the book and selecting The Events and learning more about what
lesson to broader ideas. I’d want for the final assessment.
● Promote a community of learners.
● Listen actively and probe thinking
without evaluating or telling them how
you would do it.
Summarize main ideas and identify future
problems that they would be able to solve using
the thinking you have discussed. Provide a brief
preview of what the next lesson will include.
- Attach/link a copy of all materials the This is the copy of the link to the book that this lesson plan will be about.
teacher and students will use during the
lesson; e.g., handouts, questions to answer,
slides, worksheets, and so on.
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Supplies, Equipment and Book, pencils, notebook paper, and computers.
Lesson 4
Essential Question In World War II there Were many key battles and events that happened, in your opinion what were the most key events
that happened through this Great War?
- What is the essential question that this
lesson addresses?
Sequencing This will be the fourth lesson of the four lesson plans throughout the sequence and have different learning targets for
each lesson plan that will be conducted.
- How does this lesson fit into the larger
unit of study?
- Focus on a logical/hierarchical
sequencing of skills (e.g., main ideas
before details, similarities before
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
State Learning Standards SS.Hist1.a.h
List the complete, relevant grade-level Evaluate multiple events from different perspectives using primary and secondary sources and analyze intended and
standard(s). unintended causes from both long- and short-term perspectives. Evaluate how different groups and individuals
contributed to the event or cause.
Evaluate multiple events from different perspectives using primary and secondary sources and analyze intended and
unintended effects from both long- and short-term perspectives. Evaluate how different groups and individuals
contributed to the effect.
Learning Target(s) and Learning LT: I will start narrowing down what I want to do for the presentations, end the book, I will then select the event, and I
Objective(s) will end with them presenting about the key terms that they feel are the most important.
- Choose your learning target(s) and LO: We will start narrowing down what we want to do for the presentations, end the book, we will then select the event,
objective(s) based on the relevant state and we weil end with them presenting about the key terms that they feel are the most important.
learning standard(s).
Grouping This will be a whole group setting that will take place in a general education classroom.
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
- homogeneous, heterogeneous,
Differentiation Content: I will adapt the content to the students language proficiency and academic readiness by giving them the proper
accommodations that they need for reading the chapters that we will be doing throughout this lesson plan.
Describe how you will meet individual
students’ needs by adjusting the content,
process, product, and environment
based on their readiness, interests, and
learning preferences.
Process: This will be a whole group process I will be taking place in the general education setting. If any of the students
are struggling with the information that they are given, the teacher will change from a whole group to a different
grouping if need be.
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Product: The product will show differentiation by having videos and photos that will be played and shown throughout
the lesson on top of having a graphic organizer to use during the lesson plan.
Environment: This will be a safe environment for all the students and where the students will feel accepted and are able
to make mistakes in the classroom.
Formative Assessment The way I will monitor my students is by reading the notes that the students are taking and asking after reading questions
at the end of the lesson. The way I will monitor my students is by reading the notes and asking after reading questions at
- How will you monitor student learning the end of the lesson.
throughout the lesson?
Formative Evaluation Criteria The way is by just looking at the notes and seeing what they say about the given chapters that they have been reading
throughout the lesson plans.
- What material(s) will you use to
evaluate learning?
Summative Assessment The way they will demonstrate the mastery of this lesson is at the end of all the lesson plans doing a presentation on
what they believe are the two most important events that they learned about the book.
How will students demonstrate mastery
of the standard?
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Note: This assessment does not have to
occur during/after this lesson but in
upcoming lessons.
Summative Evaluation Criteria The checklist/rubric will be on the last lesson plan.
Opening: Introduction and Connection to This is a good time to do a little bit of review on everything that we have gone through in the last couple weeks for this
Previous Learning class. Ask them about what they have been doing and ask them what they liked doing the most. Also, I will ask them what
● Anticipatory Activity (Hook) they didn’t like to do. Then I would remind them that we are getting down to the last couple weeks of this lesson unit and
● Activate prior knowledge. that last week they should have started to narrow down some of the events that they are going to select for their final
● Be sure students understand procedures and project. I also checked to see if all the students were up-to-date on all of their response journals. The last week or two the
instructions for the lesson.
● Establish clear expectations. students should have finished the book and been able to get a good feel on what events they will be selecting to do their
● Model concept. presentation.
The groupings/instruction/lesson progression may look
different in different parts of the lesson! These are the questions that the students will have to answer when doing their presentations:
1. Before you go into the events what are some things you felt like were interesting?
2. What Background information did you collect on your event?
3. Why do you think this is one of the most key Events of WWII?
4. What chapter from the book did you feel was the most interesting or informationional?
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
During: Lesson Progression Lesson Plan 4: Lastly, end the book and select what they will present in the presentations.
In this portion of the lesson, you will be letting In this part of the lesson is a good time to reiterate what I am looking for when the students are selecting the events to
go and letting students engage in productive
struggle; engaging in gradual release (“I do, we
answer these 4 questions:
do, you do”), inquiry, guided or independent
practice, or other learning methods. Please write 1. Before you go into the events what are some things you felt like were interesting?
what you are looking for in terms of: 2. What Background information did you collect on your event?
3. Why do you think this is one of the most key Events of WWII?
● Students’ thinking and how they will
start the lesson.
4. What chapter from the book did you feel was the most interesting or informationional?
● Provide appropriate support (not
explaining how to do it). This is a good time to do the last check of the response journals, they will be submitting these journals for a completion
● Provide worthwhile extensions. grade and also I would like to see in depth the notes that they took. The students Will use the information that they
● Provide opportunities for students to
engage in using the academic language.
acquired from the book to answer the questions that they will have to present in class this is also a time where if the
This is where you will be suggesting or students want to collaborate one more time with a certain person or persons in the class they can. It’s always a good idea
modeling specific strategies and helping to have students interact with their other classmates so that they will not be as nervous when they have to present the
students choose which strategy makes sense to given information.
them. However, you must make sure ideas come
from students.
Closing: Wrap-Up and Extension This is the last part of the unit lesson where you will wrap it all up. Talk to them about how you feel that they did very
well throughout all of the unit plans and that you are very proud of the work that they have been putting in while doing
End the lesson with a final review of key ideas
and knowledge. This is where you have students these. Talk to them about how the book was very informational and interesting and ask them for their take on the book.
talk about their thinking and share strategies with This is a great chance to ask if they have any more questions on what the presentation has to look like and if they need
the whole class. It’s important to name strategies extra time to get the presentations in. Establish a due date for the class and explain to them if they need an extension on
and use academic vocabulary here, extending the
this assignment. Then I will tell them I am looking forward to seeing their presentations. Also, ask them what we should
lesson to broader ideas.
have done differently to make the unit better. This will wrap up all 4 unit plans.
● Promote a community of learners.
● Listen actively and probe thinking
without evaluating or telling them how
you would do it.
Summarize main ideas and identify future
problems that they would be able to solve using
the thinking you have discussed. Provide a brief
preview of what the next lesson will include.
EDU 412 – Disciplinary Literacy Lesson Segment Template
Curricular and Instructional
Resources or Materials rod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=343974901572&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=7865275683878336437&hvpone=&hvpt
- List and provide a brief rationale for all =&adgrpid=69543896592&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvadid=343974901572&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=786527568387
necessary lesson resources and materials. 8336437&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1028029&hvtargid=pla-758041435840
If not original, cite the source.
This is the copy of the link to the book that this lesson plan will be about.
- Attach/link a copy of all materials the
teacher and students will use during the
lesson; e.g., handouts, questions to
answer, slides, worksheets, and so on.
Supplies, Equipment and Book, pencils, notebook paper, and computers if needed.
Prompt (350+ words): Write a reflection about the following topics:
● Describe where and how your students clearly engaged in the following disciplinary literacy areas: reading, writing, inquiry, and/or collaboration. In
other words, how does your lesson plan incorporate disciplinary literacy and allow students to participate in that discipline in authentic ways?
o To explain how the reading, writing, inquiry, and collaboration that occurs in your lesson plans represents disciplinary literacy, use the “shifts”
in disciplinary literacy described in the gray boxes in the chapter as evidence:
▪ Chapter 2 Reading: pg. 15