Second Quarter Test

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Name: ______________________________________ Total Score: ___________

Grade and Section: ____________________________ Date: _________________

Directions: read carefully each item. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
_______1. What is called to the succession of tones and the combination of pitch in a rhythm?
a. Notation b. Tune c. Melody d. Dynamics
_______2. Which symbol raises the pitch of a natural tone by a half step?
a. # b. c. d.
_______3. Which symbol lowers the pitch of a natural tone by a half step?
a. # b. c. d.
_______4. What is the function of a natural sign?
a. Raises the pitch of a natural tone by a half step.
b. Lowers the pitch of a natural tone by a half step.
c. Restores the tone to its original pitch.
_______5. What is the home tone of the major scale?
a. Do b. La c. Mi d. Sol
_______6. What is the home tone of the minor key?
a. Do b. La c. Mi d. Sol
_______7. How many sharps are there in G Major?
a. one b. two c. three d. four
_______8. What is the pitch name of Do in G Major?
a. C b. D c. G d. B
_______9. How do you locate a relative minor in a major scale?
a. Count two steps down from Do of the major key.
b. Count three steps down from Do of the major key.
c. Count four steps down from Do of the major key.
d. Count five steps down from Do of the major key.
_______10. What is the relative minor of G major?
a. A minor b. E minor c. D minor d. C Minor
_______11. What symbol is found on the third line of the staff in F major scale?
a. Flat sign b. G-clef c. Sharp sign d. Natural sign
_______12. What is the relative minor of F major?
a. A minor b. E minor c. D minor d. C minor
_______13. How should you call a note on the third line of the staff in F major?
a. Sol b. Ti c. La d. Fa
_______14. It is key that has no flat and has no sharp.
a. Key of F Major b. Key of D Major c. Key of C Major d. Key of G Major
_______15. On eof the most commonly used key signature in music.
a. C Major b. D Major c. E Major d. F Major

_______16. It may be lighter or darker for emphasis.
a. color b. size c. texture d. line
_______17. Show objects whish seem to be far or away from you.
a. background b. center c. foreground d. emphasis
_______18. It is emphasized by making it bigger that the rest in the picture.
a. color b. size c. texture d. line
_______19. It placed near the viewer.
a. background b. center c. foreground d. emphasis
_______20. It is another name for “center if interest”
a. background b. center c. foreground d. emphasis
_______21. He is a great impressionist.
a. Tadao b. Gogh c. Luna d. Kobtai
_______22. He is known as a digital printer.
a. Tadao b. Gogh c. Luna d. Kobtai
_______23. It is a method of creating an art object digitally or a technique for making digital art in the computer.
a. Graphic artist b. Art Gallery c. Digital Painting d. Art Exhibit
_______24. The following are the advantages of using computers in painting except one.
a. Errors can easily be corrected.
b. Work is done in an organized, no-mess environment.
c. Colors do not fade and brushes are never worn out.
d. Can’t be formatted and can’t easily e-mailed to interested parties.
_______25. It is an electronic device for storing and processing data.
a. computer b. data base c. data system d. Microsoft
_______26. There are activities that show the players ability to move into a space to goal to occupy the opponents
space, and to defend their space.
a. Target games b. Invasion games c. Hitting games d. All of the above
_______27. The following are types if invasion games except one.
a. Hitting with a stick or foot c. Jumping, running, or crossing over
b. Carrying or stopping across a line d. Swinging or passing
_______28. It is a game where players play in a drawn rectangular-shaped box with usually 20 sections. It can be
played individually or by teams.
a. kickball b. sungka c. piko d. tumbang priso
_______29. What game is played by two players in a board game, with 64 squares and the player is to checkmate
the opponent’s king?
a. The Game of Generals c. Patentero
b. Chess d. Dama
_______30. It is a game played by two players by using a solid wood with two rows of seven circular hole and two
large poles at both ends called house (bahay).
a. Patintero b. Piko c. Sungka d. Tumbang preso
_______31. Speed and Eye coordination are the skills developed in what invasion game?
a. Kickball b. Sungka c. Piko d. Patintero
_______32. To hop and jump on each square using one or both feet without stepping on the linesis the objective of
what invasion game?
a. Sungka b. Kickball c. Hopscoth d. Patintero
_______33. It is a game played in a school yard, court, or even in a baseball diamond field using inflated rubber or
plastic ball. It has three bases and a home base.
a. Soccer b. Lawin at sisiw c. Futsal d. Kickball
_______34. It is played on the streets where a team tries to pass through lines while the opposing team tries to
catch them while stepping on the gridlines.
a. Patintero b. Lawin at sisiw c. Soccer d. Tumbang Preso
_______35. What fitness indicator hs the ability of the heart, blood vessels, blood, and respiratory system to supply
the nutrients and oxygen to the working muscle and the ability to utilized this fuel to allow sustained exercise?
a. Cardiovascular b. Flexibility c. Muscular endurance d. Muscular strength
_______36. The following statements are characteristics of a healthy community except one.
a. A clean and safe physical environment.
b. An environment that meet everyone’s basic needs.
c. An understanding of local and environmental issues.
d. A community whose members can’t access to health services and facilities.
_______37. A healthy classroom should be _____.
a. clean b. safe c. convenient d. All of the above.
_______38. What are some environmental problems in a community?
a. Air pollution b. Noise pollution c. Water pollution d. A, B, C.
_______39. What are the three components of the earth?
a. Pollution, Air, Water b. Land, Water, Air c. Plants, Water, Land d. Animals, Pollution
_______40. It is the biggest part of the earth’s surface.
a. Air b. Land c. Pollution d. Water
_______41. It is the solid part of the surface of the earth.
a. Air b. Land c. Pollution d. Water
_______42. It is the combination of invisible and odorless gases.
a. Air b. Land c. Pollution d. Water
_______43. Bad gasses in the air that is harmful for our health.
a. Air pollution b. Land pollution c. Noise pollution d. Water pollution
_______44. It is a pollution that affects our ears and leads to have a psychological problem.
a. Air pollution b. Land pollution c. Noise pollution d. Water pollution
_______45. It is the contamination of water that causes harmful effect on life and health.
a. air pollution b. Land pollution c. Noise pollution d. Water pollution
_______46. It is the degradation f the earth’s surface through the misuse of all soil.
a. air pollution b. Land pollution c. Noise pollution d. Water pollution
_______47. It is a good waste management to make something lesser in amount.
a. reuse b. reduce c. recycle d. remake
_______48. It is a good waste management to use something again.
a. reuse b. reduce c. recycle d. remake
_______49. It is a good waste management to make something from things that have been used before.
a. reuse b. reduce c. recycle d. remake
_______50. These wastes can be broken easily and used by bacteria.
a. Biodegradable b. Non-biodegradable c. Hazardous d. Plastics


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