DLL in MAPEH 6, July 2-6, 2018

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Mactan, Lapu- Lapu City
A.Y. 2018-2019

GRADE LEVEL & SECTION(S): Grade 6- St. Fidelis QUARTER: First Quarter
( 8:35- 9:25) (9:50 – 10:40) (2:10- 3:00) (3:00 – 3:50)
A. Content Standards Demonstrate understanding of the use of lines, shapes, colors, Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of the
texture, and the principles of emphasis and contrast in drawing participation and assessment of use of lines, shapes, colors, texture,
a logo and own cartoon character using new technologies in physical activity and physical fitness and the principles of emphasis and
drawing contrast in drawing a logo and own
cartoon character using new
technologies in drawing
B. Performance Standards Create concepts through art processes, elements, and Participate and assess performance Create concepts through art
principles using the new technologies (hardware and software) in physical activities processes, elements, and principles
to create personal or class logo using the new technologies
Assess physical fitness (hardware and software) to create
Design cartoon character on the spot using new technologies. personal or class logo

Design cartoon character on the

spot using new technologies.
C. Learning Competencies Appreciate the elements and Explain ideas about the logo Describe the Philippines physical
(Write the LC code for each) principles applied in (A6PR-Id) activity pyramid Create a logo as visual
commercial art (A6PL-Ia) (PE6PF-Ia-16) representation that can be used as a
product, brand, or trademark
II. CONTENT Logos Designs Assessment of physical activities and Design a Logo
physical fitness
A. References
1. Textbook Garcia- Quinitio, Ligaya B., et. al., Garcia- Quinitio, Ligaya B., Garcia- Quinitio, Ligaya B., et. al.,
Mapeh in Action 6, Rex Book et. al., Mapeh in Action 6, Mapeh in Action 6, Rex Book Store,
Store, 2016, Quezon City, pp. 84 Rex Book Store, 2016, 2016, Quezon City, pp. 184 - 185
- 86 Quezon City, pp. 80-83
2. Teacher’s Guide Garcia- Quinitio, Ligaya B., et. al., Garcia- Quinitio, Ligaya B., Garcia- Quinitio, Ligaya B., et. al.,
Mapeh in Action 6- Teacher’s et. al., Mapeh in Action 6- Mapeh in Action 6- Teacher’s
Resource Manual, Rex Book Teacher’s Resource Manual,
Store, 2016, Quezon City, pp. 67- Rex Book Store, 2016, Resource Manual, Rex Book Store,
68 Quezon City, pp. 64 - 66 2016, Quezon City, pp. 136- 137
3. Additional Materials
from Learning Different kinds of logos from the
Resource portal internet
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing previous Survey the learners’ prior Have a review on the Have a review on the elements and
lesson or presenting the knowledge about the topic. They elements and principles principles applied in designing a
new lesson may raise their hands if they applied in designing a logo logo
know the following questions:
- Who knows a lot about logo
- Who have seen or have heard
about logo design?
- Who knows a little about logo
- Who have no clue or doesn’t
know about logo design?
B. Establishing a purpose of Present sample logo designs and Present pictures to the Question:
the new lesson let the learners observe them. learners and ask the Present pictures of different
- What have you observe from following questions? activities they do.
the logo designs? - What makes a logo design - What have you observed from the
- Which logo do you think is the great? pictures presented?
most memorable? - How does a logo designer - Did you do the same activity?
- Which is your favorite? go about making one?
- Did you know that sometimes
you have to be a good “visual
detective “to find a great logo?
C. Presenting examples/ Discuss on the elements and Present a sample logo Show a pyramid and discuss the Discuss the mechanics in designing
instances of the new principles necessary for a well – design project to the different activities per level. a logo and the criteria as the bases
lesson designed logo. learners and discuss some for grading.
important points that need
to be considered in making
the logo successful.
D. Discussing new concepts Involve the learners to an Show three to five famous Group Activity n :
and practicing new skills impromptu recitation activity logo designs with Learners will discuss within the
where they cite examples of interesting designs. group the activities they do and the
logos they have seen or are - What do you think are time allotted for each activity.
familiar with. some of the distinct Have the learners design a logo
characteristics that based on the sample situation,
convinced viewers to find business or event presented to
these logos remarkable? them.
E. Developing mastery Discuss and tell what these Interactive discussion: Have each group to share in the class
(Leads to Formative logos are used for, and which of Utilize each learner’s ideas the common activities they usually
Assessment) these logos their favorites are. and share it to the class. do and discuss the importance of
each activity.

F. Finding practical Relate how different logos are Give applications involving Have the learners share insights on
applications of concepts used by people nowadays. the use of logos in the importance of physical activities
and skills in daily living promoting business and in our life.
G. Making generalizations Elicit learners’ learning through Discuss again about logos Using the pyramid discuss again the Let volunteer learners to share their
and abstractions about ABC Summary. using the examples shown activities per level and the output to the class.
the lesson and give insights. importance in doing those activities.
H. Evaluating Learning Have the learners identify the Let the learners do Activity Have the learners make a plan
different logos as personal, 1, Logo Clips and Journal. regarding their daily physical
crests and business and product activities using the pyramid.
I. Additional activities for
application or
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation
Ms. Maribel J. Kilat Mr. Mark Dan Lyster Fiel Sr. Misheil Oporto, SFIC
Subject Teacher Subject Area Coordinator School Principal

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