Quizbeeinaralingpanlipunan Elementarylevel
Quizbeeinaralingpanlipunan Elementarylevel
Quizbeeinaralingpanlipunan Elementarylevel
Republic of the Philippines
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula '· ·.[
Dipolog City 7100
l. This is to announce the conduct of the Division Quiz Bee in Araling Panlipunan (Elementary
Level) on February 9 and 10, 2018 which will be held at Mibang, Hotel, Dipolog City.
2. The main objective of this activity is to test pupils' accumulation and retention of knowledge
delivered by the teacher within the coverage of the competencies in Araling Panlipunan from I" to 4tli
grading periods.
3. Participants to the division level are the pupils who emerged as l st, 2nd and 3rd placers per grade
level during the Congressional level competition with their respective coaches.
5. The above-mentioned school heads are directed to attend for an orientation regarding the
conduct of the activity on January 22, 2018, 2"d floor of the Division Office Building @ 1:00 o'clock in
the afternoon.
6. Schedules for the contest of the Division Level Quiz Bee are as follows:
February 9, 2018 - Grades I-III
February 10, 2018- Grades IV-VI
7. The following are members of the support staff and are advised to be in attendance for two (2)
days; February 9 and 10, 2018 respectively, to viz;
1. Dr. Antonina Gallo 5. Judith Anne Tomogon
2. Dr. Glenda Gudmalin 6. Rodelyn Jumawan
3. Julie May Cubar 7. Harvey Pingkian
4. Shane Uy 8. Gina Chiong
8. Meals and snacks will be served and the l st meal is breakfast.
9. Travelling and incidental expenses of the participants and support staff shall be charged against
local funds/school MOOE subject to usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
10. Herewith attached are the mechanics and guidelines of the Quiz Bee.
11. Immediate and wide dissemination of this memorandum is desired.
2018 Quiz Bee in Araling Panlipunan( Elementary)
1. The coverage of the AP Quiz Bee includes the learning competencies from I" to 4th
grading periods.
2. The following will be used as the official languages:
• Mother Tongue - Grades 1-3 (Regular classes)
• Filipino - Grades 4-6 (Regular Classes)
SpEd- Grades 1-6 (Fast Learners)
SSES- Grades 1-6
3. The respective districts should conduct an elimination round. The champion per grade
level will qualify to the Congressional Level.
4. Participants to the division level are the pupils who emerged as I", 2°d and 3rd placers per
grad e 1 eve l duri . all eve l competition to viz;
unng t he C onzression
Congressional District Grade Level Coach
1. CD 1 (Northern Grade I - 3 3
Grade2- 3 3
Niners) Grade 3 - 3 3
Grade 4 - 3 3
Grade 5 - 3 3
Grade 6 - 3 3
2. CD2-A Grade I - 3 3
Grade2 - 3 3
(POMAR OKA) Grade 3 - 3 3
Grade4 - 3 3
Grade 5 - 3 3
Grade 6- 3 3
3. CD 2-B (USSA) Grade 1 - 3 3
Grade 2 - 3 3
Grade 3 - 3 3
Grade 4 - 3 3
Grade 5 - 3 3
Grade 6 - 3 3
4. CD 3- A(Mainland Gradel - 3 3
Grade 2 - 3 3
Giants) Grade 3 - 3 3
Grade 4 - 3 3
Grade 5 - 3 3
Grade 6 - 3 3
5. CD 3-B ( 3SB Gradel - 3 3
Grade 2 - 3 3
Fighters) Grade 3 - 3 3
Grade 4 - 3 3
Grade 5 - 3 3
Grade 6 - 3 3
5.During the congressional level, there will be a separate competition to the identified SpEd
and SSES classes for Grades 1-3 while Grades 4-6 will compete with the regular classes.
Qua lifi . . 1 eve 1 are t he top 3 PUPI·1 set'th er fr om Sipe d or SSES to viz;
1iers to the D.IVlSIOn .
Grade Coach
SpEd/SSES Grades I - 3 3
Grades 2 - 3 3
Grades 3-3 3
6. AP Coaches in the district, congressional and division levels must prepare EASY",
"AVERAGE,,, "DIFFICULT,, and "TIE BREAKER,, questions or CLINCHER "(in
case of a tie) within the coverage of AP learning competencies from 1 st_4 th quarters.
Two formulated questions by the respective coaches ( prepared separately in a sheet of
paper with answers.) will be dropped in each box (to be prepared by the committee of
the host )four boxes labelled "EASY", "AVERAGE", "DIFFICULT' and
"CLINCHER,,. Formulated questions which have been dropped in respective boxes will
be mixed together. The quizmaster shall pick question one at a time. If the question had
been repeated & bearing with the same answer, it shall be replaced by another question of
the same level.
7. Grades I-III contestants will be given a total of 20 questions of which 6 are "easy", 7 are
"average" and 7 are "difficult". Grades IV-VI will be given a total of 30 questions of
which IO are "easy", 12 are "average" and 8 are "difficult".
Time Limit : Easy questions - 5 seconds
Average Questions - 10 seconds
Difficult Questions - 15 seconds
8. Grades I-III will be given options for easy and average questions. They have to write the
letter of the best answer. Identification or fill in the blank for difficult questions.
Grades IV-VI, will be given options for easy and average questions for EASY, the
contestants will right the letter of the best answer, for AVERAGE, the contestants will
write the word or group of words. Identification or fill in the blank for difficult questions.
9. The questions will be read by the quizmaster twice. The contestants are allowed to write
their answer after the second reading when the quizmaster shall say "go". Automatically
the time-limit will begin with the word "go" by the quizmaster. The time keeper should
say "time is up" then the quizmaster will say" stop", the contestants will stop writing.
10. Should a participant wish to change an answer that he/she has written down, this answer
should be crossed out with one horizontal line. The new answer must be written clearly
beside the crossed out answer. A contestant is allowed to change his/her answer within
the time allotted for a particular question.
11. All ties shall be broken by a tie breaker question. The first one to get the correct answer
will win.
12. In case of protest or inquiry during the actual quiz proceedings, the following procedures
shall be observed:
• Only the official coach of the participant is allowed to raise a protest or inquiry at the
earliest appropriate time specificalJy before the next question will be asked.
• The protest or inquiry will be addressed orally to the board of judges who will
recognize the protest or inquiry.
• The chair will announce the decision upon deliberation with the members of the
board of judges.
13. The winner will be proclaimed based on cumulative scoring system.
14. Attendance sheets and the over-all results of the congressional level QuizBee will be
forwarded to the ZN Quiz Bee Coordinator BPS Velasco.