DGS Order No. 06 of 2024
DGS Order No. 06 of 2024
DGS Order No. 06 of 2024
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Subiect: Issue of E-Migrations of lndian Seafarers due to the Technicul Ll radation of E-Mierate
Portal - Res.
Whereas. the Directorate General of Shipping. Mumbai vide Merchant Shipping Notice No. 07 of
20 I 7 dated I I .08.201 7 had launched an E-Migrate system for Indian Seafarers.
2. And whereas, the e-Migrate system provides several benefits to both, the companies and the
seafarers. For companies. it ensures compliance with regulations by facilitating recruitment through licensed
entities. thus reducing legal risks associated with unlicensed recruitment. It also streamlines the immigration
process by allowing immigration authorities to verify seafarers' details electronically, enhancing efficiency
at immigration checkpoints. For seafarers, the system offers increased protection by ensuring that they are
recruited through legitimate channels, minimizing the risk of exploitation or mistreatment associated with
unauthorized recruitment practices. Additionally, seafarers can verify their registration details through the e-
Migrate website or SMS service, providing them r,',ith greater transparency and control over their
recruitment process.
4. And whereas, the Directorate has received numerous representations via various channels, including
phone calls, emails. and messages, hightighting issues encountered during the e-migration of seafarers due
to ongoing technical upgradation olthe e-Migrate Portal.
5. Therefbre, after a thorough examination and discussions with the Protectorate of Emigrants in
Mumbai, it has been decided to issue a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) to mitigate the ongoing e-
Migration issues until the system is lully restored. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is annexed herewith
as Annexure ll. The SOP will be wplicable to dll the Prolectorate of Emigrants (POEy); Foreipn
Regionol Repislratiott O/fices (FRROs): Imntisr liotr Anthoriti':s.
7. The Companies are required to provide a hard copy of all the following documents to the seafarers,
so as to enable them to fumish the same to the Immigration Authorities/Officials for verification before e-
Migration, if required.
l. FORM I (for Foreign Flagged vessel) or Article of Agreement (for Indian Flagged vessel)
ii. Sea Service Details ol Seafarers Online Profile.
iii. Employment Contract.
iv. Insurance Coverage.
Valid Passport; CDC; BSID.
vi. Flight Tickets.
vii. Any other travel documents, as applicable.
8. The Conrpanies are required to submit an Un&rtaking along with the details as mentioned in the
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). The format of the undertaking is annexed herewith as Annexure III.
Only, the authorized signatory ofthe Company is permitted to sign the undertaking.
9. This issues with the approval of the Director General of Shipping, Mumbai.
(Capt. Manish Kumar)
Nautical Surveyor -cum-
Dy. Director General of Shipping (Crew Branch).
i. All FRROs.
ii. All Stakeholders through DGS Website.
iii. All Mercantile Marine Departments.
iv. All Govt. Shipping Offices.
All Seamen's Employment Offices.
vi. Computer Cel[ for uploading of the same to the DGS Website
sfi ,tbm, iira RfH'r, 3ni Ri6 -6il Aq{,6tg('fis rrE, oiguFf ($) ie{- +ooolz
gth Floor, BETA Building, l-Think Techno Campus, Kaniur Vllage Road, Kaniurmarg (E), Mumba:400M2
tiHne: No.: +g1-22-2575?f/l0hru3 fffi/Fax.: +91-22-2575 2029/35 $tT/Emai;: ogship{[email protected] tqH{d/w€bsire: \ryuM.dgshippin0.gov.in
l/u,u(xup(- Z
Subject: lntimation regarding technical upgradc to lre carried out in the oMigrate portal
(https:/remig rate. gov.in) starting 1 8l 03t 2024
The eMigrete portal (htlps://emigrate gov rn) is under revamp lor qurte some hme and
the new upgraded version eMigrate V 2 0 is to Go Live soon
3 Ail stakeholders are requested to bear with the scheduled technlcal upgtade ptcce",.'
Dunng the period. Recruiting Agenls / emrgrants are requested to book f|ght trckets onrl
after the EC rs granted and not to book flight tickets tn anticipation of granl of Emrgratjc.
Clearances so that emigrant workers do not face any difficulties in boarding the flrghts
5 Tnrs rssues with approval of JS(OE) & Protector General of Emigrants(PcEr rc'
eCtatice irilrrnatron of all stakeholder -- ir .\
'- -Mo".p Kaushr[]
Under Secretary to the Govt of lndia
Email usoe3@mea qov r,r
To : All Protector of Emigrants (PoEs) - Please share a copy of this circular suitably
with local RAs and other stakeholders, immigration and other relevant stattr Govt
deparlmentJaulhorities with request to extend all necessary assistance Io the
emigrants tr av elling abt oad
The RPSL Companies or the Shipping Company shall submit the details of the seafarers in the online
profile of the seafarers even if the reference no. is not generating.
2 A comprehensive list of all seafarers must be submitted to the Directorate in EXCEL FORMAT,
one day before the scheduled journey, by 1500 Hrs. The said comprehensive list must be submitted
to the Directorate in the following format.
Sr. RPSL Name of INDoS Passport CDC Port of Travelling Date of Vessel
No. Company/ the No. No. No. Departure to the Journel Details
3. As mentioned in the Order, physical copies of all the requisite documents shall be provided to the
seafarers prior to their e-Migration lor verification, if deemed necessary.
4. Companies are obliged to provide an Undertaking containing the specified details outlined at Point
No. 2 above. The lormat for this undertaking is annexed herewith as Annexure III. Only, the authorized
representative ofthe Company must sign the undertaking.
5. The abovementioned details and the documents shall be furnished to the Directorate on following
email Ids:--
[email protected]
manish. k umar-d gs(al gov - in
daniel i ohn-d gs'ii)gor'. in
registered under the Flag ol .......... with IMO No................. duly owned by
under lhe P&l Club of M/s.. ..... .. . ..
We also hereby declare that the documents and information provided to the seafarer and the Directorate are
ture and correct to the best ofour knowledge and beliei We also understand that in case, it is detected at any
stage of recruitment of seafarer that the information/documents fumished by us are incorrect/false or that we
have suppressed and material fact(s), the Company shall be liable to the applicable proceeding under the
Merchant Shipping Act 1958 and the Merchant Shipping (Recruitment and Placement of Seafarers) Rules
Given under our sig nature with Official Seal of the Comoanv.
sfi rikd, iii.r Bfrd'r, 3ni Pi6 }+fr AuTfr,argT ,ft-{ tc, 6rguFi($) ga-{- +ooo+z
gth Floor, BETA Build ng, l-Th:nk Techno Campus, Kaniur Vllage Road, Kanjurmarg (E), Mumbal{00042
tif{fr", No.' +91-22-2575 m4ohl2J3 ftfr/Fax.: +91-22-2575 2029135 {tfilEmai,: ogsnip<[email protected] }E{f{c*v6bsite: www.dgshippirg.gov.i0