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SUBJECT: Science
TOPIC CONTENT: Doing Scientific Investigations: Solving Problem
The learners should be able to describe the components of a scientific investigation.

One way of addressing community based problem is using ways of gathering data.

How are we going to address community based problems?

a. identify the components of the scientific investigation;
b. describe the components of the scientific investigation; and
c. perform a guided scientific investigation in community based problems using local

The teacher will ask the students to go out from the classroom and let them observe the
surroundings. They will be asked to list observations as many as they can. Once they
are inside the classroom, they will be asked to find a partner and share their
observations. Out from those observations, they must come up with a possible problem.
The problem can be in question form or statement.

Process Questions:
1. How did you formulate your problem?
2. Do you have an answer for you problem?
3. How valid is your answer?
4. How did you come up with your answer?
5. What makes you formulate your problem?

In this activity, students were able to formulate problems out from their observation and
develop a scientific attitude which is necessary as scientist and grasps the initial idea in
doing a scientific investigation.


The students will be asked to validate their answer for their problem from the previous
activity. They will not be given yet the input on how to test their answers, it will be up to
them how are they going to test their answer for validity.

Process Questions:
1. Is your answer valid?
2. What makes it valid?
3. How did you validate your answer?
4. What makes you find the answer?
This activity made the students to creatively validate their answer on their own way, by
this; it will be easy for them to test if their answer is correct gathering information which
is also necessary in doing scientific investigation.

Activity 3: RUN THOUGH

Students will be asked to list all the steps that they done in the previous activities and
write something about it while they are making it in graphic organizer.

Process Question:
1. How many steps do you have?
2. What did you do in every step?
3. Do these steps necessary even in real life? Why?

Activity 4: K-W-L CHART

The students will fill in the column under K-W for this part.

Students were able to identify the steps in doing scientific investigation and the
appropriate attitude as being a scientist and were strengthen by filling in the chart.

Activity 5: UPLOADING…
The students will be given sample of scientific investigation and by pair they are going
to critique the sample. After, they will be given input about scientific investigation and
scientific attitude.

Process Questions:
1. Are these steps always applicable to real life?
2. What is the significance of scientific investigation nowadays?

Through this activity, students were able to describe the components of the scientific
investigation and incorporate scientific attitudes. The next activity will help the students
to enhance their knowledge and skill from this topic.

The students will be asked what number they are after the discussion of the topic. They
will be asked to write on 1/8 sheet of paper their scale and their names.


Activity 7: DO IT YOURSELF!
Students will be asked to do scientific investigation focusing on their preferred topic.
They will be asked to work by pair. But suggestions on what topic they will be working
will be given to the students due to time constraint like:
Which is more effective commercial fertilizer or organic fertilizer?
What is the best for plant, with sunlight or not?

Process Question:
1. How does working on you own enhance your learning on this topic?

Activity 8: K-W-L CHART

Students will fill in the last column of the chart.

The activity helped the students to practice on how to work on specific investigation with
less guidance from the teacher. Whatever they have learned from this activity will be
useful in succeeding the next activity.

Activity 9: SIMPLE S.I.P
The Samahang Pisika ng Visayas at Mindanao (SPVM) will hold an annual gathering
that aims to discover good research and potential researchers. The association invites
enthusiast researchers to come. As a researcher you are going to share and present
your elite work of mind to the panellist of SPVM. You are going to investigate your own
preferred field of interest which involves problems in the community. Your research will
employ scientific method. For your work to be chosen it must follow the following
standards: organization, informative, conventions, analysing data and drawing of

Criteria Excellent 50 pts Satisfactory Fair 30 pts Needs

40 pts Improvement
20 pts
Problem The problem is The problem is The problem is The problem is
specific general not clear not given
Hypothesis The association The problem is Hypothesis is not No hypothesis
between the stated but the stated directly. given.
problem and the predicted result
predicted result is not.
is direct.
Design Thorough and Lacks minor Missing major Not applicable to
appropriate to details. design the problem.
the problem. List of materials components. The design is
List of materials are complete. List of materials wrong and does
are complete Control and are incomplete. not help answer
Control and experiment set Only the problem.
experimental set up are identified. experimental set Procedure is
up are identified. Only dependent up is identified or difficult to follow.
Dependent and variable is only control set
independent identified. up is identified.
variables are Procedure is Dependent and
clear. easy to follow. independent
Procedure is variables are not
easy to follow. identified.
Procedure is
somehow easy
to follow.
Data collection All significant Data collection is Inadequate Data collected is
and analysis data collected, complete. major design not useful.
measured and Tables and components. No tables or
recorded. charts are Raw data chart.
Gives accurate presented. presented but no Explanation is
tables and Result explained tables nor charts. wrong.
charts. clearly. Some
Results explanations are
explained clearly wrong.
with additional
Drawing of Conclusion is Conclusion is Conclusion is Conclusion does
conclusion clearly stated clear and vague and not answer the
and associates answers the somehow problem.
other related problem. answers
information. problem.

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