Learning Activity Sheet: Family, Genus and Species
Learning Activity Sheet: Family, Genus and Species
Learning Activity Sheet: Family, Genus and Species
Science — Grade 8
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 — Module 5: Hierarchical Taxonomic System of Classification
Taxonomy is a branch of Science that deals with the process of classifying different living species. In here,
from the largest to the smallest groups, the different groups are ranked. The large groups comprise many
organisms with little similarities, while the small groups comprise few organisms having many similarities. This
categorization would tell that organisms having more similarities would be closely related than those organisms
having less similarities. The hierarchical classifications consist of the domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order,
family, genus and species.
The largest category is the domain. Kingdom category follows which is subdivided into various phyla (sing.
phylum). A phylum comprises of different classes where each class has several orders, and an order consists
of different families. Then, several genera (sing. genus) comprise the families and each genus contain the
smallest group of various species.
Classifying the Organisms Around Me
1. Try to look into your own surroundings. Choose ten organisms (be it 10 plants or 10 animals) to
be observed.
2. Complete the Data Chart by identifying the physical similarities and differences of these
List of Organisms Similar Features Different Features
Other observations:
3. Then, using the information in your data chart, group these organisms. Use the graphic
organizer provided to show your groupings.
Group 1 Group 2
1. How do you find the activity? Was it easy to classify the organisms in the surroundings?
2. How is this activity different from the system of classification discussed earlier in this module?
Directions: Using 60 to 90 words, explain the advantage of high biodiversity in maintaining the stability of an
ecosystem and discuss the things you can do as a student in keeping the richness of biodiversity in Filipino.
Use separate paper 1 whole paper.