Lesson 3 Capacity

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Student Teacher Name: Miss Kellett

School: Sorrento Primary School

Year level: Prep
VELS Level: Foundation
Lesson Title: Measurement (Capacity)
Lesson Duration: 45 mins
Lesson Day, Time and Date: Thursday, 11.30am, 4.09.14
Lesson Purpose Description
At this end of this lesson, students will.Students will be able to estimate and explain which containers holds more or less and explain reasoning

in everyday language.
Learning Standards
VELS Strands
Personal and
Social Learning




Measurement and Geometry

Use direct and indirect comparisons to

decide which is longer, heavier or
holds more, and explain reasoning in
everyday language (ACMMG006)


Childrens Prior Learning

Children are have a sound understanding of capacity. They are not familiar with the term and need reassurance of how to use it and how to say it within

EDF3311 Understanding Space and Place, Semester 2 2013

Professional Placements Manual, Faculty of Education, Monash University

Teaching / Learning Skill Development (e.g. I want to improve my questioning skills and intend to ......... These should arise from previous mentor
comments and self reflection and should be assessed below)
I like to improve my classroom management skills, questioning skills and overall judgement of each students understanding of capacity.

Teaching and Learning Preparation

Children need:
I have prepared:
I will bring: Containers, worksheets, plastic cups.
Session Structure
Lesson Phase

Classroom Management and

Capacity- The maximum amount that something can

Students will need to get their hat and a

jumper and make their way to the sand
pit without running or talking.

The other day we measured how long, short or

equal things were with string. Today we are going to
measure how much sand can fit into containers.
This is called Capacity. You will need to use your
thinking caps to see how many egg cups or mini
cups of sand of sand it will take for me to fill some
I will be introducing students to capacity by working
with them in the sand pit. I will show four types of
containers or objects of different sizes and ask the
students how many egg cups of sand do you think I
will need to fill this container? So all students will
count with me 1,2,3,4,5,6.

EDF3311 Understanding Space and Place, Semester 2 2013

Professional Placements Manual, Faculty of Education, Monash University

Assessment, Reporting &

Evaluation Strategies
I will take note of how the students
develop a sense of understanding of


Each student will get to choose a container

from the box.
Students will sit back down or around the
sand pit and estimate how many cups full of
sand it will take them to fill their container.
They will then need swap the container with
someone opposite them and repeat the
activity. Guessing and checking.
Go back inside and get students to sit at
their table and complete an activity of which
container holds more.
Worksheet involves students to do their best
colouring in of each section that states
which object holds more.

Conclusion /Closure

Conclude the lesson with a discussion based

around how things can be measured differently.

Students will find something that

is lined up along the wall.
Students will get a plastic cup to
fill the sand with.
Students will gather back and sit
in their circle.
They will have a go at
estimating then pouring the
sand into the containers.

Students will be sitting at tables and

telling me what they learnt about

Extension Activities

Transition to next

EDF3311 Understanding Space and Place, Semester 2 2013

Professional Placements Manual, Faculty of Education, Monash University

I will see if students are following

instructions and estimating. Using
their visual stimulation to get the
correct measurement.

EDF3311 Understanding Space and Place, Semester 2 2013

Professional Placements Manual, Faculty of Education, Monash University

Self Evaluation (To be completed as soon as possible after the lesson)

Needs Improvement
Teaching / Learning
Skill Development


Achieving Well

Teaching Skill and Curriculum Content Development (Reflection)

EDF3311 Understanding Space and Place, Semester 2 2013

Professional Placements Manual, Faculty of Education, Monash University

Mentor Teacher Evaluation (To be completed during the lesson and discussed as soon as possible after the lesson with the pre-service teacher)
Teaching / Learning
Skill Development



Mentor Comments
Lesson three (Repeated) - In Shanais first lesson she did a good job of modelling capacity to the children. However in her second lesson her
models were more specific and therefore the childrens understanding of what was expected was clearer. Shanai is beginning to get a feel of when
the activity has run long enough and children are beginning to go off task. This is something she is working on.
Learning intention what I want them to measure.
Success criteria children will be able to informally fill a cup.

EDF3311 Understanding Space and Place, Semester 2 2013

Professional Placements Manual, Faculty of Education, Monash University

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