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Evidence Plan

Unit of Competency Produce Fruit bearing crops

Module Title Producing Fruit bearing crops



Ways in which evidence will be collected:
The evidence must show that the candidate…

1. Performs bagging operations in accordance  

with horticulture manual
2. Assess site in terms of its ability to fruit 
bearing production
3. Plants seedling without making the soil
4. Applies tar and paint to cuts
5. Selects site according to criteria

6. Laid out site for planting

7. Grows seedlings

8. Harvests fruit bearing crops

Prepared by: Date:

Checked by: Date:
Demonstration with Questioning Checklist

Trainee name:
Trainer name:
Unit of competency: Produce fruit bearing crops
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for demonstration
Given the necessary tools, the candidate will be able to demonstrate, produce
fruit bearing crops following standard procedures
 to show if

During the demonstration of skills, did the candidate: Yes No N/A

 Performs bagging operations in accordance with
  
horticulture manual
 Assess site in terms of its ability to fruit bearing
  
 Plants seedling without making the soil crumble   
 Applies tar and paint to cuts   
 Selects site according to criteria   
 Laid out site for planting   
 Grows seedlings   
 Harvests fruit bearing crops   

The candidate’s demonstration was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Demonstration with Oral Questioning Checklist (continued)

Questions Satisfactory

The trainee should answer the following questions: Yes No

1.What are the following irrigation system?  

2.How to stake trees?  

3.What are the following tools, implements and
 
equipment use n produce fruit bearing crops?
4. Why is it important to analyze soil?  
5. What are the factor to be considered in selecting
 
plant site?
The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was:
Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 
Feedback to trainee:

The trainee’s overall performance was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 

Trainer’s signature: Date:

Suggested Questions with Answers for Oral Questioning [continued]

Questions with Answers

1.What are the following irrigation system?

Answer : flood irrigation,furrow irrigation,graded border irrigation,

sprinkler irrigation,drip irrigation, micro irrigation
2. How to stake trees?

Answer: The basic method of staking a young tree is to plant long

stakes into the ground on either side of the tree and tie the tree to the
stakes with a tie or cord. The cords should not be tied too firmly so as to
allow the trunk to expand and sway in the wind. Although many people only
use one stake, using 1 stake may be less flexible than 2 or more stakes, and
result in damage to the tree.

3.What are the following tools use in produce fruit bearing crops?

Answer: bolo,axe,sickle,pruning shears,knife,scissors,post hole

digger, pick mattock, grub hoe, spade, shovel, hand trowel, hand cultivator,
hand fork,spading fork, rake
4. What are the step in soil sampling?

Answer: 1. Make a map of the farm showing sampling areas

2. Collect composite soil sample from each sampling area
3. Take a composite soil sample
5 What are the factor to be considered in selecting plant site?

Answer: sunlight, water and drainage, topography of the land, types of

soil, accessibility to road and transportation, climatic requirements, socio-
economics condition
Oral Questioning Checklist

Trainee name:
Trainer name:
Unit of competency: Produce fruit bearing crops
Date of assessment:
Time of assessment:
Instructions for Oral Questioning
The candidate will be assessed based on his/her answers to the given
questions. The assessor should not deviate from the standard questions
provided herein.
Oral Questions Satisfactory response

The trainee should answer the following questions: Yes No

1. What is best irrigation in farms?and why?  

2. Climate requirement in planting?  
3. How define farm implements?  
4. What are the advantages in using square planting
 
The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was:
Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 
Feedback to trainee:

The trainee’s overall performance was:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 
Trainer’s signature: Date:

The candidate’s responses were:

Satisfactory  Not Satisfactory 
Suggested Questions with Answers for Oral Questioning [continued]

Questions with Answers

1. What is best irrigation in farms?and why?

Answer: Sprinkler Irrigation
Sprinkler irrigation can be used to irrigate fields of most any size, slope, or
shape. Listed below are the different ways sprinklers are used in farm
irrigation systems to distribute water over a field.

2. Climate requirement in planting?

3. How define farm implements?
Farm implements are accessories either being pulled by animals or
mounted on machinery. These are made out of different materials. For
native plow and harrow, these are made of wood and some parts are metal.
In the case of disc plow, disc harrow and rotavator, these are made out of
metal. These implements are generally used to till, pulverize, level the soil,
and make furrows.
4. What are the advantages in using square planting system?
 Most easy and popular one.
 In this row to row and plant to plant distance is kept similar.
 Plants are exactly at right angle to each other.
 Interculture operations can be done in both the directions.
 Adequate space for inter-cultivation of remunerative crops like

Content Item/
Knowledge Comprehension Application
Area/Topics Total

Site assessment
in terms of soil 1 1 20%

Factors affecting
the site for
1 1 20%
planting fruit
bearing crops

Farm tools,
implements and 1 1 20%

Planting system 1 1 20%

Irrigation system 1 1 20%

Total item 3 4 3 100%

DISTRIBUTION Item No. of Weight/
Placement items Percentage
K C Ap

Site assessment
in terms of soil 1 1 1&5 2 20%

Factors affecting
the site for
1 1 3&6 2 20%
planting fruit
bearing crops

Farm tools,
implements and 1 1 4&9 2 20%

Planting system 1 1 2 & 10 2 20%

Irrigation system 1 1 5&7 2 20%

TOTAL 3 4 3 10 100%
Written Test

Multiple Choice. Please select the best answer that corresponds to each
given item by encircling the letter of your choice.

1. Which of the following is not a consideration when taking soil samples for
soil analysis?
a. Slope of the area b. Cropping history
c. Past lime and fertilizer application d. Frequency of irrigation
2. In this system, plant to plant and row to row distance is the same?
a. rectangle system b. square system
c. hexagonal system d. quincunx system
3. Which of the following factors in selecting the site is considered as the
life – blood of fruit production?
a. Topography c. Sunlight
b. Water d. Soil
4. what tools does not belong to the group?
a. crowbar b. mattock
c. shovel d. pruning shears
5. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of good soil?
a. Has good aeration b. Has plenty of minerals
c. Has high water holding capacity
d. Contains large amount of clay making the soil compact

6. Which of the following is not a reason why we consider accessibility to

road and transportation as one of the important factors in selecting the site?
a. fruit are harvested anytime
b. fruit are highly perishable
c. fruit are best liked when they are fresh
d. Products are transported without much damage
7. Irrigation water is directed down furrows that have usually been graded to
a specific gradual slope for the most uniform application.
a.graded border irrigation b. furrow irrigation
c. solid set irrigation d. center pivot irrigation
8. Irrigated water is directed down a narrow strip of a field with raised earth
borders on each side.
a.graded border irrigation b. furrow irrigation
c. solid set irrigation d. center pivot irrigation
9. An open container with a single wheel at the front and two handles at the
back used to transport thing is a________________?
a. hand tractor b. tractor
c. basket d. wheel barrow
10. This are the advantage of square system except one:
a. row to roe and plant to plant
b. plants are exactly at right angle to each other
c. plants are planted at the corner of equilateral triangle
d. initerculture operation can be done in both the directions

Prepared by:

Key Answer to Written Test

1. d
2. b
3. a
4. d
5. c
6. a
7. b
8. a
9. d
10. c

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