Plan Training Session
Plan Training Session
Plan Training Session
Data Gathering Instrument for Trainee’s Characteristics
Please answer the following instrument according to the characteristics described
below. Encircle/highlight the letter of your choice that best describes you as a learner. Blank
spaces are provided for some data that need your response.
Characteristics of learners
1. Raise organic chicken
1.1 Select healthy stocks suitable housing
1.2 Set-up cage equipment
1.3 Feed chickens
2. Produce organic vegetables
2.1 Establish nursery
2.2 Plant seedlings
2.3 Perform plant care and management
2.4 Perform harvest and post-harvest activities
3. Produce Organic fertilizer
3.1 Prepare composting area and raw materials
3.2 Compost and harvest fertilizer
4. Produce organic concoctions and extracts
4.1 Prepare for the production of various concoctions
4.2 Process concoctions
4.3 Package concoctions
Evidences/Proof of Current Competencies
Form 1.2: Evidence of Current Competencies acquired related to Job/Occupation
Plant seedlings
Producing Organic Vegetables
Perform plant care and management
A. INTRODUCTION This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude required to establish nursery, plant
seedlings, perform plant care and perform harvest and post-harvest activities.
LO 1: Establish Nursery
Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time
Selection of Self – Read Information Answer Self- Check answers CBLM
seeds paced/modular Sheet on 2.1-1 check on 2.1-1 using Answer Pen & Paper
Selection of seeds Selection of seeds Key 2.1-1
Prepare Self – Read Information Answer Self- Compare CBLM
seedbeds paced/modular Sheet 2.1-2 check 2.1-2 answers using
Uses/Benefits of Answer Key
concoctions 2.1-2
Group Listen as trainer Training Equipment
discussion discussion on 2.1-2 -Multimedia Material
using Prepare seedbeds -LCD/Projector
PowerPoint -Computer/laptop
Catherine V. Buenaventura
List of Competencies
MODULE DESCRIPTOR: This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitude
required to produce organic concoctions and extracts for
owned farm consumptions and not for commercial
purposes or selling.
At the end of this module, you MUST be able to:
1. Prepare for the production of various concoctions
2. Process concoctions
3. Package concoctions
1.1. Work and storage areas are cleaned, sanitized and secured.
1.2. Raw materials used are cleaned and freed from synthetic chemicals 1.3. Tools,
materials and equipment used are cleaned, freed from contaminations and must be of
“food grade” quality
1.4. Personal hygiene are observed according to OHS procedures.
2.1. Raw materials are prepared in accordance with enterprise practice. 2.2. Fermentation
period is set based on enterprise practice.
2.3. Various concoctions are fermented following to organic practices.
2.4. Concoctions are harvested based on fermentation period of the concoction.
3.1. Concoctions are contained in sanitized bottles and containers.
3.2. Packaged concoctions are labeled and tagged in accordance with enterprise practice.
3.3. Packaged concoctions are stored in appropriate place and temperature following
organic practices.
3.4. Production of concoctions are recorded using enterprise procedures.
1. Identifying and preparing the right kind raw materials
2. Procedure on Fermenting various concoctions
3. Harvesting Concoctions
Assessment Criteria
1. Raw materials are prepared in accordance with enterprise practice.
2. Fermentation period is set based on enterprise practice.
3. Various concoctions are fermented following to organic practices.
4. Concoctions are harvested based on fermentation period of the concoction.
The participants must be provided with the following:
1. Tools:
- plastic pail with cover (3 L capacity)
- chopping board
- weighing scale, 2 kilo capacity
- plastic pail without cover
- strainer or nylon screen, fine mesh net
- storage container with cap (1.5 L capacity)
- stone (weight), 0.5 kg
- knife
- marker pen
- masking tape
- storage tool/cabinet
- scissors
- First Aid Kit
- wooden ladle
- wooden box or bamboo split-open or plastic tray
- waste can
2. Training equipment
- LCD projector with screen
- desktop computer or laptop
3. Facilities
- booth/temporary shed
- storage area
Assessment Method:
1. Interview
2. Written Exam
3. Demonstration with oral questioning
Learning Experiences 4.2-2
Learning Outcome 2
Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Identify the right kind of raw materials for the production of various
2. Classify the different type of concoctions.
Natural farming teaches farmers simple fermentation techniques, among other farm-
based technologies, to produce their own organic implements using as many farm resources
as possible. Indigenous Microorganisms (IMO), Fermented Plant Juice (FPJ), Fermented
Fruit Juice (FFJ), Lactic Acid Bacteria Serum (LABS), Fish Amino Acid (FAA), Oriental
Herbal Nutrients (OHN), Calcium Nutrient, and Calcium Phosphate Nutrient are among the
organic supplements.
Natural farming concoctions containing live microorganisms nourish both the plant
and the soil (especially IMO and LABS). In natural farming, the inoculation and "cultivation"
of beneficial microorganisms in the soil is a critical practice because it allows vital nutrients
and minerals to be available to the plants. It also encourages the growth of earthworms and
other higher soil organisms, which contribute to the soil's overall fertility. It's amazing to see
how plants grow so healthy and pest-free without the use of chemical pesticides and
fertilizers. In the event of a pest infestation, natural farming can use botanical extracts such as
kakawate, makabuhay, chili peppers, and garlic as repellants.
Natural farming is not limited to agricultural crops; it is also applied to animal
farming, with similar fermented products and botanical extracts used in place of synthetic
chemicals and antibiotics. Natural farming already has serious practitioners in the
Philippines, ranging from small rural farmers to weekend agriculturists to large-scale farmers.
Natural farming is quickly becoming the technology of choice for serious proponents of
organic farming and organic foods due to the high quality of products produced, the very low
cost of inputs required, and the use of natural environment-friendly concoctions that do not
pollute the environment.
1. B
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. A
Information Sheet 4.2-2
Learning Objective
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to:
1. Ferment various concoctions following the right procedures.
2. Describe the different types of fermentation.
Fermentation is the breakdown of a substance into a simpler substance. Microorganisms such
as yeast and bacteria are commonly involved in the fermentation process, which results in the
production of beer, wine, bread, kimchi, yogurt, and other foods.
Function of fermentation
The main function of fermentation is to convert NADH back into the coenzyme
NAD+ so that it can be used again for glycolysis. During fermentation, an
organic electron acceptor (such as pyruvate or acetaldehyde) reacts with NADH
to form NAD+, generating products such as carbon dioxide and ethanol (ethanol
fermentation) or lactate (lactic acid fermentation) in the process.
Types of fermentation
Fermentation can be classified into several types based on the end products formed from
pyruvate or its derivatives. Humans most commonly use two fermentations to produce
commercial foods: ethanol fermentation (used in beer and bread) and lactic acid fermentation
(used to flavor and preserve dairy and vegetables).
Ethanol Fermentation
Alcoholic fermentation is the best known of the fermentation processes, and is
involved in several important transformation, stabilization, and conservation processes for
sugar-rich substrates, such as fruit, and fruit and vegetable juices. Alcoholic fermentation is
carried out by yeasts and some other fungi and bacteria.
The feedstock for ethanol production can be any material containing appreciable
amounts of sugar or substances that can be converted to sugar. Conventional production uses
sugar (from sugar cane and sugar beet), starch (from corn, wheat or potatoes) or other
b. IMO
c. OHN
d. FFJ
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. A
Performance Objective:
Given the supplies, tools, materials and equipment you should be able to
process ferment fruit juice following the given standard procedures
Supplies/Materials: 2 5 0 M L m o l a s s e s , 1/4 banana fruit, container,
chopping board, slicing knife, manila paper, rubber band, masking tape,
marker, ladle, small basin, weighing scale.
Before harvesting a concoction, it should be inspected to see if the fermenting
process was successful. When fermentation is successful, there are white molds, maggots,
and an aromatic scent. When fermentation fails, there are black molds and an unpleasant
FPJ (Fermented Strainer/ Filter the liquid and keep in a 1L After 7 days of
Plant Juice) Fishnet plastic container (do not close fermentation
Rags the cap tightly)
Empty 1L
bottles Completely close the cap after
Funnel the week or when there are no
Basin bubbles going up.
Trash bag
FFJ (Fermented Strainer/ Filter the liquid and keep in a 1L After 7 days of
Fruit Juice) Fishnet plastic container (do not close fermentation
Rags the cap tightly)
Empty 1L
bottles Completely close the cap after
Funnel the week or when there are no
Basin bubbles going up.
Trash bag
OHN (Oriental Strainer/ Filter the liquid and keep in a 1L After 10 days of
herb nutrients) Fishnet plastic container. fermentation (1st
Rags Extraction)
Empty 1L After 10 days of
bottles fermentation (2nd
Funnel Extraction)
Trash bag
IMO (Indigenous Strainer/ Open the bamboo pole and After 7 days of
microorganisms) Fishnet collect white colored molds fermentation
Rags weigh and add molasses in equal
Empty 1L weight.
Funnel Label and keep in dark cool
Basin room for 7 days Filter the liquid
Trash bag and keep it in plastic container
Pail (do not close the cap tightly)
Completely close the cap after a
week or when there are no
bubbles going up.
LABS (Lactic Syringe (1st Stage) 1st stage of
Acid Bacteria Rags Extract 100 ml from the fermentation-
Serum) Empty 1L fermented first wash liquid of after 7 days
bottles the cooked rice and add to the
Funnel fresh milk pack. Take the liquid 2nd stage of
Trash bag between the bottom and top fermentation- 5
Pail layer of the fermentation days
(2nd stage)
Drain the liquid and filter by
separating the sludge from the
liquid and measure the liquid
and add same amount of
molasses and keep it in a 1L
CALPHOS Strainer/ Open the container after 30 days of After 30 days of
(Calcium Fishnet soaking, filter the liquid and keep it fermentation
Phosphate) Rags in another plastic container (do not
Empty 1L close the cap tightly)
Trash bag
Self- check 4.2-3
___________1. Lactic acid bacteria serum has 1st and 2nd stage of fermentation.
___________2. White molds indicate unsuccessful fermentation.
___________3. To prevent contamination, we should only use clean and sanitized materials
and equipment.
___________4. If the concoctions smell bad with a presence of black molds, then the
fermentation is not successful.
___________5. FAA stands for fermented amino acid.
Answer key 4.3-3
Title: Harvest fermented fruit juice
Performance Objective:
Given the tools and materials you should be able harvest fermented fruit juice.
Assessment Method:
Demonstration with oral questioning
Procedure on
Fermenting various 10% (2) 5% (1) 5% (1) 5% (1) 5% (1) 5% (1) 35%
10% (2) 5% (1) 5% (1) 5% (1) % (0) 5% (1) 30%
Table of Specification
Performance Test
Specific Instruction:
1. Wear PPE
2. Clean and wash fruits (1 kilo banana)
3. Drain for 5minutes
4. Slice to an inch size
5. Mix fruits thoroughly in a small basin/pail
6. Mix with 1 kilo of molasses thoroughly
7. Put nylon screen on top of the mixture
8. Put 5 small stones on the of the mixture
9. Wipe the mouth of the plastic pail
10.Cover with two layered manila paper
11.Tie with rubber band
12.Put marking on the masking tape bearing the name and date of fermentation and
paste it on top of the manila paper
13.Keep in dark cool room for 7 days
14. Observe the 5s
14. Submit it to the trainer
Rating sheet for oral questioning
Questions to probe the candidate’s underpinning knowledge response
Extension/Reflection Questions Yes No
1. What are the function of produce organic concoctions and extracts, tools,
materials, and equipment?
2. What are the advantages in having the knowledge on what produce organic
concoctions and extracts in organic agriculture production?
Safety Questions
3. Why is it necessary to check produce organic concoctions and
4. How to handle the produce organic concoctions and extracts?
Contingency Questions
5. Where you able to locate the fire exit?
6. Where you able to locate the placement of the extinguisher?
Job Role/Environment Questions
8. What is the role of the training to the actual work?
9. Where you able to perform the actual work?
Rules and Regulations
10. Why do we need to follow the workplace regulation?
11. What will be the effect of disregarding the rules?
The candidate’s underpinning knowledge Satisfactory Not Satisfactory