Xtratherm Thermal Bridging Y Value Calc Guide

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Thermal Bridging

& Y-Value Calculator

Easy Reference Guide

Thermal Bridging
& Y-Value Calculator
Easy Reference Guide
1. What is Y-Calculator?
2. Y-Calculator User Guide
2.1 Get Started!
2.2 SAP Choice
2.3 Insulation Choice
2.4 SAP Choice
2.5 Block Choice

3. What is a thermal bridge?

4. PSI Values explained...
4.1 Accredited Details (ACDs) England, Scotland & N. Ireland
4.2 The Y-Value
4.3 So what junctions must be accounted for?
4.4 What PSI values do you use?
4.5 Building Regulations and Thermal Bridging Calculations?
4.6 What should happen on the actual building site?
4.7 Xtratherm have produced their own PSI values -
but have they been calculated by competent people?
4.8 Are Xtratherm details different than the ACDs?
4.9 Will Xtratherm calculate bespoke PSI values?
4.10 What is the f factor? Is it important? (The temperature factor)
4.11 What are the results of bad detailing?
4.12 Is there a greater threat from bad detailing now than there was in the past?
4.13 How are Xtratherm PSI values so much better than those in Table K1?

5. References
Thermal Bridging & Y-Value Calculator Easy Reference Guide

1. What is Y-value Calculator?

The Xtratherm Y-Calculator tool is an easy to use calculator to determine
the thermal bridging heat loss from non repeating thermal bridges that must
be accounted for in SAP 2009 and SAP 2012.

Xtratherm Y-Calculator tool enables designers

and architects to take full advantage of good
detailing based on the Accredited Details for
Construction (ACDs). The ACDs have been
used as the basis for SAP input for a number
of years. This tool illustrates the value of using
the table K1 accredited PSI values or enhanced
PSI values achieved with the same detail using
Xtratherm insulation.

The Y-value result is given for 3 options allowed for in SAP

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2. Y-Calculator User Guide

What youll need...
Your Y-value is calculated using the length (m) of each thermal bridge you have
in a design, and the total heatloss area of the building (this does not include
the party wall). These figures will be are are readable from your existing SAP
calculations, or if your completing SAP the figures are taken directly from the
design. (Contact Xtratherm Technical support to talk about our take-off spread
sheet - make life a lot easier for energy assessors!)

2.1 Get Started!

This app has been designed

to help you take full advantage
of good detailing on site
when using SAP, Xtratherm
enhanced detailing delivers
energy performance.

2.2 SAP Choice

Choose the SAP version you are

working to. SAP 2012 includes
19 additional junctions that
should be accounted for.

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2.3 Insulation Choice


Using either Xtratherm partial fill XT/ T&G Xtratherm Hyfloor is available The additional thermal bridges
CWP or built-in full fill CavityTherm in 3 thicknesses, PSI values are added to the 2012 version of SAP
can deliver U-values to meet full calculated within a U-value range will have greatest impact on room-
FEES in a max 150mm cavity. PSI of between 0.17 and 0.11W/m2K. in-roof designs. The added junctions
values are calculated within a U-value For specific calculation contact at stud walls within such roofs will
range of between 0.22 and 0.14W/ Xtratherm Technical Support. have a significant impact on the
m2K. For specific calculation contact resultant overall Y-value. Xtratherm
Xtratherm Technical Support. recommend the use of T&G Sarking
insulation over the rafters to eliminate
the new junctions and provide a
single insulated plain that makes
installation easier to intall airtighness
treatments easier to install.
2.4 Total Envelope Area

Input the Total Heat loss area

taken from your SAP calculation.
Areas of external walls, floors
roofs and openings.

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2.5 Block Choice

Which type of block are you
intending to use? Typically lambda
values are assumed as Aerated
0.15W/m2K, medium 0.52W/m2K
and dense 1.15W/m2K. Variations in
conductivity around the figure make
little difference to the result.

Northern Ireland Details - specific

details to N. Ireland building norms
(Windows are generally set further
back) are used in the calculations,
using dense block only. Specific
details and certifications will be sent
to you when you chose this option.

2.6 Area Choice

Add a length (m) against your chosen
junction identifies the accredited
detail you will use on site and the
Xtratherm certificates that you will
receive by email to verify the PSI
value for Building Control.

Areas will highlight once junctions

within them are completed.

The Calculate button will only

activate after you have entered all
junction lengths.

2.7 Junction Details

Add a length (m) against your chosen
junction identifies the accredited
detail you will use on site and the
Xtratherm certificates that you will
receive by email to verify the PSI
value for Building Control.

Jump to Next Section

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2.8 Results

You will receive 3 options available in SAP:

1. Default - (where no particular details are used)

2. Default Accredited - (When ACDs are used)
3. Xtratherm (When ACDs are used, and
Xtratherm materials are used in the walls and
floors) 2013 Part L and Full FEEs standards for
2016 ask for a Y-value of 0.05.

2.9 Request Certificates

When you submit your details,

Xtratherm technical department will
forward your results and PSI value
certificates for the junctions chosen.
If you just want us to give you a call
tick the call back box and we will call
you for free.

2.10 Thank You!

To start again with another

calculation just click here.

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3. What is a thermal bridge?

Thermal bridging can occur in three different ways:

a. Repeating b. Non-repeating
An example would be the effect of rafters Non-repeating thermal bridging typically occurs
penetrating the insulation layer on a sloped at the junctions between plain building elements,
roof every 600mm. Another example would be e.g. at wall/roof and wall/floor junctions, and
the break made by timber framing when the around openings, e.g. at window jambs, where
insulation is placed between the studs. This the continuity of the insulation is interrupted or
type of bridge is predictable and is accounted compromised because of the junctions detail
for when U-values are calculated to EN6946. such as at corners of the building. This thermal
Your insulation supply will calculate the build- bridging increases the heat loss and also the
up whilst proportioning those particular thermal risk of condensation due to the lower localised
bridges and take them into account. A set internal surface temperatures. It has been
of conventions are available within the BRE estimated that
publication BR443 Conventions for U-value in a well insulated house around 30%
calculations1. It sets the rules for completing of the heat loss can occur due to
U-values competently and provides guidance non-repeating thermal bridges.
for real scenarios, for example on how wall ties
should be accounted for and the default
add-on penalty if square edged insulation
boards are used instead of engineered
jointed or overlapped.

c. Random
A more difficult thermal bridge to plan for and
detail, but when they occur they can lead
to not only an increase in heat loss at that
particular area, but the increased possibility of
condensation forming on the cold surface and
resultant mould growth. These random thermal
bridges, like for example meter boxes, should
be insulated effectively and accounted for in the
overall heat loss calculation.

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4. PSI Values explained...

4.1 Accredited Details (ACDs) England, Scotland & N. Ireland
Like all other inputs into a building energy calculation, the way that insulation is installed to
avoid thermal bridging has a numerical input into the software which is called a Y-value.
A set of good practice details have been available in the form of Accredited Details2
ACDs published by the DCLG in England. These ACDs are a set of design drawings for the

junctions listed in Table K1 of SAP which are most prone to heat loss. They detail how the
insulation should be installed at these junctions in order to improve not only the heat loss
but also airtightness results. Xtratherm details are based on these ACDs.
The Scottish Government has produced its own set of Accredited
Construction Details (Scotland) 20103. Differences in traditional build
methods have led to slightly different details being used, not only in
Scotland, but also in Northern Ireland. Typically the traditional window
detail placed the framing further into the construction, whereby a different
PSI value will be achieved. For this reason the Y-Calculator program shows
a specific Northern Ireland choice when choosing the wall block type.

4.2 The Y-Value

The Y-value is the term used to describe the sum of all (or to be more correct
those identified in Table K1 of SAP) the non-repeating thermal bridges divided by
the Total Heat Loss Area of the building, and is expressed as W/m2K. Its relevance
or impact can be described most clearly if you view the Y-value as a U-value
penalty that is added onto the average U-value of your design to account for
the thermal bridges. So lets take an example of a well insulated property where
the designed U-values for wall, floor, roof and openings average 0.20W/m2K. The
Y-value is added to this average, so if your detailing has not been particularly good,
a Y-value of 0.15 takes your average back to 0.35W/m2K which is the equivalent of
taking away approximately half of the insulation that was put into the building! So reducing
the Y-value down to around 0.05 or better (the target set to achieve Full FEES standards for
2016) has real advantages.

The Y-value is determined by quantifying this extra heat loss at junctions through thermal
bridging by way of its linear thermal transmittance or Psi () value in units of (W/mK). The
PSI value target is set within Table K1 of SAP, for instance the target PSI value for a window
reveal is set at 0.05, but this can be improved to around 0.02 using proprietary closers or
wider traditional reveal insulation. When all the junctions are quantified (in lineal metres) they
are multiplied by their individual PSI Values. The sum of all the L x PSI are then divided by
the Total Heatloss Area for the building (ie. The area of walls, floor roofs and openings) and
this results in your Y-value.

4.3 So what junctions must be accounted for?

The junctions that should be included in your calculation are listed in Table K1 within SAP,
but between SAP 20094 and SAP 20125 an additional 19 junctions were added. These new
junctions are primarily concerned with junctions within room-in-roof constructions; these extra
details will add significantly to the Y-value result for such designed. Xtratherm have developed
the Y-calc software to allow room-in-the-roofs to be insulated externally with sarking insulation
that creates a warm roof. Placing the insulation over the rafters provides uniform plane and
allows for continuity of the insulation layer, therefore avoiding the difficult to treat junctions that
are encountered when insulating internally. The warm roof construction also allows for easier
air barrier detailing.

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4.4 What PSI values do you use?

Table K1 typically allocates 2 different PSI values against each junction,
an APPROVED value or a DEFAULT Value (see below)

Table K1 : Values of for different types of junctions

Ref Junction detail (W/m2k)

Junction E1 Lintels 0.50 1.00

with an E2 Lintels 0.30 1.00
external E3 Sill 0.04 0.08
wall 0.05 0.10
E4 Jamb

As you as you can see, the approved PSI values perform much better than the default
values. This approved value can only be used if the Government Approved Details (ACDs)
have been used, witnessed and signed off on site. If no particular detailing has been
planned for, the default value must be used.

There is however another route to determining the PSI value of a junction, which is to have
it calculated by a professional who has been deemed competent to do so. Xtratherms
technical team have undergone competency training with the BRE (British research
establishment) for thermal analysis and the results of these calculations are allowed to be
used for the PSI values for these junctions.

4.5 Building Regulations and Thermal Bridging Calculations?

Building regulation state that reasonable provision to avoid thermal bridging would be to:

a. Adopt the ACDs then use the PSI values attributed to them.
b. Use details that have been calculated by a person of suitable expertise and
experience following the guidance set out in BR497 Conventions for calculating
linear thermal transmittance and temperature factors then use these PSI
values in the SAP calculation. (See Temperature Factors later)
c. Use the default PSI values in table K1.
d. Use the (very) conservative default Y-value of 0.15W/(m2K)

Note: Evidence of suitable expertise and experience for calculating linear thermal transmittance would be to
demonstrate that the person has been trained in the software used to carry out the calculation, has applied that
model to the example calculations in BR 497 and has achieved results that are within stated tolerances.

4.6 What should happen on the actual building site?

Part L states:
The builder should demonstrate to the BCB that an appropriate
system of site inspection is in place to give confidence that the
construction procedures achieve the required level of consistency.

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4.7 Xtratherm have produced their own PSI values -

but have they been calculated by competent people?
The BRE, who were involved in the standard EN ISO 10211 for assessing thermal bridging,
produced both BR497 and the Paper IP1/06, run their own competency course for thermal
bridge modelling. Xtratherm were the first participants to successfully pass the course. This
allows us to calculate Xtratherm partial and full fill wall systems with our floor insulation.
Xtratherm PIR is an extremely efficient insulation material with the added benefit of
engineered jointing, which we use when calculating the bridging.

4.8 Are Xtratherm details different than the ACDs?

No. The Xtratherm PSI value are based on exactly the same details as the equivalent ACD
for partial and full fill walls. These details have been developed by government to reflect the
norms that exist on building sites throughout the UK. Xtratherm have decided to use these
details as they are the most widely used.

4.9 Will Xtratherm calculate bespoke PSI values?

To complete a PSI value analysis on a new detail could take up to 2 days to analyse,
it is a very time consuming process to be done correctly using the correct software. It
is recommended under EN 10211 that 3D software is used as this method produces
an analysis of the temperature factor or f factor. Xtratherm do not offer commercial
calculations, but contact our office if you require this and we can advise you on finding
companies that do.

4.10 What is the f factor? Is it important?

(The temperature factor)
The PSI value determines the heat loss through a junction, such heat loss will not be noticed
by an individual in a property but they will notice condensation and mould growth, which
is why calculating the Temperature Factor becomes an essential part of thermal bridging
calculation. 3D modelling of a junction not only determines heat loss, but also the likelihood
of condensation and mould growth appearing on the surface area of that detail, which
is determined by assessing the temperature factor. The temperature factor f must be
determined to comply with building regulations.

Reasonable provision for the temperature factors is that they should

achieve a performance no worse than those set out in BRE information
Paper IP1/06 Assessing the effects of thermal bridging at junctions and
around openings in the external elements of a building

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4.11 What are the results of bad detailing?

We addressed extra heat loss experiences through bad junction detailing in paragraph 4.10,
but the visual evidence of mould growth on bad detailing is the most compelling argument
to get the detailing correct form the start. No one will complain of heat loss from a bad
corner detail, but once black mould appears, a completely different scenario arises for
purchases of new homes.

4.12 Is there a greater threat from bad detailing now

than there was in the past?
Bad detailing happens. Gaps are left between insulation boards or corners are left open,
but in previous years (before the current, more stringent building regulations) condensation
and the resultant mould appearing was not an issue because, paradoxically, our homes
were not well insulated! Water vapour in the atmosphere will stay as a gas as long as the
air temperature is kept reasonably high, but once that air is allowed to cool (for instance
when it hits a cold junction), the cold air loses the ability to hold on to the moisture so it
deposits it in the form of condensation. In the past, in our not-so-well insulated houses, the
temperature difference between insulated areas and badly insulated areas wasnt that great
we didnt have that much insulation installed, so no great variation in surface temperatures
occurred (Temperature Factors). If an area of condensation did form, ventilation from
unintentional draft under doors, badly fitted window and gaps in the building generally
helped such moisture to dissipate. Now its all changed: better insulation values and better
air tightness are leaving us more exposed to the threat of condensation and mould.
The better insulated the flanking elements (walls or floors) are either side of a junction, the
colder the junction becomes. So improving U-values, without improving thermal bridging
Y-values, would lead to potential problems in our better insulated homes. It is for this reason
that the building regulations have asked us to improve the Y-value goal from 0.15 to 0.08
to around 0.05. Not just to save energy, but also to avoid building problems into our well
insulated buildings.

4.13 How are Xtratherm PSI values so much better

than those in Table K1?
Xtratherm insulation materials are extremely efficient with thermal conductivities as
low as 0.021W/m2K, but unlike other manufacturers, Xtratherm have taken detailing
into account when developing products to ensure both thermal and detailing
performances are addressed. The Xtratherm products used in the PSI value calculations
are engineered jointed, which in itself improves the U-value when compared to
using squared edged insulation which has a defaulted penalty of 0.01 added to the
calculated U-value (See extract from BR443 Conventions for U-value calculations)
We also provide components such as pre-formed corner boards and ventilation voids
that insulate junctions effectively. The Xtratherm PSI values are calculated using our
engineered products, however substituting them with other materials may not result in
the same PSI value. It is for this reason that Xtratherm results are so effective.

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5. References
Conventions for U-value calculations

Planning Portal Accredited Details

Accredited Construction Details (Scotland) 2010

SAP 2009

SAP 2012

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Technical Support

Talk to our professional, fully

qualified team to assist you in
finding the right solution for you.

Xtratherm UK Limited
Park Road Holmewood Tel
Chesterfield Derbyshire + 44 (0) 371 222 1033
S42 5UY Fax
+ 44 (0) 371 222 1044

Xtratherm Limited
Liscarton Industrial Estate Tel
Kells Road, Navan + 353 (46) 906 6000
Co.Meath, Ireland Fax
+ 353 (46) 906 6090

[email protected]


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