Brachytherapy in The Treatment of Cervical Cancer
Brachytherapy in The Treatment of Cervical Cancer
Brachytherapy in The Treatment of Cervical Cancer
open access to scientific and medical research
Robyn Banerjee 1
Mitchell Kamrava 2
Department of Radiation Oncology,
Tom Baker Cancer Centre, Calgary,
Alberta, Canada; 2Department of
Radiation Oncology, University of
California Los Angeles, Los Angeles,
Abstract: Dramatic advances have been made in brachytherapy for cervical cancer. Radiation
treatment planning has evolved from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, incorporating
magnetic resonance imaging and/or computed tomography into the treatment paradigm. This
allows for better delineation and coverage of the tumor, as well as improved avoidance of surrounding organs. Consequently, advanced brachytherapy can achieve very high rates of local
control with a reduction in morbidity, compared with historic approaches. This review provides
an overview of state-of-the-art gynecologic brachytherapy, with a focus on recent advances and
their implications for women with cervical cancer.
Keywords: cervical cancer, brachytherapy, image-guided brachytherapy
Cervical cancer is the third-most common cancer among women worldwide, with an
annual incidence of 530,000 cases and 250,000 deaths. In the developing world, it is
the second leading cause of cancer death among women.1,2 Its incidence in developed
countries has (fortunately) decreased by 70% over the past 50 years, with the adoption of improved screening methods in cervical cytology.3 Additional reduction in its
incidence is anticipated with the implementation of human papilloma virus vaccine,
which targets the high-risk subtypes most responsible for cervical cancers.4
For women who develop locally advanced cervical cancer, the standard of
care has evolved from external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) alone, to EBRT
plus brachytherapy, to combined EBRT plus brachytherapy with concurrent
chemotherapy.5,6 The external beam portion of treatment encompasses treatment
to the pelvic lymph nodes, parametria, and primary tumor, to a dose adequate to
control microscopic disease. The addition of brachytherapy serves to boost the gross
tumor, and improves disease control and survival.711 The addition of chemotherapy
serves predominantly as a radiosensitizer, resulting in improvements of about 5%
in overall survival.5
Brachytherapy involves the application of a radioactive source in close proximity
to the tumor. It takes advantage of the inverse-square law, whereby radiation dose is
inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source. In practical terms,
this allows for a very high dose to the tumor with relative sparing of the surrounding normal structures. Brachytherapy is the only demonstrated method of providing
the high dose required to control cervical cancer (.80 Gray [Gy]), without causing
undue side effects.
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The aim of this review is to explore current best practice and state-of-the-art developments in cervical cancer
brachytherapy, including patient selection, applicator selection, operative technique, and radiation treatment planning. It
is intended for those with a general interest in the treatment of
cervical cancer. A detailed analysis of historical approaches
to brachytherapy and treatment planning is beyond the scope
of this review.
Applicator selection
Brachytherapy for cervical cancer can be performed using
an intracavitary, interstitial, or combination approach.
Intracavitary brachytherapy involves placing the radioactive
source using an applicator, through the vaginal cavity, and
can treat the upper vagina, cervix, and uterus. In interstitial
brachytherapy, catheters (small tubes) are placed in and around
residual disease, using a transperineal/vaginal approach.
The choice of technique depends primarily on disease
extent and anatomy (Figure 1). It is imperative to consider
which approach should be used, starting at the time of
diagnosis. There are few centers with true expertise in interstitial brachytherapy and the early recognition of a patient
who needs this type of treatment allows for appropriate
coordination of care.19
Intracavitary brachytherapy
Intracavitary brachytherapy remains the most commonly
practiced form of brachytherapy for cervical cancer.30 A wide
variety of commercially available applicators exists for intracavitary brachytherapy. Two of the most common include
variations on the Tandem and Ovoid (T&O) or Tandem and
Ring (T&R) design (Figure 2). The T&O consists of a tandem,
Interstitial brachytherapy
Applicator placement
Treatment planning/dosimetry
Determining the appropriate
treatment target volume
Ideally, following the completion of applicator insertion, a simulation is performed using an MRI or CT scan.
Traditionally, this has been done using plain film X-rays
only, but one can quickly appreciate the limitations of this.
On X-rays, you have limited ability to see the actual tumor
and the organs at risk (rectum, bladder, and sigmoid). This
necessitates prescribing to points in two dimensions rather
than being able to prescribe to 3D volumes, as can be done
with CT and MRI images (Figure 4).
The International Committee on Radiation Units and
Measurements Report 38 (ICRU38) outlines the most commonly applied conventions for prescribing dose to points.41
The radiation dose should be prescribed to point A a point
located 2 cm superior to the cervical os, and 2 cm lateral,
along the plane perpendicular to the intrauterine tandem.19,42
Point A derives from the Manchester system, and was defined
by Tod and Meredith in a paper that detailed the nature
and course of radiation necrosis following radium-based
brachytherapy.43 They noted that, following radiation, there
was necrosis at the paracervical vessels. They defined point
A within this paracervical triangle (commonly thought of
as where the ureter crosses the uterine artery) as a point of
limiting tolerance. As improvements in imaging from X-ray
to CT/MRI occurred, studies by Potter et al and Narayan
et al demonstrated that defining point A using plain films
often results in point A lying inside or outside the uterus,
thereby under- or overdosing the true volume of interest.44,45
This discrepancy could contribute to local failures and/or
Beyond just adequately dosing the tumor, the limitations of
a two-dimensional (2D) approach also extend to constraining
the dose to normal tissues (bladder, rectum, sigmoid). Based on
ICRU38, organs at risk doses are calculated based on surrogate
The GEC-ESTRO guidelines also suggest several parameters to describe target dose coverage. These include D90 and
D100 (the dose delivered to 90% and 100% of the volume), as
well as V100 (the volume receiving 100% of the prescription
dose). The combined total dose from EBRT and brachytherapy
can be calculated using a linear quadratic model to determine
the equivalent dose in 2 Gy fractions (EQD2). It is important to
understand that the doses from EBRT and brachytherapy using
HDR are not additive. For example, a patient who receives
45 Gy EBRT, followed by 6 Gy 5 fractions of HDR, does
not receive a total dose of 75 Gy but an EQD2 of 84.3 Gy.
Sample worksheets to conduct these calculations are available
from the ABS website.52
For organs at risk, GEC-ESTRO recommendations suggest reporting the dose for the most exposed 0.1 cc, 1.0 cc,
and 2.0 cc (D0.1cc, D1cc, and D2cc), of the rectum, sigmoid,
and bladder.
As data regarding optimal treatment volumes evolve,
recording the dose to point A (and taking care not to under
dose point A) is still recommended. Internationally, prescription to point A remains the norm. But practice is rapidly shifting away from prescriptions based solely on ICRU reference
points, to volume-based prescriptions.30
Alternatives to brachytherapy
The possible disadvantages of brachytherapy include that it
is invasive, resource-intensive, can be technically challenging, and is ideally performed in women who have a good
performance status. Investigators have started to publish
early experiences of using an EBRT technique called stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), as a substitute for
brachytherapy in patients who are not deemed appropriate
brachytherapy candidates. SBRT still delivers radiation from
outside, as in standard EBRT, but at a much higher dose per
fraction. It is typically completed in five or fewer sessions.
Its goal is to noninvasively mimic the dose distribution that
can be achieved with HDR brachytherapy. Dosimetric studies
have shown these methods to provide good target coverage,
and doses to organs at risk similar to brachytherapy, but clinical data is very limited.7477 At the current time, techniques
such as SBRT, in place of brachytherapy, should only be
performed in clinical trials.
Progress from 2D- to 3D-based imaging and treatment planning for cervical cancer brachytherapy has improved local
control, reduced toxicity, and improved overall survival for
women. Further data from 3D-based techniques is accumulating, and results from the EMBRACE trial will provide strong
evidence regarding the true merits of this approach. This is
indeed an exciting time for brachytherapy.
The authors report no conflicts of interest in relation to this
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