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Week 1
My experience while time is running.
Living in a foreign country is a special experience that makes you feeling either exited or sad, it depends on how you want to live it. For example the culture shock is the reaction we have when we live in a new place and we have to face some cultural differences that cause us discomfort, especially for newcomers. Normally, when many things are different from our culture, we can feel tired, sad, angry, or even lose sleep or get sick.
Here in Costa Rica, my experience is going on very well because I am meeting many people who have different culture and different values, I am very excited because I am in a new country, it is a very interesting challenge. Since the very beginning, on Sunday night I was very anxious to start with the know job. A comment that I really like was when Roger said that we do not teach, we share the knowledge. It made me reflect and think what am I really doing.
One of my goals at this course is to improve my English level, and also I want to learn new strategies to teach English, I consider that we as English teachers need to refresh ideas everyday about how to teach and this is what we are doing with Roger, Emma and Amanda, they have really nice activities and also they have a lot of knowledge and experience of how to teach english.
Mary told us that we all have needs, but we do not use the correct strategies to cover those needs, for me this was very significant because it is true, every single person has needs, the point is that we should explore about what is the best way to reach and satisfy our needs. From this experience I consider that the impact to my students would be that I will apply new ideas, new strategies; that I learned during this time.
One really amazing joment so far was the korean lesson. It is incredible how Roger could give the class by no using any other language than korean. And we understood everything just by interpreting body language. So, it is possible to teach english with not speaking any spanish, this is a difficult challenge, but if we try to use gestures and body language, we will get it.
Everyday we have community builders in order to warm the lesson up. This kind of activities for me, have been so interesting because I am a kinesthetic learner, so I like moving, interacting and this is what we have done. As in this kind of activities, I have tried to do kinesthetic activities with my group during these two days that we worked with them, I saw those guys very excited about dancing, singing and moving. As Jeremy Harmer (1988) said, music is a powerful stimulus for students engagement precisely because it speaks directly to our emotions while still allowing as us to use our brings to analyze it and its effects if we so wish. And this is what I tried, to engage students in order to feel self confident and to relax.
Otherwise, we as teachers have a range experience in giving and receiving feedback, as Amanda says, we have to think about the way we are doing this, are we doing an effective feedback?. I was thinking about this quote. Professional development or professional bulling, it depends on what aspects we take into account when doing the feedback. During this time I have received some comments from other teachers who have observed my
work and of course those comments are important to improve my development in front of the group, it is very different our own point of view that if somebody critiques things that we do at the moment of teaching English; after receiving feedback we will have the chance to take the comments or just say thank you and put them in the green zone.
Tell me I will forget, show me I may remember, involve I will understand. This Chinese quote is awesome, we as teachers should center the attention in our students, we need to engage them, they are the main focus of our classes. From my opinion, the most important aspect that I consider we should have in a classroom is a good rapport, because if we have a good relation with students it would permit you to share the knowledge, even if this is a difficult topic students would feel self confident to ask about their doubts. Apart from that it is very important that we motivate students to learn English, that`s why I want to learn some new motivating techniques and finally students do better when they believe their teachers expect them to do well and create a supportive academic climate. By contrast, students who think their teacher does not have high expectations of them, are caught in a self fulfilling prophecy and tend do less well.
Finally, I would like to add that living in another country gives you the chance to learn about a different culture, to see the ability that you have to adapt to another context. The cultural shock depends on how you decide to live and on how you face the new things. I consider, from my personal opinion, that if we try to enjoy and learn about all what we have, it doesnt matter if there are things that we dont like; we can have a good stay wherever we are living.
Teaching game DESCRIPTION This was the third day, on Tuesday I was giving my lesson at the rancho classroom, it was really hot and I was just in the front of the class. My students were sitting in this order Emma first, then Lorena, Karol, Meche and Angel. I was teaching how to make a heart with a sheet of paper. But in that moment I was explaining how to fold the paper almost to finish the heart because it was a complicated part, just while I was doing that, Meche was talking with Karol, suddenly Angel called me to help him with that part because it was hard for him while Lorena was helping to Emma because Lorena has already go over two steps. Angel told me come here Ricardo help me because I cannot do it, I did it and we continued with the activity.
Something that hindered me was that the time that I had to finish the activity was not enough to explain each student, because I had only 7 minutes.
I see how this could hinder your learning. However, I do not see how this interpretation comes from the description above. Your description is not about the time nor does it mention the end of your teaching game. Its convenient to plan extra time in each lesson to take care in this kind of activity, because we took more than I had planned.
Yes. This would help fort sure! I will design more time to this kind of activities to have the opportunity to explain all the doubts that students have.
But what will you do if you are only given 7 minutes again? I was also hindered by the fact that students were trying to do something different when I was giving instructions.
Good interpretation. This one does come directly from your description. Its important to have everyones attention before starting to give instructions in order to do the activity at the same time.
100% true and necessary! I will be sure to that all the students are paying attention to me and that they are not doing something else.
I am sure this will help your students to be more successful in completing the tasks. Something that helped me was that Lorena helped Emma, because I was helping Angel.
Its great when students start helping each other. I wish we all had students like Lorena! Students that are advanced can help teacher during the lesson with other students
Yes. I think its also important to set it up in a way that the more advanced students sees how this will help him/her as well. I will Pay attention in students in order to select the advanced ones to use them as tutors to help their classmates.
Will you do this all the time? Will there be moments for advanced students to work together?
Another thing that helped me in this class to accomplish my objective (the heart) was that in each instruction that gave i was walking around to see if students were doing it correctly.
Great! Im glad to see that you are aware of the importance of monitoring and supporting your students. Its important to monitor students to check if they really are doing the activity or even to see if they have doubts about what we are doing.
Yes! I will walk trough the rows when we are in order to monitor students and be sure that they are in the activity.
Good action plan. This will makes students feel more comfortable asking you questions and getting help from you when needed.
Korean class DESCRIPTION This was the Korean class. The part when Roger gave us the vocabulary and the instruction was that we had go out to practice and learn it. At the beginning we were a little bit confused because we did not know the real meaning of the expressions and we were guessing. We were sitting on the table near the kitchen. In one side were Lorena and Karol, Karen and I were just in front of them. The first that we did was to relate the meaning of the expressions with the image of the flash card. The expressions were "cheek chin, urunjok, winjok, yugijo, anya yo and ania" Karen was saying that it will be very difficult to learn the expressions, meanwhile Lorena said lets start repeating the expressions to learn them. We repeated them around 5 times; After that I took the flashcards and I told them the expressions in english and they had to tell me them in Korean. Finally
we decided to take a pencil and a notebook, as there were 4 expressions about directions, Lorena Told them and we had to follow instructions with the pencil making a line.
INTERPRETATION GENERALIZATION PLAN ACTION Something that hindered me was that I did not know the meaning of the expressions and I was confused about the pronunciation.
In what way specifically do you feel that this hindered your learning? Please say more here. Its convenient to clarify the meaning and the pronunciation of the vocabulary in order to make students feel more confident.
I agree with you. Specially when you are actually teaching a lesson. I will try to be sure that students already understood the vocabulary and they got the correct meaning and pronunciation to be able to practice and lean it.
This is a great start, but it needs to be more specific and measurable. What will you do exactly to be sure that they have understood? I was also hindered by the fact that I am not a Visual learner, so apart from just see the pictures I had to do a kinesthetic activity to learn them.
Im glad to hear that you had the initiative to do something that would help your learning. Its important to take into account all the learning styles to make sure that all the students really learn.
100% true! I will include different kind of activities according to the learning styles when planning.
How many will you include of each? How will you measure achieving this plan? Something that helped me was that we repeated many times the expressions in different ways.
What did this repetition do for you? How did it help? Repetition has always been a good method to learn vocabulary if and when we apply it.
I understand what you are saying and need to hear more. In what way do you think it helps learning? I will Promote repetition in my activities during my classes to clarify, internalize and improve pronunciation
Do you think repetition is equally helpful for clarify and internalize stages?
Another thing that helped me in this class to learn the vocabulary was that we did a kinesthetic activity and I could apply it to follow the directions.
Its great when you know what type of learner you are and what helps you learn. I consider that specially when we use kinesthetic activities, we involve students and turn the class funnier.
I agree with you Ricardo. I will include all kind of learning styles activities during my plan, but specially at least one kinesthetic.
Good! This is a good action plan because you made it measurable by saying how many activities.
It has been a pleasure reading and commenting on your extended reflection for this week. Thank you for all you hard work, passion and dedication. From your essay, I really enjoyed reading about the amount of learning and greater sense of awareness that you have gained throughout the first week of the course. I really enjoyed learning more about you as a human being and as a teacher. Im glad to know more about why you like using music in your teaching. I am excited about learning more about you as a learner and as a teacher the next coming weeks!
In terms of your DAPAs, I noticed that you did a good job choosing meaningful activities to describe and providing descriptions that were objective and focused on the facts. I want to encourage you to think about adding more details in terms of why you think what you are thinking in your interpretations and generalizations. Please read my comments above in the DAPA charts for more details, examples and feedback.
This extended reflection has met the requirements and is a pass.
Once again thank you for all your hard work and for putting so much love and effort into everything you do.
With gratitude,
Week 2
My experience while time is running.
Teaching is the process through which knowledge is shared from the teacher to the students. While teaching, is where students are usually taken through the learning process. As such, the two processes are supposed to proceed concurrently for education to take place. During my stage of student, I could see that I really liked when a teacher did some dynamics activities. For that reason I consider that when we are planning, we should to take into account the activities that we liked when we were students.
During this week, we were talking about the framework ECRIF and its implications and the main purpose that is a fluency activity. We were trying it during our two classes. It is very interesting because we started by activating schema and the objective is centered on students. I was remembering my classes before I came here, my objectives were too general and usually they were focused to what I taught. I main, The problem was that I did not make me sure that my students really learned. In Mexico I am working with NEPBE National English Program for Basic Education, in this program we try yo use the socio-cultural approach which demands us to work by projects using social practices of the language. So we try to land the topics into real context that students live daily in order to make the topics useful for students to motivate them.
However, our objectives are not focused in how students are going to apply the knowledge, if not in what we are teaching. Some days ago we were required to use the ECRIF framework and until now I consider that I have many tools to continue applying it even when I come back to my country. The key to the ECRIF framework is the focus on the learning process that students go through as they work with the target language rather than what the teacher is doing during the lesson. In this way, the teacher plans activities and thinks about the content to service learning in a principled way.
This was my second lesson, this was planned with the ECRIF framework, it was about how to crate recipes, the aim for this class was: SWBAT use the verbs in order to create a
recipe of their favorite food in a role play using the target language. I worked with 6 students, they are low intermediate; nevertheless, they have a lot of vocabulary. The target language that I taught were some verbs like chop, broil, peel, pour, stir and grate.
In order to get an interesting class I decided to plan one activity where students had to dance music from different countries around some papers that I left on the floor, when I stopped the music they had to stand up over the papers, the person who did not find a space on the papers had to answer one question. This activity was really nice because students enjoyed it, they were dancing and they were laughing, so I felt really good because I could engage students and also they were motivated.The questions that they had to answer were related to something relevant that they knew about some countries
This activity was motivating for students and in this way the class turned into a more dynamic class; nevertheless, it is important that students see the function of the contents of the lesson in order to have an intrinsic motivation that motivate them to have the wish of learn. As Jeremy Harmer (1998) says: Intrinsic motivation, by contrast, comes from within the individual. Thus a person might be motivated by the enjoyment of the learning process itself or by a desire to make themselves feel better.
After this activity, I tried to speak about cuisines from some countries, it was effective because students were very interested on that topic and really want to participate. To start presenting my target language I showed them a easy recipe about how to prepare a lemonade, as it was very easy they already knew the vocabulary and it was good because that was the purpose that they could guess the steps using their schema.
Consequently, I presented the new vocabulary, I showed them some flashcards in order to understand the meaning of the new words. We were repeating the vocabulary. Before this point I was a little bit nervous because at the beginning I had some problems with technology and with the material. However, after I presented the easy recipe I felt more comfortable. The next activity was an unscramble sentences where they had to orders the steps to form the recipe of how to prepare Chilaquiles. In this activity we had some troubles because it was difficult
for students and it took too much time. After this activity I started to feel a bit frustrated because time was running and I had to more activities, actually I did not have enough time to develop the last two activities.
The last activities that we did were by pairs they had to create a recipe using the target language and after that they had to present it to rest of the class. While they were creating the activity I was monitoring and what was successful for me was that I noticed they were using the vocabulary and they were doing a fluent activity. They error that I did was that Interrupted the activity to asked them to present, they stopped doing the fluency activity and when they were in front they did not use the target language. As I could see in the previous activity it was comfortable that I got my purpose because students were using the language in a correct way. They internalized it and they were able to apply it in a real context. During the other classes I have observed that these students really like doing dynamics activities and they really like to participate, so What I try in my classes is to include different material like videos, audio, music to motivate them and to turn a funnier class.
Something that I leaned was that if I see that students are doing an activity and they do not finish it but it is related to the purpose that we have, we need to let them keep doing that activity because they are motivated and they are engaged practicing the new vocabulary.
Comparatives DESCRIPTION Tuesday, April 29th, this was officially my first class with these students. I want to focus the moment where students had to create some some sentences using the target language. Students were working on their notebook. They were sat in this order; first Jonhy, Selly, Donay, Randall, Jefferson, Nataly and Daniel. When they started to present their examples, Jonhy was the first and he said My cousin is more taller than me, immediately Donay said, "it is incorrect, don't use more", I said a little review of that rule and we continued, then was the turn for Selly. And she said Randall is more taller than me, the same mistake. However, in this case the person who corrected her was Jefferson, he said, "no Selly don't say more, it is a short adjectives". In this case it was not necessary to repeat the rule because Randall said "long adjectives more and short adjectives. Finally, the rest of the class said their examples and they did it very well.
INTERPRETATION GENERALIZATION PLAN ACTION Something that hindered students learning was that I did not do enough exercises with them before I asked them to do a production. This isnt in your description. What might be something that hindered from your description above? For example: Sometimes students can hear and repeat incorrect information from their peers which will hinder their learning of the correct structure. Its convenient to practice a little bit more in order to prepare students to make productions using the target language appropriately. I will try to do more mingle work with my students after the explanation of the new language or topic, at least three examples to be sure that they understood. Ricardo, its also important to give them controlled visual work. They need to be able to see the structure and practice it in a safe way. I also observed that something that hindered was that I gave the rules of the comparatives structure very fast, so they got confused a little and mixed some rules. You dont mention this above. How could you amplify your description in order to include this detail? Its important, in this case, not to give all the rules together, we should teach each rule with their exercises. I will try to give at least one example or one exercise after each rule, just to make sure that they understand the rules. Something that helped students was that I gave a little review at the moment and they corrected the mistake In your description, the peers correct their classmates. It is important to clarify doubts, but also when they have mistakes we need to find the best way to correct them. I will Try to monitor students when they are working by their own in order to identify if they have mistakes and if so, correct the mistakes
Recipe DESCRIPTION Thursday, May 1st. This was my second class with these students, they are low intermediate. However, they have a really good lEnglish level. The language for this class was some verbs to prepare recipes (pour, peel, broil, stir, grate, chop). I want to focus the moment where students were required to create their own recipe using the target language. Since in the last activity they took much time, we did not have enough time for the last one. The idea was that individually they created the recipe, but because of the time they did it by pairs. Oscar was working with Jefferson, Donay with Daniel and Jonhy with Selly. At the beginning they were not clear who they were going to work with, but I told them again and I repeated the instruction. While I was monitoring through the groups, I observed and listened that they were using the target language. However because of time I had to interrupt the activity to present the recipe to the class. Donay and Daniel said, "Good evening. The chef Armando is going to prepare chicken food. I take special chicken and fries. Prepare it in the house. Chop some vegetables and onions. Fry and prepare soup for the evening boiling the meat and chicken and add salt as you wish. Then we wait for at least half an hour" Selly and Johnny "Cut the tomato and pork and put in the plate and add rice, beans, a little tortillas and enjoy with a beer. Jefferson used the verbs grate, boil, stir. He presented it alone because Oscar went out of the classroom.
INTERPRETATION GENERALIZATION PLAN ACTION Another thing that helped was that Jefferson, Donay and Randall corrected their classmates and they explained what was the mistake Its important to give students the chance to do peer correction, it makes students feel more confident. When I identify that students are making some mistakes I will try to ask to another student to correct the mistake and explain it.
Something that hindered was that they did not understand the instruction about the activity and they did not do what to do. It is absolutely important for teachers to give clear instructions so that students can get involved in activities. I will try to repeat the instructions at least twice and also use at least 1 CCQ after each instruction. I also identified that something that hindered was that I stopped the activity to move on the other activity. However they were doing a good fluency and when they presented the recipe they felt a little nervous and they did not use at all the target language. It is important that if you see that your students are involved with the activity and they are doing correctly. Let them to continue practicing, because the objective was a fluency activity. I will manage the time to have enough time for the activities. Also I will try not to stop so quickly an activity, letting them to keep doing the activity if it accomplish the objective. Something that helped during this lesson was the work by pairs, because they were interacting using the target language Working by groups or pairs give students, not only the opportunity to share information, but also make them feel more confident. I will try to promote in my class minimum one activity by pairs or groups in order to give them the chance to practice TPS Another thing that I could see that helped was that the context where we were practicing was motivating for them and the topic they already knew, so the vocabulary was relevant for them. For students is going to be more relevant if we use contexts that they can see in real life, in order to see how useful is the new vocabulary. I will try to ask students about their favorite topics in order to know the contexts that I should plan for my classes to motivate students and engage them with the topic.
Dear Ricardo, Thanks for sharing this weeks experiences with me. Its insightful for me to read what has meant the most to you and what might be going on in your heart and mind. One thing that I noticed from your essay is your commitment to fun in the classroom. You want your students to enjoy the learning process so you try to create dynamic activities that allow them to relax and have fun. I also noticed that you highlight many essential elements of learning in your essay, but only superficially. Id love to see you develop your ideas more. For example: The students were doing recipe fluency activity well until you asked them to present it. What does that mean for learning? What are the levels of comfort in your class? How can you handle this in the future?
Wow Ricardo! You have an eye for detail in the descriptions of your DAPAs. You are able to mention exact things that your students said or did. This attention to detail shows a heightened for learning. You are also able to take an interpretation and bring it through the generalization and plan action, which are concrete and SMARTA. One thing I noticed in your first DAPA chart was that in your analysis and plan action, you mention things that were not described in your moment. Its important to take the interpretations directly from the description in order to be able to zoom in on learning, where its happening or not, and why? Ricardo, youve met the requirements for this assignment. Good luck! Pura vida, Amanda
Week 3
Lesson well learned is never yearned
Nowadays, English has become the most important language around the world; for that reason exist an increasing necessity to learn it in order to stand out in this competitive world, where the best will survive. During this time at CEM I realized that English is useful not only in my country, but also in many places, because once we have shared our experiences with teachers and students, we agree that if a person knows how to speak english will have better opportunities to get a job or even to be in a different country.
I would like to say that something very relevant that I have learnt was that English pronunciation is based on stress. Otherwise, spanish is based on syllables; so I could understand a little why we, as English learners, have many problems with pronunciation, because we try to chunk the words by syllables and we try to pronounce like in spanish.
Furthermore, during this weeks I have practiced to frameworks, the first is ECRIF which is very interesting, because it focus in what students are going to do with the knowledge they are getting from classes. Before this experience I used to focus my purposes in what we were teaching and how, but I did not really pay attention in how useful is what I am teaching and if students really are learning or even if that is useful for them.
The purpose of teaching language in my country is that students gain ownership of diverse social practices of the language and participate effectively in their life in and out of school. So, now with ECRIF I can engage students to apply what they leaned in the social practices of the language. In addition, it is necessary that students acknowledge the role of language in the construction of knowledge and cultural values, and develop an analytical and responsible attitude towards the problems of the world. So I consider that the importance of studying English is to make students participate in certain social practices of language, both oral and written, in their own or in a foreign country in contact with native and non-native speakers of English.
Trough the experience in workshops, peer's experiences and comments from the feedback I consider that teachers need to be very specific about the students achievements in order to satisfy their needs. Moreover, we, as teachers, should know the students learning styles, have the purposes of the class very well organized, and know how to achieve them. It is essential that the teacher looks the way to introduce the students to learn a new word in a correct way, and foster students to use the English as much as possible. English teachers need the responsibility to develop not only the four basic skills namely: reading, writing, listening and speaking. But also, they have to develop grammar structures, pronunciation, vocabulary, punctuation and all the skill that can help students to learn English.
The second is the PDP framework, I also consider it very useful yet before I used to spend more time in the Pre stage because I tried to engage students and to catch students attention, but when I wanted to start doing the during activities I realized that I did not have enough time to develop the rest of the activities. And I could also perceived it here during my first lesson using this framework and Emma told that I should spend less time in pre because the main point in this framework is the during or even the post, but the first stage should be shorter.
In the pre-listening we help the learners understand the text. It should not be expected that students understand every word. Furthermore, the teacher should help his learners understand rather than testing their understanding the whole time. Some activities to do during the listening are identify the exact topic, or an aspect of it, note two to four pieces of information, answer questions, complete sentences or a table, map, or a picture.
Finally we have post-listening in which we help learners to connect what they have heard with their own ideas and experience, just as we often do in real life. It also allows the teacher to move easily from listening to another language skill. For instance, the learners may practice speaking by role-playing, or interviews similar to the one they have heard. As post-listening activities students could give opinions, relate similar experiences, role-play a similar interaction, and write a brief report, write a similar text, and debate the topic.
Teaching English is not an easy task, because students have different interests and necessities; so it is important that when we are planning lessons take into account those
aspects and also it is important to show students the importance on learning a foreign language. Nevertheless, one important factor that I could reinforce during this period of time was that when we use technology we can have a different class because students can see a different kind of materials.
As we know, for teachers it is very important to have students attention in order to have more interesting classes; along my stay in CEM giving some classes I could see that technology is very interesting for the majority of students, because they feel more motivated. And they are interested doing the activities.
Using media; for example, radio, could be an effective way to develop students listening skills and build up student confidence in listening since they did not have enough access to native speakers. In addition, students should consider the knowledge they receive as useful, while we as teachers have to respond to the exigencies of the students. Apart from that using technology is a motivating way for students because they can listen to different accents and not only to the teacher, also they can watch videos that are not very common in their classes.
An important instrument that we discussed with our trainers was the plan, how do we plan? How effective is our plan? According to the ideas and experiences that we shared I have some conclusions.
The lesson plan is the instrument to identify step by step each activity to put into practice during a class. The teacher has to plan each class with materials and taking into account not only the objectives for each lesson, but also students needs and interests; according to Jeremy Harmer (1998), A plan gives the lesson a framework, an overall shape, Of course, good teachers are flexible and respond creatively to what happens in the classroom, but they also need to have thought ahead, have a destination they want their students to reach, and know how they are going to get there. Planning helps, because it allows teachers to think about where theyre going and gives them time to have ideas for tomorrows and next weeks lessons. .
From my point of view the plan gives security at the moment of doing the activities, and also gives time to think in other activities to develop. With the plan we can also think about the time we are using, the materials, and the resources we need to apply in our class.
The plan could be flexible, because it permits to the teachers know the needs of their students and analyze each activity; then we can improve the sequence and follow just the order of the activities. Nevertheless, in ordinary teaching there are many reasons why we may need to modify our proposal and our activities.
One of my strengths that I could identify in this time and that trainers could observe was that I really like working with technology and with funny activities, and this is because I want to have a different environment in my classes, my intention is to motivate students to have the wish of having english classes. It is easy for me to create a good rapport with ,y students and I enjoy doing kinesthetic activities.
One of my challenge during this time was that I do not like working with few students, because as I already mention, I like doing kinesthetic activities and if I have 3 or 4 students, it will be difficult to develop them. However, I need to adapt my activities to all different number of students since we do not really have an concrete number of students that we are going to work with.
Recommendations DESCRIPTION Monday, May 5th. Today it was a challenging class because I started using the PDP framework. In this case I worked with a listening activity where we were reviewing the use of should and shouldn't giving some advices and recommendations. The activity where I am going to focus this description is the last one, the fluency activity around 8:20 pm. It was a little bit difficult for me and I was frustrated because I had planned those activities for at least six students and just had four and also because I did nit have enough time to do it. They were in this order from right side to left, Daniel Jefferson, Daver and Carlos. The activity consisted on pass to the front and take one small paper in which there was a situation that they had to
act and the rest of the class had to give him some advices or recommendations according to the situation they were acting. After giving the instruction they were confused, but before starting the activity I did one example. I acted that I had a toothache and they suggested Jefferson "you should go to the dentist" and Daniel "you should take a pill". I want to mention that I tried to write funny situations in order to make the activity more enjoyable. The first person was Daniel, he acted a terrible headache, Jefferson said "you should go to the doctor" Carlos "you should drink a tea". Then Daver was next, his situation was a hangover. It was a little bit embarrassed for me because he is 14 years old and it is not an adequate topic for him, but until that moment I realized. Even though, we continued and the suggestions were. Jefferson "you shouldn't do again" carlos "you should eat a soup". After the next was Carlos, here there was a little trouble because he is from a lower level and he doesn't have enough vocabulary, so when he read the paper he did not understand the situation, but I explained him using mimic. The situation was that he was going to have his first romantic date. Specially in this situation students were laughing a lot, even Emma who was observing and also Lizandro, Fanny, Karen and Karol. I told them, come on guys you are experts in this aspect, give him suggestions. Daver said "you should take a shower" Jefferson "you should wear good clothes" Daniel "you should have money in your wallet" Daver. "You should be a gentleman" Jefferson. "You should go to a nice restaurant". I consider that my students enjoyed the activity because it was a fun one and we reinforced the topic.
Something that hindered my teaching was that I was nervous because I had planned the activity to work in pairs in order to make students speak, because as we did it some of them I did not speak in each situation. Ok, so did your nervousness hinder Ss' learning or was it your planning for TPS and only one S showing up? This is a little confusing. Its convenient to have an extra option that I can use to adapt my activities even I do not have enough students Ok I am thinking from reading this generalization that TPS s not possible when there are not enough students to learn in community. I hope this makes sense to you. In my next class where I plan a TPS activity, I will try to think another option to do the same activity but with less students and with all of them at the same time but without loosing the objective. (Just in case) Great! So, I hear you saying that for the next class the students or student will reach the student learning objective even if there are not enough students to do TPS. I am wondering what you would do? I also observed that something that hindered my teaching was that I took too much time explaining twice slowly the instructions to Carlos Ricardo, what hindered Carlos' learning was that he decided to "try out" a higher level and that was not working. He told me at the end that he is a student in the "low beginners," class and just wanted to try out this level. Its important, in this case, using more specific CCQs in order to make sure that all the students know what they have to do. Ok, this generalization is directly tied into the interpretation and what hindered learning! In my next classes I will try to use at least one specific CCQ of the activity in each instructions. This is specific and measurable! Congrats! Something that helped was that the situations were funny and students enjoy the activity. It is important to adapt the activities to topics that are familiar with students to engage and motivate them to do the activity In my next plan, When I give examples of the activities or when I give them material I will try to take into account topics that are familiar and relevant for them Yes, I can see how you are trying to connect what you have selected to the "why" and relevancy of what you offer to Ss' learning.
Another thing that helped learners me was I did the first example and they could see how was going to be the activity, because after the instructions they were a little bit confused. So, I hear you saying that modeling helped Ss clarify the task. Its important to give examples in order to model how is going to be the activity The generalization here is directly connected to your description! I will try to include at least one example in every task that I ask students to do. Great!
Dear Ricardo, I feel so grateful to have been the one to respond to your extended reflection this week! Your enthusiasm, courage, energy and ideas about what you have been learning all serve as an inspiration to me. I enjoyed reading about your experience in what the focus has been in teaching English in Mexico and the role of the participatory approach to allow the learner to construct knowledge and be "socially responsible." Ricardo, it is interesting how you have taken what you have learned here about the ECRIF framework and are thinking about implementing it as part of your teaching practice in Mexico and how this will help to achieve this purpose. I am sure that by using this tool as a basis for constructing that knowledge and being able to use it in a real live context, ECRIF will maximize your students learning and use of the language and social constructs in English even more. Please do remember to take this one step at a time. I find that this is key to being able to make realistic and achievable changes. You also mention how learning about the differences in pronunciation between Spanish and English "language rhythms" helped you to understand why sometimes students speak English through the syllabication of Spanish as opposed to the stress that brings accuracy to the English pronunciation of words in sentences. You have also mentioned how effective your students were in making meaning from the listening text and the importance of staging, the purpose of each stage and the right distribution of timing among the tasks and the rationale for each. Finally, Ricardo I can see how important it is to you to use technology in the classroom. I have seen you use technology without sacrificing the interaction between students and their making meaning process. Congratulations Ricardo because I can see from your essay that you have changed, deepened and shifted your beliefs and practices about teaching while being here in the TESOL course in Costa Rica!
In terms of your DAPAs, you did a good job choosing meaningful and relevant moments to describe. I do suggest working on adding more specific details in terms of what your students both said and did during the moment you are describing. This will allow for making more meaningful and founded interpretations. Please see my comment on the DAPA charts above for more details. Ricardo, this paper has met the requirements for this assignment and is a pass. If you have any questions, please do look for me. May you continue to learn and enjoy the rest of your last week here! With Respect and Admiration, Emma Torres Cordero