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Formal Observation #1

Before I watched the video I was really interested in how the teacher was going

to teach the lesson. I spend a lot of time in a TK classroom setting, so I love to pick up

new ideas in order to help four year olds control their emotions. I think it is so important

to teach TK students how to make good choices especially when they are mad,

because these are the skills they will develop and carry on throughout grade school. It

can be confusing for TK students to understand being angry and their emotions but they

should definitely understand how to control their bodies when they become angry. I

think young students need to know what to do when they're mad because some truly

don’t know how to react when they feel these angry emotions. The teacher explained to

these young students that it is okay to be angry but what should you do when you feel

mad? Having this lesson in a TK classroom could reduce hands on reactions when they

become mad. In the video, I really liked how she taught them to squeeze their hands

together really tight as a calming tactic when they become angry.

I learned that an effective instructional strategy especially for TK students is to

ask them questions that they can pertain to their personal life. This keeps them

engaged in the conversation because they are interested in sharing their lives outside of

school. When the teacher asked what made them angry, I noticed each one referred to

their siblings at home. I also liked how the teacher was giving specific examples when

students could become angry at school and what they should do to handle it. This will

reduce the tattletelling and hands on when they are angry. When using these examples

she explained what the bad choices and good choices were in these situations. I think a

beneficial tactic for kids this age is referring to their classmates as “friends” and telling
them they don’t want to hurt their friends or their feelings. At the end of the lesson, the

teacher gave the students an assessment by reviewing the main points of the

conversation. Since the students are only four years old, it’s important to discuss what

the whole point of the lesson is and why it is important.

The teacher interacted with the students very well throughout the lesson. Since

the students were only four they would occasionally get antsy, but she gave them a

reminder and they listened very well. I noticed that she praised the students for things

they did well during the conversation.

In my experience, when students this age get really frustrated or angry I teach

them ways to calm down. I think this is a good starting point for any student that age to

know how to do. Some things I have them try is breathing in and out three times, letting

them just talk to me about how they feel, or even going on a calming walk outside. I

liked how the teacher referred to taking a deep breath as smelling that flower and

blowing out that candle. I will definitely take that strategy with me in my future

classroom. I will also take the pushing those hands strategy for my future classroom.

Personally, I think the teacher nailed that lesson and she did a really good job keeping

those kids focused and engaged in the conversation and there wasn’t anything she did

that I would try to do differently in the future.

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