Essay Bi Group

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TASK 1 : OBSERVING ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES When we went to the school, we found that the teacher used both

English Language and Bahasa Melayu when interacted with her pupils. The teacher gave the instructions in English first and the translate it into Bahasa Melayu to make sure that all of her pupils understand what she was asking for. Through this way, the pupils can understood her instructions clearly and responded with the correct way. Besides, the teacher also used simple sentences and questions to her pupils and she usually repeated what she said so that the pupils can hear clearly what she was trying to say. In this class, the technique that used by the teacher was two way communication where the teacher explained and elaborated the topic first, then the pupils will responded to the teachers questions and asked questions to their t eacher for the part that they did not understand. The teacher also taught her pupils by had them repeating what she said several times. Furthermore, the teacher spoke in clear, loud voice and used simple sentences to help the process of listening to the pupils. The teacher also encourages her pupils to speak and read by asking the pupils to answer her question on the blackboard individually. Through this way, the pupils can improved their speaking and reading skills under the observation of their teacher. The teacher also used the right grammar and vocabulary in her teaching class. One of the interesting thing that we observed from the teacher was how she can attract the pupils attention by using the right verbal and non-verbal communication with her pupils. According to Chitravelu in his book, Elt Methodology : Principles, You will speak differently when you are drawing the attention of the class, disciplining disruptive behaviour or gently correcting a student. The teacher knew how to control her voice in when talking to the pupils in different kind of situations.

TASK 4 : OBSERVING GROUP WORK According to Penny Ur in his book, A course in Language Teaching, In group work, learners perform a learning task through small-group interaction. The idea of making the pupils working in a group was agreed by Chitravelu in his book, ELT Methodology Principles and Practice that stated To encourage greater studentcentredness, students may be organised to work in groups with the teacher acting as facilitator and resource person to start off activity, intervening only when necessary to keep it going. When we went to the School Based Experience, we can see the effort that the teacher made to create the group work activities in her teaching and learning process. The group work was varied, interesting and challenging as the pupils were asked to solve an interesting questions within the group and the group that can solve it first will gain prizes from their teacher. It is really important to make a fun and enjoyable games if we are teaching the primary school students so that they will be show more interest in our lesson and do not disturb their friends. Furthermore, the tasks set that was prepared by the teacher is appropriate with the pupils ability level. The teacher used the guidelines that stated in the English Language Curriculum when making the questions so that the pupils will be able to answer with their own knowledge and skills. When the pupils were doing their group work, the teacher also provided sufficient time for them to finish their task. Although there were some groups that finished early than the other, they were asked by the teacher to patiently wait for their other friends. It is normal in a class to have different kind of ability level and it is the teachers role to bring them together and work in a group with harmony and cooperation. In the class that we observed, the pupils were divided into the groups according to their places in the class. This means that the pupils will be grouping with 5 people who sits

next and close to him in the class. It was planned that way by the teacher to make it easier for the pupils to work together without changing their seat and positions. When the teacher arranged the group according their places, for sure they are many different levels of ability in each group that was formed. One of the advantages of mixed ability group is where fast and slow pupils can work, cooperate and help each other while doing their task. The pupils who were smart and efficient will encourage his friends to participate and correcting their mistake. When we saw this situations, we can conclude that the strategy used by the teacher was successful when all of the pupils participated in the group work activity and tried their best. However, the teacher did not assign roles to each member of the group and it was the pupils role to participate by their own and help each of the group members as much as they can. Although there were some moments when the pupils lost their focus and did know what to do, the teacher will come and guided them to solve the problems. This way, the pupils learnt their weaknesses and will overcome it under the observation of their teachers. The classroom arrangement in this class is the traditional arrangement where all of the pupils will sit with their partner and faces the blackboard and the teachers desk. It is one of the weaknesses of this class when the teacher want to conduct a group activity in their lesson as it will make it harder and uncomfortable for the group to interact with each other. The pupils had to move their chair and even some of them had to sit with their friends to make themselves comfortable while doing the activities. While the pupils were doing their activities, the teacher did not just sit in her desk and relax, but she also played her role by monitor the whole class. The teacher will walk around the class to see whether her pupils were having difficulties in doing the task or if there are pupils who were not paying their attention with the task given.

Sometimes, the teacher also just stood in front of the class but keep her eyes open to see the whole movement and actions by her pupils in the class. In addition, from our observation, when the pupils are working in a group, they learnt to communicate and cooperate with their friends. This will increase their social skills to a higher level through the discussion and changing ideas with one another. The pupils also learnt how to give ideas within the group and at the same time they managed to accept others opinion. After the pupils were done with their task, the teacher collected the worksheet and brought it in front of the class. The teacher discussed the answer with the whole class and asked their opinion whether it were true or fast. The pupils also were asked to present their work with their group in front of the class and stated their own reasons for their answer. As a conclusion, we can say that the group work activities in the process of teaching and learning English Language will bring both advantages and disadvantages in the lesson. However, it is according to the teachers strategy to make it successful or not. With the great and right ways, it is not impossible that the group activities will be more fun end enjoyable for the pupils rather than they do their task alone.

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