Team Teaching Stage

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Name of student: Karla Campos

Name of School: Republica Del Uruguay

Date: 06/07/2010

Task Nº1: Collaboration activities

For the following questions describe as accurately as you can how you have
collaborated in school assigned:

1. Briefly describe the activities in which you have participated as the

Guide Teacher’s assistant.

I have participated in many activities as the Guide Teacher´s assistant. For

instance, I assited the teacher in a test two weeks ago. I had to give the
students some instructions and also I had to answer some questions related
with the exam. In other cases I have helped the teacher in activities as
collecting notebooks, cleaning the whiteboard, giving instructions and
preparing materials.

2. Describe the classroom atmosphere and students interaction with you

and among themselves during classroom work.

The classroom atmosphere is always comfortable. Obviously, sometimes

students have had arguments like everyone but they have a good
relationship. They are really motivated in learning English because they like
it. They do all the activities that teacher order to do. I realised that students
are respectful each other and also with the teacher and me. They ask me
things every time they want and also the teacher said me that they miss me
and ask for me the other days that I do not go there. As students are very
young, they are affectionatte with me. Students show that I like them with
kisses and hugs.

Task N°2: Reflection

How do you like your job as assistant so far? Support your answer in ten
I can say that I really enjoy this vise since I can assist the teacher in
diferents ways. This vise has permited me to assist not only the teacher but
also the students in the classroom. Therefore, I feel very important in the
classroom because I am there for assiting them instead of watching what
happend. In this vise I have established a good communication with
students. I am really pleased about it since having a good relationship in the
classroom is not an easy job. One of the most important things of this vise is
that I have been learning a lot of learning strategies from the teacher that I
could use in the near future and others that I could improve. I know and also
feel that this vise has reinforced my vocation as a teacher.

This report should be submitted on June 8th, before midnight.


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