Team Teaching Stage
Team Teaching Stage
Team Teaching Stage
Date: 06/07/2010
For the following questions describe as accurately as you can how you have
collaborated in school assigned:
How do you like your job as assistant so far? Support your answer in ten
I can say that I really enjoy this vise since I can assist the teacher in
diferents ways. This vise has permited me to assist not only the teacher but
also the students in the classroom. Therefore, I feel very important in the
classroom because I am there for assiting them instead of watching what
happend. In this vise I have established a good communication with
students. I am really pleased about it since having a good relationship in the
classroom is not an easy job. One of the most important things of this vise is
that I have been learning a lot of learning strategies from the teacher that I
could use in the near future and others that I could improve. I know and also
feel that this vise has reinforced my vocation as a teacher.